Cover Image: The Spy and I

The Spy and I

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I picked this one up because the blurb sounded similar to another spy novel that came out recently by an author I love, but this just didn't do it for me. The heroine makes so many dumb moves in the name of being *strong and independent,* an absolute pet peeve of mine. (As a side note, I work in software testing and I've done penetration tests and no one would call themselves a penetration tester. That was a low-hanging joke.) There are just so much better on the run romantic suspense plots out there.

Thanks to Berkley and Netgalley for my copy to review.

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🕵🏼 Book Review 🕵🏼

A big thank you to @berkleypub @berkleyromance for this #gifted copy of #TheSpyAndI !!


📖 The Spy and I by Tiana Smith

A woman is mistaken for her CIA operative sister and gets caught up in a top secret CIA operation.

What to expect:

💋 Romance
🌪️ Twists
💥 Action
☯️ Opposites Attract

Spice: 🌶️/5

Quick thoughts:

✨ Fast paced.
✨ Hot chemistry between Dove and Mendez.
✨ Nice sisterly bond.
✨ Kept me guessing.

Overall thoughts:

As a cyber security analyst, Dove prefers working on her own and on her own terms. When she is mistaken for her sister in a bar, Dove must leave the comfort of her world behind and team up with CIA operative Mendez in an effort to take down a notorious criminal and clear her sisters name.

I thought this one had a unique premise. I was expecting an action packed plot to push the story forward and wasn’t disappointed. However, there were times where I felt the action was a little forced.

There is a sweet romance that weaves its way through the suspense. Dove and Mendez had sizzling chemistry and I couldn’t wait to read the moments where they were alone together.

I loved how Dove held her own against all the CIA agents. She really proved she could be a valuable asset to their operation. I also loved her commitment to her sister even though it was repeatedly challenged.

Goodreads: 3.44
Romantic Suspense

❓ Can you predict plot twists or do they sneak up on you?

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DNF at 27%. I thought I was going to like this, despite it's low Goodreads reviews, after I enjoyed the first 5-10% or so. However, it just became boring and repetitive (and not to mention predictable). Dove kept going on and on about her ex boyfriend and how much you can't trust men. Mendez didn't have any personality other than being hot. I don't even remember him contributing to conversations with Dove. Thanks anyway for the ARC but this just isn't for me.

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Spy adventure romcom
The story was fun. We follow a computer genius and a spy who though she was her sister
Super fast pace with lots of twist in turns

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Another new author I've discovered on Netgalley! And now, I'll be looking forward for more reads from this author. The Spy and I is a pretty fast-paced spy rom-com that was fun to read and keep me entertained.

The main character works in cyber security and one day gets mistaken for her twin sister who is an undercover CIA agent. This leads to her getting into a spy mission with her sister's CIA partner and they travel around the world trying to escape the assassins after them and also find the CIA double agent. It was fast-paced and fun. Looking forward to more.

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I mean I grew up on Spy Kids, so of course I love a wonderful rom-com spy book. I feel like there was a good balance of action and adventure along with the romance. Any romance that has good banter between the love interests, sign me up. The tone of the book was light and humorous mixed with some sarcasm. It's a quick and fun read that I would recommend for vacation or the beach.

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𝙗𝙤𝙤𝙠 𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙪𝙜𝙝𝙩𝙨

guysss this book is such a fun and romantic adventure!! if you like spy action movies and romance with a hint of steam, this should be your next read!!!

Tiana Smith wasn’t kidding about ‘the spy who dumped me’ being her comp title because this book has all the fun action and spy vibes of that movie!! After our FMC Dove is mistaken for her spy sister, she has to go on the run with a hot spy named Mendez and try to avoid acting on those butterflies she inconveniently feels around him!! but also, she seems to be the only one around who thinks her sister couldn’t possibly be a double agent working for the bad guys, so she has to use her coding prowess to try to prove her sister’s innocence!

The action is wonderful and the book well-paced. There’s a little bit of steam that keeps you on your TOES but then there are so many moments that make you giggle and squeal because they’re SO cute!!! I mean it, there were several times where I put my e-reader to my chest and made that soundless scream- y’all know what I’m talking about. The chemistry between them develops pretty quickly, but I still felt like the romance and the character development were both well-paced!

There were a few continuity issues with the characters that sort of bothered me and are worth noting, BUT I imagine some of those were fixed in the editing process, since I read an advanced, unfinished copy. Overall, this is SUCH a fun rom-com action-adventure, and I recommend it to y’all wanting some spy action with your romance!

💖 I received this e-arc on Netgalley from Berkley Publishing! All opinions in this review are my own.💖

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Every time I picked up "The Spy and I", I was whisked away from with adventurous spy romance!

Tiana Smith's writing style jumps right off of the page, and her storytelling and world-building are spectacularly clear! Furthermore, her characters all seem like such-real people, and I could envision each and every aspect of this story.

When Dove is mistaken for her sister, who is a CIA agent, Mendez, who says he is her sister's partner, and Dove team up to try and save her sister. I do not want to say too much about the plot due to spoilers, but, I will say, this novel has so much in it: action, adventure, romance, secrets, suspense, intrigue, and much more. Who can and can't be trusted? You will just have to read to find out!

If you enjoy Contemporary Romance, I highly recommend this book!

Thank you so much to NetGalley and Berkley Publishing Group for the ARC of this novel! All opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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Who doesn't love a right place, wrong time adventure romance?! Tiana Smith's The Spy and I has some truly great rom-com moments, but might fall short for those looking for a spicier romance. I loved the characters, the plot, and the comedy. Would be a fantastic beach read!

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I sincerely feel really torn about this one. I typically love spy romances, and although this one was fast paced with some great action scenes, it was lacking in the romance. I personally really enjoyed Tiana Smiths writing style and both our main characters were interesting and had chemistry, but there just wasn’t any romance between the two. It seemed very dry in the way it quickly progressed, they meet, both don’t want a relationship, instant love. The plot was also very predictable but it was still a fun read and the pacing was well done!

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Very cute and cozy mystery! I loved the cover and the book was fantastic. This should be turned into a movie! Must read as soon as you can!

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I looooove a good spy romance! There's not nearly enough out there, and this one hit the spot so nicely. It was action packed and full to the brim with sexual tension and just a great time.
Dove is an expert penetration tester (not that kind of penetration...) who's twin sister turns out to be in the CIA. Mendez is her sister's hot partner trying to keep Dove safe until they find her sister. I really appreciated how capable Dove was - she might not have been a trained operative, but she held her own and as a STEM girlie myself, I really appreciated how much her hacking skills came into play. Obviously, we're dealing with spies so there's definitely some angst along the way, but I really loved the build up in their relationship.
Overall would definitely recommend to the STEM girls, spy lovers, and the grown up fans of Ally Carter!

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The Spy and I had a fun premise (a regular girl finds out her sister is a spy, and she must take her place on a secret mission) but I could not get into it. Perhaps it was my mood, or the fact that it was so similar to The Blonde Identity which I recently read, but either way, I gave up about halfway through. While I may give it another go sometime in the future, right now this just wasn't the book for me.

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found this hybrid novel (a mix between a romcom and spy novel) to be a fun #weekendread - I enjoyed the banter between the characters and the slow burn sexual tension. This closed door romance reminded me as well of the spy novels I used to read when I was a teen.

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i am so thankful that i got to read this book early! thank you so much to the publishers and to netgalley. what a lovely story this was!! it was fantastic and sweet and precious and lovely in every single way!!!

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This book moves quickly, with the romance happening fast, yet it's packed with excitement and adventure! If you liked the blend of spy intrigue and romance in Argylle (I know I did), you'll love this one too. It's great for fans of Blonde Identity!

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Oh this was SOO fun!! I was instantly hooked as soon as I read the blurb, and it held up all the way through to the end. I wasn't expecting the book to be as suspenseful as it was but I'm not complaining. I can't wait to read more from Tiana Smith!

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Dove is a twin and is used to being mistaken for her sister. But when some bad people mistake her for her sister and Dove finds herself in the middle of a huge mission, Dove realizes her sister is actually a CIA agent. Dove, along with Mendez, a very attractive man claiming to be her sister's partner end up on the case together, but Dove isn’t sure Mendez is telling the whole truth and she only has a limited amount of time to put all the pieces together and save her sister.

I’ve read a few spy romances over the past year, and I can't get enough! This book was full of fun and adventure and had me on the edge of my seat throughout. While the middle of the story did slow down a bit, the beginning and ending were a whirlwind that had me completely invested. The romance was definitely secondary to the mystery and the action in this story, and I never really had a strong read on Mendez, which added to the suspense. This was such a fun read and I’m excited for more from this series!

Thank you to Berkley Publishing and NetGalley for the advance copy.

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Thank you Berkley and NetGalley for the advance review copy. All opions are my own!

Adventure romance is have a moment, and I can see why! This book is chock-full of action, suspense, and intrigue, and it was absolutely entertaining. I'm excited to see what Tiana Smith gives us next!

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*Thank you so much to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for the chance to review an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.*

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