Member Reviews

As a fan of his previous work, this book is going to start an all new fan base. Unique "magic" mixed with alchemy and Sherlock Holmes? What's not to like. Read this if you're interested in fantasy and mystery sipping from the same glass.

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Thank you to Random House and netgalley for an advanced copy of this book. As a huge Robert Jackson Bennett fan, I was really looking forward to diving into a new world with him. Unfortunately, I spent 5 months not reading this book. Loads of people love this book but I just felt like neither of the characters clicked with me. The setting was fantastic though but ultimately after failing to finish it for 6 months, I had to put it in the lemmed pile.

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Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for an e-ARC in return for an honest review.

Overall, this book was very interesting and unique. I didn’t connect to the characters as I would like to and it made the story feel so much longer. You follow Din who can recall memories and use it to help solve cases. You are following a murder investigation throughout the story. I think I would have connected more to the characters if i physically read the book instead of listening to the audiobook.

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Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for providing me with a free e-ARC in exchange for an honest review! All opinions contained within are my own.

Full disclosure: my reading year in 2024 has been, so far, a little subpar. I don’t know if that’s because I’m coming out of a reading slump or I’m just not vibing with the books I’m picking to read. By this time in the year, I usually have quite a few reads that I absolutely loved and, before reading this book, I only had four.

Thankfully, The Tainted Cup brought that number up to five! This a mash up of fantasy and murder mystery which, when I first read that, had me hesitating. I love a good fantasy and I love a good murder mystery. But mashed together?? I was unsure. Robert Jackson Bennett proved my hesitations to be unfounded, though, because this was such an immersive, enticing mix!

We follow a young man named Dinios, who is the new assistant to perhaps one of the most eccentric investigators in all of Daretana. Din is the strong, silent type and Ana, our brilliant investigator is very much the opposite. But she also refuses to leave her house, so Din is sent out to conduct an crime scene investigation at a manor house that kicks off the events of this novel. He soon finds himself wrapped up in politics, murder, and secrets that could leave both himself and his strange boss in more trouble than they can handle.

I always find it so hard to talk about five star reads because what can I say other than PLEASE READ THIS NOW?! I want to be coherent and, at the same time, I just want to shove this book in everyone’s hands and yell gibberish at them until they read just to get me to go away 😂 Possibly effective, but most people would rather have a proper review, ya know? So what did I love so much about this book? Everything, honestly, but let’s try and break this down into digestible pieces, haha.

Let’s start with the characters. I adored Din and Ana so much! They are billed as a Holmes-Watson kind of pair and I definitely have to agree. Din is such a wonderful contrast for Ana’s quirks and vice versa. As a pair, they just work, but they are also solid and complex characters on their own. It was fascinating learning about Din’s abilities and his background as he did all of Ana’s dirty work. It was a riot watching Ana work while everyone around her thought she was mad. They are so dynamic and intriguing that they pulled me into this story through sheer force of character.

That doesn’t mean that the story is lacking, however. This is a blend of fantasy and murder mystery that, like Ana and Din, just works. There was a solid amount of worldbuilding that kept me engaged with the story, but it didn’t overwhelm the joy of following along with the clues as the investigation went along. The author did a fantastic job of blending these genres together in a package that had me chomping at the bit for the next book in the series! The world felt unique, the mystery kept me guessing, and the brand of humor that was sprinkled throughout was just my speed. Honestly, this book felt like it was made for me and I ain’t mad about it.

Overall, this book is most definitely going to end up in my top books of the year and I cannot wait until the next installment in Din and Ana’s story!

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This was original and wonderful. A mystery unlike anything I expected with characters who did not disappoint. The magic system was beautiful, I loved the idea of the engraver, and Ana’s ability to put clues together while blindfolded is hysterical. The fantasy world wasn’t well explained, and a lot of the political details were over my head but neither were overly necessary for an enjoyable read. It reads a tad like Sherlock Holmes, but will keep you guessing the entire time!

I received an advance review copy for free from the publisher via Netgalley and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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Sadly this book was not for me I had to DNF at about 20%, while I found the concept to be very interesting I just was not connecting with the story or the characters.

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The Tainted Cup is a book told from the perspective of Din, an apprentice investigator who is tasked, along with his mentor, with investigating a particularly unusual death in which a tree has sprouted from the victim. The mystery takes unexpected turns that reveal additional deaths within the empire.

Robert Jackson Bennett has created a rich, imaginative world that includes individual genetic enhancements for a variety of physical and sensory upgrades. This technology can also be corrupted into organic contagions. Add in the looming threat of gigantic, dangerous leviathans and you have the makings of an intriguing story. The book is a wonderful genre mash-up, combining elements of fantasy, science fiction, mystery, and a splash of horror successfully.

There is a barrier to entry here though with which some readers unfamiliar with high fantasy may struggle. There is significant world-building and unusual naming conventions to adjust to which require patience and diligence. However, that patience is rewarded with rich characters and a quick pace in the back half of the book. Din’s mentor, Ana, was a particular favorite of mine. Her intelligence is matched only by her brash demeanor yet she still truly cares for Din and her job.

The Tainted Cup is a unique book that is hard to compare to others. In some ways, the pacing felt similarly to Ink Blood Sister Scribe which also took time for me to become fully immersed in but which I also ultimately enjoyed. Readers who can invest time and attention into Bennett’s world will likely enjoy the results.

The Tainted Cup released February 6, 2024. Thank you to NetGalley and Ballentine for the advanced reader copy.

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This is unlike any book I've ever read! It is fantasy, but it is a mystery, and it is almost sci-fi as well. There are monsters, characters you love, and those you learn to hate.
The characters are so well written and the world-building is fantastic. I could feel and see the places that Bennett was taking us.
I loved the intrigue and suspense that the story provided! I am really looking forward to the next installment and getting back to these characters to discover what will become of them and their world.

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This is an amazing story. The world biking and culture crafting is insane. I adore the author’s attention to detail, even when it comes to some of the unsightly scenes. The characters are very intriguing and have a lot of depth. I love watching Din and Ana work together. The plot is such a twisty turn thing that it was so much fun to explore with the author. Truly an enjoyable story.

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I'm not sure how I feel about this novel. I enjoyed the world and the main character. He was easy to follow and had wonderful wit. I even enjoyed his employer. The ending however I felt was a let down. It came out of left field but not in a good twisty way. I was confused as to why to handle it that way. It felt like there was a plot hole that was left open.

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Thanks thanks thanks to the Random House/ Ballantine/Del Rey team for an eARC of this novel.

I'm not going to lie, I was unsure of this book when I first started. This was the first I've read by this author and I was a bit overwhelmed at first trying to remember everyone's names, what they did, and picture the lay of the land. I really found my stride with this one about a third of the way in and really enjoyed it a lot! Will be keeping my eye out for book 2!

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The Tainted Cup introduced me to a new favorite genre: murder mystery set in a fantasy world! I absolutely loved this book. It hit the ground running right from the start, and didn't let up until the end. I loved how all the characters were quirky and had their own very distinct personality, which often went along with their magical abilities. The magic system in this book was also very interesting with people being assigned certain abilities based on their jobs, and also having the option to do body modifications to enhance your magic. The murder mystery itself was also really fun to watch unfold. I really felt like I didn't know who did it until the end, and that made it even more satisfying.

I will definitely be picking up more of Robert Jackson Bennett's books in the future, and I hope to see more books set in this universe.

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4.5 stars. Thank you to Net Galley and Random House/Del Rey for the ARC in exchange for an ARC.. This was a page turner with wonderful world building that captivates. We are introduced to Daretana where a high officer is dead through a strange means - his body was over taken by plants and a tree seems to be coming out of it. While the investigation proceeds, the Empire has strange contagions and there is a threat of Leviathans attacking their lands DInios Kol, Din, an engraver who has been magically enchanced with a perfect memory has been sent on his first assignment by investigator Ana Dolabra who is a bit eccentric and has quite a reputation.. Din's job is to observe and report back to Ana as much of the time she wears a blindfold. This first investigation leads to much more and it's unclear where is will lead them. Along the way, Din is learning about the world of the rich and powerful and all their secrets and schemes. Yet, Din is intelligent and more than capable but has a secret of his own. Din and Ana are quite different yet make the perfect team as they they complement one another. The world also is built with many different types of people who have certain qualities and biases and suspicions of the other cantons (provinces). There is also a legend of the hierarchy of the investigators, similar to the military, which also develops the world building. An enjoyable and interesting read!

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Unforgettable page turner that had me thinking I was a detective. Sent it to by bestie who loved it as well. Wonderful read and can't recommend it enough!

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Robert Jackson Bennett’s The Tainted Cup is the first book in his new Shadow of the Leviathan series. Taking inspiration from Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes stories, The Tainted Cup introduces readers to Signum Dinios Kol, the Watson of the book, who arrives to investigate a grizzly death. A grouping of trees appears to have grown up through the floor of a home, and up through the torso and head of a person. It’s all a bit reminiscent of Bryan Fuller’s dearly departed Hannibal.

The Sherlock Holmes to Din’s Watson is Ana Dolabra. She’s quirky. She’s brash. She’s outspoken. She’s very good at her job. And she prefers not to leave the house. Ana and Din must work together—okay, Din does most of the legwork—to solve the mystery of who is killing people with trees and why before more people get hurt.

Dolabra and Din are very well-defined, well-written characters with distinct, complete personalities and complex backstories that the narrative only just scratches the surface of in this book. Dolabra is at turns abrasive and off-putting, but also incredibly intelligent, capable, and respected in her field. While Din is largely sympathetic and relatable as a guy who seemingly just wants to do his job and do it effectively.

All of this is happening against a rich fantasy backdrop, or so the pitch for this book—and its place on bookstore shelves—would have readers believe. The people of Daretana and the Khanum Empire live under perpetual threat from the sea. Large leviathans periodically rise from the depths and attempt to ram themselves into the cities for reasons unknown. This has resulted in the building of large sea walls complete with heavy weaponry to repel these aquatic invaders.

Unfortunately for fantasy fans, this element of the story comes secondary to the mystery plot. This is a mystery novel set in a fantasy world, not a fantasy novel with a mystery plot. Maybe this balance will shift a bit in future installments, allowing readers more access to the fantasy elements of the world Bennett has so meticulously created. But while this may be disappointing for fantasy readers, readers who favor mystery novels and are fantasy-curious may find this novel an approachable way to dip their toes into the fantasy waters.

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As someone who doesn’t often enjoy fantasy, I was surprised by how quickly I was drawn into the story. There’s just enough of a mystery that makes the story fun and the main investigator’s (Ana’s) quirks are odd enough that it seems like a real wonder that she can solve as much as she does without showing up to the scene or by relying on Din, her assistant. Din and Ana’s interpersonal relationship is wholesome and it’s just very wholesome to see how Ana supports Din’s growth.

20/10 recommend - I’m patiently waiting for the sequel!

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An Imperial officer lies dead in a nobleman's country house. A brand-new investigator - Dinios Kol engraves what he sees in his memory using scents so that he can report to his boss Ana Dolabra exactly what he saw, heard, and smelled. Shades of Nero Wolfe and Chip Harrison but in a fantasy setting! The pair, having solved the how and part of the who, are then summoned top the next canton where a series of similar deaths have erupted, allowing a leviathan to breach the sea wall. A very nice twisty mystery with interesting characters! I will be interesting to see what Kol and Dolabra get up to next!

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This book had great world building. This book kept me so intrigued. The characters and plot were great! Cannot wait for the next book!

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If you’re like me and read a ton of fantasy then you can probably know the excitement of discovering a book that introduces a completely novel system of magic. From the start I could tell there was something special about this mystery story set in a lush and darkly surreal world. I loved the premise of magical flora and fauna that act as both malady and cure. The underlying story of an empire that is at constant war with savage leviathans that live beyond a massive sea wall is incredibly compelling and I wanted to know more. The writing itself is polished and the characters are unique without trespassing into the stereotypical. I don’t want to spoil anything but the ending feels like it was setting up for a series which I recently found out is the case and I’m absolutely thrilled! Thank you so much to Netgalley, Random House and Del Rey publishers for the digital ARC.

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Once again, Bennett's world-building is amazing. I read this book as soon as I got hold of it, and couldn't stop. The characters were intriguing and the descriptions fascinating. I love the way the mystery plot evolved as we learned more about the world. Can't wait for the next installment!

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