Member Reviews

Special thanks to Head of Zeus Apollo for providing an excerpt from the highly anticipated 'Temple of Fortuna' by Elodie Harper, set to be released in early November.

The novel is the final installment in Harper's captivating Wolf Den Trilogy, which began with 'The Wolf Den' (2021) and continued with 'The House with the Golden Door' (2022). Throughout the trilogy, we follow the extraordinary journey of Amara, from her life as a slave in Pompeii's wolf den to her rise as a powerful courtesan in Rome.

Given that the story takes place in 79 AD, the eruption of Vesuvius and the destruction of Pompeii are expected to be crucial elements in this concluding volume. Though this extract only provides a glimpse, based on my admiration for the first two novels, I am confident that the conclusion will maintain the same level of excellence.

I am eagerly looking forward to discovering the fate of Amara, Rufina, Brittanica, and, of course, Philos.

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I hadn't read any other books in this series so I went in cold, but I enjoyed this sample. The pacing worked well, the characters felt distinct, the historical detail was rich without overpowering the narrative, and I wanted to know what would happen next!

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Torture!! Absolute torture!
I am dying for this book, I adore the first two and it's killing me waiting until November, so I jumped at the chance to read this extract. I don't think it was a good idea... now I need the third book even more!
Amara's story is harrowing yet inspiring. She is forced to make so many difficult choices and they take her to beautiful places full of ugly people. I need to see her triumph!! And this little snippet is such a tease!
So of course it's 5 stars from me! And plenty of waiting on the edge of my seat for the full novel!

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I've been waiting and waiting for this book. So disappointed that it's only a chapter. But what a chapter. Tantalising. I can't wait to read the whole thing.

We've now reached the year of the eruption of Vesuvius. Amara is in Rome so perhaps she'll be safely out of the way? I doubt it. As with the previous two books in the series we are immediately immersed into the world of ancient Rome. Loved this extract. Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley.

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I did not realise this was a book in a series. However, despite no understanding of the plot I thought the writing was no where near as lyrical and sensory as I was expecting. Perhaps this is just because I read Elektra by Jennifer Saint hours before starting this ... but the contrast was too great and I did not want to continue. I did however but it didn't get any better.

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"The Temple of Fortuna" by Elodie Harper begins with a promising short extract that captures readers' attention and sparks their curiosity. From what I've read so far, the writing style is engaging and immersive, allowing readers to easily connect with the story.

Having enjoyed the first two books by the same author, my expectations are high for this new installment. Elodie Harper has proven her ability to craft captivating narratives, and it seems like "The Temple of Fortuna" will be no exception.

As I eagerly await the full book, I'm holding onto my hopes for an enthralling and intriguing journey within its pages.
Once I receive and read the complete book, i will update the review.

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I’ve only read a brief extract of this novel but have already ordered the complete copy. I love stories set in ancient Rome or Greece, and this is suggestive of good research as well as an intriguing narrative.

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I didn't realise this was an extract, and I have the previous authors work to read still, so I only read a small section to get a flavour for their work. It seems like I will love it though. Looking forward to starting the series from scratch.

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An absolutely brilliant sample. I love Harper’s writing and this series. I am utterly devastated but equally excited for this final instalment. Buzzing to get my hands on it and devour it.

A fantastic Greek myth inspired series that I love recommending.

Stoked I got to see a snippet of what’s to come :)

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I loved this and love this series! One of my favourites in the historical/mythology type genre of fiction. I can't wait for this book to come out and have been eagerly waiting for it! So sad that this is just an extract, but very excited for more. I have fallen in love with the characters and can't wait to see where their journeys take them (particularly Amara of course).

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This extract has made me so excited to read The Temple of Fortuna - I had high hopes for this book and it seems like it will not disappoint! I love Elodie Harper's writing style, and how well-researched her books are. Her descriptions of the ancient world are immersive and engaging, with a well-needed fresh take on Roman society, from the point of view of those who are missed out of the classical texts - courtesans, slaves, concubines, and sex workers. Really looking forward to getting my hands on the whole book when its released - thanks so much to Netgalley and the publisher for this opportunity to read a snippet of it.

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I am so excited for this book, having absolutely loved it’s The Wolf Den and The House with the Golden Door.

This was a fantastic sample, I’m absolutely itching to read the whole book now!

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A enticing sample introduction to the final novel in this brilliant trilogy. Amara's journey takes her to the home of her patron and closer to the Emperor's court. There's so much to tie up and this extract seemed to finish all too soon. I can't wait to read the entire story!

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This is a teaser! The next stage of Amara’s life. Such an intriguing start… I can’t wait to get my hands on the full novel! Amara is an intelligent female who has allowed Demetrius to be her patron at a huge personal sacrifice as she has had to never get true love Philos, and their baby in order to take up this position. How will fortune play out for Amara? Will she be reunited with her baby and find a way to free her lover?

November is a long way off right now!

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This is one of the most underrated book series I've ever read! I am so excited to read this excerpt and hoping we are privileged enough to experience Harper's ARC.

Her writing is phenomenal - you fall into the plot and become one of the characters. It's splendid reading and this excerpt proves that we all have something to highly anticipate.

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I AM SO EXCITED FOR THIS BOOK AND THIS EXTRACT JUST CATAPULTED THE EXCITEMENT!!! this has prompted a reread of the first two books. i am so ready for this book. i cannot WAIT

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I h ave been eagerly anticipating the third in Elodie Harper's trilogy about Amara so was very pleased to read this first chapter. Amara is now in Rome under the patronage of Demetrius, who was introduced in the previous novel. This first chapter finds her at the Imperial Palace, home of Berenice, consort to the emperor Titus, just as she is being banished from Rome for political reasons. Amara has been sent there by Demetrius who wants all the court gossip on her return and then sets her up on another spying mission. Amara is realtively safe here at the home of Demetrius but she does not feel safe outside in the streets of Rome as a foreigner. Nor is she happy and the end of the chapter sees her recalling her one true love Philos,
The stage is set for another tale of intrigue, power battles and love featuring a wonderful fictional creation in Amara.
I am really looking forward to reading the full novel The Temple of Fortuna though I shall be loath to see the trilogy end. My 4* rating is due to only having read one chapter of the title so far.

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Hugely excited to be back in Amaras world.

Definitely whet my appetite for the rest of the book and made me even more impatient to read it!

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I was so excited for this I didn't even realise it was an extract 😅 Can't wait to read the full book

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The finale of the book that I have been looking forward to having loved Amara"s journey so far from the Wolf Den in Pompeii to become a high powered courtesan in Rome. We delve into her next adventure. She's a shrewd character. Makes me wonder what is in store. Can't wait for this to be released.

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