Member Reviews

I really loved my time with The Temple of Fortuna, finding it a propulsive, riveting read and a totally satisfying conclusion to the trilogy. Amara is now a highly placed courtesan in Rome, but eagerly seizes the offer to return to Pompeii to spend some time with her young daughter and secret enslaved lover, before her forthcoming marriage. But the year is 79 AD, well known to modern readers as the date when Mount Vesuvius erupted to devastating effect.

Once again Elodie Harper excels in recreating the daily life of Ancient Rome. The book is packed full of details but they are seamlessly woven into the story, never feeling at all “info dumpy”. Harper has clearly done her research, as the epigraphs - used to such good effect - show. The intrigue and social positioning surrounding the new Emperor and his brother are just as convincingly depicted as market scenes, or the threatening atmosphere of the streets at night. Action scenes including a gladiator battle and terror and chaos of people desperately trying to flee Pompeii in the wake of the eruption come across as naturally cinematic. There is also lots of interpersonal drama - Amara can’t openly be with her true love due to class differences, Felix, her former pimp, continues to threaten her, a former friend betrays her - which ensured my emotions went on a real roller coaster ride, something that continued right to the end.

This entire series is essential reading for fans of historical fiction, especially those who appreciate seeing history depicted through a female-centred feminist lens. Amara is such a brilliant protagonist, fiesty and flawed, someone who has endured much but is resilient, skilled in the art of surviving. In The Temple of Fortuna Elodie Harper has done her proud.

Many thanks to @netgalley and @headofzeus for my ARC. The Temple of Fortuna publishes on 9 November.

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So many releases to smile about right now… [PR product]

‘The Temple of Fortuna’ is the final instalment of @elodielharper’s magnificent ‘Wolf Den’ trilogy, set in Roman Pompeii. There’s been a volcano-shaped elephant in the room from the start. It’s a testament to the writing that you quickly become so immersed in the world of the heroine, Amara, that you soon forget all about the mountain smoking in the background. Until now.

We rejoin Amara in Rome, where she is the mistress of the fabulously wealthy and well-connected freedman, Demetrius. Amara’s worked hard and made great personal sacrifices to get here, but she tells herself that it’s all worth it to secure her own future as a free woman, and, more importantly, that of her daughter, Rufina. She’ll do almost anything to avoid her past life as a brothel slave catching up with her, and another scandalous skeleton in her closet being exposed.

When Demetrius suggests marriage, it looks as though she might finally be able to put herself and Rufina beyond the reach of the unscrupulous, blackmailing Felix, her former master and pimp, who is determined to drag her back to the gutter, or at least get rich trying. She goes back to Pompeii to prepare for the wedding. But it’s 79AD…

Like it’s predecessors, the book combines brilliant, compelling characters (some good, some very bad) with a pacy plot and wonderfully vivid details that make you feel as though you’ve travelled 2,000 yrs into the past. This one also has some stunning descriptions of an unimaginable natural disaster, plus moments of deep sadness, anger, inspiration and beauty. And the ending is 👌🏻👌🏻 👌🏻

Its predecessors - ‘The Wolf Den’ & ‘The House with the Golden Door’ - could both hold their own as standalone novels. I’m not sure that’s the case here, but that’s not really a criticism, more a tip to read the others first.

There were two things I didn’t like. One is personal: I had nightmares after reading Robert Harris’s ‘Pompeii’ years ago & vowed never to look at another volcano novel. This is so vivid I’ve just remade the vow. The other is I’m deeply sad to say goodbye to Amara & her world.

Thx to @netgalley & @headofzeus for the eARC!

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there are certain books that convince you their authors must be time travellers, and none more so than Elodie Harper.

I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say that The Temple of Fortuna, the final instalment in Harper’s Wolf Den trilogy, is one of the most highly anticipated books of the year.

Harper combines everything you want in ancient historical fiction. Accuracy, authenticity, and empathy. Amara (the protagonist) is as real to us as any ancient figure. Her story feels real, and it *could* have been real - this is the beauty and genius of Harper’s work. We know women were captured as slaves and sold into prostitution in Pompeii. We know they could have used their intelligence and wits to become mistresses to wealthy Romans. We know they could have been caught in the eruption of Vesuvius in 79AD. It is the perfect blend of fact and fiction that makes this trilogy so stunning and so tangible. Pompeii, Rome, the ancient world, leaps off the page in Harper’s gorgeous, crystal-clear and evocative writing.

There is so much about this book, and this series, that I *adored*, it’s impossible to sum up in just a few words (especially without spoilers!). One of my favourite things, as touched on above, are the little snippets of the real ancient world that Amara passes by in her story that act as touchstones, we might say, that ground us in the past. The infamous dog mosaic at Pompeii, for example, which makes a wonderfully teasing fleeting appearance. And Pliny the Elder…oh my. There’s a high bar set when recreating ancient figures in historical fiction, but Harper has Pliny down impeccably. If this series doesn’t represent him precisely how he was…well. I wouldn’t believe you.

In short, this finale was everything. As a Classicist, a Classics Editor, and just an obsessive reader, Harper’s series has ticked all the boxes every time. Faultless.

Thank you so much to NetGalley and HeadofZeus for this absolute privilege.

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I couldn’t wait to read this final book in the Wolf Den trilogy and I was so pleased when I received an ARC from the publishers and NetGalley.
This was a brilliant historical novel and Elodie Harper does a fantastic job at recreating Rome and Pompeii in the first century.
Amara is still a completely convincing heroine who will do whatever is necessary for her and her daughter to survive in this cut-throat society. The section takes place in Rome and while it was interesting, it didn’t really add anything to our understanding of her character. In fact, she seemed more passive than at any other time in the three books.
For me, the book came alive when she returned to Pompeii. I loved the account of the eruption and the way that Elodie Harper described the effects on the surrounding towns and villages rather than just Pompeii was excellent.
Besides Amara, Philos and Britannica were the other stand out characters for me. I loved Philos and how steadfast he was but Britannica stole the show. I would love to read a book where she is the star.
This was a great historical novel and definitely worth a read although I didn’t think it quite had the Wow! Factor of the first book.
Huge thanks to Net Galley and Head of Zeus for allowing me to read this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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I screamed when I got approval for this proof because this is hands down my most anticipated book of 2023, and Elodie Harper didn't disappoint. The story was far from predictable, and Harper writes to put you on the edge of your seat because you care so deeply for the characters. It reminds me why I want to study ancient history in the first place, because even though Amara isn't real, there are many women silenced in history like her that deserve their story told. Elodie Harper encapsulates the experience of womanhood, sexual violence, and feminine rage better than any author I have read. I also LOVE how even though this series is fiction, Elodie Harper takes so much effort and care to remain historically accurate to the farther extent she can go and makes a conscious effort to continue to point back to the source material. I read a lot of books every year, and I have a short attention span so a mark of an amazing book for me is when I remember it, and I always think about Amara. This series is my 'a little life' and I'm dead serious that this series should be buried with me when I die, I'll never forget it as long as I live and it instills a feminine rage in me so deep the only thing that would satisfy it is a male human sacrifice. This series is my roman empire. As well as the actual Roman empire .

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At the beginning of this, the final part of the Wolf Den trilogy, Amara is in Rome a freedwoman and a courtesan to the rich and powerful Demetrius. She mingles with the highest in society and yet something is lacking. Her daughter Rufina is still in Pompeii, a small child in danger of completely forgetting her mother.

Amara is pleased to have to move back to Pompeii when circumstances demand it. She begins to get to know her daughter again and also the father of her daughter, all the time aware that there is no future for them because his master refuses to sell him to Rufina. But there are troubles ahead - we all know what happened in Pompeii after all. The eruption when it comes is utterly devastating and very well described, You feel as though you are there with the people fleeing to Naples and Sorrento, ash choking you and rocks bombarding you.

This is a very fitting end to the trilogy with an open ending so presumably we could get more. The acknowledgements hint at more to come, not necessarily about the characters of the Wolf Den but something set in Roman Britain. Whatever it is, I can't wait. I have loved this series and look forward to whatever Elodie Harper writes next. Thanks to NetGalley and Head of Zeus for the ARC.

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The Temple of Fortuna ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
This is how you write a final instalment! @elodielharper has done it again with the final book in The Wolf Den trilogy, and all I can say is wow. Our heroine Amara faces yet more turmoil, as she journeys back to Pompeii from her new home in Rome. Upon her arrival she is greeted by familiar faces, including her daughter Rufina and her sacred love Philos. As the ground begins to shake and Vesuvius shows her wrath, Amara quickly learns that no fight is without risk. Doing all she can to protect her family, Amara sacrifices everything she has worked for to keep those she loves safe. With Philos’ hand gripping hers, they remain tethered to the living world, ready for one final Herculean feat of revenge 🌋🧡
I have loved every page of this book, and the trilogy as a whole. Harper’s lack of fear, to delve into the firey depths of Vesuvius was truly awe inspiring. I wailed “how could this be the end?” as I turned the last page. Yet whilst I long for more, I am thankful to @elodielharper, @headofzeus and @netgalley for giving me the opportunity to read this book prior to publication. A magnificent read 🐺🏛️
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What can I say that hasn't been said or written already about this last book in the wolf den trilogy. Nothing new.

I personally enjoyed the first two books more as this third one was a bit too slow in the first half for my liking.
The ending wasn't really a surprise, but still well done and things wrapped up nicely.

I'm looking forward to hearing more from the author.

Thank you netgalley for providing me with an eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Where do I even start reviewing this book and a series that I’ve been wholeheartedly invested in and at times, couldn’t stop thinking about!

Amara is one of my favourite characters. She is a joy to read about and has taken me on an incredible journey throughout the three books as she finds her own path. I have loved every bit.

I loved seeing the characters all have their story arcs and watching how Elodie tied everything together so beautifully. I read this one in Sorrento and visited Pompeii whilst there, so I really did feel completely immersed. I could imagine Amara in the setting and having our tour guide sharing information that I had known from this series was brilliant. I loved seeing how much research had clearly gone into the series to make it what it is.

I’ve read The Wolf Den twice already since it’s release and I know this is a series I will regularly come back to. This last book is easily my favourite of the three and I know I’ll think of the events of this book and the history in Pompeii often.

I can’t wait to see what Elodie is working on next and hope to see a cameo from my favourite gladiator!

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I'm still reeling from this wonderful book. Elodie Harper finishes her Wolf Den trio, set in Rome and Pompeii in the AD70s, with a triumphant flourish.

Amara is now a highly-regarded courtesan in Rome, with a rich and powerful protector, Demetrius. But his friend and protector, Emperor Vespasian, has died and Demetrius's position of power is less secure. Which means that Amara is in danger from his enemies. She returns to Pompeii to visit her daughter, who is being cared for by two good friends - and the slave Philo, her daughter's secret father. Unfortunately, in Autumn 79, there are earth tremors in Pompeii... we all know where this is heading, but Elodie Harper handles the known facts skilfully.

This book is beautifully written on top of having a gripping, clever plot. The sense of unease is there from the first page, but the author ramps it up and up until it's almost unbearable.

Amara's past catches up with her in many different ways; it's no spoiler to say that her nemesis, Felix, reappears, but the way she deals with him is completely unexpected (and very satisfying)

The horrors of the eruption of Vesuvius, the suffering of survivors, the emotional rollercoaster Amara rides, all contrast beautifully with the luxurious lifestyle she leads in Rome. This book leaps from the page, fully alive, and won't get out of your head. Superb.

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Pompeii October 24th AD 79

Well, it’s the end. You only have to know the date to realise this, as this superb trilogy comes to a close and we reach the conclusion of Amara’s captivating story.

Amara is now in Rome, separated from her lover Philos and her daughter Rufina, who are in Pompeii. She is with her patron Demetrius living close to the seat of power, the emperor Titus. And although Amara has risen high, she is still threatened by her former life in the wolf den.

Her secret is known by her former brothel keeper Felix, betrayed to him by his now wife and her former friend Victoria, written into his will and is why she pays each month for his silence. If this is found out her world will collapse around her.

I loved being back with these characters, especially Amara and Britannica, the writing really gets you inside their heads and I was rooting for them both.

‘the ring Demetrius gave her when he first brought her to Rome. It is solid silver, stamped with a leaping hare, the symbol of sexuality and fertility.’

Packed with exquisite details, the level of research in this book is something else. But it is the power of the story that will really captivate you.

“Earthquake,” says one of the slaves helping to unload the vessel which carried her from Misenum. “Two days ago.”

There is so much emotion in this book, attached to characters that we have grown to love, the grumbling presence of Vesuvius at the edges of our vision as we read, a malignant shadow hanging over the story. I felt quite tense reading this one, entranced by the writing, gripped by the story and yet not wanting it to be over.

‘Britannica has the strength, the fearlessness, the unbridled fury she has always wanted for herself, and unlike Amara, unlike every woman here, this woman has the power to make men feel afraid.’

When the climactic eruption comes, I held my breath, the detail is incredible, the fear is palpable and Elodie Harper has created something very special. My heart was thumping to know how anyone would survive and the threats didn’t stop!

No.” Philos grips her by the shoulder. “This is not where you die. Think of everything you have already survived.’

A breathtaking conclusion to a powerful trilogy, saving the best til last; I will miss this!

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This is one of my favourite series, definitely my favourite historical fiction trilogy to date. Elodie Harper is such a skilled and powerful writer, who can unearth and bring to life characters that feel so real, it's painful to leave them. After finishing The Temple of Fortuna, I sat dumbfounded for a while, thinking "am I really never going to get more of Amara's story?" and it had been a long time since I'd felt for fictional characters so much.

I can't say anything about the plot for this story as you really need to read the first two books in the trilogy before starting this one, but it was incredibly strong and well-paced. There was not a wasted page or wasted word, if anything I would have liked for the book to be 50 pages longer. As with the previous two books, Harper's prose is evocative and transports the reader into the world of the Roman Empire, in Pompeii 79 AD, before the eruption of Vesuvius. A time period that has always interested me, Amara is also an incredibly compelling main character whose qualities, flaws, and tribulations are well understood by the reader. I think it would be very hard for any reader not to sympathise with her, even when she makes decisions that don't seem like they are good ones. Everything is there for a reason, and has its place.

The writing style is also incredibly easy to read, and once you start reading, it's very hard to stop. Time flies by, but if you do put the book down and pick it back up later, you fall right back into the story within a couple of paragraphs. I can't recommend this trilogy enough, and will absolutely be re-reading it in the (probably not so distant) future. If you are hoping to try historical fiction after reading Greek myth retellings, this is definitely the trilogy for you. One of my favourite books and authors of the year hands down.

With thanks to Head of Zeus and NetGalley for providing me with an early copy in exchange for an honest review.

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I was bowled over by both The Wolf Den and The Golden Door, the first two books in the powerful The Wolf Den trilogy, so have been eagerly awaiting Amara’s return in book 3 – The Temple of Fortuna by Elodie Harper and once again I was blown away by the passion, the emotion, the detailed level of research and background work undertaken to bring Rome and Pompeii to life!
At the start of The Temple of Fortuna, Amara is in Rome with her new patron, a rich and powerful man who recognises her intellect and political acumen, and uses that for his own purposes, using her to spy on his powerful friends and political enemies. Amara is content to prove her usefulness and value to him, if anyone understands the value of trade it is Amara but, this doesn’t stop her from desperately missing her daughter, and still wanting to assure her daughter’s future. However, despite Amara’s efforts, life does not remain settled, and she soon finds herself in Pompeii.
Throughout this final chapter in the trilogy, we continue to see the strength, intelligence, tenaciousness and sheer will of Amara, a woman who from the first book in the trilogy has refused to accept the fate that life has handed her and want more, who has fought tooth and nail to climb from the position of slave whore to a freed woman, who continues to fight as the stakes rise.
This book also sees the return of other vivid and strong female characters in the trilogy, including Victoria, Berenice, Julia, Livia, and the outstanding Britannica, who continues to be a true tour de force! I will challenge anyone who objects to my absolute adoration and admiration for Britannica – she is amazing!
Elodie Harper brings ancient Rome and Pompeii to life; there is no questioning the immense research and effort that went into bringing to life this ancient civilisation, from the details of the frescoes (fables) that decorate Pliny’s home to shopping for wedding outfits – no stone has been left unturned in the research for this trilogy, and it is all delivered through such perfect descriptive writing that flows as part of the story, that never once have I ever felt lectured but, I have learnt a lot!
And of course, I must reference the eruption of Vesuvius! There is no question that like every other reading, I’d been waiting for it, and Harper truly brings to life the devastation and destruction that apocalyptically destroys the physical landscapes and protections that Amara has acquired but, also the emotional and mental destruction, as lives and security and safety crumble to ash. Harper’s description of the events and the losses was truly heart-breaking, and I definitely cried…a lot!
Congratulations Elodie Harper, The Wolf Den is an outstanding trilogy that you completed perfectly, I cannot see how it could have ended up any other way and that epilogue was just ‘chef’s kiss’!
Even if you aren’t a fan of historical fiction, I totally recommend The Wolf Den Trilogy or even just The Temple of Fortuna (which you could read as a standalone but, trust me – the whole trilogy is amazing!) These books deliver action, adventure, emotional torture and joy, politics, history and more, and will grab you by the throat until you have read them from cover to cover.
Huge thanks to Head of Zeus, Apollo and NetGalley for the arc of The Temple of Fortuna by Elodie Harper in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.

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The Temple of Fortuna is the much awaited, final instalment in the Pompeii based Wolf Den series and it’s been one I’ve both looked forward to and dreaded in equal parts due to the climax we have been promised.

We continue to follow Amara and her attempts to escape Felix’s clutches, maintain stability with new patron, Demetrius in Rome, provide for her daughter Rufina back in Pomeii with Philos and her new Gladiatorial/bar business. Starting in Rome, Amara is used by Demetrius to gain political information and treasonous plots on new Emperor Titus’ brother, Domitian, a growing threat that ultimately ends in Amara needing to be sent to Pompeii until it’s safe. Once there, Amara is reunited with daughter Rufina, who doesn’t remember her, and Philos and the romantic strain of how they parted.
As mentioned, Felix continues to be a threat since the previous book where Amara defied his advances and harassment, he is still an awfully menacing but fantastic character who you genuinely hate. Victoria is now Felix’s wife and is still just as confusing, she has betrayed Amara however you cannot help but pity her as she is still very much a victim. Brittanica is still easily the highlight of this book, now a Gladiator gaining fame, she’s a loyal friend, a passionate fighter, and she’s just wonderful to read.
The dynamic of Philos and Amara continues to be a complex and interesting one, their statuses now different and time counting down before Philos must return to serving Rufus. Likewise you have Amara learning to be a mother to a child she has sacrificed so much for and yet knows so little, how this progresses is beautiful to read.

Mount Vesuvius has been a shadow over these books from the start, you always knew that the struggles there characters were facing, for freedom and stability, we’re just a part of their survival come the end of this trilogy. In The Temple of Fortuna, intermittent earthquakes hit Pompeii as its residents go about living their lives with no idea of the threat it precedes. As a reader though, you do, and it only builds the anxiety in knowing what these people are to face.
With 40% left of the book left, the volcano erupts and it’s as menacing and terrifying as you could imagine. Elodie Harper does a fantastic job of building up the frantic confusion, the escape methods, the desperation and the suffocating conditions as Vesuvius erupts, the bids for escape, the money making schemes of those hoping to profit and the efforts of the Roman soldiers to aid the survivors. The after effects of the eruption are also explored, this event isn’t simply something that happens in the book but a a major event that changes the direction of the book and it was worth the wait - if that’s not too morbid to say.

You are robbed of closure for a few characters in this book, either never hearing of their fate or it being off the page, however as this has always been Amara’s story, you know what she knows and in a natural disaster such as Pompeii, it’s unrealistic to think every character in this book would be together or everyone accounted for. Likewise the political plot for the start of the book with Domitian is abandoned however the main purpose of this is to help set the scene for the time period and to get Amara back to Pompeii. Would it have been interesting to explore this further? Yes but it would have also been out of place and unnecessary also.
The world building continues to be superb, bringing to life Pompeii, Rome and even Neopolis with vivid colour, smells and sound in a way that feels well researched but never gratuitously detailed to show this research off. Pompeii is a period of time that has been preserved as a moment of terror with people frozen in time - Elodie Harper does a beautiful job of bringing these people to life, giving them a voice and a story and a life, not just a death.

Thank you NetGalley for the copy in exchange for an honest review - it was an honour to read this series.

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She sees a woman who understands that being nice will not get you very far in a world that is anything but."

I enjoyed this book so much! I was afraid that the development of the character would get stale after three books, but it didn’t. The journey of Amara kept on bringing me from one side of ancient Italy to the other, with twists I could never imagine. I’ll to to keep the review spoiler free - but I just have to write something about Philos. This character is a lighthouse, every scene in which he wasn’t present, I’d just be waiting for him to enter. The way he is structured and the ending he gets! Just so heartwarming. My second favorite was of course Britannica, she’s just hilarious in her seriousness.
The whole series is brilliantly written, the words flow easily without there being too much description or too little. There are absolutely zero historical inaccuracies, so this was very much pleasant to read: it really felt like following the story of a bold greek-pompeian woman.
The only thing that would make this book perfect is a change of antagonist. After three books he gets what he deserves, but it would have been so refreshing to see Amara fight another kind of man/danger.

Thank you so much Head Of Zeus for the ARC!

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I’ve been a fan of this series from the get go and what a joy it was to be back in Amaras world.

So much research must go into these books. Elodie Harper skillfully creates such a vivid picture of the place and the time. The vibrant society of ancient Italy, rich with customs and fashion and alive with the sights and sounds of everyday life is skillfully recreated. As ever I was utterly captivated.

In this book, we join Amara in Rome as mistress of Demetrius. Entangled in the politics of the day, when matters take a dangerous turn she is encouraged to leave Rome until danger passes.

Back in Pompeii, a place haunted by the ghosts of her former life, Amara is reunited with her daughter Rufina, her lover Philos and her friends. Though she is now a wealthy and protected woman, she is still not safe and her old nemesis Felix is again making a name for himself.

The eruption of Vesuvius has hung over the series. In this book we get to that eruption and the drama and terror of the event and the attempts to flee are so well written and so tense that I was literally left breathless. I felt utterly invested in the characters and their survival.

I couldn’t have hoped for more from the final book. What an incredible series this has been and Temple of Fortuna is an excellent final instalment. I’m just gutted it's over.

So incredibly grateful to Head of Zeus & Netgalley for the chance to read an early copy. Special edition on order!

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Since I received the ARC for The Wolf Den, I have been hooked on Elodie Harper’s depiction of Roman life – from the lavish palaces of Rome to the brothels of Pompeii. The Temple of Fortuna is the final instalment for this trilogy and sees the much-awaited events which have made Pompeii a famous ruin come to fruition.

The world which Harper has created always feels realistic and detailed, and this is certainly the case for The Temple of Fortuna as snippets of graffiti and extracts from writings are used as chapter headings and back up the events in the book. As always, Amara is an interesting and multi-faceted character and has grown so much since the first book which has made the series a pleasure to read. I did get a little bogged down with the sheer amount of characters in the first half of the book though, but as it is the final part of the trilogy I think there was a real need to wrap some of the storylines up.

I did think the first half felt very slow – we know where the events are heading, and the explosive twist doesn’t happen until 60% of the way through. There is some setting up of important events, but I think this might have benefitted from an edit down. I did really enjoy the dramatic events though and the book wraps up most of the threads from the trilogy really well. The ending is almost a cliff-hanger which was a little surprising and I wonder if we will see more from this world from Harper in future – I’ll be keeping an eye out!

Overall, The Temple of Fortuna is the explosive end to the trilogy that we have been hoping for! Thank you to NetGalley & Head of Zeus – Apollo for the chance to read the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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The final instalment of the Wolf Den trilogy, and the continuing saga of Amara.

Now living in Rome under the protection of Demetrius, Amara is much different to how she was portrayed in the earlier books. A stylish, pampered woman of some importance, mixing with the high and mighty, the true grit and survival spirit of the earlier works seems to be hidden, though no doubt it is there should she call on it!

On her return to Pompeii, Amara once again meets up with old loves, friends, other she-wolves and, of course, Rufina and Philos.

It is no spoiler that there was a massive event in Pompeii in AD79, so the lead up to that and the subsequent events make compelling reading.

Meticulously researched (good that the date of the eruption was updated) and beautifully written, this book rounded off the series well. A slower start than the other books, and some knowledge of those previous books is needed to make sense of this offering.

As a whole I preferred the previous books, but this was still a must read.

Thank you NetGalley.

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Temple of Fortuna - Elodie Harper

☀️ Amara‘s heartbreak and anguish could truly be felt through every page. I can’t think of many times I’ve rooted more for a main character. She had so much depth.
☀️ The portrayal of what is effectively Stockholm Syndrome. Seeing how Felix continued to play a huge part in Amara’s decision making really captured the all-consuming hold that abusive relationships can have over someone.
☀️ I can’t fault Elodie’s writing. It had me close to tears on multiple occasions. I also felt SO on edge reading those last few chapters. A book that makes you feel all the emotions is a winner with me.
☀️ The decision to not put graphic scenes on page. Knowing they’re happening is simply enough.
☀️ Characters you connect with and care about. There are a lot of them, but the friendships are all so sweet and genuine.
☀️ Not a happily ever after ending, but not a miserable one either. It was satisfying without being too perfect.
☀️ So much angst and pining.
☀️ The vivid descriptions of the various locations this is set. Nothing ever felt vague or confused, as Elodie does such a great job of painting a clear picture.
☀️ While fiction, I feel like I learnt a lot from its historical context about what women during this time had to go through. You can really tell the author did her research on the Roman Empire.
☀️ I was gripped from beginning to end, almost unable to put it down.
☀️ Philos and all of his gut-wrenching proclamations. I will never recover.

🌙 Nothing!

Series ratings:
The Wolf Den (5🌟)
The House With The Golden Door (4🌟)
The Temple of Fortuna (5🌟)

If you haven’t read this series yet add it to your list RIGHT NOW. You will not regret it.

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I love the Wolf Den series of books by Elodie Harper and was so happy to receive an ARC for the final instalment in the trilogy; The Temple of Fortuna. In this we follow Amara to Rome where she is the established partner to the wealthy Demetrius having left her former lover and daughter in Pompeii. When Demetrius asks Amara to marry him, she returns to Pompeii to prepare for the wedding. I loved The Temple of Fortuna - it is full of drama and atmosphere and is so vivid and well researched. It is a very fitting and satisfying conclusion to the trilogy.

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