Cover Image: Sanctuary Motel

Sanctuary Motel

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Sanctuary Motel was a truly captivating and engaging novel! Mess is one big mess, but a lovable one with a huge heart. It's an easy read. And I finished it in just a day.

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The cover drew me into a book that shows human kindness, detective work and mysterious characters, an easy read for a lazy day!
The main character Mess runs a motel, almost into the ground, his compassionate side wants to help those in need. Dangerous situations lead to suspense and drama, people are disappearing!
This story explores difficult and intertwined relationships, the characters are all busy meeting their own needs while Mess is trying to make everyone’s life easier.
There’s plenty going on as the story develops, sometimes a bit too much to think about. The characters all seem to be left to grow into their own story? I liked the idea that all of the characters were worthy of further exploration.

Thanks to the Publisher, NetGalley and the author for the opportunity to read this book.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Did not enjoy. It was hard to get into and follow the story. I would not recommend this book. 1 star

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Sanctuary Motel by Alan Orloff

Published: October 24, 2023
Level Best Books
Pages: 299
Genre: Domestic Thriller
KKECReads Rating: 5/5
I received a copy of this book for free, and I leave my review voluntarily.

Alan Orloff had an eclectic (some might say disjointed) career. As an engineer, he worked on nuclear submarines, supervised assembly workers in factories, facilitated technology transfer from the Star Wars program, and learned to stack washing machines three high in a warehouse with a forklift. He even started his own recycling and waste reduction newsletter business. Now he writes fiction.

The emotional character development in this book is beautiful. I discovered Alan when he asked if I would read his book, “I Play One on TV,” and I love his writing style.

The flow and pacing is perfect. The build-up and mystery are fantastic and engaging. The storyline has everything you want from an edgy thriller.

I loved the premise behind Mess and who he is as a person. The compassion, empathy, and beautiful humanity were such a vivid reminder that being a good human is a responsibility we should all strive for.

I am eagerly awaiting the next book in this series. I love how easy it is to get lost in an Orloff novel. His writing style is so smooth, and he creates such dynamic stories and characters.

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This was an amazing book. I highly recommend it to everyone. Great characters and a great plot. I will be looking for more books by this author. The book is superbly written. Lots of twists, turns and shocking turns of events

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I recieved this novel via netgalley.

I was intrigued at first by the cover, on first reading I felt that if falls under cosy noir. Sanctuary Motel has all the elements for a great thriller, but I feel that it just needed….. something more.

I loved the pace of the story which kept you on your toes, I would love to read more from Alan Orloff

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Mess Hopkins is running his parents Motel. Although Mess is more interested in helping his fellow man than actually making a profit. Often discounting rooms for those in need, lending his car and using his motel as a safe house for women needing an escape from an abusive situation. Mess should have gone to school for business, instead he chose social work and it shows.

Mess has taken in a mother and her son who are escaping an abusive ex husband and that's when the trouble begins. Fast paced with lots of twists and turns this is a fun often humorous book about mobsters, psychics and those who are just trying to help their fellow man. I think this may be the beginning of a series and if so it's off to a fun start.

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A captivating and resonant thriller from Alan Orloff, with an endearing lead. Mess Hopkins has the best of intentions, even if his business sense is far from great. He welcomes anyone who needs a room, even if they can't pay for it, whether they're unhoused, trying to start again, or actively on the run. When his friend brings him a mother and teen son who need help, there's a lot more trouble than either expects.

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Mess Hopkins is a breath of fresh air! A motel owner who cares more about people than making money, he takes in Nicole and her teenage son, Kevin, for a few days as they try to make a fresh start away from abusive husband and step-father, Todd.

A diverse set of characters assist Mess when Nicole disappears. His friend Vell, a former basketball player, and Vell’s mom, a psychic, along with Mess’s new girlfriend Lia, and his motel manager, Cesar, become involved in what turns out to be not only a missing persons case and domestic abuse, but also a dangerous encounter with organized crime.

Author Alan Orloff’s witty writing style results in a fun, easy read. The dialogue flows smoothly, and Mess’ first-person narration is laugh-out-loud humorous. It reminds me of Janet Evanovich’s Plum series. Crime fiction with humor and a dash of romance.

I loved the setting with its typical old-style motel and run-down mini-golf course. There is just the right amount of description to help the reader visualize the scenes and get drawn into the center of the action.

If you love mysteries that are a mix of cozy and traditional, funny but with a touch of noir, this will be right up your alley. Good Samaritan and amateur sleuth, Mess Hopkins, won’t disappoint!

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Sanctuary Motel by Alan Orloff caught my eye because of the colorful cover and the title. What kind of sanctuary? When I read the blurb, I loved the premise. He’s not rich and powerful, but what he does have, he is willing to share with those who are less fortunate and in need of a helping hand.

Many, like his parents and uncle, may think he really is a Mess, but Mess marches to the beat of a drummer they can’t understand. With the help of Cesar, who keeps the place running, and a few other unique friends, they are willing to put their life on the line when a woman and her teenage son come to stay. They never anticipated it would be as complicated as it became and the danger level rises with each turn.

The description of Sanctuary Motel by Alan Orloff being a noir crime novel fits to a T. It’s more than a cozy and less than a suspense/thriller.

Myself, I love staying in motels. Sure, they may not be the best accommodations, but I love that you can park your car right outside your door. No muss, no fuss getting to your room. They can have everything hotels have, just easier access to it. And….if they had an owner like Mess, it sure would make it interesting.

The story, for me, was Mess. A man that goes above and beyond. A man who gives more than he gets. Isn’t that outside the norm we hear about? Sure, it may seem like he lacks ambition, but I think he’s on hold until his true ‘mission’ in life appears. Could it be in the form of a woman? We shall see, since this is Book I in the Mess Hopkins series.

There is nothing wrong with Sanctuary Motel. It has all the elements for a good mystery. For me, it seems, well, not enough. I do enjoy a lighter story, a relaxing read, but I revel in white knuckled, life or death urgency that makes it impossible for me to put the book down. All that being said, I will have my eye on future Mess Hopkins novels.

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Rated 3.5 ⭐️

A slow, but interesting read. A fun crime mystery that keeps you guessing until the end with some action scenes.

Mess is the owner of a motel that serves people with unfortunate circumstances. A few of these unfortunate soles are an abused Mom and her teenage son. Not only is she trying to leave behind an abusive relationship, but also trying to hide from some loan sharks. As the two of them are staying at the motel, the mom goes missing. This story follows Mess as he tries to find the mom and get her to safety.

While this story finishes for the mom and her son, we are left with many unanswered questions about Mess. There are a couple side characters that I really enjoyed throughout the book, Vell and Lia, and wanted more with them. This seems to be a great book for a series.

Thank you to Netgalley and Alan Orloff for the Free Ebook. This review is 100% my own and honest opinion.

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4.5 stars
Every so often I like to delve into something a little different to what I usual devour. When I saw the blurb for this book, I thought, well, this could be my latest palate cleanser, or even bonne bouche!
So... Mess Hopkins has "inherited" the Fairfax Manor Inn, a motel previously run by his parents. He is overseen by his uncle, just to make sure he doesn't run it into the ground. But apart from that, he is pretty much left to his own devices! Which is good cos, being of the kindly sort (understatement) he keeps throwing open the doors to all and sundry who are in need of help. Mostly gratis. This doesn't sit well with his olds who are mostly only concerned about money, but, to date he has managed to keep the wolves from the door.
This story really starts when he is asked by a friend to help a mother and her teenage boy who are seeking refuge from her abusive husband. A relatively simple task, you'd think. Hole up in the Inn for a bit whilst they find their feet. But pretty much as soon as they arrive, the mother disappears and strange people come a knocking for them. Apparently there's some missing money, and some nasty people want it back...
And so begins quite a convoluted and interconnected tale of, well, quite a lot actually as Mess tries to not only keep up with all the shenanigans, but also as he strives to try and get a step ahead. All without getting caught in the crossfire himself...
Well, this one hit the ground running and didn't really let up until the very end. Yes there were parts that were a little messy and confusing for me but, on the whole, the plotting was pretty tight and the destination was definitely well worth a bit of a bumpy ride in getting there.
Characters were well drawn if a tad on the larger than life side. But that fitted in well with the style of the rest of the book. I took to Mess straight away. Bit of a maverick with a good heart, what's not to like! And I thought he conducted himself very well indeed considering he really didn't know what he was doing half the time. But I guess bumbling in works sometimes! Special mentions also to Vell and Lia who make great supporting characters. Looking forward to them developing along the way.
Pacing was good and fit the narrative all the way through, slowing down alongside the characters confusion and ramping up once again when a lead was discovered.
And the best thing of all, there's a mini golf course next to the motel. Love a spot of crazy golf me :) No... only kidding, it's that it's a first in series. This means that I don't have to say goodbye to Mess, and that makes me happy. My thanks go to the Publisher and Netgalley for the chance to read this book.

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I really warmed to Mess, the owner of the Fairfax Manor Inn and the main character of this book. He's a relatable guy - life didn't really pan out the way he expected (not that he had any firm views as to what it would look like) and he's fallen into running his parents motel and living on site. What's great about him though, is that he's decided to try and do some tangible good in the community by opening the doors to people in need, and helping them get back on their feet with no judgment of how they wound up on his doorstep.

This open-arms policy is what leads to Mess finding himself slap bang in the middle of a whole heap of ever-widening drama that takes in domestic abuse, local hoodlums and corruption. With his loyal friend Vell, he enlists the help of others to save two of his guests from being dragged under by the weight of their circumstances. what follows is an interesting and oftentimes funny story. I felt at times that it was a little too fast-paced, sometimes things happened and weren't given the space they maybe needed to be fully absorbed.

Well-written characters and great descriptions of the world they inhabit make this a promising first book in what looks to be a series, with Mess at the middle.

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I was not able to finish the book and therefore do not feel that I can give an unbiased review about the book, its plot, characters, or the author's work. I might revisit this book at a later time and finish it then, but not right now.

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If you’re up for a “where’s my money” kind of story with memorable characters including a witty and self-deprecating leading man, this story is for you.

SANCTUARY MOTEL is a fast and fun mystery where Mess, a reluctant motel manager, would rather spend his days helping others cope with their problems than dealing with his own. His friends and family round out the cast, alternating between being helpful and maybe not-so-much. Northern Virginia features prominently, and the setting is truly an additional character.

Fingers crossed there will be another book with Mess and the gang as the reader can’t help but care about what they get up to next.

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It's an easy read. And I finished it in just a day. Word building is so simple. Well intended characterisation of the MC. He is such a messy person himself yet always down to help others from a mess. Oh yes that's his name. Mess Hopkins.

Mess's friend Vell was a funny and subtly smart guy.

The mama (Vell's grandma) was so sweet and lovable and strong. The relationship between mama and the 2 boys were so adorable. Even though she comes in just a few chapters she has my whole heart.

The love interest of Mess was a sweet lady and the part where they show interest on each other was written with care and sweetness overloaded.

This novel is not just a mystery novel; it talks about the complexities of human relationships and the importance of empathy. It highlights the significance of a society / community and the heights people will reach to protect those who are in need. It pours in lot of information on handling a teenager.

No major twists apart from 2 or 3 basic turns.

One thing I can't really stand is the MC being so dumb. He was clueless from the beginning. How could one get betrayed and keep on asking for more from the same person. My anxiety got triggred reading it..

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A fast paced, well plotted and poignant story. It kept me hooked, guessing and moved me.
Highly recommended.
Many thanks to the publisher for this ARC, all opinions are mine

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The Fairfax Manor Inn may be a bit run down (and the adjoining mini golf course may have seen its last hole in one) but the motel is a place of generosity and philanthropy thanks to Mess Hopkins who has a heart of gold and makes a wonderfully engaging protagonist. I think most of us would agree with his view: ‘So many people in this world . . . needed help. And not just a cup of sugar or a hand moving a heavy sleeper sofa into the basement. Serious life-changing help.’ Unfortunately his Uncle Phil, who has been given reponsibility for overseeing the business in the absence of Mess’s parent, would be the exception.

Mess forms a really touching relationship with Kevin, the teenage son of the missing woman, although doing so takes a lot of patience. By the way, if you’re wondering how Mess got his nickname, you’ll have to read the book.

I loved the cast of secondary characters, particularly Mess’s friend and sidekick, Vell, who has a seemingly inexhaustible list of contacts. He boasts, ‘I got my own personal Internet, on the streets. People see me coming, they’re dying to tell me stuff. Think of me like Vellipedia.’ I also really enjoyed the back-and-forth banter between Mess and Vell. Mama (although she’s actually Vell’s grandmother) is another fantastic, larger than life character. She has a laugh ‘like a thunderstorm’, is a giver of huge bear hugs, has turned her ability to read people into a money-making venture and believes there’s no such thing as a table with too much food. Just as well, as both Vell and Kevin, have seemingly insatiable appetites.

If Mess and Vell are the good guys then of course you need some bad guys to even things up and the author provides us with plenty, including the missing woman’s abusive husband and some heavies working for the local organised crime head honcho. Mess and Vell have some narrow escapes and in the process of resolving the mystery of the disappearance of Kevin’s mother uncover some distinctly dirty goings-on.

A motel with its ever changing population of guests is a great location around which to base a crime mystery series so I’m looking forward to future arrivals at Fairfax Manor Inn, plus seeing if its owner can avoid making a ‘mess’ (sorry!) of his budding relationship with Lia.

Sanctuary Motel is an enjoyable crime mystery with a plot that will keep you guessing and characters you’ll find yourself rooting for.

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Great storyline and plot. I was a bit put off by some of the trigger warnings in this book but I thought I´d read it anyway. It was fast paced, although the ending felt like there should be more. Maybe a second book?

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This was a quick read, it was fast paced page turner. Mess (our main character) inherites a motel from his parents. He uses the motel to help others in their time of need. While aiding a mother and son seeking refuge from a dangerous domestic crisis, Mess finds himself in a bit of a mess with dysfunctional family business and gets entangled in a web of secrecy. It seems as though it is book one in what will be a series. With that being said, looking forward to continuing with the sanctuary motel!

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