Member Reviews

Apocalyptic Organ Grinder is a novella set in a post-apoc world where you have two groups of people: Sweepers, who hunt those infected with a virus known as the Gabriel Virus, and Spewers, the infected who are covered with sores that spew pus, which is how this virus is spread. In this story, Tanner Kline is a Sweeper who takes out an infected couple while patrolling, and Lila, a Spewer who is a friend of the couple Tanner shoots. Lila would rather kill him right away, but the rules of her village demand that she take him before the Elders as they are the only ones who can impose a death sentence. Needless to say, Tanner doesn't go easily, and Lila doesn't, either.

This is a very dark dystopian novella. Because it is so short, and so action packed, it was a very quick read. I thought it was very interesting that it was told from the point of view of both Tanner and Lila, and the back story of how the virus came to be was also told from the point of view of the Spewers and the Sweepers, almost like a fairy tale each group tells their young. This gave it a very interesting perspective. Also interesting was that you find yourself rooting for one of our protagonists one minute, and then the other the next, and then back again. It keeps you on your toes!

If you're looking for a short novella in the dark dystopian/post-apocalyptic vein, then you might want to give this one a try.

4/5 stars.

*** I would like to thank NetGalley, Random House Publishing Group - Hydra, and William Todd Rose for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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Tanner Kline is a 'Sweeper.' It is his job to protect the uninfected from the infected. In this post-apocalyptic setting there are really only the two factions - those infected with the Gabriel Virus, referred to as "Spewers" because of the way their sores tend to eject pus, infecting others, and there are those who have not been infected by the Spewers, the Clear-Skins.

Tanner and his kind have completely de-humanized the Spewers as nothing more than animals who are a danger to the rest of humanity and therefore must be destroyed. But Tanner is captured by a band of Spewers and taken back to their settlement. While it is clear that the Spewers fear and hate the Sweepers because of the destruction they bring, Tanner comes to a very difficult realization ... the Spewers are human. Even though the Spewers live in the woods, they still live in communities and band together the way the Clear-Skin do, and they treat one another with respect. In fact, the Spewers may behave more humanly than do the clear-skins!

This is a short book, a novella, and author William Todd Rose keeps the action moving swiftly. The story is told from alternating viewpoints, which also moved the story along nicely.

The book does seem to lead us into a place of recognition and redemption, but given the title - which may seem a little strange until you read the book - it shouldn't be a surprise that this story is about the worst of humanity and not the best.

I really like the idea of big publishers putting out shorter works as ebooks - as long as they are priced appropriately. It gives the reader a chance to sample more authors without committing either money or time in long books, trilogies, or series' now. The ebook format is perfect for this. I do recall, during my various days working in book stores, that publishers have periodically published novellas as paperback books, but it never quite caught on.

For those who like the horror market and/or dystopian fiction with a dark nature to it, then this is a great little novella that you can sample and enjoy.

Looking for a good book? <em>Apocalyptic Organ Grinder</em>, by William Todd Rose, is a dark, graphic novella of how humanity has lost its compassion.

I received a digital copy of this book from the publisher, through Netgalley, in exchange for an honest review.

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An ok book/novella. I can see the potential in this book. I liked the idea that there were no real bad guys. Just people teying to survive the crappy hand they were dealt. This could have been so much better if it was a full length novel.

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This is one of the better apocalyptic novels, as a dystopian future is the setting for an unlikely romance and a battle to save the remainder of the world.

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