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Even If It Breaks Your Heart

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I have loved almost all of Erin Hahn’s books, and this was no exception! The romance was sweet and swoony. The setting was charming. And I found the book to have some real substance to it, which I always appreciate in a romance that is otherwise very lighthearted. A delight to read.

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This story started heavy, got even heavier, then ended on a high, heart-warming note. It’s a sweet/clean read, so if you’re looking for something more spicy, this probably won’t be what you’re looking for. However, if you’re open-minded, I think you’ll find that the story is so fulfilling you won’t even miss the spice. I knew going in this was going to make me cry. I’m one of those readers who reads everything in a book, especially the dedication. This one made me cry before I even started the story. But emotional reads don’t scare me, so I dove in. This author writes very varied storylines, yet she never fails to deliver on writing books that yank me in from the beginning and don’t let me go until the end. And she remains true to form with this one. If grief triggers you, I’d beware, as grief is a prominent theme. As difficult as it was to read some parts of this story, I’m so glad I didn’t let the description scare me away.

NICUnurse’s Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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Saddle up with narrators Rachel Jacobs and Tristan Wright as they take listeners to the Texas panhandle for a heartfelt and emotional cowboy romance. Nineteen-year-old bull rider, Case Michaels is trying to keep it together after the death of his best friend, Walker. Walker left behind a list for Case of things to accomplish. One of those things is befriending Winnie Sutton, a sassy ranch hand who works for his family. Jacob’s expressive tone and fluid cadence capture Winnie’s hardworking and dedicated spirit while Wright’s warm southern drawl conveys Case’s vulnerable and charismatic demeanor. Both Jacobs and Wright create the perfect amount of tension, longing, and love in their performances that will leave listeners smiling when Winnie and Case find their happily ever after.

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Look it's Erin Hahn, just breaking my heart and putting it back together like it's nothing...

Erin Hahn calls this her "sad rodeo" book, and that was definitely true, but it was also a gorgeous love story and a beautiful story about recovering from grief and loss.

Case and Walker grew up best friends, thick as thieves, and working the rodeo circuit together, riding bulls. But all that changed when Walker's chronic illness caught up with him and he died at age 17. Now Case feels adrift in the world without his best friend. Walker leaves behind a list of things he wanted to do--along with items like jumping naked in a pool and winning the buckle on the national rodeo circuit, Case spies "befriend Winnie Sutton." Case never paid much attention to Winnie, who works at his dad's ranch, but knowing that she meant something to Walker changes things.

This book almost made me like horses, which is a huge feat, as I've been scared of them since childhood. But the ranch vibe is lovely, as is Winnie's absolute reverence for the animals with which she works. Winnie's been raising her younger siblings since her Mom split when she was a kid and her Dad checked out. At this point, she can only practice with other people's horses, but she dreams of competitively barrel racing. And dammit, she's good. I fell hard for Winnie, who has the weight of the world on her shoulders, yet remains optimistic and strong for her family. She has no desire to open her heart or depend on anyone and that includes rich, clueless Case.

I love Erin Hahn's writing and she captured Case and Winnie so well. As they slowly open up to each other and start to trust again... it's impossible not to get caught up in their love. There's nothing instant or half baked in this book. The character development is strong, as we watch Winnie struggle to balance family with her own desires and Case attempt to open up after losing his best friend--and figure out what it is he wants to do with his future. If you've ever lost someone you loved and grew up with young, this book will hit hard.

BREAKS perfectly balances dealing with grief with romance. And it expertly mixes in some fun, with the rodeo pieces (and some awesome 90s country references). This is a beautiful and touching story with wonderful characters.

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The Sad Cowboy Romance we've all been waiting for is here and it is as heartfelt and wonderful as we had hoped. Case Michaels is keeping himself together after the death of his best friend Walker with a bucket list to do in his stead. The list leads him to Winnie and maybe, just maybe, with her help, he'll return to life and follow his own dreams.

Winnie Sutton graduated early, but that doesn't stop the school from calling her regularly when her brother is skipping. She's been the surrogate mother of her family for a long time, stepping in for her father more often than not, and she's willing to do whatever it takes to keep her family together. Her only solace is training the talented barrel racer for Case's family. But when Case sees her skill and the bond she has with Queen Mab he's not ready to let her let go of her dreams.

I really enjoyed this book. I've been in a reading slump and this was the first book in a while that I've been able to get through in less than two weeks. (Most books have been taking 4-6 weeks.) I loved and related to Winnie's personality and drive, but also related to Case's emotions in a big way, though not what he was going through. I've always found reading Erin Hahn's books to be comforting and heartwarming and this was no different, especially since I could easily move the setting to where I live in Colorado. As always, I can't wait to see what she has for us next. Whether that's next year or in five years.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author via Netgalley and Wednesday Books in exchange for an honest review.

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An emotionally heavy dual POV YA romance that sees two teens dealing with grief and difficult family obligations bonding over their shared love of horses and rodeos. I liked learning more about the world of barrel racing and bull riding and enjoyed both MCs.

However, I wasn't a huge fan of the male narrator for the audiobook and it kind of threw me off fully getting invested in the story. Still enjoyable but I probably would have liked more with a different narrator. Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an early digital copy in exchange for my honest review!

CW: death of a friend from cancer, parental abandonment/neglect

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This title is very accurate. This book will break you heart, give you a nice warm hug and then help you put said heart back together. Kace and Winnie are just adorable. It is a cute love story but it is so much more! It is about family, healing, following your heart and so much more! There is a whole cast of characters that make this story so lovable!

CW: closed door/fade to black, a lot of the f word.

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This is a sweet, slow burn YA story.

There is grief. There is finding your own way.

Come together and you get this story that'll give you some feelings.

Case definitely had me on his side and drawn to him before Winnie.

Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for a chance to read and review.

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Even If It Breaks Your Heart by Erin Hahn is a captivating read that effortlessly blends themes of grief, love, and healing against the backdrop of rodeo and horses. (as a horse girl, YES PLEASE!!!!) The story delves into the dynamics of a rich boy(Case)/poor girl(Winnie) relationship. Winnie works for Case’s family and they come together due to her being an item on his late friend’s “bucket list”.
Both Case and Winnie deal with a lot of things outside of their budding romance including awful parents, grief, and putting themselves aside for others. (cough… excuse me while I close the blinds on all of those. I’d appreciate it if you don’t look at me. Heh) I truly appreciated how Hahn approached coming back to oneself while family bonds and responsibly still hold you back.
There isn’t heavy spice in the story, but that paves the way for the reader to focus on heartfelt storytelling, Even If It Breaks Your Heart is a must-read for anyone seeking a moving experience.

Thank you Wednesday Books and NetGalley for the ARC!

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This book hit me right in the feels - I think it's my favourite Erin Hahn book. It was so emotional, but felt like a warm hug by the end. The plot was interesting, and all the characters were well developed. I really enjoyed the ranch/rodeo aspect of the book as well.

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Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for an advanced copy of this book. This was a sweet YA book, I loved every bit of it. The plot kept my attention, I liked the struggles the main characters endured, and there was really no bad guy. Fun read. I’ve enjoyed all of this author’s books!

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Until the following items are met by the SMP team, I will be withholding any promotion or review of any St. Martin's Press titles (including SMP Romance and Wednesday Book titles):

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I'll admit, I'm a huge Erin Hahn fan, so I came into this book already excited to read it. And once again, Erin did not disappoint. I immediately fell for Case, a guy who wants to be better but also is a bit of a jerk. At least he's self aware? I also appreciated Hahn's willingness to explore the important topic of poverty in a teen romance. This is the reality for so many, and it's wonderful to see it so beautifully and heartbreakingly depicted on the page. And as a Texan, reading this felt right at home. Another wonderful Erin Hahn love story to add to your collection.

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Another YA from the wonderful Erin Hahn. This one was a slow burn, rodeo/ranch love story between two young-adults with a whole pile of real life issues. It was slow at times and unfortunately hard for me to get through for at least half the book. Things picked up and the last bit of the book was fun & enjoyable. Closed door & pretty clean overall.

Thanks to Netgalley & the publisher for an advance copy of this book. All thoughts & opinions are my very own.

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This was labeled as a "rodeo romance" in the book insert but more than that, it was a it is a heartfelt YA romance about finding your own way. I really enjoyed and will highly recommend to friends and my followers!

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Case Michaels is still reeling from the loss of his best friend, Walker. Case and Walker used to both compete on the rodeo circuit -- and spent most of rest of their time together as well. After Walker died, though, Case finds himself uninterested in bull riding ... or much else. The only thing he is interested in pursuing is the list of activities that Walker left behind for Case to complete when he was no longer around.

One item on the list is to become friends with Winnie Sutton. Winnie works on Case's family ranch, but Case has never really noticed her. With Walker's encouragement, Case soon finds himself drawn to Winnie -- eager to become her friend and maybe more. Winnie is not that easy to win over, as she struggles with her responsibilities to take care of her younger siblings and earn enough to keep her family afloat. But Case is determined not just to get to know Winnie better but to help her pursue her dream of competing in rodeos on her own.

This is a touching a perceptive story about loss and finding yourself in the wake of grief. As always, the author creates strong, multi-dimensional characters and a highly engaging narrative.

Highly recommended!

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I didn’t know what the book was about so when I first started it, I thought “oh no, this is a The Fault in Our Stars type of book” and I was not in the mood for that. I decided to keep going and I’m so glad I did.
While it’s still a story about grief (not just the grieving associated with death), it’s a story of love, finding yourself, and taking chances on life! It’s a wonderful YA that will make your heart happy!

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This book is perfect for fans of Elsie Silver who don't need all the spice. There are some heavy themes (loss of a childhood friend, parental abandonment) so it made for an emotional and impactful read.

I love a cowgirl story! The FMC gives off hardworking underdog vibes but she overcomes them very quickly- which I feel is appropriate for a YA novel.

I personally would have liked more on the struggle of overcoming obstacles as I feel like the FMC was just immediately successful in the rodeo. I understand the focus on the book was the relationship, and with YA you don't get as much depth and development.

This is a very sweet and moving read. The siblings were adorable and I loved the FMCs relationship with them. I think a lot of readers will relate to this story so I can see it being extremely popular.

At the start I had to remind myself these kids are only 18-19, because they both acted so mature and had been through so much life already.

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Thank You, NetGalley and St. Martin's Press, Wednesday Books
Publish Date: February 6th, 2024
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Case Michaels is learning how to grieve his best friend's death. Waller left a list for Case to do in Waller's absence. Then there's Winnie Sutton trying to keep her family together. She graduated high school early and worked long shifts at the Michaels family ranch to support her family.

I love the story of both of them and the side character, her younger sister.

I adore these characters ❤️🥺

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Erin Hahn is an author who always manages to create stories in which the love interests are never the main problem, they just face problems together. This is a really sweet YA romance set on a ranch. There's a lot of self-reflection and growth in both characters, which was great. The way grief was handled was very good as well. A great books for adults and teens both to pick up!

Thanks to Wednesday Books and Netgalley for the e-ARC.

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