Member Reviews
This debut picture book by Lee Alfred II tells the tale of his two active sons and their fantastic relationship with their grandparents. Liam and Landen are extremely hard on their toys, and they end up breaking quite a few of them. They do not get upset because they know that when their grandfather visits, the toys will be mended. No matter what breaks the boys know that “Papa can fix it!” Boys can be too rough on their toys, and eventually Grandpa becomes fed up and tells them that they are being too hard on their toys and that he can’t fix everything. They finally suffer the natural consequence of not taking care of their toys and begin to cry. When this happens, Nana walks in with a big hug to fix their broken hearts.
The story is written in catchy rhymes. The repetitive phrase “Papa can Fix it!” will have your child chanting along. Soon they will be joining in as you read aloud the onomatopoeia “Bang, Crash, Smash.” Illustrator Jenny Cabatuan has provided bright colorful cartoon like artwork that will engage young children. I imagine that children will love this book.
The book expresses the positive support that grandparents can provide, even when their behavior is less than perfect. Unfortunately, it also gives an unintended message. I am sure that the author’s children were actually just rambunctious. But in the book, they come off as intentionally destructive. “Every day at play, they love to Break toys.” The use of the word love means that they are breaking them on purpose. Painting the dog seems like a funny incident, but it can give children the wrong idea. Parents will need to be sure to point out that it is a very bad idea, and the dog could get sick. They also destroy something that does not belong to them. I know that the behavior may be exaggerated, but I would have punished the children for those last two actions. As a grandparent I would have reservations sharing this book. Whoever is reading this book to the children needs to use it as a springboard to discuss the behaviors. For this reason, I gave this charming book that would have otherwise received a rave review only a three-star rating. It would be a fun addition to the home library, but it is not a must read.
I received an Advance Reader’s Copy of this book from the publisher and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. The expected publication date is May 10, 2023
It's not a story it's some sort of poetry and mischievous kids.
Poetry-wise it's acceptable, however as a story nope!
It's just a note for kids to know that their father can fix their toys while their grandmother can fix their hearts.
I didn't like it.
This was a cute story, particularly about the love of your grandparents. That said it doesn’t really teach any lesson to those little kiddos who are too rough with their belongings. I have a “destruction” boy and I’m not really looking to teach him that tape and hugs fix everything you aren’t careful with.
Papa Can Fix It! is the first book in a brand new The Adventures of Liam and Landen series of a series that is aimed at 3–4-year-olds, written by Lee Alfred II. Papa Can Fix It! tells the story of two African American brothers named Liam and Landen who can be quite destructive in their adventurous game playing. Each play time results in the destruction of yet another toy. However, the boys do not fret about it because dad is always on hand to fix their mishaps. Or is he?
Before I delve into the story, I want to take a moment to express my gratitude to NetGalley and Lee Alfred II for providing a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
This is a cutely illustrated little book, with bright, cartoonish pictures in a full color palette. Some of the images cover the full page, whilst others leave enough white space for the accompanying text. Whilst simple in their design, they tell a clear story even without the words. It is a terrific book for sitting with your little one and asking them to read the pictures to you.
Another cute feature of this book is the writing itself. The book is in prose, so there is a natural and rhyming buoyancy the whole way through. The addition of a key phrase ‘Papa can fix it!’ allows for shared reading between the child and their grown up, especially as the key phrase is associated with a similar image each time it is presented.
It is really easy to get swept away with the full vibrancy package but on reflection, I have a few reservations. The moral of the story was weak. We have here two very destructive children that have no care for their own toys, nor the personal belongings of others. They even paint the dog. They are left to damage everything time again until papa finally tells them the only thing he cannot fix is a broken heart. However, the boys are not fussed because Nana has that fix covered. Whilst it is a kid’s book, I do still think there should be a stronger message about using soft hands and showing more restraint and respect. The children in this book are probably around the age of 4-5 years old so high time some discipline is incorporated. If I read this repeatedly to my boys, my house would literally be a bombed shell. For this reason, I offer a recommendation of 4 out of 5 stars and hope that books later in the series will address these concerns rather than putting the behavior down to high energy and high jinks.
The illustrations in the book are bright and colorful and will keep a small child's attention to the very end. The two brothers Liam and Landen are full of energy and love playing with (and breaking) their toys because their beloved grandfather (Papa) can fix anything! After the boys make a huge mess however, he lets them know that while he can fix many things he can't fix everything that they break. Nana is available for warm hugs however that can mend any broken heart!
I feel the title does an excellent job of portraying high-energy children and opens doors with children about the importance of taking care of your belongings. The fun images and rhymes are sure to get laughs as well.
This book is about two young boys that love to be boys and break things when they play. Nana and Papa come over and instantly all of the broken toys are fixed! This book shows the special bond between a grandparent and their grandchild.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
This book was really short and didn’t make much sense. I think the book should’ve been longer. My daughter was excited to read this but didn’t like it much. My daughter is 9 years old but this book may be geared more for a 4-5 year old.
. #PapaCanFixIt #NetGalley
Overall rating: 5/5
I really liked the representation of the charcaters in this book and I felt that the message that the book was trying to convey was clear. The story is about two young boys called Liam and Landen who break lots of toys and their 'Papa' (grandfather) is there to fix the broken toys. The boys in the story feel that their Papa can fix anything and he can solve all of their problems. The message that I have interpretated is that different people in a child's life will be able to solve different problems for them. I felt that the illustrations were lovely and I feel that children will be able to relate to the characters in the book. I liked the use of different font sizes and use of onomatopoeia to show sounds.
This is a brilliant short story for children to enjoy!
Such a cute book! The storyline, characters, and illustrations are all amazing. It’s a book about two brothers who causes destruction by breaking various items throughout the house (boys will be boys) but their Papa comes to the rescue and fixes everything.
This was a charming children’s book about “boys being boys” and their relationship with their grandparents.
I read this one to my son before his Papa was going to visit for the weekend so it definitely was a hit with him! He was so excited to read a book that he could actually relate to and he was constantly asking his own Papa to fix things when he was here!
The illustrations are colorful and vibrant and definitely grab your attention!
A very enjoyable read!
This is a children's book that shows the importance of the relationships between different generations within a family, particularly the interaction between grandchildren and grandparents. That is what I like best about it.
The illustrations are also cute and colourful, and will appeal to young children.
Liam and Landen are young African-American kids, brothers who have a destructive streak. Whether it comes to Liam smashing up his toy cars or Landen breaking his board game, their mantra is 'Papa will fix it', because their grandfather is very good at repairing things.
Up to this point, the story is cute. And when things get totally out of hand, their grandfather does warn them that he cannot repair everything.
But I felt that painting the dog green was unnecessary - and it risks giving other kids bad ideas. Similarly the ripping up of the grandfather's magazines seemed both silly and pointlessly destructive.
Finally, I think it would be useful to explain why and how their grandmother aka Nana can repair broken hearts. Otherwise the ending feels abrupt and unsatisfying.
Overall, the book does have fun things to offer young readers, but it needs more work, in my opinion, to address the points above.
Papa Can Fix It is a beautiful story of two boys who have way too much energy! They break things often. (What can you do? Boys will be boys!) But they are in luck, because their papa can fix almost everything! Except broken hearts, he can't fix those. Lucky for the boys, Nana is an expert at fixing those!
This is a wonderful book about the power of family connection and love. I really enjoyed the illustrations, and how Nana is the one who fixes the most important things! 😂
Thanks Netgalley and the publisher for the opportunity to review this advanced review copy (ARC) in exchange for my honest review on the book!
My twin boys loved this.. both are really destructive with their toys so we could definetly see similarities between them and the characters in the book. The pictures were bright and colourful with lots to look at. Thank you!
This sweet story about two rough and tumble little boys is sure to catch your attention with the vibrant illustrations. It was a bit hard to follow some of the writing due to the frequent use of ellipses, which were sometimes used across pages, even though the pages are read one at a time. I also felt like it needed one more page to explain why the boys had a broken heart that needed fixing - the ending just felt a little too abrupt to me. But as a mom myself of three young kids, who also have a doting Papa & Nana, the story is very entertaining and relatable.