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To Kill a Shadow

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This fantasy story was one that I can not wait for book two. I loved the characters and the world building. And the start of each chapter was so good. It was like a story within a story. I need more books by this author!!

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What an amazing book. I cannot wait until the next one! I was fully engaged with the characters and the story and it was so well written.

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My favorite fantasy books showcase strong willed women, unafraid to fight for themselves and those they care about. Kiara in To Kill A Shadow is one of those characters.

In a world fraught with death and darkness, she has the fighting skills to challenge any male around her. As she's chosen to join the King's Army and replace her brother (who wouldn't have survived) she takes on the challenges of being a female warrior like a champ!

Throughout the story she starts to realize there's more to her than she realized, as things within her begin manifesting. The scars on her hands that she hides, may mean even more than she ever realized!

Filled with magic, lots of fighting, an amazing female MC and a steamy hot male MC, this book has it all and I couldn't have asked for a more perfect story!

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thank you to netgalley for the advanced reading copy. I really enjoyed this and will be getting copies for my shop.

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Sometimes the best way to cure a fantasy romance book hangover is to find yourself a new romantasy to dive into. Thankfully To Kill a Shadow was there to fill the void left by finishing Iron Flame, and I am so glad I was able to dive into this book. The story centers around a kingdom whose residents have not seen the sun in fifty years. They live in a land of darkness that is surrounded by a land of mist and shadows, and a small ground of knights must venture into the mist to try to restore the sun.

I truly loved the idea behind this series and the twist and turns it took along the way. The main characters and their relationship with each other also drew me in from the first few chapters and kept me engaged all the way to the end. Kiara Frey is the only woman chosen to join the nights, and she is fierce, loyal, and completely likable as a main female character. She is feisty, strong, and stubborn when she needs to be, but her heart shines through time and time again. She is the perfect contrast to her commander, Jude Maddox, who is the very definition of tall, dark and broody.

Jude’s backstory is tragic and every time there was even a hint about his past in the header of a chapter I found myself desperately picking it apart to learn more about the mysterious commander. I also loved how he slowly opened up to Kiara throughout the book, allowing them to build a level of trust that was truly beautiful. For a romantic fantasy he was simply the perfect leading man.

I only really had two critiques about the book:

Jude tells Kiara that he's nineteen years old. While I loved that he and Kiara were only a year apart in age, I had a difficult time believing he commanded the respect of the older knights under his command.
I feel like the book sets up more of an enemies to lovers type romance between Kiara and Jude then what we actually got on the page. Jude is grumpy and moody, and Kiara has more of a sunny personality. I think that a bit more banter and tension would have developed their relationship even further.

Overall: ⭐⭐⭐⭐.5
Spice: 🌶️

Overall, I really liked this book, and I gave it 4.5 out of 5 stars. I will certainly be looking for the next installment to see where the story goes as we’re left with a bit of a cliff hanger. If you love romantic fantasies like those by Sarah J. Maas or Jennifer L. Armentrout this would be a good read for you. While it’s relatively low spice it leaves lots of room for more in future books. Be sure to check is out now and thank you so much to Entangled for an ARC of this book.

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Now this was good! I was drawn to this book by its gorgeous cover but it was the description that really sold me. I was hooked by this story almost immediately. I couldn’t help but like this group of characters and couldn’t wait to see how things might work out for them. I found this book to be incredibly entertaining and hard to put down.

I liked Kiara right away and couldn’t wait to see how she would handle the challenges thrown at her in this book. She is a strong and determined leader. Jude was also great, although a bit more mysterious. I knew that his backstory would be interesting and it certainly was. I thought that this pair was well-matched and liked the connection between them.

The story had all of the action, excitement, and romance that I had hoped for, and more than a few surprises worked into the plot as well. I loved that this story was able to keep me guessing and there were times when I was really worried about what might happen next. I liked that the world that this story was set in was rather unique and thought that it added an interesting element.

I will definitely be recommending this book to others. I thought that this was a really well-done book filled with excitement and likable characters. I can’t wait to read the next book in the series.

I received a review copy of this book from Entangled: Teen.

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I went into this book blindly and I’m so glad. I adore Kiara. Everything about her is just pure and wholesome but she’s got bite. She is fiercely loyal. Jude was revealed to us layer by layer. They both have so much to work through and overcome in books to come. It’s an adventure that I will impatiently wait for.

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Brilliantly written!!!! I can't believe how
fast I found myself liking Kiara & Jude.
They were so unpredictable, and the
chemistry between them was through
the roof. I loved how slowly we learned who
was friend or foe. That cliffy was unexpected, I
didn't see that coming. I can't wait for book 2.

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The Realm of Asidia has been cursed for 50 years by a surrounding mist and needs men to find a cure. They request families to send a child each to The Calling to join the brotherhood of the Knights of the Eternal Star to venture into the mists and find this cure. The Knights have come to Cila where they are taking away Kiara’s brother Liam to join the knights, when a fight breaks out between Kiara and Adam, another boy chosen for the Knights, and after Kiara knocks him down, the Commander, also known as The Hand of Death, selects her to join the Knights instead of her brother.

Okay this is officially my favorite reads this year. This book is stunning! It’s dark, gritty, and yet has that hint of light and hope throughout the story and you just are rooting for the main characters to make it!

When I first started this book and learned about these Mistlands, I immediately thought of the video game Valheim. Valheim has Mistlands and they’re terrifying. And so reading this book and then venturing into the Mistlands with our main protagonists, it was scary 😅

I will say the twists in this book were wonderful! Kept me guessing the entire book. There’s little notes and letters at the start of each chapter that are slowly telling you the truth about things and helps you discover some truths, but that one truth at the end, I admit, got me and I was so shook that I wasn’t sure if I should be angry or just sad 😂

There are quite a few adorable characters in this book. There’s a sweet found family that grows in this book. Jude has his small family, which I found just adorable and made me want to cry for him, and then Kiara just drew people to her and her little band of men 🤣 was beautiful, especially as they grew to know one another.

Kiara I loved. She is this fierce female character with a temper, and has a hard time holding back that temper, but she cared, A LOT. She was willing to help strangers because it’s the right thing to do. It was so admirable of her, and I loved how, although she had a temper, she also had a more logical mind at thought and rather than make assumptions, she thought about the actions of someone and could see it was coming from a place of love and care. I appreciated she never created unnecessary drama, there were spats yes, but she was a very understanding person, and I loved that.

Jude. Ahhh Jude, how I adore this brooding and broken man. From the get go, I knew I would love him. I have a thing for brooding men, and to see him open up because of Kiara’s fieriness and fierceness was beautiful to see. This poor boy and what he went through, broke my heart and I just wanted him to get everything he wanted and deserved!

The romance is filled with all the angst and slow burn I love! Gosh it made me so frustrated and so happy, and I loved every second of it!

And then that ending. That ending ripped me apart and I need the next book now. I also have another theory that I need answered!

I really don’t think I can explain how I felt when I finished this book. I had to take a moment to collect my thoughts, but wow, this book is so good and highly, HIGHLY recommend it!

I received a free digital copy to read. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Kiara is a character that makes you wanna keep close so she won’t get hurt. She’s a bit too trusting for me. The story premise was interesting but in the middle the pacing slowed a bit. But thankfully it picked up pace and I was hooked again while the group was in the forest with the weird creatures. It was creepy but the mystery revolving them intrigued me and I was hooked again till the very end. That ending tho!! Whew. I cannot wait to read the next one!!

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This story captivated me with its dark and unique fantasy world. Jude Maddox, the stoic Hand of Death, leads the Knights of the Eternal Star through a dangerous land filled with nightmares. When he encounters the fierce recruit Kiara Frey, their tension-filled dynamic evolves into a refreshing romance. Quinn's writing skillfully unveils a complex plot featuring mist-shrouded shadows, terrifying creatures, and unexpected betrayals. The book's intense ending left me eagerly anticipating the sequel. With a captivating blend of romance, fantasy, and suspense, this book is a gripping read that appeals to any fantasy lover, thanks to its intriguing characters and dark world-building.

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To Kill a Shadow ticked all the boxes for me: suspense, romance, fantasy. Written in the young adult genre, I think adults would really enjoy the story. The characters are very well developed. Jude has a great back story. Kiara is equally interesting, and who doesn't love a strong female main character? There is plenty of tension between them, that make the romance fun to read and follow. In addition, Quinn has created a wonderfully unique cast of characters that had me thoroughly engaged.

Quinn also sets the stage with top notch word building, creating a beautiful dark environment that is equal parts enjoyable and terrifying. The writing is also really good. It was a one day read for me, and that is saying a lot given my current reading slump. The entire story is interesting, entertaining, engaging, and most of all slightly unpredictable. The ending was one I didn't entirely see coming.

A wonderful book one in Quinn's new series. It's a great read and one that I suggest to romantasy readers and fans of YA fantasy.

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To Kill a Shadow is an addictive YA page turner that will ruin readers in it's final pages.

As this was my first Katherine Quinn story, so I wasn't sure what to expect. I was pleasantly surprised with how full the world building felt and how evocative the atmosphere was. I found the Characters, particularly our MC's, to be fully realized and delightfully flawed. The standout of the writing with the brilliant pacing that kept me engaged and turning pages late into the night!!

Readers who gravitate towards slow burn romance, angst, and tension filled stories will surely enjoy this one!

Thanks to Entangled Teen, Netgalley for the advanced readers' copy in exchange for my honest review!

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To Kill a Shadow is full of interesting characters, paranormal threats, the frightening unknown. All of which make it a compelling, interesting journey.

Could Jude's life have been any harsher? He's been forced to. become someone he doesn't want to be. An assassin, a hard man, the feared leader. He's good at his job but weary of his circumstances. He's shocked at how bold the new recruit is. Not only is she interesting and attractive, she's not afraid of him. How is she so bold? She's not stupid. She knows who and what he is.

Kiara doesn't know why she's like she is. She's just always been strong and a force. She's been trained hard by her "uncle" and gives no second thought to volunteering in her brother's place for the guard. As they confront the impossible odd of going into the darkness to find the items they've been tasked to bring back, Kiara's powers increase quickly. Through every horrible situation they're thrown in to, Kiara and Jude become closer and closer.

This story is so full of intense, frightening, deadly situations which kept me on the edge of my seat. What more can these people be expected to deal with? How can they ever survive? How will they find love (yes it's a question that kept me wondering)? Though I'm not the target audience (I'm no young adult for sure) and yet I found the story a great read.

Thanks to Entangled: Teen and NetGalley for the ARC.

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This book took me slightly longer to finish but was so well thought out! The main character was totally relatable and I could see a little of myself in them. The world was also very unique and interesting! I was not obsessed but still a fun and nice paced and would be to any fantasy reader!

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I had the pleasure of receiving an earc of this one and it was such an enjoyable read. We have our fierce warrior fmc, Kiara. She was loyal and a spitfire. Had a witty remark for every conversation. And then we have Jude, the mysterious Commander. Growly and protective. 𝘏𝘦 𝘧𝘦𝘭𝘭 𝘧𝘪𝘳𝘴𝘵 and it was divine.

Katherine pulls you in with her descriptive world building and keeps you hooked with the slow burn romance between our mcs.

Full of found family, shadow monsters, betrayal… a little of everything. You see people come together over past traumas, friendship surviving the worst, and betrayals that truly hurt the heart.

The ending made me want to throw my kindle against the wall. I felt like I knew what was coming but yet, it was so well written I didn’t care that it was a tad predictable. Needless to say, I’m super excited for the next installment.

Thank you Netgalley and Entangled for the arc in exchange for my honest review.

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I was so drawn in by this story! YA doesn’t always hit the mark for me, but this one definitely did. Jude and Kiara had all the tension I needed, and I couldn’t wait to see how their feelings played out with the “forbidden” aspect to it.
I’m usually pretty good at figuring out the twists in books so the whole time I had a certain theory. It ended up being wrong! I love that my theory was wrong though, because the twist was a shock.
This was my first Katherine Quinn book, and after this one not only will I be continuing this series, but I will also be adding her others to my TBR.
Thank you Netgalley and Entangled Teen for the ARC!

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When I was offered the opportunity to read this book, I was quite excited. The book sounded exciting and it was getting a lot of early buzz. While I can see why people are enjoying the read, it unfortunately didn't quite hit the spot for me.

I enjoyed Kiara. She was a strong female main character who doesn't tolerate those who are not worth her time. She's tough and is looking out for the underdog. I also enjoyed the plot, it had a lot of excitement, was fast paced, and an easy read. Lastly, I also enjoyed the found family trope here. It's a top trope for me.

Unfortunately, while there were things I liked, I felt the book ultimately suffered from development issues. I am not a fan of the insta-love trope, and this felt very in line with that. Jude, immediately upon meeting Kiara, threw all decorum and appropriate actions for his military position out the window. There didn't feel like any development, a connection was just instantly there. Additionally, Jude is written as this cold, heartless leader who is assassinating people, but again, instantly upon meeting Kiara, he's a changed man.

These issues extended to other parts of the novel, as well. It was a fun quick read, but ultimately the development was lagging.

As mentioned however, this novel seems to be getting pretty high reviews, so I suspect this is more of a me thing and plenty of fans will love this.

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Book Review: To Kill A Shadow by Katherine Quinn

To Kill a Shadow is a young adult fantasy novel about a group of knights that trek into a dark and deadly land to bring light back into their world.

Kiara Frey has only known darkness her entire life as her country of Asidia went dark fifty years prior. Due to her incredible fighting skills she’s quickly picked up in a mandatory draft into the king’s army. She and a small team of recruits (led by the mysterious and deadly commander Jude Maddox) are forced to enter the mist filled land at the edge of the kingdom to find the keys to bringing the sun back to their world.

Although this book had an intriguing premise the writing style is extremely corny. I found the inner dialogue of both the commander and Kiara about their mutual attraction so cringy and ridiculous in a setting with such deadly stakes. I also felt like the use of common words like “guys” in a high fantasy novel pulled me right out of the story.

This book has a plot that is fairly entertaining and has a lot of potential but unfortunately the writing and the sappy romantic sub-plot caused a lot of eye-rolling for me.

3 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️

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Short Synopsis:
Jude Maddox is the commander of the Knights of the Eternal Star. When he arrives in Kiara’s village to recruit her brother, he sees the fight, passion and defiance in Kiara and takes her to join the Knights - being the only girl among them.

My Thoughts:
This book reminded me so much of Shadow and Bone. There were definitely parts that were very predictable, but I still enjoyed the ride to get there. The romance was top notch. I did want more from the history and worldbuilding though.

Read if You Like:
🌑 Shadow and Bone
🌑 Mulan
🌑 Romantasy
🌑 Feisty FMC
🌑 Great supporting characters

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