Member Reviews

I will never not read however many Stephanie Plum books come out by Janet Evanovich! She’s so funny and I never get tired of these characters.

It always seems like such a simple task that Stephanie is sent on but NOPE! It never turns out that way, thank goodness for us readers. If you need a good laugh, added with some mystery this book is for you!

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Title: Dirty Thirty

Author: Janet Evanovich

Ch: 25

Pg: 328

Series: Stephanie Plum

Genre: mystery comedy

Rating: 4.5 stars

Publisher: Artia books

I almost didn’t pick up Dirty Thirty because the last few books in the Stephanie Plum series had fallen flat. And had either been not up to previous standards of the series or felt like the same all same all. But I’m glad I picked this one up because it felt like some of the earlier books again. And the stake out in this one. There is indeed someone worse to go on a stake out with that grandma mazer. And of course, reading words that I never thought would come out of Ranger’s mouth.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher through netgalley. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.

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Stephanie Plum is one of my favorite fictional characters. Part goofball, part fearless heroine, Stephanie’s antics never fail to entertain. It’s never about figuring Whodunnit, but it is about whatever crazy situation will take her to the next. Two dark, handsome guys in her life keep the reader guessing who in the world will she end up with? In this 30th take the odds are definitely in favor of one over the other, yet #2 is sure to be not far behind.

Fun, silly entertainment, Stephanie Plum never fails to deliver.

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This is the best Evanovich book I have read in a long time. It felt like an old original Stephanie Plum book. I absolutely loved the parts with Lula and was laughing out loud several times. I cannot wait for the next book!!

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She’s back!!! The wait for the next Stephanie Plum novel is brutal, but when it hits, I devour it quick. The adventure is off the charts in this installment, and the only thing I missed was Grandma joining in the fun. Ranger is becoming even more mysterious to me and in the end, readers will be wondering will she or won”t she.

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My favorite book in the series! I simply can't wait for the next book to find out what happens! This book is full of fun adventures! The characters never disappoint!

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This was just an OK read for me. I found it a little bit slow so it was hard to get through but I know a lot of people who highly recommend it so give it a chance if you enjoy the blurb and feel like it’s something you’d be interested in.

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Yes this series is still my guilty pleasure and yes I still read them in a day as they come out. The characters although familiar still keep my attention and this is the cliff hanger of all Stephanie Plum cliff hangers and is somehow completely believable - she will FINALLY have to choose once and for all and I am here for it!

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I have read every book in the Stephanie Plum series, but had been disappointed in the past few. I saw a newer, more mature side to Stephanie in Dirty Thirty. It’s about time she grows up and stops acting like a bimbo when it comes to men. I thought maybe the Ranger/Morelli issue would amp up and be resolved and was half right. All in all a very enjoyable read. #Netgalley #DirtyThirty

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Another enjoyable read from Janet Evanovich. I am always excited to start another Stephanie Plum book. At this point in the series, I don't find much that surprises me. However, the characters still make me laugh, I enjoy the constant question of who Stephanie will end up with, and I can't get enough Lula and granny.

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These books continue to be fantastic. I really appreciate that we're finally getting some forward motion on the eternal love triangle. I'm so attached to these characters and I can't wait for the next entry in the series.

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This story was the same as most of the others. I keep waiting and hoping some of the spark from the first books comes back. Morelli was absent for most of this book and Stephanie is once again making questionable decisions about her love life. The whole storyline between her, Ranger, and Morelli in this book boggled my mind - I kept waiting for the punchline, but it never came.

I always say I need to stop reading this series, but much like the old TV show ER, I'll keep coming back for unexplainable reasons.

Thanks to the publisher for a review copy via Netgalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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You can always rely on Janet Evanovich for a wacky Stephanie Plum adventure. I started reading these books in my 20s, and now that I'm in my 40s, I still look to them whenever I need a laugh. The opening chapters were a little slow, but once the mystery starts rolling, there are lots of surprises and good laughs. I honestly can't believe she's able to come up with these hijinks year after year. Grandma Mazur is still my favorite. Thirty books! Incredible.

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The newest release by Evanovich finds Stephanie and Lulu searching for missing bodies, Joe is temporarily out of state, and Ranger is making his presence known.

This is a long running series and Evanovich knows how to draw her audience in with bomb, bodies, Lulu, Stephanie’s family and her love interests. I had taken a break from reading this series, but throughly enjoyed this book. This is not a stand alone book in my opinion. I would recommend beginning the series from One for the Money as each installment builds off on the last one.

I was given an ARC by NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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Reading the newest Stephanie Plum book is like revisiting a favorite place. I'm always torn between thinking my life isn't so crazy after all, and maybe I need to find a more exciting career. "Dirty Thirty" follows script, with Stephanie and Lula being pulled into a random situation while chasing a pretty tame FTA, and the love triangle of her, Morelli and Ranger.

The usual ending scene of action when Stephanie and Lula end in grave danger and one (or both) of the guys swoop in to rescue her was missing. One part of me was glad that Stephanie was taking care of it on her own this time, but another part of me was a tad disappointed this episode trickled into the romance side and the whole action part was tied up pretty quickly and quietly. I do like the cliffhanger ending - it means we will get #31!

Always fun to read Stephanie! Grab it if you are already a fan and in the mood for a quick, funny read. If you are not a fan, get your ands on #1 and enjoy the ride!

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Stephanie Plum is back as our lovable, but accident-prone bounty hunter in the 30th installment of the series! We follow Stephanie and her sidekick, Lula, to chase down a few of the latest Trenton citizens who have committed crimes and then skipped their court dates. The robbery of a local jewelry store snowballs to bring us quite the mysterious debacle. With her on and off boyfriend out of town, Stephanie is also joined by Bob the dog and his goofy antics. Our cast of characters bring about the typical destruction, laughs, and questionable choices that we’ve come to love in the series. Janet Evanovich leaves us with an expected cliffhanger, but this time there is a twist!

Thank you to NetGalley and Atria Books for an ARC of this title in exchange for my honest review.

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As with all the books in featuring Stephanie Plum the book is fast moving and fun to read. Very humorous and I look forward to her next advenure.

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Another amazing installment in the Stephanie Plum series. I love this series so much. I'm looking forward to the next book.

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Thank you to NetGalley for the copy of Dirty Thirty. It has been at least 10 years since I read a Stephanie Plum book and reading this one was like it was yesterday. Good bad guys. Lula was her usual outrageous self. And then there's Ranger. Aw Ranger....there could always be more Ranger. Great story as always.

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Oh my goodness, finally, something big is happening! No spoilers, and a heck of a cliffhanger, but I am so happy there seems to be some progression! I have read this series from the beginning, faithfully, every book as it was released. I was feeling over the past few years as if it was very monotonous and that something was going to have to shake things up! Well, I have been given just enough to be anxiously awaiting #31 and I am not even mad about it! #TeamRanger #DirtyThirty #JanetEvanovich #NetGalley

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