Member Reviews

In this third volume of The Wolf Den trilogy, we meet Amara in Rome as the wealthy concubine of Demetrius, former counselor to the just-deceased emperor Vespasian. But Amara still longs for her old lover Philos and her daughter Rufina who reside in Pompeii. But several challenges will await her in Pompeii: her old pimp Felix knows her deepest secret and then there is Mount Vesuvius that will strike mercilessly.

I've been heavily looking forward to the third volume in this great series for a while and The temple of Fortuna did not disappoint. The book begins with a sidestep in Rome where we meet Emperor Titus and his power-mad brother Domitian. Amara flees at one point to Pompeii, where only new dangers follow. We meet Felix, Victoria and Berenice again, as well as Drusilla, Livia, Julia, Philos and Rufina. Pliny the elder and his rescue mission is also portrayed. And Britannica, a genius character in my opinion who might be my favourite.

Of course, we all know the volcanic eruption is about to happen and the horror and ignorance that follows is well portrayed. The ending is bittersweet and does fit well. My only criticism is that a suspicious number of characters do survive the disaster and the epilogue was unnecessary for me. It feels weird to end the book not from the main character's point of view but from one of the side characters.

I hope Elodie Harper keeps writing books and preferably still in Roman setting. Warmly recommended.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for a copy of this book in return for my honest opinion.

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What a brilliant end to this thrilling trilogy that manages to combine, history, drama, danger, and romance in an utterly spell-binding story. I’ve loved all of Elodie Harper’s books about Amara, and her journey from a slave in Pompeii's wolf den to a high-powered courtesan in Rome, but this finale is the best book yet.
In this final book, Amara has come a long way since her days in the wolf den. She is now a courtesan to a powerful man with links to the emperor. But her heart remains in Pompeii. She eventually returns there just as earth tremors hint at the disaster about to unfold.
Harper’s recreation of the ancient world is vivid and richly imagined. While many authors have written tales about high-born Roman generals and emperors, few manage to capture the sights, smells and sounds of ordinary Roman’s lives as captivatingly as Harper.
I’ve rarely found the end of a series so satisfying and would highly recommend this book and the entire trilogy.
With thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC.

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Overall I enjoyed this series and felt that the final book from The Wolf Den trilogy had a satisfying ending.

However, I felt that large if this book felt slow and repetitive with nothing new being developed. The inevitable climax involving the Pompeii tragedy was moving and tense and could not help but evoke feelings relating to the current refugee crisis.

I was a little disappointed by the neat way Harper wrapped the whole plot up but I have thoroughly enjoyed being immersed in the ancient world and Amara's life and will look forward to anything she writes in the future.

This honest review is given with thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this book.

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I loved this series
5 of 5 stars
My Five Word TL:DR Review : It Can’t Possibly End Here?

Well, I’ve just finished the final instalment of the Wolf Den Trilogy and Amara’s story. Although, clearly, given the ending, I’m thinking that the author may return to the series (or perhaps start a new series from the same period but from a different perspective – I certainly hope so and have my fingers crossed for such an outcome). What I will say straight away is that if you’ve been enjoying this series I think you’ll be very happy with this final episode. I don’t want to give away spoilers so I’ll avoid saying anything too revealing but this is a series that I’ve thoroughly enjoyed from start to finish.

What a journey Elodie Harper has taken us on here, every book has contained different aspects from the tense start in the infamous Wolf’s Den where we first met Amara to her precarious rise in fortune that eventually sees her escape the Den to this final episode where she has become established as a courtesan in Rome with an influential patron. Of course, even with a wealthy patron and improved situation Amara misses her friends and family and Rome is not a place without it’s own convoluted politics and backstabbers so nothing can ever really be taken for granted.

Now, I don’t think it’s a spoiler if I mention here a certain historic event, that I think most people are aware of and that plays a large part, unsurprisingly, in this final chapter. Yes, Vesuvius and it’s fatal eruption that completely wiped Pompeii off the face of the map. To be fair, I thought this would play a large role in the final instalment and in fact it does, and I will say it makes for riveting reading, even though you’re aware of how this disaster eventually played out it’s absolutely compelling. I was hooked.

I love the way this series has been written. There’s a strong focus on female friendships and found family and although parts of the story will make you gasp out loud at the terrible misfortune that some of these people find themselves in there are no gratuitous scenes. The writing is a perfect combination of real events and people combined with fictional characters and a very easy to read style that I think struck the perfect balance. When I’m reading a story set in a different period I don’t expect the author to stick pedantically to speech patterns from way back when but at the same time I find it very grating when people use modern phrases, it just pulls me out of the story and I find it frustrating. Fortunately, that isn’t the case here at all and there’s also a great balance between details and back stories without any purple prose or info dumps.

Overall, I think this is one of my favourite series for a long while. It’s just a wonderful story of love and hope, persistence against the odds all set within a fascinating period of history. I loved this final episode and I’m keeping this review fairly short because I really don’t want to give too much away and spoil the conclusion for others, not because I don’t want to gush uncontrollably.

I received a copy through Netgalley,courtesy of the publisher, for which my thanks. The above is my own opinion.

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I have been invested in the Wolf Den Trilogy since the beginning, and this final book did not let me down. The writing was so immersive, I could almost smell the smoke and feel my heart beating in my chest. It takes you through all the emotions, from elation to devastation. Amara in particular really grows in this book and learns about was really makes life worth living.

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Amara - a former slave turned courtesan and spy - cannot escape her past, as much as she may wish to. Despite being in Rome, living in luxury, the only man who she has ever truly loved is still a slave in Pompeii, helping to raise their secret daughter. She is nothing if not cunning, a woman who has been forced to fight for everything she has, and while her loved ones are safe - for now - Amara doesn’t want to take any chances with her daughter’s future. Fortuna can be fickle, and her wheel may not always spin in her favour.

Especially as the year is now 79 AD, and Mount Vesuvius is preparing to make itself known...

My thoughts:

The Temple of Fortuna is the perfect ending to a brilliant trilogy. I read it in a day, in basically one sitting, and really couldn’t put it down. It’s meticulously researched, completely absorbing and thoroughly immersive in its descriptions of life in Ancient Rome and Pompeii. Book one had me hooked with Amara’s story, even though I found the sheer amount of female suffering depicted utterly horrifying (and anger-inducing!), book two saw her grow even further and book three wraps everything up in such a satisfying and cathartic way - I couldn’t imagine a more fitting ending for these characters, and truly loved the epilogue!

I’ll be buying anything Elodie Harper writes in future and can’t wait to see what she does next! Thank you to @netgalley and the publishers for an e-arc of this book.

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Superior historical fiction, The Temple of Fortuna was a fitting end to a wonderful series. In addition to the nail biting drama of the harrowing destruction of Pompeii, the finale brings the story of resourceful Amara full circle.

Admittedly, because I had become so attached to these characters, I wasn’t sure what direction I was hoping Elodie Harper would take the narrative. I found I was so incredibly anxious beginning the book, but I need not have fretted because the final instalment, while poignant and affecting felt marvellously satisfying. A sublime series for lovers of historical fiction.

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What a stunning conclusion for now what is an all time favourite book series
After reading and loving The Wolf Den and The House with the Golden Door, I was slightly nervous how The Temple of Fortuna would hold up, but I’m not at all disappointed. Amara cements herself once again as a favourite fictional character, her courage and strength knows no bounds in this one. The Temple of Fortuna was a more emotive read for me than the previous two, as we deal with the fallout of Mount Vesuvius but truly this just kept me glued to the story, it only took me 2 days to finish this one.
Such a stunning story, would highly recommend everyone give this a read.

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Like The Wolf Den and The House With the Golden Door before, I absolutely adored this book! Powerful, emotional, captivating. This epic trilogy blew me away and the way Amara's saga ended was just perfect.

Definitely a five star read!

A big thank you to NetGalley and Head of Zeus for an ARC of The Temple of Fortuna. It's out now!

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Thank you to Head of Zeus and Netgalley for the ARC for The Temple of Fortuna!

The story of Amara ends, but the new life of Timarete begins. We follow our protagonist in the time of Vesuvius erruption and see the aftermath. I do not want to spoil anything as this is the third book in the series, so I will be brief.
I loved the writing of Elodie Harper dont get me wrong, but in this one the pacing was a bit slower.
Amara was not the strong female character as we knew her from the previous books, I missed her old self and yes, I understand, that the circumstances were quite unusual and difficult.
Even though I have enjoyed this last book the least, I still liked it and I cannot recommend the book series enough.
3,5 stars out of 5

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What a thrilling conclusion to this trilogy. The anticipation of Mt Vesuvius built the tension and my adrenaline was running when the eruption finally occurred. This was a huge push in the development of Amara to make her realise what she truly wants in life. Her actions at the end were understandable as she was pushed to the edge.
While not perfect (the section in Rome is very different to the rest of the book) it was a worthy ending for Amara and those she holds close.
As the readers we know lives are lost during the eruption and while we do lose people it’s tough because we just want those we know and love to survive. I will continue to wait for Amara and Britanicca to be reunited

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I have loved this series and following Amara and her journey. Amazing sense of place and character development with an ending I wasn't expecting. Thoroughly recommend to all historical fiction fans!

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A gripping end to an unusual and immersive historical fiction trilogy. I'd been so immersed in the story that it came as quite a shock to me to realise that the trilogy was going to culminate in the eruption of Vesuvius - it seems very evident, but it was all so real to me that I had forgotten I knew the end of the story in many ways. Fascinating characters and very rich in detail and atmosphere.

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This epic conclusion to The Wolf Den trilogy was powerful, emotional and just so enjoyable. Ive loved Amara's journey every step of the way, and seeing this story end was bittersweet. I will read any and everything from Elodie Harper going forward, and I really hope she does a series about a certain character...if you know, you know.

Fans of these tropes and aspects will absolutely devour this book, and series as whole.

- Pompeii historical fiction
- Eruption of Mount Vesuvius
- Bittersweet romance
- Roman mythology references
- Motherhood, sisterhood and friendship
- Trauma, grief, sacrifice and strength
- final instalment in trilogy
- Epic and gorgeous prose
- Powerful narrative
- Stockholm Syndrome representation
- Mental health representation

I will say, Harper doesn't shy away from hard emotions like grief, depression and anxiety, post-pardom, trauma and pain. But although this entire saga is about the lives of the women in the Roman bathhouses of Pompeii, she gratefully doesn't of into detail on those harsh aspects. The prose she weaves while telling beautiful yet painful stories makes this such an enjoyable read, while providing rich history of Pompeii and the Roman way of life during that period.

As this gripping tale came to an end, I was curious as to how the author would include and variate the monumental event of Mount Vesuvius erupting -- and she executed it perfectly. Without spoiling any of the plot, Harper remains true to our characters and their development as this epic story comes to an end. Amara, who has suffered so much trauma and grief, develops a sort of Stockholm Syndrome towards her former employer, Felix, and it's as fascinating as it is heartbreaking. Seeing her overcome the many obstacles and pain life has thrust in her direction, and move forward in the only way she knows how; I thought these books couldn't get any more emotional, and I was proven wrong. Her journey is full of strength and not always honor, but always kindness and self-preservation. Blossoming into motherhood, and the treading lightly that came with that entire part of her life, felt so real and raw and somewhat relatable; the mental health aspects and trauma, not the hidden family.

This series has become a favourite of mine; one I can't wait to reread over and over. The voices given to the women of this time period were strong and raw and powerful and tragic. I am holding onto so much hope for a future book, or series, involving my absolute favourite character. I won't say who that is, but for those who have read it, I'm sure you can guess.

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I usually worry when we approach the final book of a trilogy, particularly one as well loved as The Wolf Den. Elodie hasn’t let us down. We all know what happened in Pompeii and we’ve all been holding our breath waiting to see what happens and how it plays out. It was perfection. We return to Amara in the midst of a transition of Roman Emperors and political gameplay which throws us straight into the action. I love reading about Greek mythology and the Roman history aspect in the novel feels like a natural progression to something I would like to read into more in the future.

This was everything I was expecting and more. A perfect finale to Amara’s tale.

Thank you @headofzeus and @bloomsburypublishing for an eARC of The Temple of Fortuna. Out November 9th 2023.

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The Temple of Fortuna is the final part of the Wolf Den trilogy, featuring Amara in her journey from slave to rich businesswoman and courtesan, and beyond.

It's AD79 in Pompeii and the reader knows that the inevitable volcanic eruption is just about to happen, although the characters don't. The goddess Fortuna will have a hand in everyone's fates: some will die, others will live.

I found the ending of the trilogy to be very satisfying, with the sense of place and time being excellently evoked. A recommended read for all lovers of historical fiction - but start at the beginning!

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The eagerly awaited final part in the fantastic historical fiction trilogy by Elodie Harper set mostly in Pompeii. I have loved every page of this wonderful story from the very beginning right up to the nail biting finale and highly recommend it.

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I have to admit that when I first picked up The Wolf Den, I wasn't sure about it, but since I've grown to love this series and this final instalment didn't disappoint.

In this final instalment, Amara returns to Pompeii, where she faces more heartbreak and turmoil as she returns to see her secret family and meets her enemies once again.

This is another beautifully written book with some wonderful details that I have grown to love. I also loved seeing the return of familiar characters.

The Temple of Fortuna is a fab ending to the trilogy. If you haven't read this series, I would highly recommend you give it a go.

A big thank you to NetGalley and the publisher's Head of Zeus for my digital review copy (eARC). These are my honest and unbiased thoughts, and I am sharing them voluntarily.

My Rating: 4.5 stars

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In Elodie Harper’s final instalment of this gripping trilogy we find out how the eruption of Vesuvius affects Amara’s story. Like a revenant, Felix is back casting a shadow over her future and threatening to destabilise everything she’s built. All our favourite characters feature and Harper keeps you on the edge of your seat as events unfold, waiting to find out who will survive and how their fortunes will turn. A fitting conclusion to this insightful trilogy that transports you back in time. Thank you to Netgalley and Head of Zeus for a copy of the ARC.

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This is the third and final book in a trilogy I have enjoyed very much. Set in Ancient Rome, we have followed Amara as she went from whore in the Wolf Den to high ranked man’s concubine. But all this time we knew at some point Pompeii would end up buried under whatever Vesuvius decided to spit out. That expectation and knowledge has hung over Amara’s story like a dark cloud from the get-go.

Well, this is the conclusion and of course Amara’s fate is dependent on that volcano blowing its top. I thought, like the previous two books, this one was very well written. At times you forget about that volcano brewing in the background and you only care that Amara’s life turns out the way she wants it to.

I liked the author manages to make you relate to the way Amara sees her relationships and how she is pulled in different directions for a variety of reasons.

I do love the setting in Ancient Rome and Pompeii. The author really achieves bringing it to life very skillfully and enjoyed it thoroughly.

Maybe the ending was not entirely satisfactory to me, but it was good enough and I can definitely live with it.

I highly recommend this trilogy if you like the idea of a story set in Pompeii in the shadow of an ominous volcano.

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