Cover Image: Daughter of the Bone Forest

Daughter of the Bone Forest

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I sped through this! First off, Daughter of the Bone Forest has such a refreshing queernormative world. It definitely sticks to its YA fantasy label, but even a twenty-something like me could enjoy the worldbuilding with the different bone animals and the social politics of the witch school. The overall atmosphere reminded me of She-Ra mixed with the likes of Vampire Academy or Hex Hall.

The best aspect of this book - by far - was the relationship between Rosy and Shaw. Rosy is our animal bone shifter who is only trying to get through schooling to help her cursed grandmother. She catches the eye of Shaw, the privileged Witch King's daughter, and there's immediately unspoken tension between them. Their dynamic is very slow-building and tense, as they come from different backgrounds with opposing philosophies, and it was the reason I stayed glued to the page. Shaw is very forward and direct, while Rosy skirts arounds her feelings and resists getting close.

This is the start of a new series, so if you're a fan of YA fantasy and are looking for a good f/f read, definitely check this book out when it releases Feb 27!

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for providing me with a ARC copy for review!

I will share my review on my socials: Goodreads, Tiktok, Instagram, Twitter.

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Thank you to Feiwel & Friends for the digital ARC!

Reading this as the season changed from late autumn to winter made it a perfect November book. Jasmine Skye's debut is packed full of unique magic, kick-ass skeleton creatures, and sapphic pining. I loved the distant rumblings of war and political intrigue happening in the background, and I hope since this is the first of a duology, we only get to explore more of the politics in book two. Teen readers will resonate with the themes of paving your own path, even when it goes against what others have decided for you, and the queer rep was lovely.

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Jasmine Skye has a amazing style for this type of book, I enjoyed the dark fantasy elements of this book and how well it worked overall with the concept. I liked getting to know Rosy and thought the use of bone was a great way to shift into other animals. It had me invested from the start and the powers work overall.

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Thanks to NetGalley & Macmillan Children's Publishing Group for the early copy in exchange for an honest review.

Fantastic book! I really loved the magic system in the book and Josy was a fantastic protagonist. Jasmine Skye did a great job of humanizing Skye and showing her rationale for her actions. Shaw was a great foil and I really liked her POV chapters. Can't wait for the next book!

My only minor gripe is that I actually think the cover doesn't remotely suit the story itself. It's pretty don't get me wrong, but I feel like it should've been more about the bone animal forms. It's a darker story and the cover makes it look like it's...too light. That's just me though.

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The absolutely gorgeous cover drew me in, and then the story and characters kept me turning the pages. It holds a unique magic system and characters you want to cheer for. I highly recommend to any fantasy lovers.

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Daughter of the Bone Forest is a young adult dark fantasy novel, set in a magical, queernormative world. The complex character dynamics propelled the story forward, and the immersive magic system made for thorough world-building. Shifter-magic, as a concept—regardless of the story its placed in—is a tedious element for me to engage with. This impacted my reading experience, though I don’t think it impacts the book’s quality.

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Wonderful, so magical and readable. I'll be recommending it to younger and older readers, as there is so much to love and appreciate here. I'd also love to read more from this author in the future. What a talent.

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Thank you so much to Netgalley and Feiwel & Friends for the ARC of Daughter of the Bone Forest

Part of me wishes I could have saved this novel for the winter just to match the book's overall feel,, but alas, this review will be a summer one. For a debut novel, Jasmine Skye does an excellent job at creating a world the reader is drawn into, and characters that keep you engaged with the story; the romance between Rosy and Shaw is well-developed and has room to grow as the characters do. My only complaint I wish we could have had more political intrigue within the world; what does it mean for Shaw that her family has this fall from grace because of the very thing that made them special? Overall,this was a fun r,ead, and I look forward to what Jasmine Skye has next.

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"Daughter of the Bone Forest" by Jasmine Skye is a captivating dark fantasy debut that weaves a tale of destiny, power, and a forbidden romance. Set in a richly imagined world where magic and political intrigue collide, Skye's novel introduces readers to a queernormative narrative filled with suspense and emotion.

The story follows Rosy, a bone familiar with the unique ability to shift into animals marked with exposed bone. She lives in the Bone Forest, caring for her grandmother and hiding her powers to avoid being drafted into the Witch King’s army. However, her life takes a turn when she saves Princess Shaw, known as Death’s Heir, and is offered the chance to attend Witch Hall, a prestigious school for witches. With the promise of finding a cure for her grandmother's affliction, Rosy is drawn into a web of political manipulation and power struggles she never expected.

Skye's world-building is immersive, with an intricate magical system and a society full of complex dynamics. The Bone Forest and Witch Hall come to life vividly, enhancing the atmosphere of the story. The blend of magical elements and political intrigue creates a compelling backdrop for the characters' journey.

At the heart of the story is Rosy and Shaw's relationship, which evolves from reluctant allies to something deeper. Skye skillfully develops their connection, building palpable tension and chemistry between them. The exploration of their feelings within a backdrop of war and uncertainty adds depth to their character arcs.

The novel also delves into themes of identity, destiny, and the choices we make when faced with difficult circumstances. Rosy's struggle to navigate her newfound powers, her attraction to Shaw, and her loyalty to her grandmother create a multi-layered character who readers can easily root for.

"Daughter of the Bone Forest" is a story that speaks to the power of love and the strength to defy expectations. Skye's writing is evocative, drawing readers into a world of magic and danger. This dark fantasy debut offers a refreshing twist on familiar themes and promises an engaging journey for those who enjoy tales of romance and adventure set in enchanting worlds.

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In a magical world of bone and ice, flowers and glass, two girls find themselves bound by prophecy with war looming on the horizon. Daughter of the Bone Forest is a truly thrilling read with atmospheric storytelling that will keep you clinging till the last page.

YA fantasy | fake courtship | witches and familiars | slow burn | danger and prophecy | sapphic

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I loved this book from start to finish. I'm not sure there's much I love more than a complex and interesting magic system, unless it's a stubborn (or in this case feral) grandma. The dynamics between witches and familiars was fascinating. It made my queer, Tamora Pierce loving heart sing.

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i got access to this book through netgalley in exchange for an honest review!
I won’t lie, this book took me a bit to get into. the writing wasn’t my favorite, but as I kept reading I was able to look past it. The magic system in this series is very interesting, but confusing. The slow burn romance was good, and I hope that it continues. I liked Rosy more and more as I read and I realized I liked her part in this story than any others. she had a lot to lose but so much more to gain by going to witch hall, and she learned who she was meant to be in the end. the next book will be interesting, and i look forward to reading it

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Big thank you NetGalley and to the publisher for the chance to review this book pre-release. Holy lords, I LOVED every minute of this book. It was amazing, I was intrigued by the shifter-magic, and the characters had me all in a tizzy trying to figure out what they were thinking. This was my first novel by Ms. Skye, but it certainly will not be my last. A more formal review will be available on my IG/TikTok and Goodreads.

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