Cover Image: Keep Your Friends Close

Keep Your Friends Close

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This was definitely not my favorite by this author. I’m basically 50/50 about this. I typically love her thrillers but this was too messy for me. I enjoyed it because it had good twists but I didn’t love it. The characters are very unlikeable which I guess is good since they’re all suspects in a murder. I, personally, would not want to be part of this “friend” group.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Thomas & Mercer for the eARC! I’d been wanting to read Lucinda Berry for awhile and this book did NOT disappoint! Full of secrets and lies and a jaw dropping end, this was excellent and had me glued to the pages.

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I enjoy a good rich people drama book. A group of high end moms that have a mom group that all of a sudden has a dead person in it. 3 shady people from the group that we get to read a then and now about. So many juicy twists.

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This book was full of action and unexpected twists and turns. A group of elite ladies decide to have a party and one ends up dead. Each lady is a suspect and eventually the truth will be revealed. This book proves you never really know what a person is capable of doing in a crisis situation. Watch your back at all times.

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4.5 Stars. I loved this. There were quite a few characters but I didn't feel it was overwhelming. This one kept me turning the pages and wondering who did it. When you get to the end you're in for more than just one twist! Definitely recommend.

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Unfortunately, this was a DNF for me. I found myself bored by the story, and not enjoying the authors writing style. This one was not for me.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a free arc in exchange for an honest review

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Keep Your Friends Close by Lucinda Berry is my first experience reading this author. I was attracted to the book’s cover and the synopsis, but found it hard to become involved in the characters. Perhaps their being elite moms of Beverly Hills was a factor. The author’s books get rave reviews, so I imagine many mystery readers will enjoy this one.

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This was good and I am sure there will people who will love this book. I am just not into the women being so catty. Is it really friendship when those people are only held close to keep you house of cards together.

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Lucinda never disappoints. Told from multiple POVs with a dual timeline, this book will have you hooked. This was an amazing read and one I will definitely recommend.

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Unfortunately, after reading the synopsis, I didn't like this book as much as I had hoped. We follow a group of mothers after one of them dies under suspicious circumstances. Each chapter follows one of three mothers in a dual timeline. The book started off strong, but then the mystery aspect didn't move quickly enough for me. Although there was an unexpected twist towards the end, I am giving the book between 2.5 and 3 stars.

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Keep Your Friends Close was such a good book! This is a fast-paced read about a group of elite ladies. You get to learn the past & the secrets of each. There's a murder & everyone is a suspect. Tensions are high & this leads to a lot of drama. Keeps you guessing until the end.

*Thanks to NetGalley & the publisher for the advanced copy*

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Lucinda Berry does it again! This was such a fun ride. I loved all the POV's and the twists. Great read.

Thank you to NetGalley Thomas & Mercer for the E-ARC

All thoughts and opinions are honest and my own.

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Thanks to NetGalley and Thomas & Mercer for this read. I have read a few of Lucinda Berry’s books and they are normally good. This was another one and they are normally easy and quick reads with a good flow.

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Im a big fan of Lucinda Berry’s writing and have enjoyed her books in the past. They are quick reads and also keep me on the edge of my seat! This one was no exception. Nothing says drama like a group of wealthy women all looking out for oneself. There were so many twists and turns in the murder mystery/thriller.

Kiersten McCann, president of the West Hollywood Moms’ Club, turns up dead in her own pool, quickly becomubg clear this wasn’t an accident. And the party guests—all members of the exclusive club—are now key suspects in her murder - with Whitney, Brooke and Jade trying to hold their secrets close to the chest but when push comes to shove its every woman for themselves.

Love the multiple POVs! Overall a really enjoyable read that I would recommend to any thriller lover!

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This was my first book by this author and I enjoyed it! The author did a great job of developing all of the many characters well enough in this quick read so that you could keep them separated in your mind. The ending was a little bizarre for me, but I was kept guessing. I will definitely pick up another book by this author.

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I was really in the mood for a popcorn thriller. It is multiple POV and now/then timelines that were easy to follow. It's a murder mystery, unreliable narrators, rich bitchy women, lies, insanity, and unlikable characters.

I despised Brooke the most- and reading her POV had me cringing so much. But then I hated Whitney. And abbey. And Jade. It was delightful.

The end was a rollercoaster. But- there were tons of twists throughout the story so it really kept my attention. I loved this one.

Thank you for the advanced copy.

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Loved this book ! Love all of Lucinda's book ! Amazing author !
This book had me right from the beginning!

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When Kiersten McCann, the president of the West Hollywood Moms’ Club, is discovered dead in her pool, it becomes evident that her demise was no accident. The exclusive club's party guests, all potential suspects, now face scrutiny in her murder investigation.

Amidst accusations, three mothers—Whitney, Brooke, and Jade—find themselves at the epicentre of the inquiry, each harbouring weighty secrets and potential motives for their friend's untimely death. As the police delve deeper, a web of additional secrets, betrayals, and sinister plots unravels, exceeding the women's wildest imaginations. The narrative unfolds from multiple perspectives with a dual timeline, presenting easily distinguishable and well-developed characters.

While the engaging storyline captivated me from the very first page, Lucinda Berry's grip on the plot slightly wavered. The slow revelation of secrets initially held my attention, evoking genuine excitement. However, as the climax approached, so did the unravelling of the storyline's coherence, causing a disconnect for me.

It was entertaining but not my favourite of the author.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for sending a digital ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I am a huge fan of Lucinda Berry. While this one wasn’t my favorite of hers and didn’t wow me from the start, I ended up not being able to put this one down. A group of new moms in a community in Hollywood Hills have come together and formed a exclusive mom’s club. The head of the mom’s club, Kiersten, decided to hold a “mom’s night out” party at her house where she wound up lying face down in her pool. Quickly, the other members of the mom’s club become suspects. Kiersten’s death was not an accident. This was completely drama filled and I loved it.

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I went from having read no Lucinda Berry books to reading three in such a short period of time. AND ALL I CAN SAY IS Ms. @lucindaberryauthor NEVER MISSES👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾

This book was everything I wanted in a thriller! Short fast chapters, multiple POVs, rich elites behaving weirdly and sometimes badly, and a tons of secrets!!!



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