Member Reviews

My Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ (4/5)
Beth and Ally are such an awesome duo and I wish I had a friend like that. Be there for you whenever you need it, even after a decade of silence. I feel like I'm like that with people really 😅
When you mix the pot with the other characters it just became such an amazing character development story, with ups and downs and all that jazz.
I must say, I loved the dads. Just all of them. And my, Allys husband, that's goals.
The fast pace was so well executed. All the important things got told, except I need to know what happened to one dad. Kinda felt like he was forgotten to mention about.
I loved the teachings of the story and they're such good ones everyone should know about. It's just tiny things that make us give ourselves some grace. The more I think about the book, the more I find to think about.
The book was short, emotional and sweet. Would love to read more of these kinds of books.

I can't pinpoint why exactly this didn't work for me - there's nothing egregiously wrong with it... it just fell flat and feels forgettable unfortunately.