Member Reviews

Both terrifying and enlightening, Wheeler' s review on the modern industry created by test giants is harsh but important. Though not entirely suited for a wide, public audience, this book could find it's niche among indsutry professionals.

TECHLASH by Tom Wheeler poses the question: "Who Makes the Rules in the Digital Gilded Age?" Wheeler, a businessman and former (2013-2017) Chairman of the Federal Communication Commission (FCC), highlights parallels between the late 19th century’s industrial Gilded Age the digital Gilded Age of the 21st century: increasing disparities in wealth and innovators making their own (self-interested) rules. Saying "a shiny patina hides the darker realities," Wheeler offers a call to action. Consumer privacy certainly merits greater protection and a major proposed task is rewriting rules and regulations although it is admittedly difficult to picture current politicians having the will or means to do so. Wheeler observes that "solutions that were developed in the past – antitrust law and regulatory oversight– were unprecedented" at that time. He is extremely knowledgeable and devotes an entire section of his new text to "Reasserting the Public Interest" where he outlines proposals for establishing behavioral expectations for digital platform companies with separate chapters dealing with privacy, competition and "truth and trust." Although the average reader may find TECHLASH a bit too complex, roughly fifteen percent of the text is devoted to notes and an index which increases its usefulness for researchers and policymakers.