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The Boyfriend Candidate

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a cute and charming romcom that was delightful.

thank you to netgalley and to the publisher for this review copy.

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This romance in this book was really cute! I enjoyed the banter between the characters and the natural progression of their romance. Definitely stayed up some nights to keep reading.

I am not sure how I feel about the sudden change in Alexis' character from being the shy girl to leading whole rallies? Also the second last chapter where Alexis 'knows what Logan needs' made me feel a bit iffy. Other than that it was a pretty fun read.

I am excited to read some of the other works of this author, especially (the companion novel) 'Fool Me Once', and her ventures into other genres: 'In My Dreams I Hold A Knife'.

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ashley winstead will forever own my heart. everything she writes is gold and addictive and if i had to only read one author forever it would be her. that is my review x

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I love learning new things about myself.

When I read thrillers I can’t turn the page fast enough, I’m so eager to get to the twist and get my “ah ha” moment. When I read romcoms I’m usually laughing so hard I just want to go slower to laugh a bit longer .

Who’s with me?

Now, can an author be both thrilling and funny? You betcha! We all know Ashley Winstead, right? There is not a soul in the world who can scare the life out of me and also have me doubled over laughing like Winstead can .

What do you think, when you think of a “shy” librarian?

I think about a freak in the sheets.


What happens when said librarian is told she’s awful in bed? No, there is no murder in this book kids but I like where your head is at 🤣

Revenge Sex !

Or even better, one night stand kind of revenge sex ! But after an unexpected fire alarm this is not what ends up happening to Alexis because she just ended up in the oh so sexy arms of future (possible) Texas Governor, Logan ….. and it was all caught on camera .

What is it with guys named Logan? Or Brads and Chads? Will they call you an Uber the morning after? Probably not, make sure to keep your phone charged!! It’s like you almost know where this one is going to go, yet, I promise, you don’t.

This is a laugh out loud, can’t catch your breath, kicking and screaming with your legs flailing in the air kind of book. I loved every last word of it. My preferred genre is definitely thrillers but when it comes to Ashley Winstead I would be happy to read a phone book if that is what she decided to write next.

I could go on and on but all you really need to know is that if a thrill chasing wild woman who really doesn’t believe in happily ever afters could love this book as much as I do, you will too.

Go on now, it’s time to pre-order

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Three and a half stars.

Alexis Stone is a librarian. After her boyfriend cheats on her and accuses her of being boring in bed she determines to prove him wrong by having a one-night stand, her first. Little does she know that the guy she almost has a one-night stand with, saved by the fire alarm at the hotel where they were about to hook up, is actually Logan Arthur, a half-British hotshot running for Texas governor against the incumbent Republican candidate. Logan has been trying to clean up his act after being accused of being more serious about chasing women than politics so when a photo of him carrying Alexis out of the hotel goes viral his campaign asks her to be his fake girlfriend. After all, Alexis' big sister Lee is a State Senator so they could have met through her, and being a librarian is a worthy occupation.

Soon Alexis is being taken to exclusive bougie hair salons and being bought fancy clothes (all very Pretty Woman which both Logan and Alexis acknowledge). I was really enjoying this. But then Alexi went from some sort of cardigan-wearing, only has friends over sixty, mouse-like woman into a woman that all the men have been in love with, and all the women find fascinating. It felt like Alexis' back story had served a purpose and it had been abruptly jettisoned.

Also, as a British person, it pains me to hear Spurs ever described as the Hotspurs, its Tottenham, Tottenham Hotspurs, or Spurs. Also there's a reference to Logan's Britishness which talks about him always eating fish and chips and brisket - I'm fifty-six years old and I don't know what brisket is, we'd just say roast beef.

Anyway, rant over. Alexis is sweet, she definitely finds her voice during Logan's campaign. Also she and Logan keep committing each other to campaign activities like being the keynote speaker at a rally, or making a commercial for Alexis' mother's animal sanctuary. It's pretty clear right from the start that Logan is completely smitten but Alexis just thinks he's a really good actor :)

It's a political, meet-cute rom-com.

I received an ARC from the publisher via NetGalley in return for an honest review.

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Ultimately this is fun and lighthearted reading and you will definitely race through the book!
The story is a slow burn and fake dating trope and whilst I do enjoy the fake dating types of romance a slow burn doesn’t agree with my impatient side.
Logan and Alexis as a couple work well and due to the circumstances of their initial meet they’re obviously attracted to each other so the will they / won’t they seemed a little pointless…. These two needed to find their own way a little and be happy with the direction of their lives, Alexis certainly needed to get a back bone so there was character development in just not sure all the pieces fit quite right, there wasn’t enough anticipation and antics in the fake dating.

I received this ARC for free from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

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⭐️4 🔥1.5
The boyfriend Candidate is a slow-burn, fake-dating romcom. The story revolves around Alexis, a shy and people-pleasing school librarian, who finds herself caught in a media storm after an attempted (but interrupted) one-night stand with Logan, a gubernatorial candidate (yes, I learnt what this is from this book). Photos leak of Alexis, being carried in the arms of Logan, the up-and-coming, audacious young politician challenging the Texas governor's seat. To limit the scandal's damage to Logan's campaign, his team convinces Alexis to fake a relationship with Logan. As they navigate this charade, their connection deepens, leading to heartfelt moments and unexpected twists along the way.
I did find the miscommunication between the characters frustrating. There were many occurrences where open communication would have solved 95% of the problems. I think this fits Alexis’s character, given her previous inability to assert herself. However, this didn’t really fit as well for Logan and I found myself annoyed with him continuously almost telling her what he wanted.
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That being said, I genuinely enjoyed how he kind of lost his head around her, and their chemistry was adorable. They are a very believable endgame couple.
Neither character really changed for the other. However, they both seem to find each other and strive to be the best versions of themselves. I think that this is really what finding a life partner is. I love how they supported and pushed each other and both brought out the strengths and confidence of the other person.
The Electoral campaign was interesting and I liked how Alexis gets involved and wasn’t just on the sidelines. While it provided an interesting backdrop, it occasionally overshadowed the character interactions I eagerly anticipated. Character interactions that I started to get really excited about tended to occur towards the end of the chapter, and then I’d find it ending only to begin another chapter on another event of the campaign trail. Despite this, the anticipation it created fueled my desire to continue reading, as I anxiously awaited the long-awaited moment when Alexis and Logan would finally come together.
Although I am more familiar with Australian politics than American politics, I appreciated how the book touched on real issues, lending it depth and believability. The author's inclusion of these elements added an interesting layer to the story. I think it gave the book depth and believability.
I love the representation of librarians and also the covering of banned books
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It’s probably important to keep in mind that not only am I not very patient with slow burn, but I also tend to prefer things that are spicier than this.
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I’m an impatient bitch, what can I say 😅
So spice occurring when it did <spoiler> partial at 76% then finally 93%</spoiler> did nearly end me but the tension leading up to that did tide me over.

Safety notes: there are some OM moments, which weren’t my favourite, as she does go on some dates with another guy during their fake dating.
<spoiler> Logan doesn’t know she agreed to the secret date initially and finds out. He then says it’s okay. Alexis and OM share a kiss. </spoiler>

If you’re a fan of slow-burn, he falls first, or fake-dating, then this is really enjoyable and addictive read. I loved both characters' growth, their chemistry and how they honestly seemed to be the best version of each other when together.

I received an arc of this book in exchange for an honest review. I extend my gratitude to NetGalley and the publisher for this opportunity.

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This was such a wonderful surprise of a book! I loved the tropes: failed one night stand to fake dating to lovers, politician/school librarian, amazing chemistry, grumpy/sunshine.

This was such a fun read! The sizzling tension between these two characters made the slow burn and the eventual ‘fuck it’ moment so satisfying. Logan is a delicious main character. My heart swooned when he ran to her after the storm to check that she was okay. I loved these two together and really enjoyed how they encouraged each other to find their true passions.

Highly recommend!

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Deliciously funny and sexy romance. Intriguing characters, and a well written storyline. Would recommend. Will read more from this author!

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This book was such a wild ride with loads of chemistry and sexual tension and a pair of characters that I loved for each other. Watching Logan and Alexis thrust together in an effort to protect both their reputations after an unfulfilled one night stand draws more attention than they would like was absolutely delicious. The attraction rages between them but both need to remain professional in their fake dating relationship and respect the boundaries they set. Logan is a fairy tale of a politician, fighting hard for all the right causes and telling it how it is (perhaps with a bit more colourful language than his team would like). Alexis has always made herself agreeable to make sure people like her but with Logan, she becomes more passionate and willing to state what she wants and how to get it (strictly professionally, of course) and it was great to see her character coming into her own and having Logan’s unwavering support to do so. They make a super sweet couple and this is definitely a slow burn with so many obstacles standing between them but it was a top read and I loved the playful wars between these two. The world needs more books like this!

I received a free copy of this book. All views are my own.

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Sometimes a one night stand is all you need to lure you into politics! Alexis Stone agrees to fake date Logan Arthur after compromising photos of the two went viral. With the gubernatorial elections coming up in three months time, Logan cannot use another momentarily discretion, so Alexis, the introverted, shy assistant librarian, says yes to a whirlwind, political adventure.

This was an eventful, fun romance with a lot of miscommunication to let the two main characters burnnnnnnnn. I loved the political plot inserted to legitimize the fake dating trope. The Boyfriend Candidate is full of damage control, diplomatics, and winning over the public’s goodwill - but both Logan and Alexis fight for a greater cause, so it was easy to root for them!

The author put a lot of effort to make this romance both exciting (what is a political romance without some twist and turns, right?) and thoughtful (because it can’t be sunshine and rainbows all the times). Logan as well as Alexis had some personal issues to overcome, but I especially liked how Alexis started off as a typical wing-woman, the shy supportive character that nurtures the people around her. As the fake girlfriend of the gubernatorial candidate, she could have easily been turned into an accessory to polish Logan’s public image. But for once Alexis was the leading lady instead of secondary to the male character. She pushed the agenda, changed the narrative, and took control of her happiness. She didn’t need for Logan to show up and change her live, she was capable all by herself, even though she didn’t believe she could.

While The Boyfriend Candidate wasn’t unpredictable, it did surprise me for not always following through with the usual romance tropes. The fake dating didn’t involve lying to Alexis’ inner circle, the one bed trope came along, but not in the way expected, and starting with a one night stand still turned into an amazing slow burn.

I really liked this one!

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4.75 ⭐️

The Boyfriend Candidate is a funny, sweet and charming rom-com that will leave you feeling giddy and in love with the characters. The book follows Alexis who is a school librarian, who in an attempt to become more confident attempts her first one night stand at a bar. There she meets Logan, who’s the complete opposite of her, someone who speaks his mind no matter the consequences and does it with a lot of swearing 😂. The chemistry between the two is heating up but just as they reach the hotel room a lightening storm hits and they are forced to run outside, where they’re caught by paparazzi, leaving Logan fleeing the scene. Pictures are leaked of the two of them which is bad for Logan’s reputation as he’s running for the Texas governors seat, so the two of them have to embark on a fake relationship as to not impact his chances of winning. But are things really as fake as they both pretend they are, or are real feelings hidden behind the facade?

This book had me giggling and giddy the entire way, I absolutely loved the banter between Alexis and Logan. The journey of Alexis’ self love was really heartwarming, seeing her open up and own what she wants instead of always trying to please others. She’s a really inspiring character and I loved seeing her confidence grow throughout the book. Logan was completely charming and you could see how he always prioritised Alexis and said/did little things to show how much he cared. I will think about this book constantly, Ashley you are incredible!

Thank you so much to @netgalley, @ariafiction and @ashleywinsteadbooks for the copy of this book, all opinions are honest and my own.

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So insanely captivating!!!

This book has everything I love in my rom-coms, from slow-burn romance to engaging and relatable characters. Alexis was so comforting as a character, and I loved her progression throughout the book and how she developed individually. Books that tackle complex parental relationships & grief also stand out for me, and I think Ashely Winstead did this beautifully!

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I would like to thank netgalley and Aria & Aries for a free copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

Everything I could ever want in a romance.

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Oh. My. God. This book!

Let me start by saying that I know absolutely nothing about how the American political system works so I was going into this blind. OK, so this guys is running for governer? That means less than nothing to me. But the premise sounded good and I decided it was probably worth a read.

Man, am I glad I gave this one a shot. This could actually be my favourite book of 2023.
Logan was perfect, everything I always love in the male lead. Plus, as a very sweary Brit myself, I definitely had a bit of extra love for him.
I read so many books were the female lead is a shy, introverted wallflower but the way Alexis' discovery of herself and what she is capable of has blown every other version of this out of the water.

It's been a long time since a book has made me cry (read: at least a month) but this had me sobbing and cackling in equal parts.

I honestly cannot recommend this book enough! I'm off to devour everything this author has done so far!

5 stars!

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2.5 stars out of 5!

The premise of the book is amazing and I was really looking forward to reading it because of it! But I think my rating has more to do with the politics than with the romance, which is just a preference I think. I found myself skimming those sections because I found them boring at times. Other than that I did enjoy the romance, apart from the 75%-95% when they would just not communicate! It was like a third act breakup without them ever having been together and I just wanted them to talk! Lastly I did think the references to modern day culture may have been overboard: Twitter is fine; TikTok, Harry Styles and Timothée Chalamet may be a bit much?

As for the rest I did enjoy it and I found myself rooting voor Alexis and Logan. He was very charming and I really liked the first 30% of the book a lot because of the tension!

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Incredible! I absolutely adored this story. I was hooked on Alexis and Logan's story from the beginning.
The political side of this book took me by surprise too, I actually found myself rooting for them and felt tense when the results were in.
The side characters were also fantastic - I wish I had a sister like Lee and a friend like Zoey!
Overall a fantastic read, I would recommend it to anyone who enjoys a romance with a good pace, interesting Storyline and great characters.

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Oh my God. I LOVED this book. Slamming straight into the top of my list of favourite romance novels (and I read a LOT of them). The Boyfriend Candidate was properly, properly funny and dazzlingly romantic at the same time. I was completely here for the Roy Kent energy, the loveable cast of side characters, the green dresses, the librarians, the Parks and Recs references… honestly, it was like this book was written for me, just all my favourite things mashed together, a complete joy. Laughed, cried, swooned - an absolute dream of a novel. My first Ashley Winstead and now I’m off to track down everything she’s written.

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I understand that the book's baseline was that Logan is running for governor, and Alexis needed to pretend to be his girlfriend to save face. Still, halfway through the story, there's zero chemistry between the two, and instead, we're carried along a string of political speeches, policies, and rallies.
There wasn't enough romance, and they felt like characters, not real people.
Alexis hates the attention, but suddenly she wants to spearhead policies and make big speeches, she even goes against their rules and decides to organize a rally without even considering Logan and the ways this could potentially hurt his image and career.
She's so selfish, egotistical, and childish, always doing things without caring for anyone, that it's hard to believe she's a grown woman and not a teenager.
Honestly, Logan was way too good and trusting with her, giving second chances when she deserved none.
She's so pathetic she couldn't put on hold her life for two mere months, no, she had to go on a public date... at a wedding with someone else? Seriously? How stupid could she be?

Thanks to Net Galley and the publisher for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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