Member Reviews

The author of this very enlightening and spiritually educational book, explains well the different theological positions and beliefs, in relation to the main schools of thought, regarding the final and ultimate destiny of humankind. This is eschatology made relatively straightforward and understandable. This is ‘Last Days’ theology for the everyday Christian. Bryan Chapell's main Biblical sources are the visions of Daniel, the last day teachings of Jesus Christ and most predominantly the last book of the Bible. This is the Revelation of John the Apostle, written around 96 AD/CE on the Isle of Patmos, in the Aegean Sea, close to the west coast of modern Turkey.

The comprehensiveness of this book is seen by the old fashioned type of line drawing diagrams, illustrating the events’ timelines of the main schools of eschatological belief, having been previously described by the author in a neutral manner. Only after this, does the Presbyterian church minister author reveal, the one he believes to have the most sound basis. Bryan Chappell gives us as well, several chapter based, study questions for small groups or for personal contemplation. All in all he gives us a lot to mulch over, to make our own decision to where we are presently, in our chosen Last Days events sequence! A very readable and highly recommended study book.

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First, you don't have to agree with everything the author writes in the book to enjoy and learn from it. There were some things he shared I was not so sure about. I took time and researched on my own and sometimes changed my mind and sometimes didn't. The book is good, and you will come away learning something or at least understanding the end times better.

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If you are interested in learning about biblical end times, this new book Are We Living in the Last Days – Four Views of the Hope We Share about Revelation and Christ’s Return by Bryan Chapell is a good book that covers the four major views of end times.

The author provides description with explanations and Scripture, history of the viewpoint, along with information from well-known scholars that explain each of the four without giving a personal viewpoint, so you can decide for yourself. The viewpoints covered are: Dispensational Premillennialism, Historic Premillennialism, Amillennialism, and Postmillennialism.

I have studied these viewpoints some prior, and I don’t tend to get caught up in the different views, but I do tend to align with one more-so than the others. This book didn’t change my mind, but it did give me an understanding of the differentiating viewpoints. Along with reminders that in the end what we believe to be true, it doesn’t matter, because the fact is Jesus is coming again, and that is clear amongst all the end times views and Scripture. That is what is important letting the Scripture provide us with truth and not add to it or take away from it.

Here are some quotes from the book:

Ultimately, the Bible’s prophecies are meant to dry our tears, fuel our endurance, and brighten our paths so that we can fulfill God’s purposes with confidence in His promises.
We don’t have to know the exact timing of the events of the last days to benefit from knowing the types of events and experience that lead up to Christ’s return.
Our differences are distractions if they undermine our confidence in the truth of Scripture or our ability to see how it gives us definite hope for today and needed strength for tomorrow.
One of the reasons godly people vary in how they interpret biblical prophecy is that they view biblical history differently.
Like the parables of Jesus, the intention of prophecies is to hide some things and disclose others’ things lest we become proud or passive in our knowledge of God’s intentions.
We can see that each of the millennial views answers the question, “Is there a future for Israel?” in different ways.
But we need to remember that people aren’t saved from hell and secured for heaven because they have a correct view of the millennium.

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In the unending growing landscape of books about the end times, Bryan Chapell's "Are We Living in the Last Days? Four Views of the Hope We Share about Revelation and Christ's Return" stands out as a sure and steady resource for those seeking clarity on the often intricate and mystifying subject of eschatology.

Cards on the table, Bryan Chapell is my favorite pastor and writer. He has written the most impactful books I have read in the areas of preaching, devotionals, hermeneutics, worship, and children's books. I watched the lectures that this book sprung out of, and I became excited to see that material come into print.

What sets this book apart is its commitment to simplicity without sacrificing depth, making it an accessible read for both theological students and curious believers. A nice treat are the charts in the back which are some of the most helpful to visual learners.

The author takes readers on a guided journey through the maze of eschatological thought, presenting various perspectives with fairness and objectivity yet with an ecumenical spirit emphasizing 15 aspects of the hope all Christians share. No matter where you land on a specific issue, Chapell offers a respectful exploration of each viewpoint, fostering a spirit of dialogue rather than dogmatism.

The book's strength lies in its clarity of exposition. Chapell breaks down complex theological concepts into bite size portions and avoiding unnecessary jargon. This makes the book not only informative but also an engaging read for those who may be daunted by the seemingly abstract nature of prophetic discussions. Speaking of discussions, the discussion questions for each chapter make it ideal for a book study or Sunday School class.

Chapell also brings a pastoral touch to his writing, recognizing the real-world implications of eschatological beliefs. Chapell states: "In the Bible, remembrance is faith in the past tense that believes what God has done; trust is faith in the present tense that acts on who God is; and hope is faith in the future tense that recalls and acts upon what God promises." There are so many comforting and Christ-glorifying sentences throughout. Please get this book. The Holy Spirit wants our heart, head, and hands to be shaped by the sure promise that we are more than conquerors and to live with a sure and steady Savior.

In conclusion, "Are We Living in the Last Days?" by Bryan Chapell is a 5-Star commendable contribution to the field, offering readers a well-organized, fair-minded, and accessible guide to the complex terrain of eschatology. This will be the go-to book I recommend for this subject matter at a beginning and intermediate knowledge of eschatology. Bryan Chapell's work provides a solid foundation for making sense of the millennium and navigating the broader landscape of end-times theology.

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“Are we living in the last days”? In light of current events, that is the question a lot of people are asking. This and other questions are answered in this very well researched and well documented book by author Bryan Chapell.

The author presents the four major views of the end times to explains the primary ways Christians have interpreted biblical prophecy about the last days. This is a very in-depth read which I would suggest requires more study than a casual read.

Disclosure: I received this book free via NetGalley. The opinions I have expressed are my own, and I was not required to write a positive review.

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