Member Reviews

Real Americans hooked me from page 1. I loved Lily’s story and found her incredibly relatable despite having such a different background and experience than I did. I wish we got to hear more from her as an adult.

I expected a sweeping saga — which I certainly got — but did not expect the (it feels too real for sci fi) direction it went.

I felt disappointed at how Matthew turned out. But that’s all part of the story. Learning about the May’s coming of age in Beijing was fascinating. The author clearly did lots of research and I learned a lot. And it was incredibly well written.

And lastly, that lotus seed… do we think it really did what it seemed to do? This book will give you lots to think about.

Thank you Net Galley for providing this in exchange for my honest review.

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I’m frustrated because I don’t have the language to explain how much I loved this book.

It’s not that this book needs a review from me—I expect that this book will, deservedly, be everywhere in 2024—but I feel that I owe it something. This reading experience gave me so much. Lily’s story reminded me of living in New York in my early 20s, all the possibilities, all the questions: every decision meant something. In Nick, I saw my depression mirrored back to me. A first love—and also, sometimes, the world—breaking my heart. I learned so much from May’s story; I gained so much from her suffering.

I’m jealous of everyone who gets to read this for the first time when it is released. This is the book about which I’ll be screaming to everyone in 2024.

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Rachel Khong does an excellent job of weaving together a multigenerational story about a Chinese family while infusing a little bit a sci-fi and mystery into the plot. Khong's historical depictions of life in China, especially for women was pretty accurate. The heartbreaking life choices Lily, Nick, and May struggle with is beautifully written. I personally found May's story to be the most riveting. I could not put this book down.

I was provided an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

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Real Americans is the story of wealth, immigrants, family expectations, secrets, forgiveness, and the interpretation of what being “American” means. Fascinating book with a cast of interesting and well-developed characters. . Find out what happens when family expectations of "perfection" and a morally questionable decision collide.

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Another wonderful novel byRachel Kong.I was swept away by Lilly her story her world.Spent my weekend curled up on my couch reading this unputdownable novel.#realamericans #netgalley

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I loved this book so much. It sucks you in immediately and I was so invested in Lily and Matthew’s love story from their first meeting. I worried the next two portions wouldn’t live up to the first and I was wrong. I think the magical realism element was a tad underdeveloped and I would have loved to see more resolution between Nick, Matthew, and Lily, but ultimately this will be a book I think about for a very long time! (4.5)

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*Thank you to the publisher and netgalley for this arc*

Real Americans is a stunner. I struggle to share too much about the plot because it was so fun to go into it with minimal background knowledge. It is a multi-generational story about fate, family, and ethics. Rachel Khong's writing is magnificent. Through the varied POVs you discover the same family history through different perspectives and timelines. The characters were compelling and complex. Storylines were so innovative and I could not stop reading.

This story was so beautiful. The ending was perfect. I can't wait to buy a copy of this for my own library and read it again and again.

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Giving 2 stars for the literal rating of “it was ok”. The magical realism piece to this novel was interesting but nothing was done with it - there was absolutely no reason for it to be in the book and if you removed it the story would be exactly the same. I found myself most compelled by Nick’s sections, and least of all by Lily’s. I’m am not convinced that her reasons for cutting ties with Matthew and her mother are warranted, and it does feel like her sections were more about her relationships with the other characters than actually about her. There were a number of great quotes regarding the philosophy of nature vs nurture

Thank you to NetGalley for this Advanced Readers Copy.

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I started Rachel Khong's newest novel on a Saturday morning and quickly abandoned any other plans I had for the day as the story kept me in a tight grasp until I reached the final page. Riveting story about the multi-generational intersection of two families with deep exploration into morality, privilege, and secrets parents keep from their children. Real Americans also plays with time in a unique way, both in how one lineage of characters experiences it and how Khong moves through it on the page. A wonderfully different follow-up to Goodbye, Vitamin--can't wait to see what's next from this favorite author!

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I felt so many emotions while reading this book: joy, anger, sadness, etc. Despite being told in three parts, there was no disconnect between them and they flowed harmoniously. The storytelling in this book is brilliant and so well done. By the end of the book I felt a connection with all three main characters, and with that I felt what they felt at different parts of the book. Even though I’m not huge into science, I didn’t feel confused or disengaged by the content. In fact, reading this actually made me want to learn more about that field of research. I don’t think there are any flaws in this book, and I will recommend it to everyone. This is one of my favorite reads of the year!

Many thanks to Penguin Random House and Netgalley for this arc!!

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“Real Americans” is told by three separate narrators in three distinct sections. The first begins in 1999 with Lily, a Chinese American daughter of geneticists who immigrated from China in the late sixties. At the beginning of her narrative, Lily is in her early twenties working as an unpaid intern in New York City. At a party she meets Matthew, a wealthy white man with blonde hair and blue eyes, the heir to a pharmaceutical empire. She falls in love with him and they get married, despite the fact that she doesn’t feel like she fits into his world. After several miscarriages, Lily has a son Nico through in vitro fertilization. Nico looks nothing like her, but instead is nearly identical to his father. After going through her mother’s files, Lily discovers something shocking which alienates her from her mother and Matthew’s family.

The second narrative is “Nick” (Nico), beginning in 2021 when he is a high school student living alone with his mother, Lily, on an island off the coast of Washington State. Nick is a loner, with only one friend, Timothy. Despite his “anglo” looks, Nick feels alienated and isolated from his peers, which isn’t helped by his mother’s insistence that he not be exposed to technology, such as cell phones and internet. Furthermore, his mother refuses to divulge anything regarding the identity of his father or his whereabouts. After high school graduation, Nick and Timothy both leave home to attend Yale. May, Lily’s mother, is the focus of the third narrative, which is set in 2030, where May is living in poverty in San Francisco, estranged from her daughter Lily, who she hasn’t spoken to in years. There she meets Nick, to whom she tells her story, hoping he can convince his mother to reconcile with her.

Initially, I had mixed feelings about the book. On the one hand, it was beautifully written with haunting, spare prose which somehow conveys the loneliness and isolation felt by each character. However, at times the book seemed somewhat long, focusing as it did on the inner thoughts of the first person narrators. While the first person perspective gave an intimacy to the characters that is lacking in third person accounts, it sometimes felt monotonous only seeing and feeling events through one set of eyes at a time.

That being said, one thing I discovered as I read the book was that if the reader approaches it with patience, realizing that the narrative will unfold slowly and takes the time to enjoy the prose, reading the book becomes a much more enjoyable experience. Ultimately, it’s a book about alienation, loneliness, and feelings of isolation and as mentioned previously, the language and tone of the book does an excellent job conveying these emotions.

Thank you to NetGalley and Alfred A. Knopf for providing me an ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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This is an astonishing book. The author describes it as a book about fortune, which I guess it is--how the fortunes of Mei, her daughter Lily, and Lily's son Nick all rise and fall based on their interactions with the wealthy Maier family. I really liked the structure of the book--it's divided into three sections, the first of which tells of Lily's relationship with Matthew Allen, the second tells of Nick's late adolescent life in Seattle, and the third tells of Mei's history. The writing is so beautiful, and it will have you thinking about what it means to be, as the title suggests, a real American--because of where you were born, who you were born to, how you survived your life. I loved this book.

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A fast read and a good story. Well written and a great escape for a lazy weekend curled up on the couch.

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I absolutely adored this book. I enjoyed Khong’s previous work but thought that this was a major step up - much more epic and sophisticated. Lily and Matthew’s love story in the first half was so detailed and utterly engrossing, and I loved the Y2K Manhattan setting. The secondary storyline with Nick was slightly less to my taste, but still very enjoyable and did not alter my views of the book. I think this book is going to be a big success and am thrilled I got to read it early.

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Writing: 4/5 Characters: 4.5/5 Plot: 3.5/5

An exploration of how we become who we are (nature vs nurture and all the permutations) through the stories of three generations of a single family: Lily — raised American (down to the bologna sandwiches she took to school) by her immigrant Chinese parents; her son Nick who looks almost completely like the rich, white father he never met, and not Chinese at all; and Lily’s mother May, who escaped from China during the Cultural Revolution with broken teeth and broken English — and a sharp mind trained in genetic research. Into this mix roam themes of wealth and poverty, racial inequalities, and the ethics of gene editing.

The book held my interest throughout — it’s a plot that thoroughly covers all sorts of interesting times and places from Mao’s cultural revolution to a pharmaceutical empire and across the different stages of an individual’s lifespan. Lily and Nick’s stories felt more real to me. May’s story felt more like a recap of documented history — all true but it didn’t feel like someone’s personal experience to me in the same way the others did (this could be my problem). I liked the depiction of the science, and I thought the descriptions of relationships — with the true intentions, unrealistic expectations, and the heaviness of eventual disappoints — felt genuine. I was sad that these genuine seeming relationships included several people not speaking to others for decades, rather than trying to work through the problems — a sad waste of love. I’m honestly not sure what the overall message of the book was — I get the ethical dilemmas the book (adeptly) portrayed, but I had a hard time understanding what led to individuals literally breaking off all contact with the most important people in their lives. I’m open to someone explaining this to me!

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I really wanted to like this book! I’m usually a sucker for magical realism and complicated family dynamics, but this book had too many flaws for me to enjoy it.

Although the prose was excellent, the plot was drawn out and the book was far too long. There were side plots and anecdotes that ended up being completely pointless or falling flat. Even the slight twists and the resolution were not all that satisfying because I just didn’t care enough about the characters what with all the distractions. Additionally, the magical element of the story was thrown in pretty haphazardly instead of being woven in. The premise was interesting but poorly executed. The speculative aspect about the future of technology and the ways it may go awry was reminiscent of Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow, which in my opinion was better than this book but not a favorite of mine either by any means.

The positives were that I gained insight on race and class and there were some nice one-liners.

Thank you to Net Galley and Knopf for the eARC.

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i enjoyed most of this novel. it is very well written, but the first section was absolutely my favorite. lily is such a compelling woman, and her struggles with motherhood after birth are so heartbreaking and brilliant. i didn't care much for nick. i cared even less for mei's story. the magic aspect of this novel just doesn't work. it's thrown in so haphazardly and takes away from the original theme of chinese folks trying to assimilate/survive/be accepted into a terribly racist america.

thank you to netgalley and the publisher for an arc in exchange for an honest review.

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Told in 3 POVs, REAL AMERICANS sucks you in and won't let you go.

It started from the POV of a young ABC American born Chinese woman who like many are seen as foreign but have grown up here all their life. She feels very average without any clear indication of what her life's passion should be. She's just graduated from NYU and feels unremarkable compared to her mother and what her mother's accomplished. Until she meets a young, hot, ultra wealthy white man, the type who can whisk her away to Paris on a whim after dinner.

I'll stop there. But the first section felt like a daydream. You're luxuriating in what she's getting introduced to, leaning into the decadence but also not really clear on where this is going.

Ultimately this book deals with the powers of the rich, the new frontier of how they can use their money to tap into a new frontier of control and manipulation, on time and health. For the rich, time is simplified by the hands of those they employ (hiding the efforts of what goes into making something), but it's still something they can't fully control so to the extent that the wealthy can utilize their money to buy out others, they will.

This idea is also explored from the perspective of the Cultural Revolution. Rather than the ultra rich, it's those in power who will employ their power and authority to any end, and the horrors of their not having any limits.

It is a fast paced book but definitely felt long. However there really isn't anything I would want to edit out. There is a slow reveal and pacing that works very well for this book. I really enjoyed reading.


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The writing is smooth, easy, and flows well. I stopped after chapter 2 (6%). Definitely three stars for the target audience and 4 to 5 for the right readers.

Thank you to NetGalley and Knopf for the ARC.

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Part 1 - Lily: 2 stars
Part 2- Nick: 3 stars
Part 3; May/Mei: 4 stars


This book was very uneven for me. It feels like Khong spent so long on the third part of the novel that she didn't flesh out the beginning. I considered abandoning the story when it centered on Lily because it was so light on characterization. Lily meets and falls in love with Matthew, but he is little more than an archetype of a rich, white man who wants to distance himself from his wealthy family. His father, Otto, is similarly painted with a very light brush. They don't seem like characters but narrative necessities to get where we're going.

The plot moved briskly in the first third, likely because the other parts were far more interesting. When Lily gives birth to her son with Matthew, the child looks nothing like her. "The baby who wasn't my baby was brought to my breast, and I let him eat," Khong writes. That is the briefest description of a mother's first experience breastfeeding that I've ever read. It's like Khong knew the rest of the book was meatier and wanted to get there as soon as possible.

The book gets much richer in the second part, as we delve into Nick's life. His character is much more fully fleshed-out than his parents', though we do learn a bit more about Lily and Matthew in part two.

The final third is where the book really soars--when you learn about the hardships Mei endures to make her way from China to the United States. Yes, it gives you insight into why she did what she did and how the revelation of her sins blew up Lily and Matthew's marriage. Matthew remains little more than an absent father archetype, but at least we understand the first part a little bit more.

The "magic" part of the book never worked for me, and I don't really understand its purpose in the story. So Mei swallowed a magic lotus seed that gave her, Lily, and Nick the gift of time? A gift no amount of money can buy. This ability to stop time allows Nick, who was struggling badly to understand anything in his college classes, to suddenly become a straight-A student? It seemed out-of-place and awfully convenient.

One loose thread--how did Ping's letter to Mei come into Nick's possession, and why did we never get her modern-day reaction to seeing a picture of her long-lost love? She now knows for sure that he lived. And thrived.

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