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Death at a Scottish Wedding

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Emilia (Em) McRoy, a burned-out American emergency room doctor, has been in the beautiful Scottish village of Sea Isle for three months and she’s loving it. She’s made wonderful friends and cannot imagine ever living anywhere else. While she should have read her contract more closely – after her arrival, she discovered many things she had missed – such as the fact that she was also the coroner – she is still thrilled to be there.

Emilia and her new Sea Isle friends have been invited to attend the wedding of their friend Angie at beautiful Morrigan Castle. Angie is a fun, quirky, young woman who marches to her own drummer, but has a heart of gold – and everyone who knows her loves her. Everyone, that is, except her soon-to-be father-in-law. He is a snob and cannot stand the idea of his son lowering himself to marry someone like Angie.

Before all of the guests arrive, the castle is snowed in, and the snow will continue for several days. There is plenty of food, drink, and good spirits, so the snow isn’t a problem – until – Emilia discovers a body in a tower of the castle. Who is the victim? He isn’t a guest, so how did he get to this high-security, very private event? Is his death natural, accidental, or murder?

Ewan Campbell is the laird, mayor, constable, owner of Morrigan Castle, and probably the richest man in Scotland (we learned that in the first book). In the previous investigation, he constantly second-guessed and argued with Emilia about facts in that case. He’s learned his lesson and has come to trust her instincts and judgment – therefore, when she says it was not a natural death, he believes her.

This was a fun and exciting story that kept me on the edge of my chair wondering who would be the next victim – and who the villain(s) might be. We had avalanches, betrayals, attempted murders, poison, people who weren’t all they seemed, and a wedding couple who were truly devoted to each other. My only ‘complaint’ about the book is Emilia’s constantly telling us how wonderful her friends are and how much she loves them. Yes, it is wonderful to have great new friends – but goodness – you don’t need to tell me in every fifth line of the book. It will be interesting to see if a personal relationship develops between Emilia and Ewan because romance is something I need in any book I read. I enjoyed the book and am already looking forward to the next one.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an Advanced Reader Copy (ARC) of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I love the setting for this series. Add in the “locked room”, in this case, a Scottish castle in a snowstorm, and I am hooked. The mystery was well-paced and kept me guessing. I love the characters and really enjoyed the first book. Where this one lost points for me is in the repetition – my friends are amazing, why does everyone like Ewan,,… - it was all filler and got on my nerves. Two other things: when did Abigail get all this training? And how big was the medical supply kit that they brought?!!! Other than that, another solid entry in the series and I look forward to more.

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Death at a Scottish Wedding is a bit like a locked room mystery. Angie and Damien are getting married at a castle owned by Ewan and his family. There are several days of pre-wedding activities and after the guests arrive a winter storm makes departure impossible.
The night of the hen and stag parties an unknown man dies. He wasn’t in the guest list.
In the days leading up to the wedding, Em, Mara, Abigail, Ewan and Henry try to find the murderer(s).
There are plenty of people around to suspect of the crime and more injuries occur.
I enjoyed visiting a Scottish castle and reading this book. I like that once the mystery is solved we get to see Em back in her home and office.
If you like weddings, don’t mind drama and have wondered about Scottish castles and customs, I recommend you pick up Death at a Scottish Wedding.
Thanks to Netgalley and Crooked Lane Books for the opportunity to review this book.

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Thank you so much to NetGalley and Lucy Connelly for providing me with a complimentary digital ARC for Death at a Scottish Wedding coming out January 9, 2024. The honest opinions expressed in this review are my own.

I listened to the first book in the series and wasn’t too keen on it. I wanted to check out the second book because I really love Scottish stories. I’m glad I did because I loved this book. I thought the plot for this one was more interesting and Emilia was settling into her new home in Scotland. The characters felt more fleshed out and interesting. I would definitely check out more books in the series now. I think it had more of the cozy vibes I wanted to see in the first book. There were some instances where Emilia seemed to be getting hurt a lot and needed some saving, but overall I loved it.

I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys cozy murder mysteries!

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This is the second book in the Scottish Isle Mystery series, but the first one I have read.

I was able to pick up the background and the relationships of the main characters quickly. Dr Emilia McRoy is an American doctor who has come to work on the Isle of Sea. She is also the local Coroner. Ewan Campbell is the Laird, Mayor and Constable. These two are made for each other but don't know it yet.

All of the main characters are attending a weekend wedding at Ewan's castle when they get snowed in. Then the murders begin. Things are a little slow in the first part of the book but once Emilia herself is attacked the pace hots up and the book positively gallops to its conclusion. There were lots of red herrings and a whole wedding party full of suspects. It was fun to have an MC who as Coroner was legitimately able to help the police.

I will look out for the next book.

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Death at a Scottish Wedding by Lucy Connelly has Dr. Emilia McRoy attending the wedding of her friend, Angie at Morrigan Castle. A man ends up dead in a turret in the middle of a blizzard. I liked the descriptions of the castle (perfect place for a murder especially with the turret and a storm raging outside). The mystery had an intriguing start. No one can leave the castle thanks to the blizzard. Emilia is also the local coroner and, between her and Ewan, they come up with enough supplies to conduct an autopsy. I can understand Emilia bringing her medical bag with her stocked with extra supplies (since everyone in the village seems to be attending the wedding), but I cannot imagine bringing the necessary instruments needed for an autopsy (it just seemed farfetched). Emilia and her friends discuss the case endlessly (I could have used a shot of whiskey to get through the endless theorizing). I was baffled at how no one seemed to remember anything of importance regarding the case (they seemed to be an unobservant group of people). The whodunit can easily be solved. The reveal was lackluster (it needed a little pizzaz aka action, drama, or suspense). Emilia seemed to feel that if she stated “I’m a doctor” or “I’m the coroner” that it justified her interference. Emilia, the steady and calm ER doctor, screamed at unexpected noises and movements (she needed a dram of whiskey to calm her nerves). Other ladies seem to scream frequently as well. The independent and strong women came across immature (I would rather brave the blizzard than deal with this bunch of nervous Nellie’s). The story had a slow pace and it especially dragged in the middle. I tired of Emilia going on and on about her wonderful group of friends (she has only known them for three months). She considers them her Sea Isle family. Death at a Scottish Wedding is the second A Scottish Isle Mystery. It can be read as a standalone for those new to the series. Unfortunately, this series is not for me.

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Death at a Scottish Wedding
Lucy Connelly
January 09, 20024

We are back in Sea Isle, Scotland to reunite with Dr. Amelia McRoy. She’s been on duty almost non-stop so this particular day she and her friends leave for Morrigan Castle. Their dear pal, Angie will be wed at the nearby chapel. It’s a 4 day affair and with an impending snow storm enroute all the guests are looking forward to pre-marital gatherings. Although not excepting trouble, Em has packed her medical kit as one never knows what could happen.
This is part 2 of the Scottish Isle series. Connelly continues with the American doctor’s quest in learning the local habits and language. Her characters emit charm and delight us with the Scottish lifestyle. Of course suspense evolves with Em and head constable, Ewan Campbell leading us through the investigation.
Death at a Scottish Wedding will be published on January 09, 2024 by Crooked Lane Books of Penguin Random House Publishing. I was able to read the ARC via NetGalley. I appreciate their allowing me to read Lucy Connelly’s newest Scottish novel. I enjoyed the first in the series, An American in Scotland. It was a pleasure to read this second adventure. They are a joy to devour and look forward to a third in the series.

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Death at a Scottish Wedding is book 2 in Lucy Connelly's Scottish Isle Wedding cozy mystery series.

Emilia McRoy is an American doctor who has recently moved to Scotland, and in addition to her new job as the local doctor is also acting as coroner to her new home town. While attending festivities for a wedding at a local castle, the entire party is snowed in, and a dead body is found in suspicious circumstances. Emilia's challenge is to find the culprit before they are able to leave the castle and make their getaway.

This was an interesting locked room/closed circle mystery, with a relatively large cast of characters consisting of wedding guests and members of the wedding party, many of whom were suspects.

I enjoyed seeing the relationships between the various characters and am interested to see if a romantic relationship develops in future books between Emilia and Ewan, as there seemed to be a few sparks between them.

I was not familiar with this series going in, and although it might help to get familiar with the characters in the story, I don't believe it's important to have read the first book. I had no problem jumping straight into book 2.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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Death at a Scottish Wedding by Lucy Connelly is the second book in a series that has a character who has become a favorite of mine. American Dr. Emilia McRoy moved to Scotland at the beginning of the first book. Now she has friends, respect of the community and a love for her new home, Sea Isle, Scotland.

A snow blizzard, a death and some ugly remarks from the wedding party puts a damper on Emilia’s friend wedding. As the local coroner the good doctor is also part of the investigating team but more suspicious activity keeps everyone guessing until it is nearly too late for Emilia.

A wonderful additional to the cozy mystery community I love this series. Did so from the very beginning. All of the main characters are people that you would want to live near. As for the guilty party in this book, I had my suspect. While I guessed right, I was surprised by others involved and the twists that this story took.

A great new series that would be an intriguing addition to any cozy mystery fan’s shelf. Be sure to read Death at a Scottish Wedding soon.

An ARC of the book was provided by the publisher through NetGalley which I voluntarily chose to read and review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Death at a Scottish Wedding
(A Scottish Isle 2)
Lucy Connelly

Author Lucy Connelly brought us one of my favorite mysteries of 2023 An American in Scotland. She returns to offer us the second book in this thrilling new series! Death at a Scottish Wedding continues with the wedding of Angie, and unfinished plot lines continuing to start our new year off with this thrilling addition!

Sea Isle, Coroner Dr. Emilia McRoy, a Seattle transplant along with the mayor, constable, & Laird Ewan Campbell are being thrown together to solve the impossible. They have a locked room murder in a snowbound castle! No one can get in or out.

For safety's sake, Ewan picks up Mara and Emilia, early due to the approaching blizzard. Despite the bad weather, we arrive at Ewan’s family castle Morrigan’s. Angie, Mara, and Ewan are genuinely old friends and it bleeds through the story. Angie is marrying Damien, against the wishes of her father.
Four days of activities with people she doesn’t know is not Emilia’s thing, but she endures to celebrate with her new girlfriends. While trying to take a break from the festivities she bumps into yet another unknown person she asks for directions to her room. Soon after she goes looking for the observatory, only to get lost again, and hears something, she asks for directions again. Before leaving the observatory, she believes she witnessed a murder! After Ewan finds her she tells him her suspicions and while he isn’t convinced they set off to investigate.

Shocked, Ewan & Emilia discover the body of a man unknown to him. Who is the dead man, and where did he come from? What is with all of the sabotage and accidents? Will Angie survive to marry Damien? So, many questions!

Abigail is a huge help again, she along with her brother Tommy are guests.

I highly recommend this amazing book and its predecessor. I look forward to what Ms. Connelly’s, third release will bring! She is proving to be a consistently entertaining writer.

Thank you to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for the ARC.
#DeathataScottishWedding #ScottishIsle 2 #LucyConnelly #Mystery #Medical #Lockedroomstyle #American #Scotland

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Angie's dream gothic wedding turned into a fiasco with deceit and betrayal at the helm. When Emily witnesses a scene at the tower window, her investigative juices start churning. Finding an unidentified person dead in the tower caused a bit of a stir, but when Mara showed signs relative to poisoning, Emily put on her coroner hat along with her sleuthing one. It was a race with time to find the killer before the intended victim of the killer's intention became a reality.
This book was an enjoyable and captivating read.

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First time reader from this author.

A most enjoyable read with interesting characters in a wonderful setting, a castle in Scotland.

A wedding, a murder and a snowstorm adds to the storyline with many twists and turns.

A must read if you are a cosy mystery fan!

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I liked this book. I went back and read the 1st book in the series. The mystery kept me guessing. I liked the characters and the setting

Thank you to the author, publisher and NetGalley for my eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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A good mystery with the right mix of cozyness and suspence. A closed circle story well developed and solid, it kept me guessing and on the edge.
Well developed characters, good storytelling.
Many thanks to the publisher for this ARC, all opinions are mine

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I really enjoyed this follow-up to An American in Scotland, featuring Dr. Emilia McRoy, a former American ER physician who relocated to a small town in Scotland. This cozy mystery successfully treads the fine line between cozy and traditional. “Dr. Em” is also the town’s coroner, which allows her to investigate mysterious deaths without being overly nosy and annoying. It is somehow both lighthearted and mysterious, which is refreshing and highly enjoyable. The tone is similar to that of another series I enjoy, Connie Berry’s Kate Hamilton mysteries.

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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I am absolutely intrigued and delighted by the characters in this book! They are so well written and the friendship bond between the characters is the friendship goals that we all have! Once again Dr Emilia McRoy is back, but rather than being in action as the town doctor, she is at a friend's wedding in a castle no less and a murder has taken place while they are all snowed in together. Now everyone is looking at everyone else with suspicion while Emilia, Ewan and friends are on the hunt for the killer or killers! Once again an outstanding plot is woven throughout a story of friendship and fun! If you are looking for a great cozy mystery set in Scotland then you have absolutely found the next series that you should read. This is only the second book in the series so you won't have much reading to catch up on, but I do highly recommend that you start at the beginning of the story as each book builds the foundation of the characters backstories and fleshes out the townspeople, businesses and locations plus more fun reading!!! I will be absolutely on pins and needles waiting for the next story in this series to become available!!!

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Dr Emilia Mcroy is back on the case in the second installment of the Scottish Isle Mysteries. Em is a recent transplant from American and has taken up residence in an 800-year-old church in Sea Isle that serves also as her doctor's office and the Coroner's Office.

Dr. Emilia and her friends are at the wedding of their friend Angie at a castle owned by Ewan Campbel the local mayor, laird and constable of Sea Isle. Emilia is looking forward to weekend of wedding festivities with her friends. She is soon deep into solving the murder of an uninvited, but not unknown, guest before the wedding is called off or Emilia becomes the next victim. There is a snowstorm that traps everyone including the murderer at the castle.

I loved the first book of this series and was eager to read this installment. I enjoyed it but did feel like the story lagged a little in the middle. I liked spending time again with our friends in Sea Isle and look forward to the next installment of this series.
Thank you NetGalley and Crooked Lane Books for the chance to read and give my honest review.

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Take your new fav characters, put them out of town in a fancy castle and have a murder occur...hmmm sounds familiar, right? But Connelly adds in a bit of family dysfunction, stilted romance, some choice red herrings and serious Scottish wedding traditions, for a great way to get to know the characters better AND produce a charming cozy of a mystery. While you might guess the suspect early, the charm is seeing the characters figure it out together! A light read perfect for winter reading by the fire!

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I really liked this book, it was different than anything else I've read which was a breath of fresh air. I will be recommending this to my friends, and auto buy this author!

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Death at a Scottish Wedding is a fun cozy mystery by Lucy Connelly. It’s the first book I’ve read by her, and I found it charming. It has very likable main characters, so I would read another book in the series. I’ve seen that some reviewers liked the first book a bit more than the second, so I’ll go back and read it for more background. I had a hard time getting through about the first third of the book. It was a bit too slow paced for my liking and seemed a bit repetitive.

However, once the pace picked up and more things started happening, I enjoyed much it more. I liked that the blizzardy weather trapped everyone in the castle because no one could get in or out. That meant the guests were trapped with a killer. I really didn’t know who the killer was until late in the book though I had my guesses. There are a lot of potential suspects, so it keeps you guessing.

I love the Scottish setting since I have always wanted to visit. I found myself relating to the main character’s taste in television! I love BritBox and Acorn and of course, Vera! The Vera references made me laugh. As I said, I’ll go back to read book one for more background, and since this is only the second book, you may want to do the same before reading Death at a Scottish Wedding. I look forward to what comes next!

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book. All views expressed are only my honest opinion.

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