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Always Only You

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This was soooooo cute! The autism representation felt so authentic also as an #ownvoices novel @chloe_liese’s voice truly shined! It also had chronic illness rep!

Ren was perfect 🤌🏻. It’s always been you, reverse grumpy/sunshine, he falls first, friends to lovers!!! Ren was the epitome of a soft Shakespeare loving hockey boy and his sweet soul is so tender!

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Great slow burn romance. Ren is one of the sweetest, most caring and patient mmc I've seen. I also really love Frankie. They are a wonderful couple. This book has some amazing side characters. The autism representation in this is sumblime.

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It's a special treat to read a book with an autistic heroine, written by a fellow autistic romance author. ALWAYS ONLY YOU takes that a step further by being a delightful, quirky fun read in its own right. Not only did Frankie, our autistic heroine, speak to me in a unique way, but I downright loved Ren, our red-headed, Shakespeare-loving, hockey-playing hero. He's perfect in every way. This book manages to be lighthearted while also touching upon heavier topics. Chloe Liese's writing style felt very similar to Penny Reid's to me, so if you love Penny's Winston Brothers books, I think you'll love this one.

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Another suuuuuper sweet Chloe Liese! Officially love her! I am on my way to reading them all and I just know I will get fully obsessed.

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Chloe Liese has done it again with this beautiful story regarding an autistic woman with RA, determined on living life according to her terms.

I don’t know what to say that hasn’t already been said about Frankie and Ren’s story. It was disgustingly perfect. Ren is pure perfection. Literally has ZERO faults.

I think I'm in love with Chloe's writing, or maybe even her at this point.

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Rep: autism, RA, cane user
Downloaded this just for the bonus content-thank you to Berkeley Romance! I love this series, and while this isn’t my number one favorite in it, it’s still a heartfelt read. I love Ren and Frankie and their story!

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Just as jaw-droppingly amazing as the first time I read it, but now with absolutely stunning covers to match. It was a *treat* to revisit this series and characters!

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Chloe Liese writing a book with a hockey main character? SOLD.

Ren Bergman has had his eyes on Frankie for a long period of time. She's the head social media manager for his hockey team and therefore; off limits. Yet, Ren is willing to wait his time for her and her next adventure.

Frankie has sworn off Ren Bergman, refusing to acknowledge how handsome and golden retriever like he is. She cannot have feelings for him however; as she feels no one will appreciate her for who she truly is. She's been burned before and will not allow it again after her diagnosis of autism.

After reading a Chloe Liese book, especially Always Only You, I immediately want to give her characters the biggest hug. I feel rheumatoid arthritis is not a chronic illness featured in many books, along with autism, and this is an instant recommendation for friends! Chloe's dual point of view setup allows readers to instantly get into the plotline and feel their feelings. The bonus epilogue, allowing readers to see where these characters are in the future, was one of my favorite parts of the read and I cannot wait for others to experience Always Only You for the first time.

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I loved this book and this author! Chloe's inclusive and relatable characters made this a joy to read.

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Another fantastic Bergman Brothers series novel by Chloe Liese. This book centers around Ren Bergman, who is a professional hockey player. He plays hard and rough on the ice but he's not your typical hockey player - deep down inside, he's actually a big softie.

Frankie is the team's head of media and PR and has known Ren for three years. She, too, has a hard exterior and hides behind a facade. She does this because she is on the spectrum and doesn't want people to view her as being weak. While Frankie has her secrets, Ren also has a couple secrets of his own.

It's a slow burn but totally worth it. I really enjoyed reading about Ren and Frankie's love journey. The Bergmans' family dynamics give the book life as well. It's hard not to fall in love with the Bergman family - I would love for them to adopt me!

Thanks so much, NetGalley and Berkley Pub, for the eARC in exchange for my honest review!

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Ahhh Ren and Frankie are such a perfect couple! The fact that Ren has been falling for Frankie for so long and was able to be with his first true love is the most beautiful thing ever! I loved the autistic representation and all of the amazing love and support Ren gave Frankie! The bonus epilogue was absolutely incredible!! Ahhhhhh so perfect for Ren and Frankie's love story! They make me so damn happy!!

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Book 2 of the Bergman Brothers was such fun, emotional, sexy and playful. While it was a sports romance like the first of the series, the writing did not feel similar or repetitive at all. Frankie and Ren were the best example of opposites attract (sunshine vs grumpy) and the slow burn was so real. I am also a big fan of books that feature an autistic heroine and loved hearing Frankie’s perspective about her social interactions and dating life. Highly recommend reading this, but pick up book one first!!!!

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This series is full of so many good things.

These books are fun, fast, steamy. Which is all I look for in a romance novel. And then you add in that Chloe Liese has awesome representation for characters with autism, characters withquite disabilities, and most importantly characters who are real and genuine.

Well, what more can I possibly ask for?

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Always Only You is probably my least favorite of the Bergman books. My main complaint is the constant Harry Potter references. JKR is a TERF and it’s obnoxious in the book. If I had to hear about her HP panties one more time…

Otherwise the book is just as good as the others.

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Hockey player Ren is an outlier in his family of soccer players, but he's great at what he does on the ice--and off, always up for whatever social media scheme the team's PR prickly person, Frankie, has cooked up. Loosely following the themes of Sense and Sensibility, with love at first sight and a romance that is a blend of practicality and passion, with characters who demonstrate sensitivity, goodness, honor, and duty. Following the plot of Ren is a self-proclaimed nerd who is the nicest, most modest, unruffled hockey player ever, hosting a Shakespeare Club on the side. Frankie is on the spectrum and the details of the effort it takes for her to understand the world are unflinching and real. An additional layer is the rheumatoid arthritis that inhibits her from time to time.

The writing is top-notch, and I loved the twist with the woman as the grouch and the man as the sunshine in the relationship. The subplot of a pack of puppies that grow through the novel and have a special likin of Ren is adorable. Harry Potter allusions abound (Frankie uses a smoked glass cane that he refers to as her wand, and some of the best scenes are her uttering a curse and bystanders playing along) and are tempered with a note from the author regarding she-who-must-not-be-named's terrible stance on trans rights. Ren is a virgin at 25, and the progress of Ren and Frankie's relationship is sweet, sexy, consensual, and gave me all the feels.

This series of romances focuses on a sprawling, imperfect, loving family and the friends and lovers they take into their fold. Most are loosely structured on classic romances and comedies, from Austen to Shakespeare... to Ted Lasso. The seven Bergman siblings live/work/play in SoCal (but spend time in the Pacific Northwest in their expanded A-frame family vacation home) and are of Swedish descent; geographical and cultural details beautifully round out the love stories. Each tale, edited and re-released by Berkley with a bright, attractive cover, includes a preface from the author about her commitment to writing neurodivergent and chronically ill characters.

All of Liese's characters are portrayed with authenticity and sensitivity, and a recognition that no two people's lived experiences are alike. Gentle trigger warnings may be helpful for some readers. New bonus epilogues further the story, and sometimes help segue to the next; afterwards include more information, and often, each concludes with a sample chapter the next book in the series. Each chapter is told in alternating points of view, and each chapter in each book is prefaced with a song title/artist evocative of the mood, tone or subject of the chapter. All of the titles are cleverly pulled from a snip of dialogue spoken from one protagonist to the other at a pivotal moment.

I received a free, advance reader's review copy of #AlwaysOnlyYou from #NetGalley.

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flying through the bergman brothers books and swooning so hard at how cute and fun and refreshing they are! loved that this one featured a hockey player 🔥 and a lead female with both autism and a chronic illness 🙌🏼

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Always Only You is a fantastic addition to the Bergman Brothers series by Chloe Liese. Always Only You follows Frankie, the PR manager for a hockey team, as she falls in love with hockey player Ren Bergman (brother of Ryder from Only When It’s Us). Family hi-jinx, cameos from Willa and Ryder, and pop culture references will abound!
Readers will instantly fall in love with Frankie’s grouchy demeanor that protects her thoughtful heart. Ren is featured a little bit in Only When It’s Us, but he shines through in his own novel-- I challenge any reader not to fall in love with the quirky, secret softie that is Ren Bergman. He is absolutely nothing like what you would expect from a professional hockey player: bashful, modest, and family-oriented. This beautifully written love story will have readers invested from the first chapter and crying shortly thereafter. There is no experience like the emotional roller coaster Liese takes her readers on. I highly recommend this story to anyone who likes passionate and thoughtful love stories!!

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The first book in the Bergman Brothers series was cute, but "Always Only You" was in a league of its own.

I loved Søren and Francesca beyond words. Ren was so soft and Frankie such a fake grouch and together they were adorable. I have a weakness for gingers and Ren was the softest of gingers and I loved every single thing about him. Frankie was so independent, stubborn and determined to not allow people to see any of her weaknesses and still she was the sweetest nerd alive; how could I not love her?

Watching Ren and Frankie fall in love was delightful and the bonus epilogues are killing me with their sweetness.

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If I just had to say one word for Always Only You it would be SWOON! Holy cow, this story was absolute perfection!

I'm a big advocate for #ownvoices romances, and THIS is a perfect example of why they're so important. This is Chloe's first published #ownvoices novel and it's clear she excelled at the task. I can't stop gushing about how good this story was. The way Frankie was portrayed and how others responded to her Autism was just perfect. As someone who has a few loved ones on the spectrum, this is how I want to see Autism written in romances. I especially loved that Frankie isn't the only character on the spectrum! It was such a good addition to have another character for her to interact with and discuss how she handles life. I also loved that Frankie has rheumatoid arthritis, I really thought her having a chronic invisible illness added so much to her character. Chloe consistently nails writing characters with chronic illness and it's one of my favorite things about her books.

Ren is giant delightful cinnamon roll and I loved him so much. His Shakespeare club loving self was a complete delight! I mean, who can say no to a hero that only curses with old phrases?? His character was totally swoon-worthy, especially how he had a crush on Frankie for so long. I loved seeing these characters go from friends to lovers! I thought having Frankie be the grump and Ren be the sunshine character was a fantastic gender twist. It made so much sense having Frankie be the grumpy and skeptical one, especially with how she had to learn to cope with her arthritis and autism diagnosis.

Chloe can write some steamy steam *fans self* I totally appreciated (and was surprised) that Ren was a virgin. I didn't see that coming as I was reading, but I loooove a virgin hero! I love how much Ren and Frankie communicated throughout the whole book, but it was especially great during the steamy scenes.

Always Only You was hands down a five star read and it immediately made my 2020 Favorites list.

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This is one of my favorites by this author. The main characters and the plot just really worked well for me.

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