Member Reviews

I have read a great deal about WWII but never a book about those who went overseas to entertain the troops. Straight away the mind goes to Bob Hope or Marilyn Munroe (although she was in Korea not WWII). The Foxhole Victory Tour - apart from its stunning cover - looks at the unsung heroes who endured difficult conditions to entertain the troops on USO’s Foxhole Circuit.

‘She’d spent most of her life trying to do what other people wanted. This was her golden opportunity, and she was going to take it.’

This is not the glamour associated with tours by Marlene Dietrich, Bob Hope, or Carole Lombard. This story recounts the lives of performers in a USO troupe, why they signed up and how their lives changed in the Summer of 1943 in North Africa. Amy Lynn has done fabulous research (there is a great Author’s note at the end about the historical events behind the novel, inclusive of great questions for a book club group) about the conditions, atmosphere and dangers for all involved.

‘Suddenly, the uniforms they wore seemed to come with more responsibility. They weren’t play acting for a costume ball. This really was the US Army, and that meant the potential for danger.’

All up I found this to be a super story both inspiring and impactful for all concerned on this particular USO tour in WWII. It tells the backstory for the main characters and has themes of friendship and family, desire and danger, with a little bit of romance. This is a Christian book with subtle nods to God and faith, especially in troubled times. It slotted in really well with Maggie’s struggle with her Salvation Army upbringing and her father’s refusal to accept her brand of music.

I most definitely recommend The Foxhole Victory Tour for a unique look at a different side of WWII and the challenges for organising such a tour and the brave entertainers who partook. It was a rare thing to travel through North Africa and appreciate the impact of war as Amy Lynn expertly captured the settings. This book has it all - fun and laughter, friendship and love, setting and history - for readers of this time period you are sure to enjoy this unique perspective on WWII.

‘No, their little variety unit wasn’t famous, and they still missed notes and lost their voices and complained about the weather. They sure didn’t have the glamour and star power of the bigger Hollywood tours, or an entourage to help with makeup, hair, and costuming. But they were brave enough to fly into bitter headwinds in biplanes that looked like five-and-dime models, determined enough to give one more encore after a long day of travel, and ordinary enough to remind the soldiers of home. And it turned out that’s all the troops needed.’

This review is based on a complimentary copy from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own. The quoted material may have changed in the final release.

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I am such a fan of Amy Lynn Green's novels, and I just really loved this one too!

This story touches on a part of history that I previously knew nothing about. I had no idea there was such a troupe of performers going around doing events for the soldiers. (Sounds like an excellent morale booster)

I really enjoyed the main characters, Maggie and Catherine. Not really friends when the story begins. But, as their journey progresses, they get to know each other, and maybe mostly, become friends.

The journey their troupe goes on, from the States all the way over to North Africa, I found it quite fascinating. Each of the characters is also on a personal, internal, emotional journey. The author masterfully has written this, and I loved getting to know them in this way.

All in all, this is an absolutely beautiful story, touching, and informative, and I highly recommend it!

Disclaimer: I receive complimentary books from various sources, including, publishers, publicists, authors, and/or NetGalley. I am not required to write a positive review, and have not received any compensation. The opinions shared here are my own entirely.  I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255

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The Foxhole Victory Tour by Amy Lynn Green is my first novel by this author. I’ve heard so many good things about her stories, and I’m so glad I had an opportunity to read this one! Filled with a unique perspective of WWII and vibrant characters, this novel was pure entertainment. I loved how expertly the history was woven into this story so that the characters are allowed to shine.

My favorite aspect was watching this rag-tag group of characters come together in a meaningful way. Their personalities are such that you wouldn’t put them together, but by the end, you couldn’t imagine a different group filling the roles. And just as inspirational was how their focus and priorities shifted as the regular world shrunk farther behind them and the war surrounded them.

Truthfully, I loved everything about this book. And the longer I read it, the more I wanted to keep reading! If you’re looking for your next historical fiction novel–this is it! Don’t miss this title if you are a fan of WWII-era history, as I am. Put this book on the top of your TBR pile, you won’t regret it!

I was given a copy of this book by the publisher with no expectations of a positive review. All opinions are my own.

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This book was filled with characters that were unique and the history is as well. This is not a romance book although there are hints of a relationship, it is truly just historical fiction. You will enjoy this book if you love history and WW2.

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When Maggie is fired from a wartime orchestra, she is presented with the opportunity to tour with the USO as part of a variety show where she will combine her trumpet skills with her quick wit. Catherine leaves the same orchestra to escape her life of privilege and find the military man she fancies and joins the USO show as a violinist. The other members of their show are a cynical blues singer, broody magician, and veteran tap dancer.

The Foxhole Victory Tour follows both Maggie and Catherine’s POVs, and I enjoyed watching the story unfold through their eyes. I really enjoyed both characters, and it’s rare for me to read a dual POV novel and not greatly prefer one storyline over the other.

I really liked that this was a WWII novel but set in North Africa. It felt fresh and unlike many other stories set in the same era. I thought the USO tour was a great way to move the story from place to place and I think Amy did a great job incorporating the performances without having them monopolize the story.

I think fans of historical fiction will love this one! It’s marketed as Christian fiction but it was not preachy. I think both fans of Christian fiction and those who don’t usually read the genre would enjoy this story!

Thank you to Bethany House for a review copy. All thoughts are my own.

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This story follows 2 women, Maggie and Catherine, who go on tour in with others and perform for the troops during WWII. Maggie is the comedienne and Catherine plays the violin. It was really fun to travel with this group of people. I liked how there was a little bit of romance as well, although that is not the main theme. I loved Maggie and Catherine and their whole group. This is set during wartime, in warzones, so there are some attacks. I liked all the different personalities in the group. I felt like Maggie and Catherine both grew up some throughout the book. Light Christian themes. Overall, a good read and I recommend.

Content: Mild sexual innuendos from some men towards the women

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from netgalley. All views expressed are only my honest opinion.

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The Foxhole Victory Tour tells the story of a team of USO performers who traveled through northern Africa in the spring of 1943. The characters were well-developed. I enjoyed getting to know each of the troupe members as they got to know and appreciate each other: Maggie, who plays the trumpet; Catherine with her violin; Judith, the blues singer; Gabriel, the magician; and Howie, with his one-man variety act.

The story alternates between Maggie’s and Catherine’s points of view. Both young women are somewhat estranged from their families. Maggie comes from a legalistic Salvation Army background, and Catherine’s family is wealthy and snobbish. I appreciated how they worked through those issues throughout the weeks of their tour.

There are many stories from a wide variety of experiences and perspectives set during World War II since it was a war fought around the world. The USO theme of The Foxhole Victory Tour was a new one for me, and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

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This book is glorious!

Green is at her best with this read; I've loved all of her books to date, but _The Foxhole Victory Tour_ is my favorite to date. I couldn't help channeling Captain America and Peggy Carter a tad bit (but only a tad, lol), and that only enhanced an already wonderful read on its own merits.

Plot and character development were spot on, as expected; I think my only surprise was the lack of an epistolary element--and that's only because Green's other books have incorporated that to some degree (or up to 100%, ha).

I was very grateful for sufficient time that I could just blitz through this; it was certainly gripping, and I couldn't wait to see how everything panned out!

An entirely satisfying read (with a gorgeous cover, to boot).

Fans of Elizabeth Musser's Secrets of the Cross trilogy (book 1: Two Crosses) will undoubtedly enjoy this as well.

I received an eARC of the book from the publisher via NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

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I loved this tribute to the USO, which has played an important role in the support of military members for many years. I hadn’t realized that USO performers were put in actual danger until I read this book and then looked up the history. Catherine and Maggie begin the story with obstacles to overcome. Catherine’s divorcing parents are using her as a pawn and Maggie’s outspoken ways have constantly gotten her into trouble. The growth of these characters is well done. I loved the fact that their troupe went to North Africa, which is a location not often visited in World War II historical fiction of late. I do love that the film Casablanca is mentioned as it was released the same year that this book is set–1943. 

As always in her books, Amy Lynn Green adds some epistolary work. This time it is in the form of reports to the USO Home Office. Here is a snippet from a report that made me laugh: ”Miss Duquette thought the phrase “embedded with the troops” implied more intimate relationships than sleeping in similar accommodations as our soldiers and was much relieved at my clarification.” This is just one of many circumstances in this book that will make you smile. Fans of World War II fiction will enjoy this interesting look at the war through the eyes of USO performers in North Africa.

I received a free copy of this book from the publishers via Austenprose PR. My review is voluntary and the opinions expressed are my own.

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I loved reading this book about what it was like to tour with the troops during WWII. I love that there is a lot going on, with a wide variety of characters from an assortment of backgrounds. I have enjoyed each of the author's stories, but this one might be the best yet!

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What I love most about this author's books is how unique her plots and characters feel. I didn't know anything about USO tours in WWII before this story, and it was so fascinating!
Maggie and Catherine were fun to get to know with their different backgrounds and all they were going through to remain musicians despite their circumstances.

Amy Lynn Green has definitely become a go-to author for me in the WWII genre!

* Thanks to the publisher for a copy to review. All opinions are my own.

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Interesting read about a part of WWII that hasn't been overly told. Strong women characters. T by e book also includes a look at men who were heckled for not being able to serve. A fast read.

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Maggie McCleod and Catherine Duquette are apart of an all female orchestra called the Swinging Sweethearts. Maggie finds herself quitting (fired) from the orchestra only to turn around and be recruited for an USO tour audition. Catherine hears the conversation and politely asks if she may audition as well for reasons vastly different than Maggie's. Both ladies along with a singer, magician and tap dancer set out for a tour of Africa to bring some encouragement to the men fighting for freedom. In this story we see obstacles that must be overcome and hidden strength showed when things get scary and hard. Each one is shown who they truly are and that they are stronger together.

**Thank you Netgalley and Bethany House Publishers for an advance copy of this book. The opinions in this review are mine alone.

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USO tours, historical-setting, historical-places-events, history-and-culture, Christian-fiction, WW2, North-Africa, entertainer, historical-fiction, historical-research, self-worth-issues, 1943, family-expectations, family, friendship, friends****

This is the first USO tour fiction I've ever come across and I was impressed with the research that went into it. The story centers around two very different musical performers with extremely disparate backgrounds and perceptions of self. It is also very grounded in Christian faith and is a pleasantly comfortable read.
I requested and received an EARC from Bethany House/Bethany House Publishers via NetGalley. Thank you.

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"A well-researched and entertaining novel from the pen of Amy Lynn Green.
As a novice to Amy Lynn Green’s works, I can say that I have not been disappointed by the decision to read this piece of hers. The beautiful book cover caught my attention from the day I came across it in one of my searches.
The Foxhole Victory Tour is a novel set in the era of World War II. Spanning from a period of March 1943 to May 1943, this novel revolves around five entertainers who, like a circus, travel to soldiers deployed in North Africa. There is the tenacious Maggie who speaks her mind, the quiet socialite Catherine, the cunning Judith, the veteran Howie, and Gabriel, the magician. Like cold water to a parched throat, the various stops made by these entertainers from Morocco through Algeria and Tunisia bring hope to stationed allied soldiers.
Like taking a leisurely stroll in a park, this is a slow-paced novel. Readers who love fast-paced novels should not be quick to put this novel down, as the characters, the plot, and the writing style will surely leave you satisfied at the end. My favourite aspect of this novel, aside from the endearing characters, was the opportunity to learn a bit of history and geography. Amy Lynn Green has done fantastic and detailed background research on World War II. The themes of love and sacrifice are well woven into this novel.
I recommend this novel to anyone who wants a slow-cooked type of novel filled with all the right ingredients to read.
I received a complimentary copy courtesy of Bethany House through NetGalley and Interviews & Reviews for my honest opinion."

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BOOK REVIEW - The Foxhole Victory Tour - Amy Lynn Green - 4/5 Stars

As soon as I read the description for this story, I had to read it. A book covering an aspect of World War II that I'm know little about, yes please! I had heard about the USO variety shows that performed for the troops but knew little about it and what it invovled. The cutthroat world of Hollywood isn't limited to the US and followed the troupe all the way to North Africa. The constant question of who gets the Pepsodent contract kept me wondering throughout the story. So I enjoyed getting to learn all about USO through the voices of two performers. You couldn't get two more polar different people than Maggie and Catherine! Their contrasting personalities and upbringings made for an interesting read.

I was so disappointed to discover this is not a romance! I had thought for sure it was. There's a teeny tiny weeny bit of romance but not enough to satisfy this romantic heart. So be prepared if you prefer romance in your novels.

Throughout the story, Catherine and Maggie are slowly stripped of the things that they based their worth on and are forced to look at what they really believe about themselves and their worth. Hardships are, well, hard but they strip us down to the bare bones of what we believe. If we put our worth in our abilities or family or things, if those are taken away, we can lose our sense of worth. Which is why its important to place our worth in God as He's the only thing in this life that doesn't diminish over time and that we cannot lose!

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#BookRevew : THE FOXHOLE VICTORY TOUR by Amy Lynn Green

The book's depiction of USO tours during WWII was new to me and fascinating.I love the cover too. I can vividly imagine Maggie wearing her beautiful green dress for her performances. She’s a funny one. That scene with everyone singing the hymn and Maggie playing the trumpet was very touching.

I enjoyed following Maggie and Catherine’ captivating journey to Northern Africa to perform for the soldiers. I got to know them more through their dual POV. They had some nerve wracking experiences. I appreciate some faith messages laced in the story. Despite their diverse backgrounds and personalities, the USO performers, it was quite interesting to see how they interacted with each other and how they reacted to their interesting circumstances. I really liked that each one returned home carrying the weight of their experiences, but also a newfound understanding of themselves and the world.

Rating: 4.5 ⭐
Pub date: 23 Jan 2024

Thank you Bethany House Publishers and #netgalley for the complimentary copy. All opinions expressed are my own.

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I thought this book was well written and gave a good glimpse into history. I knew about performers going to Europe during WWII to entertain the troops but I didn't know they did the same thing in Africa. I also liked how this story followed two very different women and gave us a glimpse into what they went through. I thought the story was well done and it kept my attention as I read. I learned a lot and it has gotten me interested in learning more about these performers and this time period.

I received a complimentary book from publishers, publicists, and or authors.  A review was not required and all opinions and ideas expressed are my own.

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The Foxhole Victory Tour by Amy Lynn Green - 4 Stars

Amy Lynn Green's The Blackout Book Club was one of my favorite books of 2022, so when I heard about The Foxhole Victory Tour's release, I was so excited to pick up another great Christian Historical Fiction story that I knew wouldn't disappoint. And it didn't! The Foxhole Victory Tour skillfully captures the profound impact of music and humor in lifting spirits, especially in these challenge circumstances. In this story, we follow 5 total characters in the United Service Organization (USO), but primarily the story of 2 women in 1943. These characters come together in an effort to play music and entertain the troops in North Africa during this time. We see our characters at the forefront of the war looming over them and the story goes on from here. I loved learning about the USO tours in this story because I had never heard of them before.

Our main female characters are Maggie and Catherine. Maggie has such spunk and is not afraid to speak her mind. She plays the trumpet and the story kicked off with her getting in trouble again in her current job, only to find a position with the USO at her feet. Catherine plays the violin and she is out trying to figure out her own life and fine the soldier she fell in love with through letters. She struggles because she is torn among her divorced parents and they each have their own plans for her life. But Catherine isn't going to do what anyone else says and joins the USO tours right along with Maggie. I loved seeing Catherine and Maggie together because they were such opposite characters and we see a friendship of sorts develop.

We see other performers and their stories too - such as Gabriel who is a magician and he gets very close with Maggie in the story. We also see Howie - a WWI veteran and dancer, and Julia, who is a singer. I really connected with the characters and really enjoyed the story. They go through so much together in this journey and the light faith element throughout the story was great to see.

While some parts were more slow than others, I still overall enjoyed the story and look forward to more Amy Lynn Green books in the future.

Thank you to the publisher, Bethany House, for providing a copy to honestly read and review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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“The USO members were warriors in the battle for morale, and the stakes had never been higher.”

The Foxhole Victory Tour was an amazing story, and a wonderful reminder of why historical fiction is one of my favorite genres. I loved everything about this book!

It’s a beautiful, moving, and inspiring story of the impact of USO performers during WWII, show biz glamour, unlikely friendships, and found family. Throw in a little romance, some great humor, and a bit of danger, and this was a solid 5 star read for me.

I’ve read several books about World War II with settings in Europe or in the Pacific, but this is the first one I’ve read that takes place in North Africa. I loved learning more about this lesser known bit of history.

It was especially interesting to read about how the USO worked, and I thought the author did a beautiful job of capturing what their performances meant to the troops. I came away with so much admiration for these people as they traveled under pretty rough circumstances and performed in some very dangerous areas.

The writing and pacing were excellent. The sense of time and place was spot on. The character development was superb. I was completely invested in their lives, and fell in love with each of them.

The Foxhole Victory Tour is one of the best books I’ve recently read, and if you love historical fiction and great stories, I highly recommend it!

I received a copy from NetGalley, Bethany House Fiction, Amy Lynn Green, and Austenprose PR in exchange for an honest review. All opinions expressed are completely my own.

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