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Judgment Prey

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There aren't a lot of causes for celebration in this increasingly angry world we inhabit these days, but the arrival of a new Lucas Davenport or Virgil Flowers novel will always be one of them. And in JUDGMENT PREY, we have both Davenport and Flowers together again. Three cheers for that!

One of the wonders of modern crime fiction is the way Sandford just keeps delivering with Davenport and Flowers. A lot of big-time series have gone stale or slid into phoned-in repetition, but Sandford has kept these guys fresh even after cranking out a ton of novels featuring one or both of them. I've tried to figure out how he does that when so many other reasonably talented authors have failed at the same thing, and I honestly have no idea. He just does it, and crime fiction readers all over the world are grateful that he does.

My only concern with the book was the ending. It was... well, odd, and seemed somehow stuck on and disconnected from the tone of the rest of the novel. Still, it's a minor ding on an otherwise wonderful book, and not nearly enough to cause me to mark down the overall rating.

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Excellent! The most consistent thriller writer in the business is back with another winner. This one pairs up Lucas and Virgil Flowers as they delve into a horrific murder and try to deal with the chaos that spirals out from a seemingly random crime. Sandford is remarkable in his ability to construct really solid mysteries, peopled with interesting and complex characters. Just when the tension gets almost unbearable, he throws in bits of wit and humor to give the reader some breathing room.

Honestly, I will read anything John Sandford writes at this point, because I know it will deliver everything that I am looking for in a mystery/suspense/thriller.

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I have read all the Lucas Davenport and all the Virgil Flowers books and really enjoy when they combine forces. These are a reliable good read, with characters you know and enjoy. In the early 90s, the fringe tv stations used to have a series of shows (Time Trax, Vanishing Son, Kung Fu The legend Continues) which were just a reliable way to enjoy a relaxing weekend afternoon -- the Prey/Flowers books very much remind me of those -- great entertainment, you know what to expected, you are thoroughly pulled in and then you move on (that's a compliment by the way).

This story picks up after Lucas and Virgil have recovered from their last outing and is very centralized in Minneapolis, which is a change from some of their latest far flung adventures, but the rationale works. There are the usual assortment of interesting characters within the other law enforcement agencies, a bit lighter on the random quirky characters that they encounter but all in all well done. I didn't love the ending but it tracked to the story and I look forward to the next adventure of the duo (or another solo adventure from each).

I received an advanced copy from Netgalley and the publisher to review.

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As a fan of John Sandford’s novels, I was looking forward to reading Judgement Prey, his latest novel. It is always enjoyable to read about Lucas Davenport and Virgil Flowers and this book is replete with great repartee between the two of them and infused with a lot of humor (including a very funny limerick) despite the horror of the murder of a judge and his two young sons. The story is interesting and there are great character descriptions in the attempt to uncover the guilty party. For this reader, the only negative was the somewhat unsatisfying ending.
I thank NetGalley and G.P.Putnam’s Sons for the opportunity to read and review this book prior to publication.

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This was another good book in the Prey series I haven’t read them all but have liked the the ones I have Like that version of flowers has been added into these books. I have also enjoyed Sanford’s new lefty Davenport series. I read one of those on NetGalley as well

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Another exciting installment with Davenport and Flowers. Cooper is a great character to follow, and the reason for the main murder, I never saw coming. Another great Sanford book, and can’t wait for the next PREY novel.

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Another Virgil Flowers and Lucas Davenport book by John Sanford...the best pair at solving murders (and always very entertaining). This one is a very sad murder of a husband two sons, with absolutely no clues. Despite this, the pair endeavors so solve 'the perfect murder' and hope they can find him before the wife does!

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400 pages

4 stars

Lucas Davenport and Virgil Flowers are paired up again in this latest offering from author John Sanford. I love this combination. We are also treated to a couple of brief cameos by Lucas’ surgeon wife.

A Federal court judge and his two young sons have been murdered. Local law enforcement is in a frenzy and getting nowhere fast. Enter Lucas and Virgil. They are just ‘taking a look,” not really involved in the investigation. Sure, and if you believe that….

The murdered man’s wife plays a big part in this book and she is a very feisty lady. She’s not just standing around in tears.

John Sanford has a history of coming up with unique characters and situations in his novels. The subject is always something interesting. He inserts tension in just the right amounts and at key points. I just consume his books. Lucas and Virgil are wonderful returning characters. They don’t wear out. I love the banter between the two of them, but it is not overdone.

I want to thank NetGalley and Penguin Group-Putnam/G.P. Putnam’s Sons for forwarding to me a copy of this very good book for me to read, enjoy and review. The opinions expressed in this review are solely my own.

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Another winner for John Stanford. Lucas Davenport and Virgil Flowers are working together again to solve a
particularly heinous multiple murder. Lots of violence, witty dialogue between Virgil and Lucas and some
great characters.... I love these books!

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LOVED this book! This author can always be counted on for a great read, and this is no exception. I always enjoy when Flowers and Davenport are paired together. In this novel, they step in to assist with an investigation of a horrible murder. Law enforcement has no suspects and seems to be spinning their wheels. Lucas and Virgil try some unorthodox investigative techniques and get some movement, even as their investigation seems to expand and become more complicated.

I found myself staying up way too late in the night to finish this book as I just couldn't put it down. Each page was better than the one before. This one is a must read for fans of the genre. The author is on my must read authors' list.

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