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Austin Heat

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ARC Netgalley

We follow an escort (leaving the business) and NFL player (who is trying to redeem his playing the field persona) falling for each other during off season without either of them being honest about what they do for a profession. It was easy to read, spicy in places and the characters were both likeable. Would recommend for a romantic read.

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Unfortunately this is a DNF from me. They are spending way too much time at the gym, and Jake is doing all the things men shouldn’t do to women at the gym, for me to want to continue reading. I’m sure this would appeal to someone who doesn’t mind that and likes spicy (so I’m told) scenes and dual pov.

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Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC of this book. Unfortunately I did not love it. Rakell and Jake both like each other, yet they do not want to reveal their professions to each other. I felt the book moved slow and gave too many details that weren't necessary to the progression of the story. There were some steamy scenes, although I felt they came too late in the book. Plus to leave the ending on a cliffhanger - I'm not sure I even care to read the next book at this point.

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I liked the premise and much of the plot and dialogue of this book, but I went into it not realizing it was a cliffhanger. With the book being so long (344 pages) I was expecting to read the HEA in this book. I really think authors should be more up front about the fact a book is not a standalone, so readers can decide at the outset if they're willing to commit to a multi-book storyline. I won't be reading on in the series - from what I read in the description & reviews it seems that Jake & Rakell is a 3 book series - I just don't feel the storyline justifies committing to a 1000 page read.

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Austin Heat: The One Who Undid Me by Amari Nylix is one super spicy story, think extreme heat. But, the book isn't all spice and no substance, there is a genuinely enjoyable story to go along with it. If you're a football fan, this one is especially a perfect choice, as one of the main characters, Jake Skyler, is a quarterback for the fictional Sacramento Condors. The other main character is an escort to billionaires, her name is Rakell McCarthy from Australia. While I found Jake to be sweet and kind, I sometimes had trouble liking Rakell. They both had secrets that threatened their relationship. While these secrets were both big and important to themselves, it bothered me how Rakell acted in some situations in keeping hers to herself. The book ended mid-conversation with a cliffhanger, I'll definitely be on the lookout for the second book in this series.

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This wasn’t for me, but I think it’ll appear to people who like edgier books with a more erotic plot. I did like that the love interest cared for the FMC and didn’t force himself on her especially due to her past. When they finally had sex, it was after a lot of time showing her that he cared for her and wanted to give her pleasure as well. That’s a unique quality and a lot of these novels with so many alpha males, so I really appreciated that and I think this book will find its audience.

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Literal 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

Superstar NFL player Jake Skyler is training in his offseason in Austin when he meets a beautiful Aussie Rakell at the gym he goes to.

I definitely appreciate the dual pov because we can see both fighting their inner battles and obvious attraction to each other!

Jake exudes a charming southern boy on the outside but with his family and friends, he is very caring and passionate about those he holds dear…. like VERY passionate.

After years in a profession where she has to pretend to be someone or something else, she decides to settle in Austin for the year hoping to lay low and maybe snag a normal cutie.
She is used to being lavished with expensive jewels and whisked away on exotic vacations. She is slowly falling for the normal Jake that takes her to picnics in the park or mini-golfing.

The whole time they hide their professions from each other and I’m like "JUST TELL EACH OTHER WHO YOU ARE!"
Like please, find happiness, you both deserve it.

What started as a slow burn definitely turned up by a few hundred degrees!!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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2 stars. DNF

Could not get into the story. The set-up for the storyline was alright but couldn't quite get attached. Writing was good though.

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I love romance any type of book if it has something to pull me in. Like this it was spice spice spice everywhere you could feel it for the mains. That its a football romance with spice was just the icing that got me interested. I liked the texting throughout the book. First time read from this author and i lived it i will give it 5 stars and i cant wait to read more from this author. I hope more. I would recommend if you like sports romance, spicy and funny. I found some parts funny. Thank you to Net Galley for this opportunity.

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Austin Heat: The One Who Undid Me is the first book in a series. There is some spice, third person multiple points of view, banter and tension. And lots of miscommunication. Miscommunication is not my jam, but I kept reading despite there being multiple times of me wanting to shake the characters and tell them to just give it up already, be honest and give in! There were a few scenes that could have used less repeating as I felt like I was reading the same chapter over and over, but overall the story was enjoyable and I may just have to pick up the rest of the series when it is published so I can find out what happens to Jake and Rakell.
Thank you to Netgalley and Authorbuzz for the opportunity to read this in exchange for my honest opinion.

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I was super excited for this book. The blurb included everything I could want, and more. It has all my favorite tropes, and my expectations were really high.

Unfortunately, it didn’t live up to the expectations. Maybe I just read it during the wrong week, because I should have loved this book. Everything in the blurb made me think I would absolutely love this book.

I think this is one of those books where you had to go back and give it another chance at a later time, which is what I’m going to do.

I still have high hopes for this book, and I’m hoping a second read at a later date will help me enjoy it better. I would still recommend for people to give it a chance though!

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I really wanted to like this book, but I found myself just wanting to get it over with. This was a slow-burn relationship but spicy once they got together. I struggled with how long they lied to each other, especially Rakell. I felt for Jake, falling for someone that he couldn't truly get to know and not understanding why. Rakell was hot and cold and emotionally unavailable, making her a difficult character to root for.

Then, when I finally got to the end, I found out it was the first of a series and nothing had been resolved. It was too long, the characters were not as well-developed as I thought they should be, and I had a difficult time following as the storyline jumped around. This was an advanced edition, but it definitely needed another edit. I probably won't read the next book and I'm not sure if I would recommend it. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC.

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A great start to a series. There are interesting characters and the story has you intrigued from the start. There is spice and intense moments, but it is also funny at times. I can’t wait to see what happens next in the series. I received an ARC and this is my honest, voluntary review.

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The spice and heat!!! Whew its so good!! I so needed this! I love this spice billionaire/football star fake girlfriend romance. I loved it. I stayed up almost all night to finish this. 5 star read.

I just reviewed Austin Heat by Amari Nylix. #NetGalley
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Both them have secrets!

Quarterback Jake Skyler wants to meet someone who likes him for who he is and not someone that wants build their social media so a chance meeting at the gym with a gorgeous stranger might be what he needs.

Rakell is finishing up her current contracts so she can move on from being a high class escort but finding out that Jake was in the public eye was the last thing she needed.

I was interested to read Austin Heat by Amari Nylix but I feel it is more about Rakell’s getting ready to leave the escort business than a romance between Rakell and Jake. Austin Heat feels like a serial story because both of them have secrets.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book from the author and NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Review: Austin Heat - Amari Nylix

I was lucky enough to receive this book as an ARC.

This is book 1 of the Austin Heat Series.

Jake is desperate to rewrite his past with women and leave behind the media storm surrounding his off-the-field antics that cloud his potential. He’s done with the stream of models, actresses and NFL cheerleaders that have warmed his bed since he made a name for himself as starting quarterback for the University of Texas. He desperately wants to meet a normal girl in his hometown of Austin. After moving to Austin to be the hired girlfriend to one of her long-term escort clients, Rakell finds herself wishing she could live a normal life with an average guy. Turned off by the billionaire clients she’s been serving for the last five years, she longs to get out of the business’ and build a life where she doesn’t live in the shadows of her escort persona. “Just get through this year and then you’re done Rakell,” she reminds herself. When Jake saunters into her life, with his jet-black hair, cocky sweet bravado and piercing blue eyes, Rakell is knocked off-guard. She finds herself internally buzzing and fantasizing about getting him naked. Can she have a low-key relationship with the guy from the gym without things getting complicated? Will she finally get to sleep with someone she’s chosen? She’s trained to leave her heart out of sexual relationships, but can she do that with Jake? Their worlds collide and the spice is off the charts. “Pretty boy” Jake Skyler has met his match with saucy-mouthed, sex driven, Rakell McCarthy. Both think they’ve fallen for an average personin Austin, Texas. Both are wrong! What happens when their physical connection explodes, and their hearts take charge? Both are concealing secrets that threaten their future together and things are about to get heated.

This book had me hooked from the beginning! I loved seeing the heat between these two characters!

I really enjoyed Jake and Rakell’s characters! I hate that they both lied about their professions but I understand where they both are coming from.

I definitely recommend this book!!

I cannot wait to read book 2 and read more of Jake and Rakell’s story.

Rating: 4 / 5⭐️’s

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I was drawn to this story by the blurb, but once I started reading, I discovered this book is not for me. The premise of a pro football player trying to improve his image and an Escort looking to get out of the life, is intriguing. However there were several issues that caused me to ultimately DNF this one.

1- I am not someone who is put off by 3rd POV, but what didn't work for me was the fact that the POV changed paragraph by paragraph sometimes. Within one chapter, you get the inner thoughts of multiple characters.

2- These characters are supposed to be in their mid twenties, but their banter seemed very out of character for adults.

3- The story is very slow. The pacing needed some additional consideration. In the 25% of the story I read, the characters spend most of the time in the gym. They have not yet gone on a date and have established almost no connection whatsoever. We get a glimpse of the FMC's life and her desire to get out of it, but very little of the MMC. Nothing much happens.

4- There is a lot of repetition. The number of times it's mentioned that the MMC looks at the FMC's boobs made me want to smack him.

Those were my biggest issues while reading which led me to not want to finish, especially when I discovered this is not a standalone in a series. It's book 1 of a trilogy and I lost interest in finding out what happens with these characters. This book seems overly long for the story the author wishes to tell.

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I had a hard time enjoying this book. The author's writing style made it hard to follow the story. I was not a fan of how the text messages were written between the characters.

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Title: Austin Heat The One ...Who Undid Me
Author: Amari Nylix
Publisher: AuthorBuzz, Temair Media
Series: Austin Heat Series Book 1
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Four
"Austin Heat The One... Who Undid Me" by Amari Nylix

My Sentiments:

'Austin Heat' was a little different kind of read for me in that one will find an NFL quarterback Jake, and a high-end escort Rakell, who meet at a gym where no one knows what the other one does for a living. What will happen when their secret comes out and seems to become quite a problem for them? Will Jake be able to clean up the partying that he loved doing with different women? Will Rakell be able to get out of the kind of business that she is committed to especially with one long-term client? This is definitely a read about two emotionally stunted people with some real issues.

This story wasn't a football romance to me because this story happens during the off-season...and no actual football was going on. Be ready for this couple's journey as the reader will be entertained by lots of laughter, spice, and passion, and also some crying where one will hope that this couple will make it. However, you will have to pick up this good read to find out.

The story ends on a cliffhanger, so be ready for this read that's just the starter of a good series.

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Jake is an NFL player and is back home for the off season. He’s really hoping to shed his womanizing persona and find a nice normal girl to settle down with.

Rakell has just moved to Austin, TX to be closer to one of her longtime escort clients. She longs to leave her escort lifestyle behind.

When the two meet sparks immediately fly but neither is sure they can share their true self. They can’t deny their physical connection, but can they share who they really are with each other to have a true relationship?

This was definitely a spicy read and the author did a good job with those scenes. There were a couple of scenes throughout the book that were beautiful, but others that were lacking. For example, the suicide attempt portion was not to my liking and needed to be fleshed out. I also struggled with the characters and working out. Yes, while I understand an NFL player would work out for hours on end, I struggle with Rakell and her constant need to work out for many hours a day to stay slim.

I loved the banter between Jake and Rakell. The friendships that Jake had were also amazing and friendship goals. I absolutely loved how the author talked about finding a model to bring Jake to life and her page is full of short videos bringing the book to life. This is such a treat and really fun.

Overall, I would recommend this book and I have high hopes for the series. This one does end on a cliffhanger that will make you want to read more of the series. I do look forward to reading more about Jake and Rakell.

Thank you so much to @netgalley, the publisher, Temair Media, and the author, @author.amarinylix for an e-arc in exchange for an honest review.

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