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Tempting the Reclusive Earl

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A time travel clock sends Bellamy into the past and into the arms of an earl, Christopher Albury. Christopher is shy and reclusive. He's ignored running his estate to work on his inventions and left it in the hands of someone else. Much to his regret. Discovering Bellamy in his arms has never felt so right, but her way back to the future was stolen by the same man who stole the money from his estate. Bellamy needs to get back to her time to fulfill her contract as a model, but being with her sister again and the possibility of a beautiful life with the shy Earl makes for a tough decision. A fast paced romance with conflict to leave you on edge and passionate descriptive sex.
I voluntarily read and reviewed a copy of this book from NetGalley.

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Thank you to NetGalley for an advanced readers copy of this novel!

This was a fun, quick and fast paced novel. I hadn't read the first book, the this sequel gave me a good sense of the book that came before it with sufficient changes to the "and they lived happy ever after" for the sequels conflict to make sense. It did take me a bit of time before I believed in the "insta-love," the male and female lead were showing. There were times I felt the female lead was a little bit petulant in blaming her sister for some of the things she did, but I am glad of where their relationship ends in the novel.

I await the next book which will presumably star the "left-behind" brother. But honestly, how many people can go missing in this apartment before the creepy landlord thinks it is haunted?

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Thanks to NetGalley for a copy of this ebook and this is my freely given opinion.

This is a time travel historical romance and the second in this series, not to be read as a stand alone novel. This is part 2, and it makes it pretty predictable what part 3 will be about as this one focused on the sister of the FMC of book 1 seeking her out in the modern time. After not hearing from her older sister Lily for a period of time, and having some regrets over how they have clashed, Bellamy Bennett tries to hunt her down, searching for clues in her apartment. They have always had a contentious relationship after the death of their parents, with Lily taking over the caregiver role while their brother took up his military duties, and Bellamy fighting against Lily's restrictions. They grew apart more when Bellamy became a successful model, traveling around the world.

The breakdown in the sibling relationships was a strong theme in book 1 and one of the great regrets of Lily, and one of things that pulled Lily to wanting to return to the future.

Bellamy, when trying to search for clues about what happened, she comes across the enameled watch that Lily was trying to repair and when opening it, is enveloped in the same magic that transported Lily....

Yeah, I know, but if you were not willing to suspend belief to begin with... why even read about a time travel historical romance???

So Bellamy ends up being drawn back into time and ends up lost, confused, and stuck in Regency England... to be discovered and saved by the Earl of Huntingdon, Christian Albury... best friends with the Earl of Rothden, and now his new countess, the former Lily Bennett.

Christian was on his way to resolve a problem with his estate. In his efforts to focus on his inventions he has left the management of things to a steward who has been embezzling from him, and he was out trying to track down his nemesis when he comes up Bellamy. Once he realizes through her fantastical story that she is the sister of the other time traveler he knows, Lily, he reunites them. Their lives and destinies entwine further when the magical clock he is working on turns out to have been stolen by the man who has been stealing from him all along. While trying to figure out Christian's conundrum with his thefts, he is forced to face a nemesis from his past who has returned for revenge, which puts Bellamy at risk too.

The plot had a bit too many convoluted elements - there is the time travel trope, the conflicted siblings trope, the two people falling in love - but then will she stay or will she return to the future - and what will he do... but then throw in the mystery of the theft and missing fortune. Then to add on top of that there is a childhood abuse/bullying and a nemesis returning from the past to take revenge... it was a bit much.

On saying that, I do like the theme of the shy, socially awkward genius MMC, and the beautiful FMC who is more than her looks and looking for a deeper connection too.

But I have decided to stay seated for the entire ride, since now I am curious about the reclusive PTSD suffering brother... obviously he will go searching for his two missing sisters, and be pulled back in time as well (hopefully after he punches the dick of a super from Lily's old place) and likely will be matched with Rothden's sister.

But being surprised is also good too....

3.5 stars out of 5

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Okay this book has time travel and I was hesitant because I am very protective of my HR women, they often are misjudged bc they are women of their time and act as such and people very often want them to be something they are not all modern, and authors write too modern female leads for me with very cave man as their love interest but this case i felt it way more balanced. I liked the characters and their story.

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I really enjoyed this novel. A great story line, a little bit of action, a little romance, a great book!

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An interesting and unique time travel romance! This is the second installment of the Taken by Destiny series. Christian Albury, the Earl of Huntington, is shy and socially awkward. He would much rather spend time at home in his workshop with his inventions than attend a soiree or ball anytime. But when he finds out someone is stealing from him, he has no choice but to venture out of his comfort zone and get to the bottom of the thievery. Bellamy is an independent and confident woman. When her sister, Lily, is missing, she goes to look for her and ends up 200 years in the past. She meets Christian and explains that she is from the future and needs help finding her sister (courtesy of one of his inventions), but he avoids her. Bellamy is not one to give up and as they spend time and get to know one another, Bellamy sees beyond Christian's awkward exterior, and he starts to open up to her.
The story was very entertaining and well-written. The characters were interesting and well-fleshed out and I enjoyed following their journey. An enjoyable book and lovely addition to the series!
I received a complimentary copy from Dragonblade Publishing via Netgalley and am voluntarily leaving my review.

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The book is a good one. The plot is certainly a realistic one to relate to. The other part of the story, which is fantasy brought the entertainment that readers are looking for. The book is a page turner that’s a plus for the entertainment. The dialogue was easy between the characters. Some parts of the story left me confused when Violet and Bellamy were dancing. When did Bellamy me Violet. HowDid Bellamy experience go when she experienced her first moments in stays or corset? One other is when Christian confronts Dale? I received a copy of this book for a voluntary honest review

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Suspenseful, Time Travel Romance

His invention brought her back in time, and she must get back to her own. She did not count on falling in love with the man responsible for turning her world upside down. Would she choose to stay, or would she leave the man she loved behind? Christian was an earl, but he was no ordinary one. He was socially awkward, mocked by the ton. His steward robbed him and stole some of his inventions, including the clock that could take Bellamy back to her time. It turned out that the steward was not acting alone, and Bellamy and Christian would have challenging times ahead. This romantic suspenseful story kept me turning the pages; I loved it.

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Great storyline and character development made this book a hot and enjoyable read!
Extremely entertaining, captivating and interesting read. I could not put it down. Wonderfully written with strong, intriguing characters. I want to read more from this author.

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Spicy Pride and Prejudice meets time traveling

Tempting the reclusive earl
Author: Aurrora St. James
Rating: 4 out of 5
Spice: heck yeah
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Bellamy goes to Kentucky to try to find her missing sister, Lily. In the process, she discovers a small clock in her sister's apartment which ends up being a traveling machine. She ends up in front of her sister's new house (in 1814) and meets the dark and reclusive Christian. He knows all about Bellamy and her sister, as he is the one who made the traveling clock, and Lily married his best friend. There's an immediate spark between Bellamy and Christian, but Bellamy's first instincts are to go back to her century. However, the clock has been stolen, leaving her stranded in 1814. Will this forced proximity let her and Christian to open up to one another?

I grew up obsessed with Pride and Prejudice so anytime I can get my hands on a Regency love story, I'm all ears. The time traveling twist added some freshness and layers to the storyline. I was also hoping for spice. My main frustration with Pride and Prejudice has always been that the book starts to get juicy when it ends. Let's just say this is not an issue here lol. (That being said, some moments felt more vulgar and out of place. The tone is so proper that when the word cock was used for the first time, it felt like it didn't belong.)

This is the second book in Aurrora St. James' time travel series. However, this book can be read as a standalone. I had not read the first one and I was able to dig into the storyline with no effort.

Thank you NetGalley for providing me with an ARC in return of my honest opinion.

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4.5 Stars
Christian Albury, the Earl of Huntington, prefers his inventions to people. When he discovers that his steward is stealing from him, he is forced to leave the comfort of his workshop to investigate the matter. Bellamy Bennett just became the new face for a famous perfume company’s ad campaigns. But when her sister Lily goes missing, Bellamy rushes to find her, only to end up two hundred years in the past and in the arms of a handsome but exasperating Earl. He may be the only person who can help her get home.
The second book in the series & whilst it could be read on its own I’d recommend reading Lily's story first. Time travel novels aren't my favourite as they always leave the question as to what the ones left behind feel. However the author addresses this as Bells was left behind. I adored Christian, he’s shy, he’s damaged, he’s gorgeous & he falls hard & fast for Bellamy. Bellamy was harder to love as she was prickly & self centred. I did love the chemistry between them & loved their journey to a HEA. I’m now awaiting the third book & how Archer features, there’s also the enigmatic Zeph, surely he’ll find love? A well written engrossing romance which made me smile & the ending had me reaching for the tissues
My review is for a special copy I voluntarily read

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What's a girl to do when she finds herself thrown from the 21st century backwards in time?

Try to find her way back of course! But the man she finds who created the time machine, just tries to avoid her at first. Then he cannot find his machine!

A fun story that can only end in true love!

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I'm pretty sure in my review of The Earl's Timely Wallflower I noted that the author would have to work really hard to get me to like Bellamy. And although I disliked her less, I'm not sure I can say that I really like her. A big part of the reason is that I love Lily as a character (I even went back and reread her story just to confirm how much I was team Lily) and I still feel like Bellamy continued to blame Lily for the strain on their relationship. Even after finding herself in a strange time and place she still complains that Lily is trying to control her when she is just offering her some advice and support so Bellamy can negotiate this time period. Even after the debacle at Vauxhall she refused to accept that maybe she should have listened to Lily's warnings. I liked that she saw beyond Christian's social awkwardness to see how great he was, but I was frustrated by her when she got upset that he wasn't ready to make out with a woman he had known for like a day. Christian's backstory and the drama resulting from it was probably more interesting than the romance part. I loved getting to see more of Lily and Gabriel and to know how happy they are - both of them really deserve it. Gabriel warns Bellamy not to hurt Christian but I wish he had also issued a warning about her behavior toward Lily - it just would have been nice for Bellamy to be put on notice that he knows how poorly she had treated her sister in the past. There is definitely more to Zeph than meets the eye - this was suggested in the first book, but it's made much more clear in this second book. I can't wait for book 3 - both because I want to know more about Archer and to find out the mystery surrounding why these siblings are traveling back in time. Zeph said they were coming home which opens so many questions and possibilities. Aurrora St. James has a great writing style and her books are just so easy and enjoyable to read.

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A time travel romance that follows along beautifully as the second in the series.
Christian the Earl is shy and quiet with an artistic bent towards designing automatons.
Bellamy is searching for her sister in her apartment and picks up one that takes her back in time.
Bellamy is rescued by Christian who seems to recognize her clothing and he takes her into her sister’s home.
Bellamy is enchanted by Christian’s mind and body but does want to return back to her own time but cannot without the device that was stolen from Christian. As they battle the circumstances that could keep them apart, they fall in love and have to decide how that will work for them.
I am not usually a fan of time travel romances but the first two books in this series have held my attention.
Looking forward to the next one.

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A quick paced, engrossingly fun filled, read, with lively colourful characters & action packed turns!

Left me with a smile on my face and the stain of tears on my cheeks; I loved my first escape through time with St James immeasurably! For me an exciting new author, I will be hunting out more from in the future.
She hooked me in so effortlessly I could breathe the emotions of her characters and remained glued to each page of TEMPTING THE RECLUSIVE EARL until the last word.
I've always loved a reclusive hero especially one crippled with shyness and Christian just oozed this heart-rending vulnerability tangled up with a harrowing past that fueled his uncertainties, that you can't help but want to reach into the page and hug him tight. Then he pulls you in further with his modest creativity, sexy endearing blushes, toned muscles, a heartmelting warmth and kindness and a blanket of safety and steadfast strength that he wields so engagingly towards Bellamy, you just know she can rely on and trust in him implicitly.
While Bellamy - sucked back through time on a quest to find her missing sister - is a modern bold woman that emits this feisty lioness strength, who stands and fights for every square metre of ground, owns her mistakes yet has this yummy melting kindness and need to be loved beneath her gutsy gumption.
Together their chemistry just tingles and magnetically pulls you in as a whole host of intriguing personalities add a scrummy layer of joyous teasing-I-would-die-for-you brotherly camaraderie, of a close knit family of friends, that you come to love wholeheartedly just as much as our leads...where you hope they too will find happiness and love. Personally, my fingers are crossed for an explosive pairing between the tenacious minx, Violet and the deeply wounded war hero, Archer.
Ultimately, for a relatively quick read this packed a punch, drew me in emotionally, had me laughing, crying and engrossed in suspensful adventure. Whilst Christian fought so touchingly with his blossoming intense feelings as he tried to hunt down an embezzling steward, avoid encroaching villainy and danger hiding in the shadows. All with the help of a brotherhood of so easy to love friends and family members with their own cryptic well wishes, conflicting family dynamics, tormenting painful pasts and complex crosses to bear while managing to keep the focus on a life changing romance that crosses the barriers of time and interweaves satisfyingly...and soooo delightfully... throughout! A fun action packed read that you don't have to have read book 1 to enjoy but I most definitely will be going back to as the characters appear so intrinsically connected and inseparable. Loved it, really looking forward to the next!

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A woman from the 21st century, independent and has had self defense lessons meets a shy, reclusive genius from 200 years ago and found true love. But first, they had to overcome a formidable adversary. But all’s well that ends well. Steam, passion, love and action filled pages!

I received an ARC from Netgalley and leaving my review voluntarily.

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