Member Reviews

I received a copy of this book through Netgalley. This is my honest review.
This is a cute story about a girl who feels very negatively about herself, and so she starts saying positive things to herself in the mirror every day to try to help herself feel better. It seems silly at first, but she soon starts to notice a difference in her outlook on things. Saying positive stuff about herself just really helped her to alter her perspective and she stopped focusing on the negatives so much.
I know that I, as an adult, could benefit from the advice in this book as I'm not always very nice to myself, but it's also very difficult to say nice things about me when I'm feeling particularly bad about myself. I would definitely be able to read this book several times to help really drill the practice into kids' heads when they're still impressionable and maybe changeable. The illustrations were very bright and bold.
Overall I give Good Morning, I Love You, Violet! 4.7483 out of 5 stars.

This story teaches our little ones the power of positivity. When Violet's class is taught to start their day with a “Goodmorning, I love you” to themselves she finds out how something simple can change the whole day and your whole outlook. She struggles with m=negative feelings and finds it hard to believe that something so simple will change things. Her friends encourage her to try and she soon discovers how a little positivity can change things drastically. This is a wonderful book that is so well written to show our children how to be positive about themselves and ways to fight that negativity that often sneaks up on us. I love the illustrations, they are so colorful and vibrant and add to the positive outlook of this story. You will enjoy learning and reading with your little ones. We received this story as an ARC but it is a great one to add to your home library. It is especially wonderful to add to any early childhood classroom.

This seems like it will be a really insightful title, but both the kindle and netgalley versions cut off partway through. I’d love to finish!

Violet is a little girl with a very mean inner voice. She often says unkind things to herself, and criticizes herself for failing to do something.
When Dr Freeman visits their school and offers a suggestion on how to plant seeds of kindness, the children react to the idea in different ways.
Xavier is more accepting of the concept than Violet, for example, mentioning that his father has taught him that what we focus on grows stronger.
Violet is more resistant, but as she gets into the habit of telling herself that she loves herself, she begins to see a difference in her attitude to life that is mirrored by differences in her life.
This little book uses cute illustrations and a simple message to encourage an important change in children's behaviour.
And since learning to love themselves is a wonderful lesson to learn early, I think that books like this should be recommended reading for all young kids. I wish someone had given me this book years ago!

Good Morning, I Love You, Violet! by Shauna Shapiro, PhD, is a wonderful story about learning to be kind to ourselves. We join Violet as she discovers the magic of saying something nice to herself each morning - 'Good morning, I love you.' At first, she isn't sure how it will help, but with the encouragement of her friends and the love from her mom, Violet gives it a try. The story shows how being kind to ourselves and using positive words can make us feel happier. Shauna Shapiro's storytelling is really good, and this book is a great read for kids, teaching them how important it is to love and be kind to who they are.

I love the illustrations in this book. Colorful + quirky. The message of the book is cute but I only had 6 pages and it seemed to end abruptly...if this is a preview I think it's on the right track. If it's the entire book then I think it needs more. As is, 3.5 stars.

I received a complimentary copy from the publisher and all opinions expressed are entirely my own.
The book tells the story of Violet who wakes up on a chilly day , sits down to eat cereal but it's already soggy and forgets the answer to the class pop quiz . Her day keeps spiraling when she cannot stop a goal at soccer and then someone tells her that what she plants grows. It's a wonderful book about speaking positively to self at the beginning of the day.

This book started out amazing and with a good/hopeful outcome…but it abruptly stopped with Violet saying no to telling herself she loved herself. Not sure if the entire book was not available for download or not, but from what I could read it has potential. It’s a good message for a younger generation to know they can choose positive over negative and grow happiness. I would’ve like to continue the book.

This is a book to teach positive thinking and how to practice positive affirmations. It has beautiful full color, full page illustrations and about 2-5 sentences per page. I would consider this a life skills and self care book suitable for a classroom or home library for students/kids around ages 4-8.
Even though the book is planned to be 32-pages long, the edition I was given to review is only 7 pages long, with the last page being the very first time Violet wakes up to tell herself "good morning, I love you." I am quite sure the final published edition will see Violet continue to practice her affirmations and will see a positive change in her point of view of herself. If this is the case, it would be a wonderful book. Since I can't see the full book now, I will review it as 4-stars for the part I saw and its theme, and will edit later. Pub date 10/24/23. 32 pages.
Thank you, Sounds True Publishing, and NetGalley, for providing an eARC for review consideration. All opinions expressed are my own.
#netgalley @netgalley #goodmorningiloveyouviolet

Although the art in this book is absolutely wonderful the story itself is lacking and even as an adult made me feel bad about myself. I can only imagine how it'll make children feel.

This beautifully illustrated book tells the story of a young girl who constantly puts herself down for her mistakes. When a guest speaker presents a lesson about positive self-talk to her class, she's skeptical and decides she won't do it. I only read a review copy of the first few pages, but my assumption is that the girl comes around and learns that positive self-talk is really good for a healthy mindset. The story is presented in a way that is relatable and fun. I look forward to reading the rest when it is released in Oct. of 2023.

First of all, I want to thank the author and NetGalley for providing me with an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review. Good morning, I love you Violet! by Shauna Shapiro, PHD; Jennifer Adams is coming out on October 24, 2023.
This would be a wonderful book to add to your home or school library.
Such a positive reinforcement book to help kids love themselves. I would highly recommend this book. #GoodMorningILoveYouViolet #NetGalley