Member Reviews

You can always rely on Janet Evanovich for a wacky Stephanie Plum adventure. I started reading these books in my 20s, and now that I'm in my 40s, I still look to them whenever I need a laugh. The opening chapters were a little slow, but once the mystery starts rolling, there are lots of surprises and good laughs. I honestly can't believe she's able to come up with these hijinks year after year. Grandma Mazur is still my favorite. Thirty books! Incredible.

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The newest release by Evanovich finds Stephanie and Lulu searching for missing bodies, Joe is temporarily out of state, and Ranger is making his presence known.

This is a long running series and Evanovich knows how to draw her audience in with bomb, bodies, Lulu, Stephanie’s family and her love interests. I had taken a break from reading this series, but throughly enjoyed this book. This is not a stand alone book in my opinion. I would recommend beginning the series from One for the Money as each installment builds off on the last one.

I was given an ARC by NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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Reading the newest Stephanie Plum book is like revisiting a favorite place. I'm always torn between thinking my life isn't so crazy after all, and maybe I need to find a more exciting career. "Dirty Thirty" follows script, with Stephanie and Lula being pulled into a random situation while chasing a pretty tame FTA, and the love triangle of her, Morelli and Ranger.

The usual ending scene of action when Stephanie and Lula end in grave danger and one (or both) of the guys swoop in to rescue her was missing. One part of me was glad that Stephanie was taking care of it on her own this time, but another part of me was a tad disappointed this episode trickled into the romance side and the whole action part was tied up pretty quickly and quietly. I do like the cliffhanger ending - it means we will get #31!

Always fun to read Stephanie! Grab it if you are already a fan and in the mood for a quick, funny read. If you are not a fan, get your ands on #1 and enjoy the ride!

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Stephanie Plum is back as our lovable, but accident-prone bounty hunter in the 30th installment of the series! We follow Stephanie and her sidekick, Lula, to chase down a few of the latest Trenton citizens who have committed crimes and then skipped their court dates. The robbery of a local jewelry store snowballs to bring us quite the mysterious debacle. With her on and off boyfriend out of town, Stephanie is also joined by Bob the dog and his goofy antics. Our cast of characters bring about the typical destruction, laughs, and questionable choices that we’ve come to love in the series. Janet Evanovich leaves us with an expected cliffhanger, but this time there is a twist!

Thank you to NetGalley and Atria Books for an ARC of this title in exchange for my honest review.

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As with all the books in featuring Stephanie Plum the book is fast moving and fun to read. Very humorous and I look forward to her next advenure.

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Another amazing installment in the Stephanie Plum series. I love this series so much. I'm looking forward to the next book.

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Thank you to NetGalley for the copy of Dirty Thirty. It has been at least 10 years since I read a Stephanie Plum book and reading this one was like it was yesterday. Good bad guys. Lula was her usual outrageous self. And then there's Ranger. Aw Ranger....there could always be more Ranger. Great story as always.

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Oh my goodness, finally, something big is happening! No spoilers, and a heck of a cliffhanger, but I am so happy there seems to be some progression! I have read this series from the beginning, faithfully, every book as it was released. I was feeling over the past few years as if it was very monotonous and that something was going to have to shake things up! Well, I have been given just enough to be anxiously awaiting #31 and I am not even mad about it! #TeamRanger #DirtyThirty #JanetEvanovich #NetGalley

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I just finished reading Dirty Thirty by Janet Evanovich. Dirty Thirty is the thirtieth book in her Stephanie Plum series, but the first I've read. It was an entertaining read from beginning to end with lots of quirky characters getting themselves in all sorts of trouble. Stephanie Plum works for her cousin Vinnie who is a bail bondsman in New Jersey. She retrieves those who have skipped their court dates, thus the constant stream of characters and adventures. Stephanie is also dog-sitting, so there's a lot of dog in this novel. The story centers around a jewelry store robbery gone wrong that ends up being a lot more complicated than the accused skipping his court date.T his was a quick, fun read.

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I love Janet Evanovich, and Stephanie Plum is a lifelong friend of mine. I’ve ready all of the books in the series, and for some reason I struggled starting this one. Of course I loved it once I got going, but something had me dragging.

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My thanks to Atria books, Janet Evanovich and Netgalley.
I gave up on these wonderful books back at 12 Sharp. I had just had enough!
But, if you've ever read this series then you know that it's a difficult thing to let go of!
My frustration wasn't with the humor or really much of anything important. I was frustrated with Stephanie's inability to pick a mate/man.
I'm team Ranger....
So, it's a wee bit funny that when I decided to pick the series back up, to see what was going on and what had changed.........what had changed? Not a single damned thing.
It's been at least 15 years since I read book 12. Not a single thing is different. Nothing.
I did still laugh, chuckle and get slightly hot and bothered by Ranger! Oh, looky there. Just the thought of Ranger made me lose my train of thought!
Anyhow, the way this book ended? I'm thinking that I'll ave to read the next.
Will Stephanie actually choose? I'll wait for the review's! I loved, loved, loved how this ended!
Also, much love to Lula! My second favorite ex-ho! She'd have been first, but I have a friend who was once a ho! She'd get onery if she thought someone else was a better ex-ho!
I'm glad I read this and will be carrying on to the next books, for a while at least.

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Stephanie Plum to the rescue for a quick, fun read! Bob saved the day for this one and why I would round it up to a. 3.5 stars. Morelli is mostly out of town in this one, but Ranger does make more frequent appearances. What starts as your average favor becomes a complicated twisted story complete with car bombs, clowns, and fake diamonds not to mention the loads of donuts and names you won’t soon forget. And the best part is the last part…. The very last part. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this fun read!

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I've been reading Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum series for almost two decades now, and even when they're not necessarily up to par, they still make for an amusement-filled read; this one fell somewhere in that category. It's not bad, but it's not great: it's just...what you expect. Without giving away any spoilers, even the "twists" feel long overdue, and yet, like nothing we haven't already been teased with. But Stephanie and the crew, as characters, are as delightful as ever, despite an overall-flimsy plot. If I read these for more than just sheer entertainment and just spending time with some old friends, I might care more that the plots aren't always solid, but...I don't, so it's fine. They are what they are, and this one is no exception. (One big complaint, though, is that there wasn't nearly enough Grandma Mazur.)

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Stephanie Plum is back in a new adventure. Like the other books in the series, this title is full with plenty of laugh out loud situations. As always, expect a few explosions, misadventure moment, and Lulu in all her wonderfulness. I love the direction the books have taken recently. The story shifts from the ever frustrating love triangle to more mystery and mayhem. This allows some of the other characters to step forward and shine. I've grown frustrated with the whole Ranger and Morelli bit. To be honest, I would love to see Stephanie separate herself from both of them and work on herself for a change. That being said, there is some relationship drama and future choices to be made by Stephanie. The ending hints at some huge potential character growth. I think this is going to be important moving forward in the series.

While this book could easily be a stand alone novel, I think it is a wonderful addition to the overall series. It's a great read in a wonderfully fun series.

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Plot-wise this is far from the best of the series, but it’s never a bad time hanging out with Stephanie and the gang for a few hundred pages.

It’s always fun to see certain minor characters return (the aptly named Diggory this time, yay!) and of course to see what the regulars get up to. Steph’s mom even gets in on the action a bit this time, which is predictably hilarious.

I’m Team Ranger, so I was pleased to see more of him than Morelli in this installment, though both of course appear, and good old Bob is along for the ride for much of the story this time.

Someday the repetitive themes of these might get old, but we’re 30 books deep, and I’m not tired of the gang and their adventures yet.

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Dirty Thirty makes more than 30 Stephanie Plum novels by the talented Janet Evanovich. As usual the book was filled with several mysteries to be solved, FTAs with comical crimes to be captured, some explosions, some life or death situations, and some pretty big surprises. In this volume, Stephanie, a Bond Enforcer who flies by the seat of her pants, was tasked with bringing in a failed jewel thief and hired privately by the jeweler to locate a missing security guard whom he suspected of stealing additional jewels. In the midst of her many skip trace cases, Stephanie worked with Ranger, Connie, Lula and Grandma Mazer to solve the lingering questions about the jewel thefts all while babysitting Bob for Morelli, who was out of town to testify in a trial. I was frequently amused while reading this book and there were some really surprising twists for Stephanie near the end of this novel. If you are a Stephanie Plum fan, you’ll love the antics of Stephanie’s crew, and if you aren’t a Stephanie Plum fan, you should be! These books are part mystery, part comedy, a splash of suspense, and a pinch or two of romance. There is something for everyone! Other than some kissing and references to spice, this book barely registers on the spice meter. With the cliffhanger at the end of the book, I will be anxiously waiting for Thirty-one. I am voluntarily leaving this honest review after reading an advanced complementary copy of this book thanks to Netgalley and Atria Books.

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4 stars
I have only read the first book in this series so I was exited to see a lot of the characters from the first book still in Stephanie's life. I was not so happy about this Ranger guy though lol. This book has a cliffhanger and I honestly can't wait to see what happens in book 31. It doesn't look like Stephanie Plum is done going after bond jumpers any time soon.

Thank you NetGalley and Atria Books for them opportunity to read and review this book.

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I received this book free of charge from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

Stephanie Plum is back at it in her latest book. This time Stephanie has to find Duncan Dugan who robbed a jewelry shop. The same day Andy Mankey goes missing along with some diamonds from the same jewelry store that was robbed. As always cars get destroyed and things on are on fire.

The book kept me entertained and I like little twists that happens with Ranger and Morelli. Can't wait to see where that goes.

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Finally! We get some movement on the Ranger vs. Morelli conundrum. This book is a delight and sure to please Stephanie Plum (or if you're like me: Lula) fans. The storyline is fast paced and will have you laughing out loud.

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Dirty Thirty is the latest in the amazingly funny Stephanie Plum series by the queen of laugh out loud mysteries, Janet Evanovich. Once again Stephanie finds herself in a bit of a pickle and with Lula as her backup what could possibly go wrong. Will Stephanie finally pick between Morelli and Ranger? Read Dirty Thirty to find out. This was a very entertaining and action packed story and I can’t wait to read what happens next with Stephanie.
I loved this story especially the fact that Bob had such a big and important role. I highly recommend this story and the whole series for that matter to anyone who likes a funny story with some action.

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