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The Boyfriend Candidate

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Logan. Logan. Logan. Logan. Logan. Logan. Logan. Logan. Logan. Logan. Logan. Logan. Logan. Logan. Logan. Logan. Logan. Logan. Logan. Logan. Logan. Logan. Logan. Logan. Logan. Logan. Logan. Logan. Logan. Logan. Logan. Logan. Logan. Logan. Logan. Logan. Logan. Logan. Logan. Logan. Logan. Logan. Logan. Logan. Logan. Logan. Logan. Logan.

The man that you are. *swoons*

“You close your eyes whenever I touch you. Why?” His long finger traced the lace at the seam and I quivered. “Because being with you feels like a dream, and I want to stay inside it.”

Wait there’s more…

“I’ve memorized the way you look when you’re happy, the way you sound when you laugh, how you press your eyes closed when I touch you.”

A man written by a woman.

“I told you I think I lose my mind around you. The truth is, I feel like a teenager again, the way I can’t stop thinking about you, the things I have to do just to get relief. You think I’m too much for you?” He shook his head. “You’re the one who’s too much. Do you know what it’s like to work for something your whole life and then have someone walk in and become the most important thing to you in an instant? Everything changed at the drop of a hat. It’s fucking disorienting, Alexis. You turned me upside down.”

“Fuck leading anyone. I want to follow you on my hands and knees across the desert.”

I wasn’t prepared for this man and you won’t be either.

I was pleasantly surprised after reading the boyfriend candidate. I didn’t expect to like it as much as I did. It used the golden fake-dating trope in a political campaign set up which was a nice twist. It showcased real issues without being too politically heavy. I liked the chemistry between both main characters. The only thing I disliked, mostly due to personal preference, is the love triangle. I don’t just don’t understand why the FMC’s sister would force her to go on a date with someone even in private when she knows what’s at stake. And then invites him to a friends gathering. Like whyyyyyy would you do this and without asking her???? I get that it was necessary for the conflict in the book. But could there not have been something else? Literally anything else other than introducing a completely nice guy at the wrong time and screwing it all up with the MMC who has done nothing to deserve it. The ending also felt a bit anticlimactic and unresolved. So it feels kind of unfinished and the both MCs deserved more.

If the ending was a bit more developed and the love triangle didn’t exist the book would be a solid 4/5. But because of the reasons listed it would have to be 3.5.

But then my indecisive ass re-read the quotes from above and realised my man Logan deserves nothing less than 4/5, crappy ending and SML aside.

Thanks to NetGalley for providing a digital copy of the ARC.

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Fake dating is always a win for me and this did it well…but there was a lot of the miscommunication trope thrown in there as well which is really not for me

When they first meet there’s banter and a connection between them, but as the book progressed I felt like the romance almost became like a subplot to all the political stuff going on. I would’ve loved more scenarios involving the fake dating instead of the politics

But saying that, I still enjoyed the majority of the book and was glad it was a happy ending after everything 😌

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Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for a copy of this book. All opinions are 100% my own.

This book had all my favourite tropes: miscommunication, fake dating, opposites attract, slow burn. The male main character, Logan, is so well written and his chemistry with Alexis was perfect.

I wasn’t a fan of the minor love triangle, as it distracted from the relationship between Logan and Alexis and didn’t add anything to the plot that couldn’t have been rewritten to have been caused by something else.

I didn’t really understand the political aspects of this book, but having seen parks and rec, I understood it better than others may have.

The side characters were all well written and developed, although they seemed a bit box-ticking at times.

Overall, I really enjoyed this book, so much so that I binged it in a day!

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Absolutely incredible, hilarious, profound and romantic!

The Boyfriend Candidate is one of my top 2023 Romance reads. There I typed it. Ashley Winstead has created marvellous protagonists who grew on me with every passing page, and their character growth is simply memorable and remarkable. My girl Alexis' journey from a moth to a butterfly tugged my heartstrings, while a character like Logan shines brightly and is one of my top book boyfriends.

Cue in the banter, the sizzling chemistry and cute pop references (Parks and Rec fans, you're in for a treat!); this book was so immersive and full of insights that I suffered from a major book hangover once I finished it. I love how the fake dating troupe deviated from the usual formula of being etched in secrecy, and the conversion of a one-night stand to a slow-burn, electrifying read was delightful. I can't wait to celebrate the author and devour all her books!

Thank you to NetGalley & Aria & Aries for providing an e-ARC. This honest review is left voluntarily.

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Alexis is dumped by her cheating boyfriend for being “boring” in bed. Determined to get over him, she goes out with the intention of hooking up for a night stand. When a complete jerk hits on and won’t take the hint to back off, a tall dark haired stranger steps in and intimidates the jerk into leaving. They begin talking and Alexis is determined to make him the one! the one night stand that is. They check into a hotel and things really heat up quickly, but in the wrong way! The hotel is on fire and they need to quickly leave. Both have used fake names so Lexis is stunned to find out her mystery man is actually a gubernatorial candidate. The only way for Logan to save his reputation is for him and Alexis to fake date. Of course their are several misunderstandings over the course of the campaign that prevent them from revealing their true feelings to each other!
This is a fun opposites attract, fake dating story with characters that are so likeable you can’t help but root for them. Not super spicy which also means no cringe 😬 I’ll definitely read more romance from this author, probably most well know for In My Dreams I hold a Knife!
Thanks to and @headofzeus for this eArc in exchange for my honest opinion. This heartwarming summer read is available now!

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I really liked this book. It is about Logan and Alexis. Alexis has a bit low self-esteem as a result of her parents divorcing. Her sister Lee was the strong one; Alexis very much looked up to her older sister who was very angry with their father, and held him responsible for the divorce.

<i>Lee was older and worldly and they loved her. I watched it all unfold, grateful to be spared the spotlight but also, if I’m completely honest, a little bit sad. That’s when it first occurred to me: whatever that magic thing was that made some people magnetic, the je ne sais quoi Lee had—I didn’t have it. But chin up, no big deal. Not everyone gets sprinkled with fairy dust. It was simply good to know where you fell on the scale so you could adjust accordingly, perhaps become a more accommodating person to make up for your lack of pizazz, which I’d been trying to do since roughly the age of twelve.</i>

Alexis reacted differently. She doesn’t blame her father but herself, she feels herself lacking so she tried to be whatever she felt was needed to keep their dad in her life. But she learned the hard way it doesn’t work like that. Alexis is resigned to the fact that she isn’t good enough, but also tired of trying to keep people in her life by changing herself into a person she’s not, and desperately wanting someone to just fix everything. This is very well written and I loved how the author succeeded in showing how something as devastating as a family breaking up can change the way a teenager sees herself. Of course this affects all of her relationships; those with her relatives but also other people in her life.

<i>As I lay there, pressed to my mother’s side, the fear sank in. You couldn’t count on anyone to stick around, it turned out, not even your family. Before that night I’d been naive enough to assume there were some people in life you never had to worry about, that you didn’t have to work to win over. Some people who would always just love you and be there. But everything was more fragile than I’d realized. No love was free: you had to constantly earn it, or else lose it. The epiphany had stuck with me, the lesson solidified a decade later when my father was killed in a car accident and I learned what it felt like to lose someone in a way more profound than divorce. Yes, you had to work hard to keep the people you loved with you; but sometimes, no matter how hard you worked, it simply wasn’t enough. That was the greatest anxiety simmering under the surface of my heart. </i>

She sees her sister Lee as somebody who is accomplished and successful, and Lee tries to push her little sister.
<i>“I’d hate it if the way you saw yourself colored how you think other people see you. If that makes sense. Just—don’t discount people’s feelings because you’re used to discounting yourself.”</i>
But Alexis felt it meant she had to become another version of Lee, since Lee was the successful one. Of course she can’t be like her sister because she’s a totally different person. But she tries to take action and then she meets Logan, who genuinely seems a very nice guy. But Alexis keeps convincing herself she can’t be good enough for him and she doesn’t dare to trust him being actually interested in her, although her romantic heart craves love. It is exhausting and emotionally draining to her; desperately trying to make people love her and feel lacking all the time.

<i>I was the one who kept confusing fact and fiction. And of course I was, because that was my shtick: trying to will relationships into being more than they were capable of. I’d done it with Chris when I’d taken him back after he cheated, convinced I could will us back to normal. And though I didn’t really want to think about it, I’d done the same with my dad, thinking if I just tried hard enough, I could make our family whole again. Emotionally speaking, I was stuck in a Groundhog Day loop. </i>

Slowly she’s challenged into taking charge of her life and take action in things that are important to her. And where Logan is the kind of person to straightforward tell it like it is, Alexis is more subtle and tactful, which is a good thing in campaigning. So Logan values her for her that but she has a hard time valuing herself. Beautiful storyline!

I just did not like her dating another guy simultaneously when they clearly had agreed that she wouldn’t date another guy during the fake courtship with Logan. Dating multiple people at the same time is just wrong. And it’s totally unrealistic to have Alexis attend a wedding with another guy as his date when she’s so well known as Logan’s girlfriend. And planning to spend the night with Will after kissing Logan 24hrs before?! NOT OK! And a total turn off for me. I wish this part was handled differently. I don’t mind Will being interested in her but I would’ve expected her to be much more passive. Maybe having Will show up and forcing a kiss and Logan seeing that, prompting her to feel responsible and maybe even go into hiding, blaming herself, not good enough etc and then Alexis being expected to show up at events and Logan slowly but surely showing her that she is good enough for him, the perfect one for him! That would have made the perfect story. But not her dating two guys, the press finding out about and Logan possibly tanking his campaign over it. Very unrealistic. Despite this, kudos to the author for writing about a lovely girl who is shaped by her youth and showing how two people can react differently to the same experience, and hoe to cope with that but also her growth as a person.

I received and reviewed an advanced copy of this book and I am grateful for this opportunity. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I received this book as an ARC from Aria & Aries through NetGalley and this review is based on my own opinion.

A year after her ex boyfriend cheated on her, librarian Alexis Stone decides it's time for a change and for her to try and have a onenightstand.
In the bar she meets Logan Arthur, the man who saves Alexis from Carter.

They hit it off and after spending their evening in the bar, they aren't ready to say goodbye yet.

Logan books them a hotelroom but a lightning strike had other plans for them.

The hotel caught fire and everyone had to leave, once they made it out people started taking pictures of the two and Alexis was left confused when Logan suddenly ran away and left her alone.

When Alexis' phone rings a couple days later and she is asked to meet up, only then will she find out who Logan Arthur really is, a local politician.

They both want to avoid a public mess so they decide to hide their night with a fake relationship until after election day.
But will they leave as just friends?

Despite not being into politics, the book still had some great political topics in it.
It was easy and entertaining enough for me to read and finish it and I actually liked the rest of the fake dating rom-com story.

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An amusing romcom where the potential scandal of a one night stand leads to a fake dating situation as ‘Ruby Dangerfield’ decides to show her ex-boyfriend that she’s not boring by living her life on the wild side and picking up a guy in a well known meat market. Enter Logan who’s only intention was to drink his woes away at the bar closest to his office and before they’ve barely had time to introduce themselves, they’re heading to a hotel room until a fire alarm throws a spanner in the works but Logan does manage to carry Ruby from the burning building in a totally swoon worthy manner, and that should’ve been the end of things, they would’ve simply have been ships that passed in the night until it turns out Logan is actually Logan Arthur an aspiring gubernatorial candidate and his actions were been captured for posterity by the media and as for Ruby, well she’s really shy school librarian Alexis Stone.

With an engaging hero and heroine in Logan and Alexis and good chemistry between them, toss in likeable secondary characters and an enjoyable storyline, The Boyfriend Candidate was a quick and easy read. I admit I skimmed over a lot of the political stuff on policies and issues – as a non American it just didn’t interest me - but I loved the character development for Alexis as she grew in confidence, however I would’ve loved if the book had been told showing alternating points of view between her and Logan as I don’t really feel I got to know him very well. One niggle with this book was a true diehard fan such as Logan would’ve known Tottenham Hotspurs is abbreviated to Spurs.

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I loved the plot of this book! Alexis’ character felt super relatable, her spontaneous quest for a one night stand turned political scandal made for a quick page turner & easy read - I had it finished in 2 days! The political aspects aren’t for everyone but I personally loved it. I feel the only area for improvement would have perhaps been some pov’s from Logan’s perspective, as I loved his character!
Overall an enjoyable modern romance, would recommend!

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A few pages in, I knew I was in for a treat. I immediately loved Alexis and her refreshing relatability. She struggled with her insecurities and self-confidence but had an unassuming strength that carried her through. Alexis grew over the course of the novel, becoming more assertive and direct, but luckily her core personality traits never wavered. She was still the same kind and giving, if a tad awkward, character from the beginning.

I loved Alexis and Logan’s dynamic. Their chemistry was palpable and their easy banter was exciting. Even when they were trying not to interact with each other or reveal their true emotions, their genuine and very mutual feelings were obvious. I liked how much of their relationship after their failed one-night-stand was built on them getting to know each other, and in their own ways, pushing each other out of their comfort zones. Logan saw so much in Alexis, and sincerely wanted to help her start to believe in herself. The ‘will-they-won’t-they’ was excruciating but in the best way.

Beyond the romance, Alexis also made new connections through new friends. Some of these were a bit random but they were ultimately important to again nudge the shy librarian outside her comfort zone.

Overall, this book managed to surpass my high expectations thanks to its endearing heroine, the couple’s tangible chemistry and its perfect execution of some of my favourite romance tropes.

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A fun light hearted romance and great for those who enjoy a fake dating trope!

I liked that the romance felt organic between the two MC’s, I could see why they would be attracted to each other despite being opposite personality types.

A lot of the plot is centred around American politics (it’s set in Texas) but I would say nothing too heavy is mentioned.

I’ve rounded up but for me this is 3.5 stars because the miscommunication trope is ever present unfortunately, which annoys me to no end especially when it happens more than a couple of times.

Thank you to NetGalley and Aria & Aries.
4/5 ⭐️

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Thank you to NetGalley and Aria & Ares Books for the advance reader copy.

I found the book quite hard to get into, especially with how much politics was involved.
I was expecting a bit more of a romance and feel that I couldn’t root for the main characters as they didn’t have anything to them apart from their jobs, the fake dating and politics.

There were a few side characters sprinkled in who I feel could have been included more and also fleshed out as well.
The book felt long and the ending rushed; which is weird since there are a few areas of the book that can be shortened.

As this was an uncorrected proof I assume there will have been some edits done which pull the story together some more.

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I want to preface this review by saying I absolutely loved Ashley Winstead’s thriller books, so I think my expectations going into this book were too high.
That being said, this book just wasn’t for me.
I would still recommend it to others as I feel they may enjoy it more than I did. But the writing style just wasn’t for me and I found the main character a tad annoying.
The book was rather difficult to get into and I felt like I was forcing myself to read it which isn’t necessarily a good sign.
I feel like my high expectations just weren’t met with this one unfortunately.

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Fake Dating ✔️
Slow Burn ✔️

Alexis is a school librarian out for a one night stand to prove that's she's not boring or timid. After being cheated on twice by her ex a year ago, she is determined to be a bit more fearless. Cue Logan a politician running for Governor that asks Alexis to fake date, to avoid a public scandal.

This book is really good at balancing the slow burn romance with the political race Logan is in. we also see Alexis uses the platform of fake dating Logan to raise awareness to the School and Library cuts. This was a nice message as its something we are all to familiar with no matter where you stay. I thought that is was great at creating tension and I was screaming for them to realise they were together. I could not put this book down, actively telling people to leave me alone until I was done. I don't normally enjoy miscommunication in my romance but they way this was written made sense in context. I cannot wait to go read more from this author. A fun read even if you don't like politics.

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I loved the premise of this book. Alexis is a school librarian who was recently dumped because her ex says she is bad in bed. Determined to be less meek she decides to go to the bar and pick up a one-night stand. When a guy at the bar can't take the hint that Alexis is not interested, the man sitting next to her intervenes and gets the man to leave. Logan is foul-mouthed and definitely Alexis's opposite but they end up spending most of the evening together. As the night draws to a close the pair get a room upstairs, things start to get hot and heavy when the fire alarm goes off. Realizing this is not a drill the pair race down the stairs but Alexis twists her ankle which results in Logan carrying her out of the building. Cameras start flashing and Logan bolts from the scene. Turns out Logan Arthur is running for governor and this scandal might just tank his campaign. Alexis is also concerned that this could jeopardize her career as well. The solution? They can pretend to be in a relationship until the election in 2 months.

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The boyfriend by Ashley Winstead, is a very fun and mostly lighthearted romance. Introverted librarian Alexis and foul-mouthed politician Logan are swept into a fake relationship, after skandalising pictures of them are published.

I enjoyed the pace of this story very much, as it is very well spaced out and nothing feels rushed. Alexis and Logan are very sweet, althought for my taste there could have been a little less miscommunication. Their compatability is just perfect and thus I am not the biggest ultra slowburn fan I found myself thoroughly enjoying it in this book. The relationship between Alexis, Lee and their mother is also very sweet. And Logans parents are absolutely adorable!
All in all I think this is a very cute and fun love story, with a great plot that even entails a beautiful message. If you have to change for people to like you, they are probably not the people whose oppinions should matter!

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Thank you so much @netgalley and @headofzeus for the gifted digital ARC in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Read this if you:

✔ Are into politics
✔ Believe that soulmates complete each other
✔ Enjoy the fake dating trope 
✔ Can relate to grieving a loved one

My Thoughts:

I loved how well built the characters in this novel were. Ashley usually does a great job at creating vivid characters that feel like real people to the reader and this book was no exception.

I think that Logan and Alexis were exactly what each other needed to make them feel safe and at home. Their worlds are different, yes, but I believe that sometimes it's great having a partner who completes you and I think that these two can accomplish amazing things together.

The fake dating trope was done really well. It had fun, excitement and drama - all in just the right amount.

After reading a bit of Ashley's story in the acknowledgements, I understood a part of Alexis even better and, despite being truly sorry for the loss the author is experiencing, I think she managed to wonderfully incorporate this grief into this novel. This helped me understand Alexis in even more depth.

This book kind of has it all from sweet and fun moments to drama, serious politics and family grieving. Don't hesitate to pick this one up if romance and fake dating are your thing!

For me, Ashley, is definitely an auto-buy author and I am dying to read Midnight Is The Darkest Hour in the fall.

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I read this across the space of 24 hours and ate it up with a spoon. It rattles you along while it’s happening and is an enjoyable ride, although I had a few issues at the back of my mind when I was reading it and I just wanted to give them a mention too. Firstly Alexis somewhat oblivious to Logan’s feelings for her. This is told entirely from her point of view – and even with that it’s very, very clear that Logan is catching feelings for her and it’s a touch irritating that she doesn’t pick up on it. If you’d had his PoV too it would have been unbearable.* On top of that she’s somewhat lacking in common sense in other aspects of the fake relationship that I can’t explain without giving more spoilers than I ought to. It was also a little surprising that Alexis went from super shy and retiring to being able to give speeches in public happily and comfortably with no in between stage. I know politics in romance novels is also a controversial issue – and the fact that it’s set in Texas might have you wondering what you’re going to get here – so a heads up for those who are interested: Logan is a progressive Democrat. I was also a bit worried about how they were going to be able to sort the whole fake relationship situation out in a satisfactory manner, but it actually surprised me on that front.

Anyway – if you like a fake relationship romance, and don’t mind politics being very much front and centre in the plot then this is worth a look.

*There is a trend toward The Most Oblivious Heroines That Ever Failed To Notice A Guy Is Into Them at the moment and I do not like it. A bit of not noticing is fine. Not noticing when he’s making heart eyes at you and picking you over everyone else all the time is not fine (Sarah Adams I’m looking at you)

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I was drawn in by the premise of a playboy politician and a quiet librarian and this book DELIVERED. I don't recall ever reading a romance set in the political world before, and was scared it would be a little too heavy on the liberal vs conservative side of things but I needn't have worried. Winstead deftly weaves only issues relevant to the characters and plot (like book bans and teachers union issues) and hand-waves the rest.

I couldn't put the book down for much of it, the building tension between Alexis and Logan was perfectly frustrating. There are some wonderful fake-dating proximity and "let's kiss for show!" moments that had me swooning. Supported by a cast of lovable and quirky characters (Alexis' librarian friends are my faves), this romance had me swept up in the excitement of a gubernatorial campaign (yes I had to look that word up) and cheering for both of these silly gooses.

My only small issue was the amount of miscommunication along the way - both of them frequently make huge incorrect assumptions about the way the other is feeling; particularly Alexis, who despite frequently catching Logan's smoldering lustful glances thinks he isn't really into her.

I didn't realise that Winstead's previous book, Fool Me Once, is about Alexis' sister Lee, so will have to read that now! However this can be read perfectly easily as a stand-alone.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the ARC.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an e-ARC copy. All thoughts are my own.

I absolutely adored this romance. It ticked all my boxes - banter, fake dating, a delightful slow burn, great character development, and emotional connection. Alexis believes herself as meek and easily forgettable, but this is far from the truth. Witnessing this woman strive for both personal and career goals that put her into many uncomfortable situations and still get the work done made me completely adore her. Couple that with the prickly yet honest Logan at her side, and this made for a consumable read.

I believed in the romance from the beginning, and whilst Alexis and Logan come together under less-than-ideal trappings through his political campaign and saving his face, I really enjoyed them. The fact that he believed in Alexis enough to support her attempts to fight for the teachers and librarians in Texas was so wholesome. Whilst the intimacy does come quite late into this novel, it's well-deserved and classy.

I was also impressed with the author's balance between political information and the romance storyline. As someone who doesn't live in America, and only has the vaguest sense of the political structure there, the information in this book is palatable. It doesn't feel hard to navigate and compliments well with the romantic storyline between Alexis and Logan. This is something that isn't easy to achieve, but Ashley Winstead pulls it off effortlessly.

However, I didn't give this four stars because I didn't like the obstacle with Will. Many other plot devices could have been utilised to create further obstacles and angst, and this one was cheap in comparison as it attacked the integrity of the characters and created miscommunication. I also didn't feel Alexis' sister Lee was all that caring and kind towards her and caused a great deal of harm to her and Logan without suffering any consequences.

That aside, this is a very easy and enjoyable read, and I highly recommend this. I cannot wait to read more by this author.

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