Member Reviews

If you’re wanting to support a child with anxiety, this is the book for you! What a fantastic, practical resource to help navigate what is, unfortunately, a growing need in modern society. It’s a helping hand, to guide you through the basics of CBT, so you can implement them with your child, and support them through one of life’s trickiest emotions.

Thanks to NetGalley and Sourcebooks for an ARC of this book.

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A great resource for helping parents to better approach supporting kids with anxiety. It’s very insightful, practical, and applicable to a society and culture where anxiety has continued to manifest itself at a greater rate since the pandemic.

Thanks to NetGalley and Sourcebooks for an ARC of this book.

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This book is practical and the author uses language that makes it easier to digest a large amount of information. I'm a mental health counselor and I recommend this book to families that need tools for supporting their children. I have received positive feedback from parents about the information provided in this book.

This book is unique in that it breaks down specific techniques to use with children, including all developmental stages. The recommendations are based on CBT skills that are evidence-based. The author provides accommodation ladders to guide parents on setting up things from least to most challenging as a technique in supporting anxiety appropriately. This book is a great toolkit and will help adults acquire skills in effective parenting.

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The book covered the whole spectrum of anxiety from what is considered typical to very anxious reactions and how we as parents can support our child. The author makes it clear that she is not advocating that parents act as therapists, but as a support for our child. The book is current, and goes through research-based parenting styles, as well as comparing the current trend in gentle parenting to some of the research-based styles that have been outlined.

I really appreciated the newest trends in research, the baseline of typical child development and parenting guidelines, and the informational aspect of how to follow-through on decisions and why it's important. I think this is important for all parents to read, not just parents of anxious kids.

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I think the highest praise you can do here is to say this:


As a parent of an anxious kid, this book was so incredibly helpful in navigating those early conversations and how I can frame things to not be shameful but use experience as a tool. I am so glad this book was written before my daughter “grew up.” Having this book in my toolkit is so key and I cannot wait to buy it to put on the shelves for my families that walk in our doors. Also requesting our school library to purchase for the parent section! Regine, you’re doing gods work with this one. TEN out of five stars!

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Helpful book for parents who are looking for ways to help their children with anxiety. Written professionally and with good ideas and thoughts for parents, it will be a valuable resource for many parents.

I thank the author, publisher, and Net Galley for my ARC of this book.

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As a parent who grapples with anxiety, understanding my own childhood experiences was challenging, but this books has become a guiding light in helping me support my anxious little one.
I am aparent and a teacher of middle-grade students, I've observed a growing awareness of anxiety in today's society. Many of my students are just discovering their struggles with anxiety, prompting a crucial need for parents to prioritize their children's mental health. I enthusiastically shared these books with returning parents after the Christmas break, offering them a tool to navigate the complexities of supporting anxious children.

The insights gained from these resources not only benefited my personal life but also equipped me to guide my students and their parents effectively. I'm excited to continue using this book for years to come. This book is a well-deserved four and a half stars.

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Thank you to Netgalley and publisher for this ARC.

It was a nice and helpful read. I feel like some of the information in it was obvious and I have read before. But it was good nonetheless.

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Some of this seemed just a little outdated however if it’s the first (even second) time you’ve explored the topic of parenting for kids with anxiety this is a good place to start for decent foundation.

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I picked this book up to see how it stacked up against my graduate school texts for pediatric psychology. Low and behold, this title measures up against manuals for the evidence-based therapies used to treat pediatric anxiety disorders. It is accessible to the parent who is learning about a child's diagnosis for the first time as it is also a good recap for someone more well versed in anxiety disorders. I especially appreciate the background on specific anxiety disorders like selective mutism, separation anxiety, and panic disorders.

I received an advanced reading copy from NetGalley in exchange for this review.

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Parenting Anxious Kids was a great informative read. The book is full of tips to improve the way you, as a parent, approach different anxieties your child might have. It gives a list of what is normal, how we might create a bit of anxiety in our kids, and how to help your child with anxiety.

This book helped me a lot. Not only did I discover my child is not as anxious as I previously thought, but I know exactly when he gets anxious what time of year it is and why it happens. I live in a part of the US that sees tornadoes during the Spring and my child gets very anxious during the Spring even when it is just rain. I've had some success in easing this in the past. Now this book has given me more things I can try to do to help my child.

Also, since my child is only 9 I can continue to go back to this books for different techniques of things that can help as my child grows and his anxieties might change.

This was very informative and helpful. Just a reminder though, this book is not in place of taking your child to a professional if needed. This book is mostly to help you, the parent, learn some things to stop doing and some things to do.

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I work with kiddos in a mental health setting and can definitely see myself using this book for clients. It’s one I will definitely recommend as a resource. Well written with a wealth of knowledge for parents.

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Thank you NetGalley and Sourcebooks for letting me access this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

Parenting Anxious Kids by Regine Galanti is all about the ups and downs of having a kiddo that may need some extra support or different techniques to transition them to finding their independence. The author breaks this down by different age categories, but also encourages to read each stage whether you have a toddler or a teen…or even a 21-year-old. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is mentioned throughout the book with several methods parents can use to avoid accommodation of anxiety, and I absolutely loved the focus on promoting independence along with how the author talks about parents unintentionally doing things that can amplify anxiety in the long term.

Parenting Anxious Kids is a great place for someone to start their journey to understanding anxiety in their child. I’d say that it covers the basics in an easy-to-understand way and gives room to pick out things that really ‘hit home’ to branch out further with. I especially love how the author talks about each of the parenting styles, offers assessments throughout the book, brings up that parents need to take care of ourselves too multiple times with ideas of how to do that, and made sure to talk a lot of the hard things like school refusal, meltdowns, even food, and dependency on parent(s).

There were a couple of things that made me want a little more or word changes while reading this. I’m reading an ARC that I’m sure still needs to go through editing, so I’m interested to revisit this after it’s published and check the flow and format to see how it all comes together - 4 stars.

This book will be available January 30th, 2024.

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This book was a wonderful tool to help parents help their children be the best versions of themselves. I think it is very difficult to be a child these days. The normal pressures of society and peers can leave these children puzzled and wondering "why". The author did a great job breaking down the issues at hand and how we as parents can help our children succeed at life and other things!

Thank you NetGalley for my ARC of this book!

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An easy to read guide on parenting anxious kid. It's broken down by age group, which I appreciate--it's so different from age 4 to age 8. Would recommend picking this up if you have an anxious child and you'd like new parenting techniques to help them in their day-to-day life.

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As the parent of an anxious kid (for which we are both, separately, in therapy), I really appreciated this book. The writing is approachable, the author non-judgmental; she offers practical solutions, but is careful to assure that her approach is no quick fix to kids' anxious behavior. As is pretty clear from the title, this book is about presenting caregivers with strategies to help their children cope with and manage anxiety. Because the sections are broken down by age, I expect this will be an easy book to return to in the future, as my child ages.

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good information about anxiety and how it works and shows up in a kid
Gives advice on how to “treat” the anxiety in your child
Explains how kids could develop anxiety
Parenting styles
Lots of information about every stage in life of children
Lots of good ideas and games and tips to do to help your children

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This was informative and thorough, and I liked that it was organized by age range to discuss the best strategies at each stage of development (toddlers, preschool, school age, middle school, high school, college and beyond).

I especially liked that the parenting skills discussed were practical and it truly spoke to a lot of second-guessing I do as a parent for what will be most helpful to my child in the long term, and gave strategies to handle tricky situations.

I think this will prove to be a valuable resource I can return to again and again.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an e-ARC. This is my honest review.

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First off, this book is an easy read and flows so well. I love how it describes anxiety, tells you what the signs are and gives you real life tips on how to handle your anxious babies. She gives examples of what you may be doing to increase their anxiety and how you can switch it to help them. I learned so much for this book! Highly recommend.

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