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Fangirl Down

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Okay. I just have to do this. Fangirl Down is an absolute hole in one! I will attempt to exercise some self control and refrain from using any other golf-related phrases to describe this absolute delight of a book. When I saw the announcement for this book I couldn’t wait and it delivered! The character sketches for both Josephine Doyle and Wells Whitaker had the potential to be one dimensional, but I am happy to say they were both layered, interesting, and imperfectly endearing. Wells has an epic meltdown to end his once promising career. Josephine’s livelihood and health are at risk after a hurricane rips through her Golf Pro Shop. Their solution to help one another results in so much more than success on the golf course!

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This was my favorite Tessa Bailey book TO DATE! She is unmatched in the romance genre. Her ability to weave a perfect plot with perfect characters astounds me every single time. Sprinkle in some sports and I am a goner. Josephine and Wells are the two cutest pumpkins ever written in a romance novel. They're relationship is so believable and so juicy it will keep reading through the night nonstop. ADD THIS TO YOUR COLLECTION IMMEDIATELY!

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Tessa Baily is such a talented author. I loved these characters so much!! The characters are flawed but loveable, and definitely relatable. The chemistry is off the charts, and the banter and the dialogue was quite entertaining!!

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This was a typical Tessa Bailey story - spice, humor, romance, all wrapped up in a fluffy package. In my opinion, when you choose a TB book, you know what you're going to get. If you don't want a quirky, fast-paced, HEA guaranteed read, then don't choose this book. Were there some parts that I could have done without? yes. Did I love the MC's? not so much. Will I still continue to read Tessa Bailey's books? without a doubt.

Thank you to NetGalley and Avon and Harper Voyager for the ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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I love each of Tessa's books, but I'm glad she has started on sports romances! This may be my favorite of hers yet as the characters were even funnier and more loveable than usual.

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Thank you, NetGalley and Avon books for the ARC!

Rating: 4.7/5

This book was absolutely amazing! I’ve had a hard time getting into Tessa‘s books in the past, but this book exceeded my expectations and made me an automatic fan of her. I don’t know anything about golf, but it was so easy to understand things that were happening in this book and the main couple was perfection. I loved Wells so much and thought he was the perfect love interest. I found myself giggling numerous times and overall smiling the entire time. I’m so happy that I got to read this book and I can’t wait to buy a physical copy/tell everyone at my store to read this book . I also absolutely cannot wait for book two either! This is an absolute must read for romance readers.

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Fun romance! Josephine is the #1 fan for golf's bad boy, Wells Whitaker, and Wells could care less. But after a series of events renders Josephine in desperate need of cash and Wells in need of caddy, Josephine becomes his caddy and the two quickly realize they have feelings for one another. I liked Fangirl Down, not as much Wreck the Halls, but it was definitely a fun addition to the Tessa Bailey world! I'll definitely recommend it to patrons and include it in displays.

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This just may be my new favorite book by Tessa Bailey. "Fangirl Down" was quirky, funny and romantic. Great read.

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Josephine and Wells were endgame, and I really enjoyed the story.

Thank you to NetGalley and Avon for the ARC.

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Tessa Bailey can do no wrong. Whoever thought I'd enjoy a golf-themed romance novel? Not me! But I will read anything this woman writes at this point with full faith that it will be excellent, steamy fun.

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4…maybe 3.5 ⭐️ (It was good, but not likely making it to my re-readable level good list).

Grumpy/Sunshine romance, golf theme. The possessive, protective Wells had me 🥵, no complaints there. Their chemistry was on point. It was instalove (which isn’t my personal favorite) but the alpha male made up for it. If you like this author & sports romance, you won’t be disappointed.

I received this book from the publisher & NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions expressed are solely my own.

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This book was FANTASTIC!!! I always love Tessa Bailey. I had never read a romance book involving a golfer before, so I was intrigued from the very beginning. I also loved the instant attraction but slow burn trope. My husband is a type one diabetic, so I loved that the main character was also a diabetic. Overall, great great!

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Absolutely loved this book.
I've never read a golf romance, but I should seriously start. Fangirl Down is so amazing because not only is the main character an amazing person who proves herself to be more than just her illness, but Wells builds her up and respects her for her.
I love their tumultuous relationship at the start and how grumbly Wells is, but more than that I love how much of a mush Wells is.
Wells and Joey are one of my favorite Tessa Bailey couples, but I am so psyched for her next book featuring Joey's best friend and Well's single dad hockey player friend because I am such a sucker for boss nanny + single dad + hockey.

Honestly, Bailey's writing is addictive and the second I started, I was so frustrated every time I had to put it down. Fangirl Down is one of my favorite of her books, and I know everyone else will love it to!!

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Okay, so I was a bit unsure if I could get on board with the sports theme of a romance... especially GOLF.

I have never, ever, found a sexier, more delightful introduction to the sport. Tessa Bailey is coming in hot with her newest book and it kept my eyes glued to the pages way past my bedtime. Well-written, gloriously paced, and devilishly tantalizing, this is a must read!

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Thank you NetGalley, Avon, and Harper Voyager for sending me the ARC.

I am not someone who knows anything about golf as I have only played mini golf. So I was hesitant to read a book where part of the main storyline is reading about a man who is struggling to reclaim his golf career. However, I was not only inspired by Wells and his journey to the top, but also by Josephine and her willingness to not give up on those she believes in while also focusing on her own personal goals as well.

Josephine and Wells have a funny relationship. Because she started as his fangirl and being the last of his fans to cheer him on, Wells does not understand her devotion and comes off pretty harsh. He is misunderstood and when you are in his POV you can see the arguments he makes with himself on doing the right or wrong thing. His POV shares a lot about what it feels like to have everything you could need: a nice house, fancy cars, and lots of money, but never being happy with yourself. Wells wants to feel that the things he has he deserves. More than that, he wants to know he deserves Josephine's help once he hires her as his caddie. Originally, they both agree to this new work relationship because they both can benefit personally. Slowly though, it becomes something deeper for them both.

I enjoyed reading how confident Josephine is with herself. She doesn't shy away when Wells snaps at her and she doesn't let the all male golfers and caddies in the tournaments rile her up. She knows golf, better than some of them do, and is proud of that.

Fans of Tessa Bailey will have fun reading about this duo and the teamwork they display on (and off) the golf course. Golf may be part of the story, but the truths Josephine and Wells learn about each other is the most important aspect of all.

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Tessa Bailey has done it again! She has a gift for writing over the top romances that feel so real. Her characters have so much heart and depth. Tee this one up!

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Sometimes Tessa Bailey books can be kind of hit or miss for me, but I really enjoyed Fangirl down. Wells Whitaker is a bad boy golfer whose game has seen better days - and Josephine Doyle is his loyal fan that's never lost hope in him. When they team up, with Josephine as his caddy, sparks fly. I'm always a sucker when the man falls first in romance books and boy did Wells fall HARD. The main characters had such good chemistry and I've never read a romance book that revolved around golf, but I found it pretty interesting. We also got a little sneak peak of the characters in the next book in this series and I'm super excited! Nanny trope!

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I wanted to enjoy this one like I did "It Happened One Summer", but I couldn't get past the cringey and awkward premise. I'm supposed to believe that a pro-golfer lets his number 1 stalker/fangirl be his caddie? No, thank you. She was *obsessive*, and that isn't ever really dealt with.

I did like the T1 discourse here.

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Tessa, takes a concept that could be cringe and makes it endearing and sweet!! I absolutely love that Josephine is Wells’ top fan. But also how much he can’t stay away from her!!

The scene on the terrace was absolute perfection. Tessa, you must write more desire scenes like that. I was basically kicking my feet screaming! All the love scenes were great! Detailed but not overboard.

I can’t wait for book 2 in this series! I know you will not let us down with the nanny trope!

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I never thought I'd enjoy a golf romance, but I should have known Tessa Bailey could do no wrong. I loved the relationship between Josephine and Wells. Even though he was a grump/"bad" boy, he definitely had golden retriever energy when it came to Josephine. As someone who does not have diabetes, it was interesting to see how someone navigates life and relationships with this health condition. I'm excited for the next book in the series about Tullalah and Burgess!

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