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A Highland Rogue to Ruin

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Member Reviews

4 out of 5 stars, and 3.5 out of 5 stars for the spice level.

I really enjoyed this 16th century tale of warring clans coming together for the annual games. The MacLeod's and MacDonald's have been fighting for ages, with renewed fighting after the failed marriage and subsequent deaths of Owen and Margorie, 8 years ago that was supposed to start the Great Peace. Tormund MacLeod, Devil of the Sea, wasn't supposed to be at the games, his absence is the whole reason that Brighde MacDonald was allowed to come to the games in the first place... but on the first there is a masquerade and the two meet... lots of things ensue, complete with misunderstandings, secrets, betrayals, games (of all sorts), challenges, bets, fighting, compromises, and swimming.

I loved Brighde, she is smart, funny, vivacious, lover of books and knowledge, and wants to travel and see what she can. Torm is sexy, educated, complicated, roguish, but caring for those that are under his protection.

Highly recommend for those who like a little bit of historical accuracy with their spice.

Thank you to Entangled publishing and NetGalley for the free eARC. This is my honest opinion.

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Oh my, talk about a swoon worthy historical romance. I love the play the author managed to pull off, between romance and drama. Some authors struggle to find the right power play without one side lacking. To say I loved this book would be an understatement.
Elizabeth has just made it to my must-read author list.
Absolutely amazing work, read over an evening. Page turner from the start.
I highly recommend to anyone who wants to step out of reality and take a dip in the past..

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This book offers a sweeping tale that captivates your mind as it seduces your heart. A vibrant and lush combination of juicy drama, taught tension, intense emotion, steamy heat, thrilling action and heart reads so silky smooth that you very quickly find yourself fully immersed and deeply invested. I adored Tormund and Brighde. Their attraction was undeniable, their chemistry was electric and the feels and swoon they hit me with were scrumptious.

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This was just the historical romance story I needed! Full of beautiful scenery and well thought out characters.

Tormund and Brighde’s love story wasn’t an easy one. You get family betrayals, angsty heartache and powerful chemistry. I loved her strength of character and how she was more than they gave her credit for. I’m also a sucker for when the hero only shows his heroine his softer side. Definitely recommend.

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Lady Brighde MacDonald, her older sister Lady Marjorie, her brother born from their father's lennnan, James “the Devil” MacDonald now Laird is married to Lady Aileana,

Alasdair MacNicol his father Laid MacNicol, Brodie MacLeod nicknamed Ghost,

Laird Tormund MacLeod, Demon of the Seas, older brother Owen, cousin Brodie , Uncle Naill, friend Reaper.

Earldom of Stornoway. An issue must be declared or else the Peace is forfeit. The monarchy attempted to create a title to bestow upon an heir created of a marital union betwixt the MacDonald and Macleod clans. But nothing has worked. Each attempt to fulfill the terms of The Great Peace was met with opposition from Clan MacNicol. For establishing the earldom would bring stability among the two biggest, most influential clans, and unfortunately, Laird MacNicol continues to contest MacLeod’s claim of the Hebrides. This starts our adventure but there is so much more to this.

Lady Brighde has been shielded from going anywhere since the death of her sister that caused the death of their father and made Jaime the Devil of the Highlands. Jaime is afraid to lose the only other family he has. He protects her the only way he can think of, she goes nowhere. Brighde get Jaime to agree to allow her to go to the Lughnasadh Harvest Festival with him. She plans on having as much fun and adventure as she can to keep into spinsterhood.

Lord Tormund wants revenge on his brother's death, he plans for this as it has been the only time Laird Jaime has gone away from home. He watches Jaime to make sure all is as planned.

Unbeknownst to him he meets an Angel that captivates him. She is firey, vivacious, bold, and bonny. Dressed in her masquerade outfit Brighde is having the time of her life. She bumps into a stranger and he enthralled her. She convinces him to play chess when her turns down dancing. She beats him and earns her first kiss.

At the horse racing the next day it is Brighde in the lead with Tormund right behind when he realizes it is her and not a lad riding. When she loses her balance he grabs her to steady her and gets blamed for cheating. She finally comes to his defence and that starts Jaime to being overprotective.

The two begin a secret tryst that has more adventure for her and calmness for him. As she gets to know him, things he says reminds her of what Marjorie said as she was dying.

This gets her to find answers to question on documents she found and leads her to Friar John, the Abbot of St Bartholomew, very pleasant fellow, who presides over St. Bartholomew’s, boc-hord or library. This library has literature in several languages and family histories dating back centuries. Annals of peerage bestowments from more than one hundred years, including the one she is looking for. Earldoms, baronies bestowed, along with their birth and death dates, page after page. An entry caught her eye. The Earldom of Stornoway: 1539___________,

Does their tryst get discovered? Will it last? Does Tormund use her? How much does she understand of his story he lets be told? Can she put the clues together?

Come join the festival for fun and games! Find out how one can make another's joy more. Along the way get history and family drama galore!

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I couldn't put this one down, give me a good highlander book and that is just what happens, this one was an outstanding highlander read!

I was hooked within the first couple of chapters and the chemistry along with set your heart on fire banter and care sprinkled throughout the story. The story between Tormund and Brighde will give you the edge of your seat forbidden love vibes and is perfect going into the fall. I read this book in one day, and will definitely be re reading it on a fall rainy day, it's just that good you will want to go back and read it again and again.

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Lady Bridhde MacDonald is about to get a taste of freedom. Her over protective brother has kept all potential suitors away until his new wife helped persuade him otherwise. Now they are going to a festival with all the other Clans where the rule is to keep a truce.

Tormund MacLeod needs the prizes from the festival games, but he also has a less than honourable reason for attending.

In this historical romance our Highlanders have to learn to put away old grievances to survive. Who are the real enemies? Danger, secrets and adventures galore for all our characters.

I believe this is a stand alone book, but there may be a previous one I have missed. All the characters are wonderful fun. And I especially loved our hero.

Great fun.

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I didn't realize until the very end that this was related to Twelfth Knight's Bride, which I really enjoyed. This book is about James's younger sister Brighde and Tormund.

Tormund MacLeod is seeking revenge for the death of his brother. At this year's Lughnasadh festival, he'll take the opportunity to make Laird MacDonald pay. But there are many distractions at the festival, a fair and bonny vixen who charms him like no other woman.

Lady Brighde MacDonald understands the reason for her brother's protectiveness but it's becoming quite suffocating. She needs a little reckless freedom. Which she finds in the arms of the rough sweet-talking Highlander.

Only after their night of passion do they discover that they are enemies.

Their tryst could mean war. Brighde would like there to be peace between their families. But how will she convince her brother and the man she loves to put their differences aside?

Thank you so much to the author, Entangled and NetGalley for this ARC to review.
Working on review

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*sigh* Entangled, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Y’all don’t disappoint. Highland Romeo and Juliet? Happily ever after? Totally smitten guy? Touch her and die?

Yes fucking please.

This was such a good read. Tormund and Brighde are such sweethearts. The way he very clearly loves her and wants what’s best for her and will do anything to ensure it. Ugh sign me up.

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A Highland Rogue to Ruin. You have to read this very sexy Scottish romantic story. It’s two people who found it very hard to avoid the line that’s drawn between both their family. The passion and pure ecstasy of love making in spot on with our main characters. Tormund is like a God of sexual conquests.
I mean, like the writer describes his love making like no other. If every male character were described such as he, there would be no more romance books on the shelf. Oh Lord I’ve got to dial it back. You know how I can lose myself. You how I get when I discuss a man and his libido.
So Bridghde, your lovely leading lady. Is like a wild cat that could only be soothed by Tormund voice. Their lovely adventure built on desire, passion, sexual explorations and love takes over the whole book, which I absolutely loved. Tormund and Bridghde work together to find a truths for their family that suffers from the traumas of the past. James and Tormund has some personal talking to do.
I give this book two snaps and a twist. Until next time my fellow readers. Read on! I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.

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A steamy plot rooted in Scottish history
From the first page of E. Elizabeth Watson’s A Highland Rogue to Ruin, you can tell that the author has done their homework. The dialogue and the setting feel authentic for the Scottish Highlands at the turn of the 16th century. Think Outlander vibes from the onset, and I was here for it. When I completed the story and moved to the Author’s Note, my suspicions were confirmed. Not only did Watson capture an authentic feel for the narrative and setting, the author actually based this story (and the first book in this series, Twelfth Knight’s Bride) on an historic feud between two clans: the MacDonalds of Sleat and the MacLeods of Dunvegan. Centuries ago, these two clans sought peace through a marriage of their kin; the condition being that the marriage would dissolve a year later if it did not produce an heir. When the bride was unable to bear a child within that time, she was returned in humiliation to her clan. Her kinsmen retaliated and a violent series of ambushes and raids occurred for years between the two clans.

A Highland Rogue to Ruin takes this backdrop and explores what might have happened if these two clans were given another chance at “The Great Peace.” The story occurs during a week-long celebration called the Lughnasadh Harvest Festival. It is a time for neighboring clans to put down their arms and find ways to join together: dancing, harvesting, horse racing, and negotiating trade agreements and truces.

The two main characters, Lady Brighde MacDonald and Lord Tormund MacLeod (or the “Demon of the Seas”), set their eyes on one another during the festival’s opening masquerade. She is dressed as an angel, he is dressed as a demon, and things get hot very quickly between them after some dancing and one sultry game of chess.

Yet they are both at the Lughnasadh festival for different reasons: Bridgde to taste freedom after years of boredom in her clan’s castle under her brother’s protective care and Tormund to kill that very same brother for murdering his older brother years before. Brighde’s sister and Tormund’s brother were the ill-fated couple of the failed marriage treaty between the two clans and, in this fictional account of the historical events, both were murdered by opposing sides. It takes little time for Brighde and Tormund to discover who the other is, and, surprisingly, they take the news of their lover being the enemy who killed their brother/sister pretty well. I suppose it is because, by that time, they are besotted with one another. Even though being caught could mean war between the two clans, they continue their affair in secret.

But, as all good “secret love” stories typically go, they are exposed as Brighde attempts to stop a fight between Tormund and her brother. Someone is trying to stir up trouble between the MacLeods and MacDonalds, and it isn’t the usual suspects. Brighde must convince her brother to trust Tormund so they can find their common enemy. Letters that Brighde found in her dead sister’s trunks — as well as her dying last words — point to a mystery that only can be solved if everyone puts down their swords and starts to listen. I see this as being one of Brighde’s major roles in the story: a peacemaker and the woman that both her brother and Tormund care for enough to rethink what the decades of violence between the clans have cost them.

“Brother, at some point, the fighting must cease. At some point, we must all start listening. Or else there will no longer be anyone standing on this bonny land.”
I did not fully grasp Brighde’s character, though. In the beginning, I was hyped for a sassy and brave Highland lass who was no mewling kitten. In the prologue, it says: “Her father had once said it was a shame she’s been born a woman, for she had a sharp mind and would have been hell to outwit on the battlefield.” Later, in a pivotal moment of the first few chapters of the book (the moment when Tormund and Brighde finally recognize one another as members of enemy clans), she dresses as a young lad and wins a dangerous horserace against Tormund and the rest of the Highland clan lords. From that point on, however, Brighde’s “girl power” goes a bit downhill. For the majority of the book, Tormund calls Brighde his “angel”. She is described as highly feminine, exquisitely beautiful, and gentle in her soul. Her mannerisms seem nervous (there is an ongoing quip in the book about her biting her lip when worried), and there are many passages where Brighde has tears in her eyes. Brighde even admits to Tormund, after he gives her a small dagger to help protect herself in case of an attack: “But Torm, I can nay even step on an ant without crying.” A far reach from Chapter 4’s Brighde who secretly donned pants and delivered all the tough Highland lords an “arse trouncing” as she raced across the finish line on her horse. As a reader, I wanted to see more confidence from Brigdhe throughout the book. She stands up to her brother and Tormund at almost every turn — and that’s not easy to do. I think Watson tries to reconcile Brigdhe’s gentility and her fierceness yet, in some parts of the narrative, I just was not convinced.

All in all, the romance between Tormund and Brighde is a spicy and satisfying one. The desire between them is intense, but the connection feels real. The “Demon of the Seas” falls under Bridghe’s spell and the Highland rogue façade is ruined, making way for Tormund and his clan to finally find peace. I enjoyed the happy ending and how the lovers complete one another.

The lass who’d trounced him in chess and made peace offerings and fit so perfectly in his arms. The lass who’d finally touched him and dragged him out of the shadows that had shackled him for so long, he’d forgotten what the sunshine felt like on his face. The lass who he’d sought to give freedom, who in turn had unchained his heart.
A Highland Rogue to Ruin is a steamy romance with a well-paced plot and enough swoon-worthy declarations of love in Scottish brogue to make for an enjoyable read.

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A Highland Rogue to Ruin by E. Elizabeth Watson presents a captivating narrative that engages the mind while tugging at the heartstrings. This vibrant and opulent tale weaves together a tapestry of juicy drama, palpable tension, intense emotions, sizzling passion, exhilarating action, and tender moments that effortlessly draw you in, leaving you fully immersed and emotionally invested.

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This was such a good story! I just loved the connection between Brighde and Tormund. Brighde wanted more from her life, her brother kept her safe in his castle but she was an intelligent woman and yearned for her freedom. Tormund was her brother’s enemy and laird of his clan. He was know as a fierce warrior. They meet at a clan’s harvest gathering and their attraction to each other is instant. Brighde sees the man Tormund really is and not the persona he shows to the world. I loved the way Tormund listened to Brighde and his romantic gestures made for a wonderful read. They are some dangerous events and many secrets that are eventually revealed. This was a book I didn’t want to put down, it moved along at a good pace and had plenty of action. This is my first book by this author but I will look out for more of her books. I received a copy and have voluntarily reviewed it. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Happy publication day! This was a fun little read, with great characters and plenty of action. Loved it!

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En bref, j'ai aimé le contexte, les personnages, la façon dont ils ne baissent jamais les bras et se donnent à fond dans tout ce qu'ils entreprennent. Ils ont des objectifs, se battent pour les gens qu'ils aiment et vont découvrir l'amour l'un comme l'autre. Brighde et Tormund sont touchants et attachants, on ne peut que dévorer les pages pour savoir comment ils vont s'en sortir et le final est vraiment très chouette. Un bon moment en bonne compagnie, j'ai aimé leurs combats et les sourires que cela engendre !

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This was an exciting read by a new author for me. Ms Watson writes a swoon worthy and sexy romance that's full of highlanders. I really like this story that had me at first chapter and never let go. The characters were fully developed with thoughts and feelings of their own.
A fierce highlander named Tormund MacLeod, known as the "Demon of the Seas, seeks revenge against a man who has a hand in is brothers death. Tormund is for forcing his once friend James into combat but one thing or someone has entered his life that will change his heart.
Brighde MacDonald brother James, is always finding ways to suppress his sister's life in ways that stifle her wants. He's very protective and keeps her from experiences life for herself. But during a Lughnasadh festival, Brighde has a chance to go and enjoy the party. There she meets a man who is very handsome and courteous to her. She and Tormund have an instant attraction to each other. She finds out about his hatred to her brother James, since her sister was married to Tormund's brother. But both are dead the feud still is on against the McDonalds and MacLeods.
Brighde and Tormund have a destiny that will heal each other and bring a happy ever after. The key to their fate will be a love that will last forever.
I appreciate Net Galley for this ARC title in which I gave an honest review.

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"A Highland Rogue to Ruin" by E. Elizabeth Watson offers a captivating twist on the classic Highlander romance genre. Set against the backdrop of a longstanding feud between the MacLeods and the MacDonalds, this tale delves deep into the complexities of love, loss, and redemption.

Tormund MacLeod, known as the "Demon of the Seas," seeks vengeance for his brother's death, which he attributes to Brighde MacDonald's brother, James. The story navigates the minefield of the clans' history, highlighting the deeply ingrained animosity that fuels their rivalry. As Tormund and Brighde's lives intertwine during a Lughnasadh festival, their initial attraction is juxtaposed against the looming threat of war.

Tormund, the fierce warrior, is portrayed with intricate layers that reveal a tender, intellectual soul beneath his tough exterior. Brighde, equally fierce, defies convention and challenges Tormund's preconceptions. Their chemistry is palpable, and their gradual, realistic love story is a highlight that keeps readers invested.

The festival's masked setting adds a touch of whimsy to the otherwise intense narrative. The author's clever use of their angel and demon disguises as endearing nicknames adds depth and endearment to their connection.

My only qualm is the swift progression of Tormund and Brighde's relationship. It's a narrative choice that pays off, yet a slightly more measured pace might have heightened the tension further. But I do appreciate the lack of overly graphic violent scenes, a commendable choice for a romance that maintains a balanced tone throughout the story.

The third-party manipulation and the gradual shift toward a resolution between the clans add layers of intrigue to the storyline. I was drawn to the parallel traits shared by Tormund and James, highlighting that the characters' motivations go beyond the surface-level rivalry.

While the book could have been slightly shorter, it had well-constructed character dynamics, and the immersive story compensates for the length. Watson's skillful weaving of historical elements with an original twist in the romance genre leaves a lasting impression.

In conclusion, "A Highland Rogue to Ruin" offers a richly developed historical romance that delves into themes of prejudice, redemption, and the power of love. It stands out within its genre with unique character portrayals and an engaging plot. I look forward to exploring more of Watson's works, particularly if they feature characters as compelling as Tormund. This Highlander Rogue may bear a ruined reputation, but beneath the surface lies a captivating tale of passion and redemption.

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4.5 Stars
Known as the “Demon of the Seas,” Tormund MacLeod only wants vengeance for his brother’s murder. At this year’s Lughnasadh festival, the vicious and unyielding Laird of the powerful MacDonald clan will know the bite of his sword. But the festival offers many distractions—including a fair and bonny masked vixen whose touch disarms Tormund, body and soul. Lady Brighde MacDonald might understand her brother’s overprotectiveness but she doesn’t have to like it. Only too late, they both recognize that they’re enemies. She’s the sister of the man Tormund wants dead.
Now their tryst could mean war. Brighde would see a truce, but it means she must convince her brother and the man she loves to lay down their swords. But Tormund hides a long-buried secret that could destroy both clans.
A well written book of enemies to lovers, the pace is good & the characters well portrayed. I really liked both Tormund & Brighde, their chemistry sizzled but their clans are at loggerheads. An engrossing read which I found hard to put down & the pages whizzed by, there was a fast pace laced with danger, secrets & a love that couldn’t be denied
My review is for a special copy I voluntarily read

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Thank you to Netgalley and Entangled publishing for this EArc in exchange for my honest review.

This was my first Highlander story. It wad a quick, well written, and enjoyable read. I liked the twists and turns in the story. I'm not usually a fan of insta love but this story was an exception. I would definitely read more by this author.

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#BookReview #newbookrelease #entangledpublishing #historicalbookreviews #Scottishhighlands #BookBirthday
Book:A Highland Rogue To Ruin
Author:E. Elizabeth Watson
Publisher: Entangled
Release Date: August 21, 2023
Book Length: 288 Pages
Overall Rating: 5/5 Stars
Blog Rating: 5/5 Saltire Flags

Lughnasadh is a feast for the start of the Harvest season on August 1st. It has music, food, drink, games, trading, storytelling, horse riding, athletic contests, and (trial marriages) handfasting. It is observed by the Irish, Scottish and Pagans.

Scottish Highlands, 1547
In this story it centers around Tormund MacLeod and Brighde MacDonald and their forbidden love for each other. It also is not the first time a MacLeod and a MacDonald have crossed enemy lines where they fall deeply and madly in love with each other. As most know these two clans have been enemies for over a century! However Tormund’s brother Owen and Brighde’s sister Marjorie who had previously been married are now both dead! Family members of both clans are blaming each other and both Marjorie’s brother James ( Jamie) and Tormund want to destroy each other!

On top of that Jamie is an overprotective brother and has not allowed his beautiful sister out of the castle until the Lughnasadh feast because it is a masked festival. Lady Brighde MacDonald has been living a cloistered life since their sister’s tragedy, but Brighde is paying the price and is furious how her brother rejects every suitor that comes her way as she is sick and tired over her brother’s over protective ways. Finally she convinces her (warden) brother to allow her out of (her cell) the castle and attend the Lughnasadh; it is a masked event and no one will see her beautiful face. Now she is feeling very rebellious needing to have a little freedom and perhaps a little romance! Plus it could very well be the last time she might have this opportunity of freedom, so she plans to enjoy it to the fullest degree!

On this special night a masked woman and masked man meet not realizing they are enemies as they are masked members of Clans MacDonald and a MacLeod. What they don’t realize is he is the Demon of the Seas, Laird Tormund MacLeod and she is the sister of the Laird James MacDonald. Except neither realizes it and they are like a moth to a flame but will one of them get burned? The attraction can not be helped and one thing leads another as Lady Brighde has decided this is the night she wants to be rebellious and be with a man for the very first time as she might never get the chance again. Except will their night of passion might start war as the man she had just been with is the man who wants to kill her brother! Have they both just started a clan war?

Tormund and James are filled with so much hate and grief they don’t see the big picture and are wrong about what they assume happened to their loved ones. Will they ever stop and smell the roses and discover the truth about these murders? Shall their prejudices, stubbornness, and pride ruin any type of alliance between these two powerful clans? Can Tormund’s love for Brighde save them both or will the end result end in tragedy like Romeo and Juliet or like their siblings? Can this revenge and murder be avoided and truce be accomplished? Read and find out in this phenomenal read!

This is a fictional love story between Tormund MacLeod (Demon of the Seas) and Brighde MacDonald by E. Elizabeth Watson. Some might compare this story to Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare. .The difference is part of this story is very true in Scottish history, as the feud between Clans MacLeod and MacDonald lasted over a century! It was for a host of different reasons, but known as one of the bloodiest in the history of Scotland’s clan wars.

I love when authors weave true history with an awe-inspiring fictional love story. Watson just blew me away with this incredible story that is absolutely riveting. It is definitely a story not to be missed. I look forward to Ms. Watson’s next Scottish historical novel, as I found this book to be absolutely mesmerizing, a true Highland masterpiece!

Disclaimer:I received this advance review copy for free and I am leaving this review voluntarily,

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