Cover Image: You Know What You Did

You Know What You Did

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3.5 ⭐️ rounded down.

Thank you to Penguin Group Dutton and NetGalley for the Digital ARC of You Know What You Did.

I love a thriller. I especially love a thriller that’s dealing with larger issues beyond the crime(s) themselves. The way Nguyen writes about the immigrant experience, PTSD, mental illness, mother/daughter relationships, and generational trauma is important and timely. At times, the messaging can be heavy handed if the reader considers themselves slightly versed in the topic(s) above, but overall the writing was a welcome addition to the thriller as a whole.

Where the novel lost me was in the pacing and time jumps. A lot of the chapters in the middle section of the book generally ended on the same note or even the same sentence. Some chapters felt like lateral moves as opposed to steps in the plot. It was also difficult to keep track of where in the overall story a certain chapter was taking place. Both of these aspects messed with the pacing and took me out of the story.

Overall, I would generally recommend this book to someone who enjoys thrillers and family dramas, but I would warn them of the pacing issues in advance.

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I simply couldn't get into this book. It was kinda slow, but that wasn't the biggest issue for me. Mostly I didn't care enough about the characters to care to see what was up with them. Maybe it got better but I DNF'd this at 35%.

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It has been so long since I read a book that truly felt like I couldn’t put it down. This book was phenomenal. The pace starts a little slow, but once it picks up it doesn’t slow down. One of my favorite aspects of this book is the way context is delivered. As you read you get a sense of “okay, I see where this is going” but the author expertly drops little tidbits of information that makes it nearly impossible to trust your understanding of things. In addition to being a twisty thriller, this book also so deftly weaves in themes of inherited trauma and the complicated nature of mother-daughter relationships.

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I think this will be received well by the thriller reading audience, but it wasn't working for me. I think the writing itself is good, but I didn't care that much about the characters or what was happening. I may try to get a hold of the physical copy when the title releases to add to my library if I can find it for a reasonable price.

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The pace was too slow, and I struggled with this one. Things picked up in the latter third, but it was too little too that by that point. The title is redundant throughout the book, and it gets old fast. I was never able to connect with the characters, and I found many of them unlikeable. The story had potential, but it fell short. Overdetailing lulled the pace, and the ending was lackluster and predictable. I did like the twist, however.

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First I would like to thank the publishers and Net Galley for my advanced readers copy of this book. Next I would like to say that this book was more of a slow born book and I tend to enjoy more of a fast paced thriller but this one kept me hooked from the first chapter. This story had suspense as well as drama laced through with an impeccable plot. I highly recommend this book.

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‘With dizzying twists and unexpected turns, YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DID is both a harrowing thriller and a heartfelt exploration of the refugee experience, the legacies we leave for our children, and the unbreakable bonds between mothers and daughters.’

Firstly, you will not forget the title of this book as it is mentioned in more chapters than not. I had no connections with the female MC, Annie, or with any other characters involved, as very few felt likeable to me and absolutely none were trustworthy. The latter not being a bad thing necessarily, as I oftentimes appreciate untrustworthy POV's, but I’m sorry to say I found it difficult to get into and become invested in this story.

Regardless, much appreciation to Penguin Group Dutton and NetGalley for this arc!

Pub date: 4.16.2024.

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Perfectly plotted and shocking, this story is a fun thriller with intricate characters! I adored it.

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This was an incredibly gripping, adrenaline-filled read. When Annie's mother dies, it triggers her years-dormant OCD to come back with a vengeance. Bad things keep happening to Annie, and a bad memory of a car accident keeps resurfacing. She turns to her rituals for comfort—except it's not working. Her husband and teenage daughter grow weary of her coping mechanisms and want her to get help, but Annie is resistant. Her mental health continues to worsen as she grapples with generational trauma and decades-old wounds that have been left to fester. When insidious events start to unfold, and the fingers begin pointing at Annie, she herself cannot even be sure what the real truth is. My heart RACED as I finished this book. Just when I thought the ending was going one way, it went in a different direction that I did not see coming. I felt like I was being suffocated alive while I read this—in the best way. The depiction of OCD was also stunningly real. If you are a fan of thrillers, psychological thrillers, and suspense novels, you will inhale this one. I will be eagerly anticipating K.T. Nguyen's next book!

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Sorry to say I DNF'd this book 80 pages in. I was waiting to be drawn into the world but the mundane everyday scenes of family life plodded along and took me out of the story. I was intrigued by the premise, but the plot was disjointed and the writing felt distant. Perhaps it is due to my preference for first person point of view books.

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You know what you did is a page turning psychological thriller. Just when you think you know what’s going on, you find out you had no idea. This book was unlike any other I have read. Annie’s character feels slightly unhinged but also misunderstood. You won’t regret reading it!

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Warning animal abuse. this book was hard to read, disturbing images and the main character dealing with her ocd getting worse. The beginning was slow. I finished it because I wanted to see how they resolved it but it wasn't for me

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Starts out slow and I almost didn't finish!!!

Once you get Annie and her family background it dies get better!

Was a good book after about 40% ! Thanks NetGalley

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I could not finish enough of this book to be able to leave a comprehensive review, but I hope it finds its audience and I am grateful to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read an advance copy.

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So the first like 60% of the book was slow and boring. The last 40% was actually pretty good. I definitely didn’t see the ending with Duncan, Gabe, Tabitha, or Annie being how it was. Over all i would recommend the book but warn people that it’s a pretty slow start.
Thank you NetGalley for the ARC!

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Heart pounding thriller that left me on the edge of my seat. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this one. Definitely one of the best books this year.

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Thanks so much for NetGalley and the author for the opportunity to read this book! This book was a quick and twisty read. Must read!

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Annie has a lot going for her, so it seems. But when her mom, a Vietnam War refugee, dies suddenly, Annies’s life starts to fall apart. She thought she’d put her OCD behind her, but now it’s back with a vengeance and this time, it seems the fixations might be true.

As strange things start to happen and the investigation becomes focused on Annie, she knows she will do anything to protect her daughter, even if it means losing herself.

This was such an interesting and intriguing read. This is one of those thrillers where you are left guessing the entire time, all the way to the end. This was more of a character driven book instead of a plot driven book. With that in mind, the characters were really well developed, and I think the author shined in bringing them to life and giving them depth. I enjoyed not being able to guess what was going on, and there were plenty of red herrings along the way that had me scratching my head. It was a little challenging to get into this one, but once I did I enjoyed the story. It was hard to read about Annie’s struggles with her mental health, but it was written in a way that was realistic and relatable which I appreciated.

If you are looking for a slow burn thriller with a focus on mental health, then check this one out.

Thank you so much to Penguin Group Dutton @duttonbooks and Netgalley @netgalley for the e-arc in exchange for an honest review.

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First, thank you to the publisher for allowing me to receive an ARC of this book. It is due to release April of 2024. I honestly didn't know what to expect going into this book, but I was intrigued by the description and the cover. So very happy to be given the opportunity to read it ahead of the release.

The story itself had potential but the writing was par and there was just a lot going on. Some of the information was beneficial to the story but a lot of it just felt jumbled together and a lot longer than it needed to be. There were parts that were well done but overall a very slow/sluggish book. The ending was lackluster and very predictable in my opinion. However, it was still an enjoyable twist.

The character development was probably where the author did the best. Plot, writing style, originality is where the story fell short.

A solid 3 star book. Not bad, just not great. Very average. Worth a shot to read but personally wasn't my favorite.

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My thanks to #DuttonBooks #PenguinGroup #NetGalley and #K.T. Nguyen for the ARC of #IKnowWhatYouDid. It’s never easy to deal with mental health issues but Nguyen brought mental health to the forefront with I Know What You Did. Struggling with her own OCD, Annie is forced to confront her mother’s failing physical health and declining mental health. A Vietnam War refugee, Annie’s mother is a hoarder – she always has been, but what was once a necessity, hoarding for the sake of feeding her family, it’s now become a matter of health and safety, but Annie’s OCD is keeping her from helping her mother in the ways she needs the most help – and her mother won’t accept help, completing the circle of the mental health crisis. But this book is more than that – a rollercoaster of a mystery, plunging deep into the past then whooshing back into the present with secrets, nightmares, and an ending that really comes as a surprise. Totally recommend.

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