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Snowy and the Seven Doves

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4 1/2*STARS*
A child thought dead is brought back to life when secrets from the past are revealed. Raised in the House of Blossom, Snowy White learns of his true identity on his twenty-fifth birthday. Proving it is his next challenge. One woman will be his introduction to polite society and a network of friends and acquaintances that will prove his identity and save his life.
A complex story that interweaves with many characters. Some surprises.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book.

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I really wanted to love this but I just couldn't. I felt like the author was trying too hard. I was struggling so hard to figure out who each character was and keep names straight that I couldn't enjoy the story. This one was just not for me.

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Thanks to NetGalley for a copy of this ebook and this is my freely given opinion.

I am loving the author's riff on various different classic tales in this series. This one is obviously a take on Snow White, and does connect to a previous story in the series. Snowy White was found abandoned in an alley as a young child, but had a distinctive feature that caused his identity to be recognized by the soiled doves who found him. Finding out the danger the child still faced, they took him and raised him in their brothel, and providing him an education, but not revealing to him his true heritage until adulthood. Snowy, being intelligent and savvy, has accrued his own wealth and power, and is set on the path to take revenge on the man who stole his youth and heritage from him, thanks to the women who raised him. But to defend him his claim and give him entree into a world he is unknown to, he needs the help of Lady Margaret Charmain. Lady Margaret is a gifted healer and herbalist who finds fulfillment helping those on the wrong side of the tracks, including those women in the brothel Snowy was raised in. She owes him after he saved her life, and the doves are pulling in her debt.

Snowy despises and does not trust the aristocracy, including Lady Margaret. But still, he cannot let the man who stole his family, childhood, and birthright from him gain by his ill-deeds, and embarks on the quest to gain answers, revenge, and his birthright back with her help.

Again, I am loving the riff on classic tales in this series. This likely could be read as a stand alone, but there are cross over characters and story lines with the previous two books, especially book 2. There is the romance between Snowy and Lady Charmain (love that last name - a nod to Charming), but also the intrigue of his past and the conspiracy against him and his family. I quite enjoyed the family intrigue and relationships in this story too - both the family that Snowy finds and his relationship with his soiled dove aunts.

4.5 stars out of 5

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This is the third installment of the captivating "A Twist Upon a Regency Tale" series. This one is Snow White's story, with of course a twist where the roles are flipped. Snowy White had been badly beaten and left for dead in an alley when he was a child. Found by seven soiled doves, they took him back to their brothel and raised him as their own. When Lady Margaret finds herself being confronted by men of ill-intent, Snowy is there to save her, along with a stern lecture about coming to such a dangerous part of town. She is an herbalist and repays her debt to him by taking care of the doves where he lived. The doves then reveal Snowy's true identity. His nefarious stepfather tried to get rid of him so he could claim the title of Viscount Snowden. Snowy is determined to find out more about his past and the man who stole his birthright and bring him to justice. As he goes about trying to prove his identity and reclaim his life, he gets help from Margaret and her friends. He realizes that while Margaret is helping him now to claim his rightful title, when all is said and done, he wants Margaret to be part of his future as well. But they must first deal with his stepfather who will stop at nothing to keep the title and hide his crimes, even murder.
The story is captivating and well-written and flows at a smooth pace. The twists and turns definitely kept me on the edge of my seat. The characters were well-crafted and interesting and I enjoyed following their journey. This was a wonderful addition to the series and I am looking forward to reading the next one.
I received a complimentary copy from Dragonblade Publishing and Netgalley and am voluntarily leaving my review.

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What a fantastic take on an age-old fairy tale classic and who better to write it than the talented Jude Knight. Our hero, from the wrong side of the tracks, has no love for the aristocracy but he may have to rethink everything he knows about aristocrats when his true identity is revealed. Our heroine is intelligent, brave (though that can prove to be a hinderance), and determined to help our hero. Toss is a pure evil villain (who was so well written that the hairs on the back of my neck were raised whenever he appeared) and you have a 5+ star read. You’ll have to grab your own copy to find out what this villain has in mind this Twist Upon a Regency Tale.

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This was an entertaining take on Snow White and the seven dwarfs. The characters of Snowy and Margaret, Countess of Charmain were very engaging. I liked the way that Margaret was an independent lady and how determined she was to do what she wanted. Snowy had an unusual upbringing but he looked out for those he cared for. There is a villain in the story who will stop at nothing to get what he wants. There is also a romance. This was a very enjoyable read, I liked the various nods to the original story throughout the book. I received a copy and have voluntarily reviewed it. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Jude Knight has become one of my favorite authors, and this great variation of the Snow White fairytale is one of the reasons why I enjoy her writing.
In this story, we have a wicked stepfather, seven soiled doves (prostitutes) who rescue Snowy White when he is beaten and left for dead as a child, and Lady Margaret's beauty and connections to the ton.
I so enjoyed all the characters, but I think I was impressed by the seven doves and all they did for Snowy as he grew up, especially making sure he had a rounded education.
Snowy's story is truly unique. When Snowy rescues Lady Margaret and saves her life, his "aunt" asks Margaret to escort Snowy to a few "ton" events.
I couldn't put this down as I read it in one sitting.

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This is a great twist on snow white. I enjoyed seeing how the story progressed and included the 7 Aunts and how everyone got where they were. I did not remember reading anything by this author until I was 1/3 of the way through. So having said that you dont need to read previous books to get into this one. But you probably will, just to find out what happened previously. Because the villains in the previous books actually are not what they seemed. I was super glad for that. There are some surprises that I was so glad she put in there. So be looking out for them!!!
I received a copy for a completely honest review, which I strive to tell to others. Sometimes it’s good, sometimes it’s blah, sometimes it’s funny or sad. I won’t give away the ending though.

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An Entertaining Regency Romance with Mystery

This is a fairy tale retelling with a Regency twist. Left for dead, soiled doves found Snowy and took care of him. Now, it was time for them to tell him the truth. He was a viscount, and he must reclaim his right. Could he do it after all these years? A lady he rescued might be of some help. When Lady Margaret was attacked, Snowy rescued her. She was in his debt, and she helped him to navigate the ton with its complexities. While doing so, the two found love. They would have some obstacles to overcome before they could find happiness.

What happened when Snowy’s stepfather found out he was still among the living? Was Snowy’s brother as evil as the stepfather, or was he redeemable? If you like Regency romance with a fairy tale retelling trope, you might want to pick up this entertaining story to find the answers between the pages.

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In this historical romance someone attempted to kill our hero as a child. He has always known it happened, but was too small to really remember who he once was. The women who have looked after him ever since are very special to him. Now they have big news for him.
Lady Margaret Charmain is an unusually independent young lady. Her family's title can be held by her until she has a son of her own. Unfortunately that does make her a target for someone who wants everything she has.
There is a lot of danger, excitement and secrets from every direction. The love scenes are sweet rather than steamy, so safe for those who don't like them graphic. It is part of a series of stand alone stories.
Great fun.

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Snowy and the Seven Doves by Jude Knight is a humorous and romantic take-off Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs although in this case Snowy was Moses White who had been raised by seven doves (prostitutes) after one of them had found him as a child, beaten almost to death, and brought him back to House of Blossoms (as all of the ladies had assumed the name of a flower). Lady Charmain met Snowy when she had been attending a person who needed her skills: she was a herbalist. Some men had attacked her carriage and were now surrounding her, one thing on their minds. Snowy was there and helped her fight them off and then gave her a stern lecture about coming into this area of town. She ignored his lecture but he and his men kept an eye out for her. She now had to repay his kindness by allowing him to be her escort on three occasions to ton events. When he arrived to retrieve her for the first of these, he was dressed accordingly and he had stopped dyeing his hair, revealing a white streak, pretty much identifying him as a member of the Snowdon family, two men of which had been pestering her for some time now, wanting to marry her for her land. As expected, his appearance started tongues wagging and set in motion a series of unanticipated events.

This was an interesting story. It is always fun when the underworld meets society. The characters were good, especially Lord Richard Snowdon, who was obviously mentally unwell and spoke to the reflection in his mirror as if it were a person. Chilling, really. The plot was good, if overused: a man deprived of his rightful place by nefarious means and in love with a woman socially far above his apparent place. It was a well-done story with interesting characters and situations. Somehow, knowing it is a romance and has an anticipated ending makes the plot points more interesting, as the reader worries. I found it to be a highly entertaining read.

I was invited to read a free e-ARC of Snowy and the Seven Doves by Dragonblade, through Netgalley. All thoughts and opinions are mine. #Netgalley #Dragonblade #JudeKnight #SnowyAndTheSevenDoves

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Do you think Snow White is an outdated bedtime story with no potential for a regency re-imagining? Think again. Jude Knight turns the story around and the heroine becomes the hero. Confused? Snowy was the heir of a Viscount but his stepfather wanted the title and for that, he will send him to the slums (forest) to be killed by a thug (hunter). But he is rescued by seven soiled doves (dwarves). The idea is very clever and you get as well a very intriguing and brave heroine that goes way beyond the prince charming rescue.
I enjoyed this book immensely because added to the clever plot you have a rich description of society and characters and also never-ending action and adventure with romance wrapped around it. Just perfect!

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Highly Readable
A reverse Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. I thoroughly enjoyed this story about the wronged viscount trying to reclaim his title and position from his wicked stepfather, whilst dodging attempts on his life and falling in love.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book from NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Snowy White was found in an alley, beaten and alone, by one of the seven women who owned the House of Blossoms, a brothel. He was raised by the seven ladies and kept safe at the request of his mother. When Lady Margaret Charmain is set upon by thugs, she is rescued by Snowy. Margaret is an excellent herbalist, so she repays that debt by tending to the Doves. When the doves decide to divulge Snowy’s true identity. It seems his evil and insane stepfather has claimed the title and estate that should be Snowy’s. When Snowy decides it’s time to face the truth and bring his stepfather to justice, he needs to go into Society. His aunts, the Doves, recruit Margaret to help him. They might also be doing a little match-making. A strong attraction develops between Snowy and Margaret, but they don’t admit their feelings for a while. This is a beautifully written reimagining of a much-loved fairy tale. There is a wide array of characters, some good some evil. The story has a plethora of villains from the evil stepfather to his minions. It also has a large number of “good guys” including friends, a brother, detectives, and the Doves. There is danger, drama, attempted murder, a heartwarming romance, and resolution. And, of course, there is a happily ever after.
I received an ARC of this book from the publisher via NetGalley and voluntarily reviewed it.

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Traditional storytelling immerges with a refreshing twist on a fairytale classic!

A fun in the moment reimagining, flip role storytelling, of Snow White. That unfurls an engrossing plot...thwart with danger...interwoven with well defined, finely polished characters that each bring their own cleverly carved backstory to add colour and depth to the tale. Threaded within a colourful tapestry that shines with research and atmospheric detail that adds a richness to the tale and brings it to life.
Prejudice, misconceptions, deadly scheming and dark secrets abound into a compelling package that unravels at a steady pace. Combining an engaging slow burn romance that pitches the leads on equal footing, allows them to grow together and crumble the misconceptions that rose from first rescue and the believed social barriers that stand in their way. Where the chemistry between Snowy and Margaret simmers throughout and really pulls you in.
I especially like how Knight brings together characters from the other books in the series and opens up your imagination for the next fairytale retelling to be entangled within a world that is fast becoming more complex and combined by the minute. Where I had loads of fun pinpointing the nods to the original tale and enjoying the twists generated in their remodelling.
A series I'm really looking forward to seeing where it leads next as friendships strengthen, love blooms and twists and turns unwind to expose and derail villainy in its tracks as classic much loved fairytales are given a refreshing new makeover! A really fun, hard to put down read!

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Another addition to this fun series which is definately a twist upon a classic fairy tale.

Snowy White finds himself left for dead as a child (the wicked stepfather has a hand in this!) and is rescued by seven soiled doves!

When he rescues Lady Margaret, she tries to show him the ropes of the Ton, but it is hard changing his mind on his preconceptions- all he wants to do is get a hold of his stepfather..

A fun journey to happiness that will have you smiling until the end!

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A heart-warming novel with echoes of a well-loved fairy tale, this romance pushed all the right buttons for me. Snowy White had rescued Lady Margaret Charmain when she had been set upon by men of ill-intent and she repaid her debt by tending to the doves that resided under the same roof where he had lived most of his life. However, his aunts, as they chose to be called, had their own ideas about his future and Lady Margaret forms part of their plan. Imparting new and critical information about the day he was discovered beaten and naked in an alleyway, Snowy realizes that he cannot leave any stone unturned in discovering his past or bringing the man who stole his birthright to justice. The attraction between Snowy and Lady Margaret is palpable, but with so much unsettled between them, it takes some time before they can acknowledge their feelings. Bringing an evil man to justice opens a Pandora's box and Snowy quickly realizes that there is much more at play than he first discovered. Ultimately, even though it would almost seem that his enemy wins the day, Snowy still has the last word. The novel comes to a happy and romantic conclusion bringing answers to more than one conundrum. I received a copy of this well-written novel as a gift through Dragonblade Publishing and NetGalley and this is my honest and voluntary review.

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As someone who loves a good fairy tale retelling this series has been so much fun to read. I love getting to see the characters from the previous books as well - I always like to know how they do after their own happily ever afters. If you have not yet read books 1 or 2 don't worry, you will still be able to enjoy this book and won't feel like you've missed out on anything. The spin on Snow White is not too much of a stretch. My favorite part of that aspect of the story was the magic mirror - very clever. Snowy and Margaret made for two very good lead characters. I liked the way he slowly started to change his views on the upper class - I felt like this made him feel less conflicted about his growing feels for Margaret. Which is good because Margaret is clearly the perfect partner for him. She was willing to help him out even when things started to get dangerous. The villain's descent into madness occurs at a good pace and it was nice to have those short chapters so that we as the readers were able to see it unfold. The little surprise regarding Deffew's mother was unexpected and made me want to know more about him and who he would become in the future (maybe he will get his own book in the future?). This was another great addition to this series and I hope we will get more!

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As a young child, Snowy White was found beaten and half dead in an alley. Seven soiled doves rescued him and raised him to manhood in their brothel. Now adult, he must rise above his origins to hunt down the enemy who tried to kill him. When she found herself in the wrong place at the right time, Lady Margaret Charmain’s life was saved by the man she knows as Snowy White. So when his self-titled aunt asks Margaret to help him make his way into the ton, she agrees to help, not knowing he intends to use the opportunity to confront his wicked stepfather. Margaret upends Snowy’s negative conceptions about Polite Society, especially as her associates and friends come to his aid and to help him reclaim his stolen title from Viscount Snowden.
A lovely ‘take’ on the fairy tale, it was different, it was riveting & I highly recommend it. I loved both Snowy & Margaret & loved their slow burn romance, whilst attracted to each other from their first meeting they both had preconceived ideas, which were gradually dismissed. Whilst this is the third book in the series it’s easily read on its own but as the author’s characters inhabit the same world there are appearances from previous characters. The story is well paced & never lags, the villain is known but proving it & getting evidence isn’t easy. A very well written engrossing romance
My review is for a special copy I voluntarily read

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This is a mind grabbing story that was so very hard to put down. One of those stories you want to read in one sitting! I loved the Soiled Doves and how they took it upon themselves to save and raise a little lost boy. Snowy is a wonderful hero, warts and all. His sense of propriety when dealing with Margaret, the woman he is enamored with. The adventures they have are very well thought out and surprised me. The villain is obvious, but his fall is very different than most I have read. This book stole my attention and I loved every minute of it!

This ARC copy was given to me for free and these are my own opinions

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