Member Reviews

I received this book at the right moment in my life. I love the way the author uses the story of Moses to remind the reader of God's overarching theme in the Bible and in our lives: for His will to be done. It is a privilege for God to use us in His beautiful story, just as it was a privilege for Moses, but God does not need us. We need Him. When things take a turn for what we believe is the worst, God brings beauty from the ashes.
Personally, in my parenting journey, I'm currently dealing with situations that I could not see coming until it hit us like a train. I've had questions in my head about what is going on and, in full transparency, have questioned God's goodness at times. This book was an excellent reminder to me that God is good, and God's will is perfect. I am grateful for the timing of this book.

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Journeying through the story of Moses in Scripture, Sarah E. Frazer shares lessons learned in her own experience of two major "I didn't sign up for this" plot twists. Without giving anything away, these have to do with adoption and being missionaries. I really appreciated the idea of this book, particularly the emphasis on the life of Moses and the truth that things often don't go how we anticipated, but had a difficult time with the writing itself. Would have really, really liked more depth! Two stars, with another added solely for the thoughtful discussion questions that really do better the book.

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This was an extremely enjoyable read. So relatable and exactly what I needed in this season of life. Such a great reminder of Gods sovereignty and goodness. And I really appreciated the journaling prompts/dig deeper sections at the end of each chapter.

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Excellent read. The book begins with a mother placing her baby in the Nile River.-certainly not what she had planned...but God. Through each phase of Moses' life, the author did a wonderful job of conveying the scripture's message that Moses trusted God. At no point in his life did Moses get what he expected; however, he spoke one on one with God...multiple times.
I appreciated the chance for an advanced reader copy.

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From the book: “This wasn’t part of the plan. The story wasn’t supposed to go this way. I didn’t sign up for this. If you’ve ever had these thoughts, chances are that your story has shifted in some unexpected way. Perhaps it’s even totally turned upside down, and you’re wondering how in the world to move forward.”

If any of that statement rings true to you, this is the book for you. It is a very powerful and heartfelt read as the author shares her life journey with us. She takes us through all of it, not glossing over the ugly details and shares it all with us, the good and the bad with raw emotions and deep heartfelt truth.

It is a great read when you feel that life is rolling over you and this isn’t what you signed up for.

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I devoured this book after my daughter was diagnosed with a scary health condition. It was full of words and comfort for understanding of god’s faithfulness from life’s difficult moments.

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This book does an excellent job of telling the Biblical narrative of the life of Moses, while applying her real life stories in each section. She does a great job of sticking to the scriptures and also of telling real life situations that apply to a wide variety of people.

She does a great job of incorporating the scriptures into the book and allowing the reader time for reflection and more scriptural study.

The book starts with a mother placing her baby in the Nile River...certainly not what she had planned...but God. Through each phase of Moses' life, the author did a wonderful job of conveying the scripture's message that Moses trusted God. At no point in his life did Moses get what he expected; however, he spoke one on one with God...multiple times.

Moses is a fascinating man of the Old Testament and this author did a wonderful job of making his life and its many trials poignant to me today.

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