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A Killer Romance

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A Killer Romance is the third installment in Maggie Blackburn's Beach Reads cozy mystery series. It was the first in the series for me, and, while I had a lot of issues with this specific book, I did like the main characters and may give another book in the series a chance. Summer is hosting a Valentine's event at her bookstore with a famous romance author; unfortunately, the author is found poisoned the day after the event, and the main suspect is a close friend. Summer is determined to find the true suspect, even if it puts her in danger.

The issues with A Killer Romance had to do with the mystery/plot. The pacing was off and the "suspicious" people were just too obvious. Additionally, some of the "clues" were just too in-your-face and unrealistc. My biggest issue were the plot holes. Quite a few storylines were introduced that did not have a conclusion. If they related to the main characters, then I'd know that they would be handled in the next book, but these storylines were all specific to this mystery. The ending was extremely rushed and the one-year jump for the epilogue was unnecessary. Finally, the author spent a lot of time stressing Summer's sprained ankle and her constant pain. Again, I really did like some of the main characters. I just hope for a better mystery next time.

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Number 3 in this cosy mystery series and one I continue to enjoy without it be too serious. It is a bit of fun, and easy and entertaining read and one I enjoy reading between more intense books/reads.

The setting, of course, is great and the characters are what makes the book. There is suspense, mystery and even a bit of romance. I would say it is a 3 1/2 star read for me.

Thank you NetGalley and Crooked Lane Books for giving me the opportunity to read and review this book.

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Once again, author thought that the intrusion of reality into a cozy mystery was somehow a wise idea! Readers read to ESCAPE not be reminded of reality.

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A Killer Romance is the third installment of a cozy mystery series set in a charming beach town centered around a quaint bookstore.

While I haven’t had the chance to read the previous books in the series, I was pleasantly surprised by how easy it was to follow the story.

Although it didn’t quite capture my heart as much as I had hoped, it would be enjoyable for avid readers of cozy mysteries.

The author’s descriptive writing style vividly brings the picturesque setting to life, making you feel like you’re in the beach town, walking down the quaint streets and browsing the bookstore’s shelves.

Thank you to NetGalley and Crooked Lane Books for allowing me to read and review this book.

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This is the 3rd in the Beach Reads series, but I didn't realize that so read it out of order. I intend to read the other 2 books so I can have the back story filled in and would recommend that for other readers as it would help to understand things better. With that being said, I really enjoyed this book, it was a nice mystery with many different interesting characters. Just when I thought I knew "who did it" something else would happen to change my mind. The romance was there as a backstory to the mystery, but added to the story. Just the right amount of suspense to keep me reading and wanting to know what would occur next. I would definitely recommend!

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I love this series, but this installment wasn't as good as the earlier works. I missed the characters' interaction it was all about the mystery, not the family aspect, like the first 2 books in the series. I couldn't get into the mystery. We had no connection to the woman who was murdered. It also focused too much on Summers' sprained ankle. I get she sprained it, but every other page had a comment about how much pain she was in or how she couldn't do anything because of it. It got boring after a while. The book had a very negative vibe to it between the sorained ankle and Summers hatred of Valentines Day. I was very disappointed in it. I do hope for another book in the series and that it feel more like the first 2 books

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Even through this is book 3 once I started reading it ,I was hooked , one of my favorite characters was the African Grey Parrot, because when i was little we had one , and things it would say was funny , can't wait to read more of this series

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I started in the wrong order. This is the third book in the series, but the first I read. A good story with a dose of dark secrets. I like it! Now I want to read it with the author’s other books. I requested and received an EARC from Crooked Lane Books via NetGalley. Thank you!

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Absolutely everything you want in a mystery! I couldn't stop reading. What a wonderful read. Amazing characters and plot.

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The story takes us to 'Beach Reads', a romance book store whose one of its Valentine's Day events ended with the death of the guest author. Giving way to an investigation by the store workers to prove the innocence of one of their friends.
I found the cover very cute, the characters, in general, have diverse personalities, and although there are several characters introduced, they all have their own voice, so it's not confusing or tedious to read.
It had a strong and engaging beginning, like all cozy mysteries it is direct, I liked that the chapters are short so the reading is more enjoyable and faster, I finished the book in one day.
But the ending was very rushed and anticlimactic, honestly very disappointing for how well the book was going.
Still, I recommend it for lovers of cozy mystery who are looking to relax for a while.

My thanks to the author Maggie Blackburn, Crooked Lane Books, and NetGalley for the opportunity to get this ARC for an unbiased review.

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Third in the Beach Reads Mystery series
Summer Merriweather is hosting a discussion with author Lana Livingston at her bookstore . When the author is found dead at the B&B she was staying in, one of Summer's employees is suspected of poisoning her.
Who wanted Lana dead? Does it have anything to do with her being a suspect in her
husband's death? Is her step-daughter involved? What about the out of town detective who claims he's here to investigate Lana? As the investigation continues, illegal drugs come into play. Will the murderer be caught before someone else dies?
#AKillerRomance #NetGalley

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A Killer Romance is the first I have read by this author but apparently the third in a series. I found it easily read as a starting point for the series. Summer Merriweather inherited Beach Reads bookstore after the murder of her mother. Retiring from being a Shakespearean professor, Summer devotes her time to keeping her mother’s legacy alive and well in Beach Reads. A guest author appearance is meant to bring good publicity to the bookstore but the author’s murder puts Summer’s friend in the hot seat and threatens the bookstore. Summer doesn’t let a twisted ankle slow her down as she dives into investigating the murder to clear a friend and save her store. A long line of suspects and some dark secrets compel a nice cozy mystery where the whodunnit blindsided me. My voluntary, unbiased review is based upon a review copy from NetGalley.

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I love this series and this one has a Valentine's Day theme. I adore Summer as A main character and this book is absolutely catching. I couldn't put it down. Loved it.
I just reviewed A Killer Romance by Maggie Blackburn. #AKillerRomance #NetGalley
[NetGalley URL]

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A Killer Romance” is the third book in Maggie Blackburn’s Beach Reads cozy mystery series, This is a bookstore theme and coastal theme series that is endearing with each new release and always a fun read. Summer owns the bookstore and invited a famous author to speak for Valentines Day. When the author is murdered by poisened tea Summer is determined o find out what happened to save her reputation and her business. She is stuck at home with a ankle injury and has plenty of support from her friends to investigate. I like the sleuth that was twisting and turning throughout to keep this reader guessing. The author has included current events that relate to the story well . The supporting characters all add to the fun and bring interest for the reader to their growth in each book. I look forward to the next in series with Summer, the bookstore and all her friends. A enjoyable fun series.

Thank you to the publisher and to Net Galley for the opportunity. My review opinion is my own.

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This is book #3 in this cozy mystery series. I haven't read the previous two books so I wasn't sure what to expect. It was a fun whodunit which I enjoyed. I liked the characters and the FMC Summer - who has to handle another murder that is connected to her bookstore. It kept me guessing until the end; however I found a few clues to be reaching - and the surprise job of one of the characters was too out in left field. It left me trying to figure out what just happened and what clues I missed (none). But all in all a fun read. I look forward to reading books #1 and #2 in this series.

Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC.

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While “A Killer Romance” is the third book in Maggie Blackburn’s Beach Reads cozy mystery series, it is the first book that I’ve read in the series and for the most part I enjoyed it. The plot is a good one – an author is murdered after drinking tea at the bookstore owned by Summer Merriweather and Summer wants to investigate but is hampered by an ankle injury and has to rely on her family and friends to help. While there aren’t a lot of suspects, there are plenty of twists and turn in the book that completely surprised me, including who killed the author (the clues were there, just artfully disguised). However, there were a few things I didn’t like about this book. While I realize it is a fine line with authors these days, I found there were a few too many references to COVID – I read cozy mysteries to escape the real world, not be confronted with it. Summer’s combining pain pills and alcohol was a bit frightening (and ironic considering other events in the book). Finally, there were a few plot holes that weren’t tied up at the end of the book which was a bit frustrating.

I received a copy of this book from NetGalley.

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The book grew on me the more I read it. It incorporates recent “current events” which I think could have been left out. At times it felt a bit drawn out, like things were happening just to keep the book going, but didn’t add much to the storyline. The actual murderer was unexpected - I was excited about that. I also enjoyed the treat at the end of the book, a welcomed surprise.

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Book three in the Beach Reads Mystery series. Summer owns beach reads Bookstore and has invited best selling author Lana Livingstone to be the Valentine Day guest at the store. When Lana is found dead Summer sets out to discover who killed her. Good story plot with delightful characters. Can be read without reading the previous ones but since they are such delights please treat yourself to them! Thanks #Netgalley and #CrookedLaneBooks for the eARC in exchange for a honest review. All opinions are mine.

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This Cozy Mystery grew on me as I read more into the book. I haven’t read the other books in this series. This was my first time reading anything by this Author. I thought this story was twisted and unpredictable. I thought some of the story line seemed to be unrealistic while other parts were realistic. I will say that I was completely blown away when the Whodunnit was revealed. There was some bad language but not a lot. All in all I would say that I rather enjoyed this cozy and I feel that if I had read book one and two I would have understood the characters better.

When Summer Merriweather invites Best Selling Author Lana Livingstone to be her Valentine Day guest at her BeachReads bookstore she isn’t prepared for what happens next. Summer has been going through some hard times lately and when Lana is found dead at the B&B where she’s been staying the police begin questioning the bookstore’s employees. Could one Of Summer’s employees have killed Lana and if so what would the motive have been? One thing is certain that someone who attended the Authors book signing wanted her dead.

Readers who enjoy cozy mystery would enjoy this book. I read it as a standalone and didn’t feel lost in the story. Since other characters from the other two books in A Beach Reads Mystery series are mentioned in this book I recommend that readers first read the other two books . This book is scheduled to be released on 2/6/24.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced readers copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions expressed here in this review are my own.


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When the author at a Valentine’s event dies, Summer finds herself at a loss for how the woman died while she was her guest. As she digs into the mystery, Summer finds out some interesting things about her guest author and starts to follow the clues she’s managed to uncover. Family, friend or foe, wherever the clues lead, Summer just hopes they don’t lead her to her own end.

I’ve read this series from the beginning and have loved every single entry in this series! I’m hoping for many more mysteries to come…join me in slipping off to the beach for some mystery and mayhem. You’ll enjoy the characters and find yourself wrapped up in a great mystery every time you pick up a book in this series!

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