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A Killer Romance

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I saw A Killer Romance on NetGalley, and having read the prior two books in the series, I decided to pick it up. Then, the request for a review for a book tour came through, and I knew I was meant to read it.

The last Beach Reads Mystery book by author Maggie Blackburn came out in 2021, so it’s been a couple of years, and I’ll admit that it took me a few chapters into A Killer Romance to refresh my memory of Summer and her bookstore. If I hadn’t read the earlier books, I don’t think I’d have that same bout of confusion as the book does stand on its own. But it was nice to be back on Brigid’s Island, reconnecting with Summer and her friends and family.

Summer’s attitude has much improved since the first book. I almost didn’t recognize her, but it was a change for the better since she was so snobbish, and now she’s embracing the bookstore she inherited and the types of books they sell. She’s also hosting a romance author book signing for Valentine’s Day. But when the author dies following the signing and one of Summer’s friends is arrested, she jumps into investigating the murder.

Within the first chapter or two, Summer sprains her ankle and is primarily homebound for most of the book. This was a nice twist to have her focus and actively work on solving the mystery. I knew pretty early on who the murderer was. I didn’t get the motive immediately but was somewhat disappointed in the reveal. Not so much how the reveal occurred, but more Summer’s role in it.

A Killer Romance has an interesting epilogue, which almost made me feel that this might be the final book in the series. Usually, there’s a teaser that makes the reader think that something is coming, but this one didn’t have one.

A Killer Romance was a commendable read. It was my favorite in this series and stands on its own. It was an enjoyable day’s read, and I’d recommend it to cozy mystery fans.

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Thank you NetGalley and Crooked Lane Books for providing me with an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review. A Killer Romance is the third book in the Beach Reads Mystery series. This time, Summer, the owner of the bookstore, investigates during Valentine's Day celebrations. The mystery is interesting, and Summer's investigation uncovers many secrets. The pace of the book is good, and the storyline is enjoyable.

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A Killer Romance is the third book in the Beach Reads series.

St. Brigid Island, North Carolina is the setting for this cozy/beach read. Summer Merriweather owns the Beach Read bookstore after her mother, Hildy died. Before her mother died Summer was a professor at a university teaching about Shakespeare.

Summer has scheduled her first author at the Beach Read. They are hosting is Lana Livingston who wrote a modern-day book on Romero and Juliet. As she is getting ready for the event, she falls and twists her ankle badly needing crutches and help at home as well as the bookstore. Her assistant, Poppy and her mother's old friends Glads and Marilyn. as well as her cousin, Piper rally around her by helping to get the store ready for the Valentine event Summer is very unhappy to be missing the event and the chance to talk to Lana. At the event Lana is poisoned and dies at the B&B she was staying at, which gives people something to talk about making Summer worry about her business.

Circumstantial evidence puts Glads as the suspect and the friends rush to sort out the mystery for themselves. Lana's belongings are sent to Summer's house which allows her to read Lana's journal and search for clues. Summer tries to stay out of it but ends up in danger while supporting her friend.

This was a fun cozy mystery. The characters are a good group of friends that jump at the chance to help each other. I really liked this book. I did not read the prior two books in the series, and I think this could be a stand-alone read.

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A Killer Romance is book #3 in the Beach Reads Mystery series by Maggie Blackburn.

I enjoyed this visit to the Beach Reads. I like the characters and setting. This is a fun cozy mystery. The mystery had twists and red herrings that took me down the wrong path. I loved Mr. Darcy, the African gray parrot. There are recipes at the end. With the Epilogue, I’m afraid this may be the last book. I hope not!

Thank you to the author, Crooked Lane Books, and NetGalley for the Advanced Reader Copy (ARC) copy of this book and I am voluntarily leaving an honest review.

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It’s been a long almost-three years since the second book was published, so it was good to return to Summer and all her friends and family on the island. I always loved Mia as a character and she didn’t disappoint at all and neither did Glads. Summer’s got an awesome family, but she also has friends that’re like family.
Wow this was one tangled case and admittedly at times I thought it went a bit slow, but when something happened, at least they got on with it pretty quickly. There were lots of secrets and I was never sure who to trust except the main players. The whodunit was a big surprise.

Since there was an epilogue with a very sweet ending taking place a year later, I’m assuming this series isn’t continuing, but I’m really satisfied with how the author perfectly wrapped it up.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an ARC of this book, and my opinions are my own.

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Wow! What a plot! This story will draw you and keep you turning pages late into the night as you try to untwist the mystery of who killed the author. I do highly recommend that you read the series in order as you will get to know the characters and the small town so much better and have a deeper connection to both. Our main character, Summer, has once again been thrust into the middle of the investigation when a dear friend is accused of the murder. The author has woven a twisted path from the murder to the capture of the guilty party and you will be thoroughly entertained and delighted to untwist the mystery as you read further into the story. It seems obvious who the guilty party is, but don't get to set on who you think it is as you just might fall into a red herring trap! This series is one of my favorites and not just because a bookstore is the central location for Summer and her friends, but because the author has graced us with truly unique characters and wonderfully, well-written plots! I definitely would recommend putting this series on you must read or listen list!

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The third book in the Beach Reads Mystery series and I have read all of them. Each one has been better than the one before and now the author seems really in her stride.

A Killer Romance begins with Summer tripping and doing serious damage to one of her ankles. Because of this she does not even get to meet the guest speaker for the Valentine's Day Festival before that poor lady is murdered. However despite the pain and the endless medications she seems to take, Summer manages to be involved in the investigation.

The mystery, the characters and the dialogue are all good although the parrot still steals the show! I found the ending unusual with an epilogue which jumps forward in time and lets the reader know some important events in the future. Does this mean the series is over already? If not why does the author gloss over in three pages what should be the focus of the next book? Time will tell.

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A Killer Romance is book three in the Beach Read Mystery series by Maggie Blackburn.

It’s Valentine’s Day in St. Brigid, and Summer Merriweather is running the romance bookshop, Beach Reads, that she inherited from her mother. For the annual book event, Romance by the Sea, Summer has invited an author who has visited in the past, not knowing that the woman has been accused of killing her husband. Then the woman is killed and Summer’s friend is accused of the murder, so Summer feels compelled to clear her friend’s name.

Before the event even starts, Summer is sidelined with a sprained ankle and is sharing a room with an African gray parrot named Mr. Darcy. Throw in a mysterious out of town detective, and a cast of loveable characters from town and you have the start of an enjoyable cozy mystery.

Not only is there a murder to solve, but there’s a little romance going on between Summer and her ex fiancé, Cash.

With red herrings, deception, and break-ins, drug rings, and people who aren’t what they seem, there is a lot going on in this little mystery, and it keeps the story moving along nicely.

I enjoyed A Killer Romance and would not hesitate to check out more books by this author.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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Summer couldn’t ignore her instincts concerning the death of a friend who wanted to talk to her. She was on the hunt for a murderer, and not even an injured ankle was going to stop her. She was determined to solve the mystery, and with the help of her former fiance, she set about digging up secrets that were dangerous to one's health. It was the perfect opportunity for a second chance at love, and Cash wasted none of it.

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I love a good holiday themed cozy, usually they’re about Christmas or Halloween, so this Valentines themed one is very refreshing.

This series is always a pleasant surprise when I come back to it. The mysteries are intricate & connected to the past of characters in some fashion. They’re very unique. I love the Beach Reads bookstore, its locale & staff make it feel so real. Summer is a good lead, she’s not overly cutesy, rather serious & practical. The whole story has a slightly more mature, darker vibe than some cozies…in a good way! I love that she’s a Shakespeare expert running a romance themed book store. What a surprise ending & an even more unexpected epilogue! This is definitely a recommend, for the whole series actually.

Total sidebar, this series has some of the most beautifully drawn covers. The previous books are part of the illustrations!

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A Killer Romance is the third installment in the series, but can easily be read as a standalone. I enjoyed the fast pace and the whole cozy vibes (literature references to Shakespeare, bookshop ambiance, etc.), however, I was rather put off by the many parts that dragged on starting in the middle of the book. Maybe it's just my interest that faded away from there. Anyway, not bad, but not a memorable read for me.

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Literary Cozy Mystery that finds a North Carolina bookstore owner who turns sleuth when a visiting romance author under investigation for her husband's murder is found dead.

4/5 stars: This is the third entry in Blackburn's Beach Reads Mystery series, which is a Literary Cozy Mystery that takes place in North Carolina and features a Shakespeare scholar and bookstore owner. With plenty of twists and turns, Blackburn has crafted a mystery that balances the suspects, clues and red herrings and will leave you pondering the whodunit until the final reveal. I will say I appreciated Blackburn's choice to have Summer injured throughout the bulk of the investigation thus giving giving a bit of a Rear Window-esque vibe to the goings on. Blackburn's characters are not only complex but incredibly likable. It's a fun to catch up with Summer, her family, the eccentric ladies of the Mermaid Pie Book Club and the rest of the folks of Brigid's Island. With their complicated past it's nice to see Summer and Cash's relationship continue to slowly grow. And of course I can't neglect to mention Summer's African gray parrot, Mr Darcy. He's a sweetheart! But wait, one mustn't forget the absolutely yummy recipes that are included. So that you're aware, Blackburn includes COVID in this book and overall tackles some sensitive topics in the series itself, so take care and check CWs. While you could read this as a stand-alone, you'll gain so much more by reading the series from the beginning; so be sure to pick up book one, Little Bookshop of Murder.

I received this eARC thanks to NetGalley and Crooked Lane Books in exchange for an honest review. Publishing dates are subject to change.

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Despite my year-long anticipation for the latest installment in the series, I am disappointed to confess that the book didn't live up to my expectations. Falling short of the standards set by its predecessors, the writing proved to be a letdown.

The mystery surrounding the murder in this installment lacked clarity. The narrative feeling like a mere recitation rather than an immersive experience. The characters came across as flat, lacking genuine emotions, and the dialogue felt bland.

The narrative is set post-COVID, providing glimpses into Summer's life after inheriting her mother's bookstore. However, a missing piece in the series' timeline raises questions about the story's consistency from the start.

The suspects and overall plot development felt forced, lacking logical consistency. The revelation of the killer's identity was shocking but not in a satisfying way.

The epilogue, with a one-year jump, suggests a potential series finale, leaving me disappointed with how the third book unfolded. While the initial two installments were enjoyable, this third installment failed to meet expectations, leaving a sense of regret for the overall direction the series has taken.

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I feel like I’ve been waiting a long time for this third Beach Reads mystery. Book 2 came out in 2021.
Summer has been running Beach Reads for five years and is preparing for a Valentine author visit.
She injures herself and is out of commission for the event. The next day the author is dead and a strange course of events ensues.
The red herring suspects were convincing, and I was a little surprised by the outcome of this story.
The ending after the murder is solved takes us into the future as the reader gets a peek at Summer’s next steps in life.
I enjoyed reading Killer Romance. I read the ebook and listened to the audiobook. I like the narrator.
I think this book could stand alone but I enjoyed it more because I’ve read the first two books.
Thanks to Netgalley, Crooked Lane Books and Dreamscape Media for the opportunity to review this book.

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This was a fantastic cozy mystery. I liked the plot and the characters were a lot of fun. Very much recommend this book.

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I've been eagerly awaiting another book in this series since the last one came out, and it's finally here! This NC barrier-island bookstore is so fun! I enjoyed the Valentine-themed mystery, which had interesting characters and storylines. I also enjoyed getting to know Summer and her family/friends better. The ending did have a "wrapping it up" vibe, so it seems this might be the end, and I look forward to what the author writes next. Thanks to Netgalley and Crooked Lane Books for the advance digital copy!

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Reads bookstore in St Brigid Island, North Carolina since her mother's passing. The bookstore is hosting a Valentines Day event with a well-known romance author, who unbeknown to Summer is under investigation for murdering her husband. Before that becomes knowledge, she is killed and one of Summer's friends is accused of it.

I will admit it took me a while to get into the story (probably due to this being my first of the series to read). The more I read, the more involved in the story I got. I loved the characters, especially Aunt Agatha, Poppy and Cash. Also, the parrot, Mr. Darcy, stole the show. He is a hoot. I will also say I did not see the end coming.

This was an entertaining read for a cold, snowy afternoon.

Thanks to NetGalley and Crooked Lane Books for a copy of this book.

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A Killer Romance by Maggie Blackburn shows us what the small, sleepy island town has been doing for the past four years.

Will Summer keep Glads out of jail?

Summer Merriweather
Summer Merriweather is already close to forty years old, and she’s feeling it. She misses her mom, especially around Valentine’s Day, and does a lot of reminiscing throughout. Summer is moving forward (she’s actually liking romance books) and trying so hard not to stick her nose into other people’s business. The last part is hard for her. Summer is still working out a few flaws, but she’s stepping more into her role as a bookstore owner and liking romances more every day.

I have to say that I don’t know if I would be friends with Summer, but I would probably say hi and shop in her bookstore.

The Mystery
Summer Merriweather accidentally twists her ankle and can’t be there for the author, who is doing the Valentine’s Day event for the bookstore. Everything is going okay besides that fact until the next day when the author is found dead in her bed and breakfast room. There are so many things to unravel and digest throughout. I definitely didn’t suspect that plot twist of who the actual murderer is.

Four Stars
I am giving four stars to A Killer Romance by Maggie Blackburn. It’s a good book, and it’s great to see what these characters have been up to.

Don’t forget to check out the recipes in the back. The recipes are Brigid’s Bakery Honey Cakes, Aunt Agatha’s Stuffed French Toast, Glads’s Blueberry Muffins, and Glads’s Brownies with Chocolate Syrup.

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Thank you for dropping by! I hope you enjoyed this review of A Killer Romance by Maggie Blackburn.

Until the next time,
Karen the Baroness

If you would like to see other reviews like this one, check out Baroness Book Trove.

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Beach Reads bookstore is ready for Valentine's Day. What they weren't ready for us the murder of a guest romance author in the bookstore! On top of all that owner Summer Merriweather has injured her ankle and now is trying to solve a murder and recover. at the same time!

I enjoy mysteries with an older lead character and one who doesn't rush into dangerous situations. The bookstore is a charming place that makes you want to cuddle up with a book. The group of friends who help Summer are funny and smart. There were twists and turns and I couldn't figure out "whodunit". If you're in the mood for a cozy mystery, A Killer Romance fills the bill!

I received an ARC from NetGalley and the opinions expressed in this review are my own.


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I enjoyed the first two books in The Beach Reads mystery series but this one was a slow read for me. I felt that too much of the book focused on Summer and her injury rather than solving the mystery. However, the pace did pick up about halfway through. And I felt that the way that the mystery was wrapped up seemed unrealistic.

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