Member Reviews

I haven't read a book like this one before. I thought the description sounded interesting. I'm glad I gave it a chance. There were so many characters and a bit hard to follow at times but worth the read. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC.

This searing novel is about love of many different kinds: forbidden, unrequited, familial, and friendships.
The central theme is about gay men in post Communist China (and then New York) and the love they had to hide in the face of discrimination , violence and even excommunication from their families and communities. But its also about all the people in their lives and all the hardships they've lived through and the damages they in turn have done to others.
I enjoyed the span of time and distinct settings. I really loved hearing the cast of characters' interconnected stories and their very particular points of view. The characters were nuanced, and fleshed out. Even when you didn't *like* them, you understood them to a certain extent. There were no villains or angels here.
This was a tough book to read emotionally, because of the abuse, pain, death, tragedy, and unrelenting poverty but I'm still so glad I read it. Jiaming Tang writes beautifully and I can't wait to read his next novel.

Cinema Love gives me vibes similar to “Last Night at the Telegraph Club,” so if you’re looking for a book to fill that void, this is a good choice. I had a hard time following some of the characters at times because many of the characters narrate at some point, but I pushed past it because I enjoyed the plot quite a bit. Looking back, I probably would have done some annotating to keep everything straight because it would have made the last few chapters more satisfying. I so appreciate Tang for giving voice to the gay community because I feel like that representation is still so taboo. As I leave the world of Cinema Love-I must say I would LOVE an alternate history novella with Yan Hua’s voice.

One thing that stood out for me about Cinema Love is the variety of immigrant voices you hear in the novel. The timeline helped to see the lives they built in their new home.
Another thing that stood out to me was how this novel shows such an interconnectedness for all of humanity. The stories overlap and characters from one part cross paths with characters in another city.
This is a queer, immigrant story, and I think most people could learn something from hearing this author's voice.

This novel is simply breathtaking and the beginning of an author whose work I know will be talked about for years. There's such a lovely quality to Jiaming Tang's writing that is both lovely, and nuances with the wit and charm that only he can bring. Bravo!

"Cinema Love" is beautifully written, insightful, compassionate, and full of heart. I was drawn in immediately and unable to stop reading until I finished. Themes include love, queerness, cultural tension, loss, memory, trauma, love and desire. This is a book that compels you to care about its characters even as it breaks your heart. Highly recommended. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC.

Moved to tears by the beauty and longing leaping off the pages of this book; I will not forget the searing lives of these gay men who love in secret—

Right off the bat, you can tell that Tang’s writing in Cinema Love is exceptional. I can’t even start to tell you how many quotes I have underlined from this book. The writing itself is searing - the story of Yan Hua, Old Second, and Bao Mei (among other characters I hold very dear to my heart) is so powerful.
Cinema Love is such a grotesque, raw, and unabashed look into human nature. It shows that love can easily come with confusing and contradictory feelings like jealousy, hatred, and disgust. These characters literally feel like an open book in this novel - you see their true colors with the good and bad, and end up admiring them anyway for their sheer damn determinedness to stay alive.
The writing makes the reading experience so scenic. Tang’s writing breathes true life into his characters and makes it as if you’re watching a movie - except, Cinema Love gives you an even clearer picture of our main characters because we get to see the perspective of so many people, as a reader you experience their world like an omnipresent God watching down on them. Grief feels like a literal physical weight upon our cast of Cinema Love, so much so that I felt it tangibly through my screen.
I am so so thankful for NetGalley and Dutton for the advanced readers copy. I will hold Cinema Love very close to my heart and I will be wholeheartedly recommending this to my audience and loved ones. To the author Jiaming Tang - whatever you write, I will read. Thank you for this story.

Thank you very much for the opportunity to read this book early! I really enjoyed it. I thought the writing was very well done, and the story kept me interested. I believe my students/patrons would also love this book and will be acquiring it for the library!

What a beautifully written book about gay men in rural china, which then follows a man and his wife to New York. I loved the references to NYC Chinatown, past and present.

This was the first book of this genre I have read and I have say it blew me away. It definitely tore at my heart strings periodically throughout the book. Amazing!

Bao Mai and her husband Old Second, continue to carve out a meager existence after emigrating to New York from rural China over thirty years ago. Their love isn’t real, though. Their secrets have been left behind with old lovers that frequented the Workers Cinema. Within those walls, men had found privacy and companionship with each other, and Bao Mai guarded their secrets daily while selling tickets to the closeted gay men, keeping family and inquiring lovers away.
As the years tick by and constantly reminded of the past they had left behind, they somehow continue with broken hearts from the memories they both share. Memories that seem to be weighing them down.
This was such a heartbreakingly beautiful novel. With haunting prose, I felt that Tang truly understood his characters in each stage of their lives. The grief I felt melting off each page was palpable and made my heart ache for Old Second and every other character in this novel.
I wouldn’t say this was an upbeat story of finding love, but a story that felt true-to-life with more heartache and longing raked throughout the pages. I nevertheless enjoyed everything it offered and would have gladly read on for another thousand pages to soak in the dreary yet lovesick characters.
Wonderful. Gut-wrenching. Heartbreaking. Yet absolutely beautiful.
The publisher provided ARC via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

Cinema Love weaves a heart rendering tale through time and space that shows how deeply intergenerational trauma runs, and how love and experiences transcend time. The storytelling illustrates beautifully how time isn't always felt linearly, and even with the supernatural elements, shows how transcendent collective memory can be felt. Ghosts of the past exist both metaphorically and physically in this story. There's love and community and heartbreak in the story, one of a different time and culture interwoven with the present, but still as raw and real as the experiences and emotions of the present.

This book rendered me speechless. It is at once tender but also epic, sad but also hilarious, disgusting but also sexy. I became so invested in the characters I felt like I was living with them in their strange, squalid homes. I cared so deeply for all their grievances and heartbreak - the big, the small, the very petty. These characters - gay, closeted men in rural China, and the wives they have to marry - everyday people with a big secret they are forced to keep - are characters I've not seen before in fiction, and I'm appalled not to have gotten to know them sooner. I love this book very much and think it's going to be a classic.