Member Reviews

From the founder of Simple Politics comes a guide on how we can rediscover the heart of our democracy, reshape our political system and make the UK a better place for all.

With all the issues we hear which occurs at No.10 and it's surroundings (especially over the past few years!) it is no wonder so many have lost faith in politics! However, Tatton Spiller brings to light twenty six issues in this A-Z guide and makes suggestions on how we can deal with them putting humanity and respect at the very forefront.

Perhaps there is hope after all.

I have always had an interest in politics but in our twenty four hour always on world it can be so incredibly difficult to keep up - not to mention anxiety inducing! That is where Simple Politics is incredibly useful as if you visit their Instagram you will see you get the facts, which are always partial, and they explain things in a way which the average person can understand. As a result of following them for years- I was very excited to see this book which was written by the founder!

The book is split in an A-Z style- each letter representing a different issue which is present in politics. This was a brilliant way to touch on many different issues, which were discussed partially, drawing upon evidence, as well as suggestions being made on how we could approach certain issues.

Tatton presents his thoughts in a unbiased way and draws upon examples from both the left and right, which makes this book a decent read no matter where you sit on the political scale. My only slight draw back is that there was a chapter which explained the values of conservatism but we didn't get a similar chapter on the left and I think that would have made a wonderful addition especially for a reader who may be completely new to politics and/or someone who may have never opened their mind to the other viewpoint.

When I finished this book the main thing I took was we need to do better. We live in a world where you do something wrong- you get cancelled. You have an opinion- it if it doesn't suit the majority then you receive unwarranted abuse. Throughout the book we are encouraged to be able to have debates, to listen to each other and to respect different opinions which I thought was such an important message.

Overall, a very enlightening read. I really hope one day we can see respect at the heart of our government again - Tatton for PM?

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I need to start by saying I am a total politcal nerd and this book is right up my street. I found this book so easy to read and would make politics accessible to those who are not as engaged in it as me. I loved the format of this book, with an essay on a different topic for each letter of the alphabet. Many of the essays felt like a conversation and I had to stop myself from wanting to respond to the points raised. There were many topics that I had knowledge about and others which were new to me and I learned a lot from both types of topics. I will return to this book in the future as it is an enjoyable and informative read.

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