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Sisters by the Sea

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4 lovely short stories:
a) The seashell cake - Wanda Brunstetter : Leora will spend the winter season in Sarasota, the sunny amish town, living alone and working as baker, enjoying sun and sea
b) The beach ball - Jean Brunstetter: "I need to become a responsible person" , Violet, Leora sister, is a free spirit and likes English world. she visits Leora in Sarasota, but then she will stay.
c) Fragments of sand dollar - Richelle Brunstetter: Francine, Leora sister, break up with Matthew, so sad. Leora invites her to an holiday.
d) A Sarasota sunset - Lorine Brunstetter: Alana, Leora sister, visits Leora in Sarasota. She likes picks up shells.

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This book contains four different stories. I really enjoyed reading each ones. They were all very good. I highly recommend this book to others.

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This book contains four short romances that focus on one family of four sisters and their journey to find love in Pinecraft, FL. I enjoyed all the short stories as each was well written and were fun, quick reads. I also appreciated the fact that this was written by the women in the Brunstetter family and even though each story reflected their style of writing, the four stories all tied well together. I highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoy Amish fiction.

I received a free E-ARC from Barbour Publishing, Barbour Fiction & Netgalley for my honest review.

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A wonderful book that is hard to put down! I love how well it is written and the themes of the book. Another wonderful book written by a favorite author of mine!

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Sisters by the Sea
4 Short Romances Set in the Sarasota, Florida, Amish Community
by Wanda E. Brunstetter; Jean Brunstetter; Richelle Brunstetter; Lorine Brunstetter Van Corbach
Pub Date 01 Oct 2023
Barbour Publishing,Barbour Fiction
Christian| Romance

Barbour Publishing and Netgalley gave me a copy of Sisters by the Sea to review:

Four Amish sisters, find themselves developing new beginnings in Sarasota Florida in this series of four romantic novella's:

The Seashell Cake by Wanda E. Brunstetter
The first to leave is Leora Lambright, who is seeking a warmer climate. During a winter holiday, roofer John Miller meets Leora in the bakery where she's decorating cakes. It's instant attraction and they spend a lot of time riding bikes, fishing, playing shuffleboard, and eating. However, when Leora says she'll never live up north again, she doesn't explain why. Has the romance ended before it could even blossom?

The Beach Ball by Jean Brunstetter
Violet, the youngest Lambright sister, has always been wild. Moving to Florida to live with her sister, she seeks independence and considers leaving the Amish way of life. She's a waitress and drives her own car. Her beauty and free spirit attract a lot of men, like Levi, who is also Amish. Initially, Violet admires Dan Hunter's little red sports car, but Levi keeps trying to make her commit to him while they're dating. Can she decide who should have her heart and how to live out her faith?

 Fragments of a Sand Dollar by Richelle Brunstetter
Francine Lambright is heartbroken that her longtime boyfriend, Matthew, is leaving the Amish faith. She's ready to join the church, but her sister invites her to Florida for an extended visit before she takes the pledge. When Francine goes shell hunting at Lido Beach, she meets Lucas Hayes, and they soon start dating, despite him being English. What will Francine's heart feel when Matthew shows up unexpectedly in Pinecraft? 

A Sarasota Sunset by Lorine Brunstetter Van Corbach
Having suffered a series of unfortunate accidents and emotional traumas, Alana Lambright suffers from anxiety. Art gives her peace and healing. A visit to her sister in Florida leads her to take up seashell art and get a job at a gift shop. James Miller, a recent college grad, meets Alana, and, because of his own past, he's initially turned off by her Amish heritage. Still, he takes Alana on adventures. Trying to tame her anxiety, Alana tries the activities, but fails and feels like it pushes James away. Will they be able to deal with their pasts to embrace a future together?

I give Sisters By the Sea five out of five stars!

Happy Reading!

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I won't lie. I don't read a lot of Amish stories. This one made me want and crave more. It is the PERFECT culimination of stories woven together through time in Sarasota for someone that wants love stories that are simple, but beautiful. Ones that pull at your heart strings and make you want to pull for the main character. It's the perfect beginning to love stories without profanity or smut. You forget how simple a love story truly can be when you get back to the basics. Each author your can tell has their own style, but they are put together by each sister so incredibly beautifully. Please, write more like this. Five stars of amazing.

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I really enjoyed this group of 4 novellas that all are stand alone stories but also they are about four sisters who come to Pinecraft in Sarasota, Florida. I love that each story is an Amish romance that are each different in their own way. My favorite of the four was The Seashell Cake. I needed to know how each sister made it in Pinecraft.

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I really love Wanda Brunstetter and I have been an avid reader of hers for years. I had not read a book by Wanda in over a year, and I was excited to see her listed on NetGalley. However, this book of novellas fell a little flat for me unfortunately. I enjoyed 1 of the 4 novellas included but drudged my way through the other 3. The story that I enjoyed the most was ironically enough not written by Wanda but by Jean. I blame myself for not realizing that each story was written by a different Brunsetter sister as I most likely would not have requested the book. All four novellas are heartwarming and quick reads. I look forward to reading another of Wanda's books in the future.

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This is a collection of stories about four sisters who all end up in Florida. Not only are their four sisters but the four writers are members of the same family. They do an excellent job of telling the story of each individual in their own story. I also found it interesting how each author with their writing style was able to capture the characters and the lives they faced as they moved to a new place and faced the many lessons that God wanted to teach them. Each of the short stories was well written and I highly recommend this book to anyone who loves Christian fiction and Wanda E. Brunstetter.

Thank you to NetGalley for an Advanced Reader Copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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I sent my review in. But will add what a lovely story. Shows the importance of family and growing with the Lord.

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I loved this book because although each sister chose a different path, their bond remained close. Such heartwarming stories about family and romance. The seaside setting is a different one than Brunstetters' usual fare, and I really enjoyed the warmth, sunshine, and ocean backgrounds that fed into each sister's story. The romances were sweet and captivating. I cheered each sister on as she found her way through struggles and into a forever love. I did have a favorite sister, and I expect each reader will as well. They'll all be different though. These sisters are all lovable, believable and face real life situations. Enjoy this book today. You'll keep it in your heart for much longer.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from Barbour Publishing and was under no obligation to post a review

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Sisters by the Sea is a sweet collection of four stories. These stories of sisters looking for a new life in Sarasota, Florida include:
The Seashell Cake by Wanda E. Brunstetter is Leonora’s story.
The Beach Ball by Jean Brunstetter is Violet’s tale.
Fragments of a Sand Dollar by Richelle Brunstetter tells of Francine.
A Sarasota Sunset by Lorine Brunstetter Van Corbach about sister, Alana.
I loved every one of these additions to the book and could not pick a favorite of the four. They were all a delight to read. Great book to read.
I am giving Sisters by the Sea a very well deserved five stars. I believe fans and readers of Amish fiction will enjoy it as much as me.

I received a paperback copy of Sisters by the Sea from the publisher, but was not required to write a review, nor a positive review. This review is one hundred percent my own honest opinion.

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This anthology includes four stories about sisters who originally live in Indiana. They relocate to Florida and there find new relationships and new beginnings. As in most short story collections, the selections vary in writing style, quality and interest, although they are tied together with common themes and characters. For readers of Amish fiction, this anthology should provide some enjoyable hours of reading, as well as a quick mental trip to the sunny beaches of Florida.

I received this novel from the publisher and from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. The opinions expressed here are entirely my own.

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I enjoyed following Leora as she begins to settle into her new place. Having an illness that required her to move has helped a lot, yet at times she is lonely. When she was decorating the beautiful seashell cake for a wedding I could picture how beautiful it was. Reading about the strawberry desserts made me hungry and I started craving cookies. I sent my husband to our bakery in town to grab me two keto cookies so I could enjoy them while reading the story.

John is a sweet man who has recently traveled to Florida. He meets Leora at the bakery. I liked how they struck up a friendship and found themselves at the beach at the same time. It was interesting to learn about the different seashells they found and how relaxing it was to sit on the beach together.

I loved how the two began to develop feelings for each other and wondered how they would deal with a long distance relationship. The story encourages us to trust God and learn to let go of our insecurities. I did like the persistence of John and how he sacrificed to be with Leora.


Violet comes to live with her sister Leora and brother-in-law John. She has a bit more freedom being away from her parents and wants to explore wearing English clothing and maybe drifting a little bit away from her upbringing. I like how Violet thinks through everything but still has a hint of wanting to be a little independent. When she meets a nice young Amish boy, they seem to hit it off. It’s funny how they are both going through a phase of testing out the English world.

Levi and Violet seem to like each other and you can tell Violet is excited to go out with him. He reminds me a little bit like a bad boy trying really hard to impress girls. When he starts drinking beer in front of Violet this should be a red flag for her. Will she be attracted to this guy who lives on the edge at times? Levi doesn’t take it well when Violet doesn’t want to see him anymore.

When Dan comes in the scene Violet is smitten with him. He is charming and they find that they have fun together. When they first met they wear both reaching for a beach ball. How funny that the beach ball is a hit when they go together at the beach. Everything is going well between Violet and Dan until Levi starts to pop up wherever Violet is. Will Levi realize that his actions have pushed Violet away? What happens when Violet tells Dan that she has been hiding a secret about herself?


As we come to Francine’s story we see her trying to get over a break up. It has been hard but she knows that she needs to move on with her life. When she is given a month off from her job, maybe she will find peace. Spending time with her sister and brother-in-law in Florida will give her a new direction. So the adventure begins as Francine steps off the bus in Florida.

Lucas is an interesting character who has a job that doesn’t pay well. When he sees Francine at the beach he is immediately intrigued by her. On their first date he seemed to be almost overexcited about being with an Amish girl on a date. His endless questions were a bit annoying but Francine answers with a sweet spirit. Will their relationship work since one is Amish and the other is English?

I loved this quote from the story that says, “Whether we choose to get into situations or they are brought to us, God allows us to go through them for a purpose.” This story is a look at a young woman who is trying to decide if she should join the church and be baptized. I loved watching Francine allow God to direct her and find peace with her choice.


Our last stop is visiting Alana who is going through an emotional time in her life. The decision to visit her sister in Florida will be a welcome change. I loved that Alana surprises Leora on her birthday. Maybe this will help Alana overcome her struggle with fear by a change of scenery.

Alana finds a job and is ready to start her new life in Florida. As she is talking to her boss one day, they discuss praying. Patti says, “ Sometimes when we pray and ask Him for something, we expect an answer quickly or we feel like He didn’t hear our request, especially when when the answer He gave was a no.” We need to remember that God has a plan for us. If we don’t get the answer we wanted from a prayer it may be because He has a different plan.

When Alana meets James during a trip with friends at a beach they start up a conversation. They both go together to look for shark teeth which I thought was interesting. Everything is going well until Alana cuts her foot. Looks like fun is over as she needs to go get stitches on her foot.

I really enjoyed how these two were able to be open with other and share their struggles. Alana is still having problems with fear and James needs to reconnect with his grandfather. It is nice to see how they both rely on their faith and support each other. I couldn’t wait to see if Anna would decide to stay in Florida. This has been a nice story that reminds us to put our trust in God and let go of the past.

I have really enjoyed each story in this collection. Each one has shown us how to forgive, find hope, let go of the past or start a new beginning, I didn’t have a favorite story because each one illustrated God’s unconditional love and plan for our lives. Don’t miss the recipes after each story. They will be fun to make and enjoy.

I received a copy of this book from the authors and publisher. The review is my own opinion.

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Sweet connected novellas

I really needed to read something like this with all the current events in the world. Sisters by the Sea is a group of 4 connected novella about 4 young Amish sisters in the Sarasota Florida plain community. It is a gentle book with Christian content, but also gives one a good insight into what's its like as an Amish young person, do you stay, do you go, and if so, do you want to be a Mennonite or go totally English. I really enjoyed each of these novellas; I am a fan of the main author and am enjoying the daughter/granddaughter/daughter=in=laws' development as writers. This is not literary fiction, it is something to read while lying in bed, sitting by the fire, etc.

Thank you to the publisher who lent me a time-constrained e-arc via Netgalley with no obligation. This review is optional and my own opinion.

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Sisters by the Sea brings us along on the journey of the 4 Lambright sisters as they find their futures. Written by the best selling Brunstetter authors, I love how they each take a sister and twine their stories. With similar writing styles the reader is carried along from each story to the next. These become characters that the reader comes to love and care about in this journey. Each of the four Lambright daughters leave Indiana for different reasons but soon find the path God wants them to follow. I did enjoy how the author showed that their Amish parents encouraged them to seek their path even when it did not align with their beliefs. I really did enjoy these novellas. I received a copy through Netgalley. A review was not required.

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this is a collection of short stories. I enjoyed the stories very much. the setting is the beach. can be read in a couple of afternoons.

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Sisters by the Sea by best selling and award winning author Wanda E. Brunstetter, Jean Brunstetter, Richelle Brunstetter, and Lorine Brunstetter Van Corbach is a lovely collection of novellas. These four Amish Contemporary Christian stories are written by four women in the same family about four sisters. It is a delightful collection that goes together beautifully.

This is the story of the four Lambright sisters from Amish country near Shipshewana and Middlebury in Indiana. Each novella tells the tale of each sister’s trip to Amish community in Pinecraft or Sarasota, Florida. The stories are as different as the authors and sisters.

The writing is excellent. It takes a bit to get accustomed to the less strict ways of the Florida Amish, but I was totally captivated for each lovely story. The characters were skillfully designed and realistic. It was easy to become engaged with them and their stories. The details made me want to visit Florida and the Pinecraft community.

Each novella had an inspirational message as well as life lessons included within its entertaining pages. Humor and twists were used along with some Amish words. The pages number 401 for the four stories, which make it easy to completely finish one in a sitting. Each story was something original that I had not come across yet. At the end of each novella there is a recipe from the story, along with a picture and bio of the author.

I highly recommend this collection. It would make a nice gift for someone. Fans of Amish fiction will enjoy it. It receives a 5 out of 5 star rating from me. A copy was provided by Barbour Publishing, but these are my honest words.

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A collection of heartfelt stories including faith, family, friendships, and more. Each story is unique and is written by a different author. Good read. I received a complimentary copy of this book from Barbour Publishing and was under no obligation to post a review.

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What I liked:

The setting – I would love to visit this beach town it sounded so lovely!
The recipes although I wish there were some dessert ones that felt doable.
All the things these sisters conquered and learned!

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