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Faking It

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To start with what I loved, I loved that this book doesn't hang its hat on the fact that the FMC needs love to be complete. Sophie does not and she knows it! Sophie was also my biggest difficulty with the book, though. She was just genuinely very hard for me to like. Alternatively, Harry was very easy for me to like. When Sophie turned Harry down, it was kind of my final straw in how much I felt I could tolerate her. She just felt very self absorbed and like she lacked empathy? It was hard to connect with that sort of personality in a love story. Harry was charming and wonderful, though!

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Fairly predictable rom com but it was still a good read that I enjoyed it. It was also a quick read.

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This book is meant to be about finding yourself as a single person and that its okay to be doing just that. Maybe I just have a different experience with friends but I have never been singled out or talked down to because I'm usually single. I just found Sophie's friends to be rude and not real friends. Part of the issue was the way Sophie was but it was still off putting. I would have liked to see more of Harry but he was introduced pretty late. I knew they probably weren't going to end up together but I really liked his character maybe more than Sophie. I feel like the characters were full of themselves at times and making their relationship status their whole personality. Still an entertaining read but it was tightly wrapped as a maybe romance so I can see some people not liking the outcome.

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i have mixed feelings about this book … i was expecting a happy ending romance based on the description and it’s not really what i got. the actual story was refreshing and i didn’t mind the being single and happy message as an ending, but it felt like a bait and switch.

there were some great comedic moments that i loved and the character development was great, but it was pretty slow and ultimately fell flat for me. i don’t think the writing style was for me!

Thank you NetGalley and Wattpad Books for this ARC.

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I admired the end to Sophie’s journey, but wasn’t a fan of the style of narrative. It felt long winded, and for a book about fake dating, it seemed to only make up a small portion of the plot. The majority of the book was a constant repetitive and extremely vain inner monologue about a depressive single life.

I didn’t find any of the characters believable or exceptionally likeable. Some of Sophie’s antics were entertaining, but it was a big push to even complete this novel.

One star for Sophie’s absurd antics and horrific social cues, and one for the unconventional ending.

Thankyou to NetGalley and Wattpad books for the ARC in exchange for an honest review

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There were aspects of this story that I liked, and others that disappointed.

I laughed out loud at some things, and others, well, I was left rolling my eyes.

I liked Sophie at times, and other times I found her intolerable.

I liked Sophie and Harry together, and that was what I was expecting. There is a birthday scenario that had me laughing out loug

However, in the end what I got was more an Eat, Pray, Love Sophie finding herself story more than a romance. Which is OK, but it was not what I thought I was getting.

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I loved the Kissing Booth by Beth Reekles and wanted to read this one too. I really enjoyed the book, loved it so much. Can't wait to read more books by Beth. I highly recommend this!

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Faking It by Beth Reekles is an incredible contemporary romance.
I absolutely adore Beth Reekles' writing. She has not let me down yet and her newest title did not disappoint.
This book was utterly adorable! The banter between the two characters was witty and fresh.
The romance between Sophie and Harry was great.
This was such a cute read. A light, fun-loving and feeI good romance with great characters, a catchy storyline, and a great setting.

Thank You NetGalley and Wattpad Books for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!

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This was a really cute fake dating romance perfect for fans of Beth O'Leary or Katy Birchall. Funny and full of heart, I enjoyed reading it and discovering a new romance author to add to my favorites. Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an early digital copy in exchange for my honest review!

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I love books written by Beth Reekles and this was no exception!

Faking It

Sophie is a girl in her 20s and is struggling with the societal pressure of having to find someone. All her friends and family members were buying homes, getting married and having children, and she was still single. But one day she has enough of the questions and decides to get a fake boyfriend, Harry. Harry is going through a divorce and just wants to be single again. Their connection grows and I love how each character develops!

The ending was unexpected and I loved it despite wanting it to end in a different way!

Thank you as always to Netgalley for the ARC!

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Faking It was my first introduction to Beth Reekles writing. Although i did watch the kissing booth adaptations, i did not read the series, so naturally i was very excited for this romance and wanted to see her writing and story development. Unfortunately this one didn't really work for me. I have to admit that the summary and cover are a bit deceiving and definitely makes the reader believe they are about to read a rom-com when in reality it is more of a self love story. i didn't dislike the turn it took but i do think transparency for the reader is important.

Things i liked: The dialogue was funny. The humor in this book was what made me continue reading and i had so many moments where i was laughing out loud and having so much fun. The banter between Sophie and Harry was great and enjoyed some of their moments together. I am a huge fake dating trope lover so i really liked that this was part of the story.

Things i disliked: Unfortunately, there was a lot i disliked about this book. Sophie felt like an unreliable and unrelatable character. I found myself annoyed at her inner dialogue and the repetitiveness of it all. The chemistry between Sophie and Harry left a lot to desire in my opinion. I think that their connection didn't feel believable at times which definitely hinder on my ability to connect with them and root for them.

Overall, i liked the premise of the story but i would've liked stronger connections. That being Sophie's friendships, her relationship with Harry, her family dynamics. I really enjoyed the reinforcement that being in a relationship[ does not mean your life is automatically perfect. I liked how in the end she realized she didn't need to change anything because her life was already full as it was.

Thank you Wattpad Books & Netgalley for this arc in exchange for an honest review.

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Sweet story! Strong characters, relatable story with all the life events and transitions and how that changes friendships. A bit predictable, but easy and breezy.

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I usually do not like books where the author is British, I don't know why, but I can't get into them! This book was slow to start but was worth it in the end. I would definitely recommend if you love the fake dating trope, or if you live a #chaoticlife and want to see a relatable character in your books.

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I unfortunately had to DNF this book. The writing style was not for me and so I couldn’t get into the storyline. I won’t do any reviews other than my feedback here as a result.

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Unfortunately this one fell short of my expectations, I liked watching the kissing booth on netflix but having not read the book this was my first introduction to this author's writing.

I wanted there to be more substance to this, I like fake dating where there's so much angst, tension and banter as they realise they both like eachother and that was missing here. This definitely isn't your typical fake dating romance.

I didn't like Sophie as a character, I found her to be whiny and repetitive. She goes from being desperate to be in a relationship to the complete opposite by the end of the book.

I think the author also missed the mark by not including her articles that her friends rave about! We only get titles and that's such a missed opportunity.

Overall very slow, repetitive and not the right fit for someone who loves the fake dating genre, the author took a new spin on it and it just fell flat.

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I was look forward to Reading this book, the cover and the title of the book makes me wander, but Honestly, I’m rather disappointed. I was expecting a romance/romantic comedy and feel this book was categorized incorrectly. I had a hard time getting into the book but once Sophie met Harry, I was expecting to be hooked reading about them falling in love and I kept reading hoping for more but it never came.

Thank you to the Publisher and netgalley for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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The character development was good from beginning to end, enjoyed the way the MCs found themselves fake dating. The ending was unexpected and a bit disappointing for me.

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First book of the year. I really enjoyed #fakingit by Beth Reekles. Sophie is 25 and the single one of her family and friends.
She is always asked when she is going to find someone and is constantly on the apps looking for someone.
When a guys she’s dating declines being her plus one, she turns to the apps to have someone be her “fake boyfriend” for all events. She meets Harry, and they spend the year helping each other show up at events.
I thought this book was going to go the way of a rom-com, but it was so much more. Discovering that it is ok to not settle, to find out who you are.
Thank you to @netgalley for the ARC.

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Hard to review this book because I mistakenly thought this was a romance and I really wanted the romantic ending that was all set up, ready to put a pretty little bow on it. However, it ended up being more of a love yourself, be happy with yourself, own your worth and your time book. While that's not a bad thing, it just wasn't what I wanted to see happen in the end.

Positives. The 10th birthday party was one of the funniest scenes I've read in a while. I laughed so many times at their guffaw and the ridiculousness of it all! I thought Sophie and Harry had great chemistry. They enjoyed spending time with each other, they could be their worst selves in front of each other, and the couple time seemed pretty outstanding. I appreciated Harry's honesty and his self deprecating humor.

Negatives. Sophie would go on these internal rants and while she made some good points they got pretty repetitive at times. I would have much preferred to read her columns that she wrote (and that everyone was going ga-ga over) and I feel like that was a huge missed opportunity for the author to connect her with the audience. Sophie was also kind of all over the place most of the book and I get it's because she didn't know what SHE wanted, only what she thought she should want, but I felt like once it was finally in front of her she had this epiphany and ended up doing the same thing to Harry that had been done to her a few times. It just left this let down feeling and I feel like if the author was going to chose to have Sophie "date herself" she should have made Harry less "right" for her. I think the cheating was supposed to be this big detractor but it just wasn't in this story.

I think if the reader knows what they are going into, an embrace yourself and don't settle type book, then this could be really enjoyable. However, if it's marketed as a romance in the "fake dating trope" I think you're gonna have a lot of readers coming at you with pitchforks.

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I didn’t enjoy this book at all and came close to just not finishing it. The main female character spends the entire book complaining about how her family and friends make her feel badly about being single. She is yearning for a relationship. She ends up faking a relationship with a guy she meets over a dating app. He seems like a great guy, although he has his own troubled history with his former wife. But they get along great and enjoy hanging out together and having some lovely sex. But she’s still not happy. Eventually, she decides that her true happiness is just not dating and looking for a relationship. That’s it.

So, if you are looking for a romance with a HEA, this is not it. But if you feel badly about being single and want to read complaints about how that stinks, you might enjoy it.

I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader copy of this book that I received from Netgalley; however, the opinions are my own and I did not receive any compensation for my review.

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