Member Reviews

Double Take by Lynette Eason is book 1 in a new series, Lake City Heroes. This book features a physician’s assistant and a detective who helps her when her life is endangered. This thriller is not a simple one and it will keep you guessing throughout. Up until the very end where everything finally makes sense. This book is a wild ride! Readers of Christian romantic suspense will absolutely love it. I cannot wait to hear more about the characters introduced in this book. I have an idea about whose story might be next, but I cannot wait in any case. This was a mesmerizing read. I received a digital copy of this book from the publisher with no obligations. These opinions are entirely my own.

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This is one of those novels that you can easily lose yourself in. The action is almost nonstop, and the characters are engaging, making for a wild, suspenseful ride. The pace is clipped, you are kept guessing with every revelation revealed, and the ending was satisfying. I also liked that the romance wasn’t the focal point but instead was more of a side note to James and Lainie trying to solve the mystery of who wants Lainie dead.

I will say, this novel is intense! The rubber band is taut from the beginning, and you feel the pull the more you read and the further into the suspense you submerge. I felt like I didn’t know what way was up, just like Lainie and James, and felt the rollercoaster of emotions with them. James is a great hero with a strong presence who is also flawed and well fleshed out. Lainie also is submerged in realism and as you read about their insane ordeal it’s terrifying to think that this could actually happen to two people like this.

Like any good suspense I liked learning about the UNSUB and his motivations for what he put this poor girl through. I wasn’t too shocked by the who of it all but the why and how was pretty crazy. I also appreciate that it was a clean read throughout with no graphic depictions or bad language.

I enjoyed this novel a lot more than I expected to and felt like I breezed through. The writing flows, the action and suspense are intense, and the characters are likable and relatable. It doesn’t get much better than this!

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I dint usually get scared when reading books. But this one legitimately got me a few times.

I really liked this. The idea of this terrible man not dying like everyone thought and terrorizing her, is one I had never read before. It was good. It kept me on my toes.

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This romantic suspense starts off with a bang!! Literally! Lainie awakens to find her fiancé aiming a gun at her and in the ensuing fight for her life she shoots him in self defense and he dies. Fast forward 18 months, Lainie's healed and working as a physician's assistant. While driving to work her car is driven off the road and she could swear she sees her ex-fiancé! Could it really be him? He couldn't have survived the gunshot to his throat; or could he? Lanie gets her best friend's brother, James Cross, a detective with the police department to help her figure out what's going on and it's a wild ride finding the answers

When I tell you this book had a hold on me . . . I didn't want to put it down. Like Lanie, I needed to know who this mysterious guy was. If it was her ex-fiancé how was that possible? If it wasn't him, who was it and why were they after Lanie? I had so many questions and needed answers!!

This is a fantastic Christian fiction suspense that will keep you turning the pages so you don't want to start this one at night if you have to get up in the morning. This is the first in a new series and if the next books are as good as this one, I'm here for it.

I received a copy from the publisher, Revell, via NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions in this review are my own.

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This story started with a literal BANG and the action doesn't stop until the last page is turned. Can I just say, I love Lynette Eason's books? She is always a MUST READ AUTHOR for me, whether she's writing for the Love Inspired Suspense line, or these longer novels. I've read a pretty significant portion of her booklist, and every book grabbed my attention and held it until its screaming finish.

Lainie Jackson is sure she's seeing things. Eighteen months ago, her ex tried to kill her as she slept, but she got away, fought him, got his gun, and killed him. If he's dead, why is she catching glimpses of him minutes before someone makes another attempt on her life? When the first attempt fails, Detective James Cross is called to investigate. He isn't sure what to believe. Is Lainie's past trauma causing her to see things that aren't there? As the attempts on her life ramp up, can James keep her safe from the evil that stalks her?

This was another fantastic start to a new Eason series. I'll be watching out for Target Acquired, Book 2 in the Lake City Heroes collection.

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Another fascinating and enthralling story from Lynette Eason, I loved the way this story developed. There were so many twists and turns and I love that you never really knew who the bad guy was.

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Lainie Jackson survived a murder attempt by her ex-fiancé, but even now after his death she is haunted by his face while her life continues to be in danger.

A thrilling suspense that kept me on my toes. James is on sick leave with the Lake City Police, but he offers to help his sister's friend Lainie get to the bottom of the threats against her. A deadly game of cat and mouse, Lainie has to hold mentally strong and hold tight to the truth. James and Lainie make a great team, and I loved how James believes Lainie every step of the way.

A tension filled read that kept me guessing till the very end, at the edge of my seat. A high stakes read with a satisfying ending, full of faith and romance. Highly recommend!

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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Whew! Double Take by Lynette Eason took me on a roller coaster ride and I loved every minute of it!

Lainie Jackson has been recovering for the past 18 months from the trauma of an attempted murder on her life, which ended with her shooting her ex. Though she saw him die, things may not be all they seem and she swears she keeps seeing his face around town.

Detective James Cross has an equally hard story, His humvee blew up near him and he watched his team die around him. Now, he's back home, working to regain his equilibrium with the help of his buddy and co-worker Cole.

Lainie and James paths cross at the hospital where Lainie works after James is injured on the job. While James is taking sick leave to heal from his injuries, he is also working hard with Lanie to discover who is after her and why exactly.

This story kept pace through every page and the ending was a twist I did not see coming! I enjoyed Lainie and Jame's friendship to romance plot line and getting to know the side characters as well. I'm hoping to see several of their stories in future books in this series!

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Okay, you guys, in all seriousness here, this is 100% by far the best book @lynetteeason has ever written!! And that’s saying a LOT!! Because I’ve really liked every book she’s ever written.

It’s SO good!!

It has all her signature content - interesting characters, suspenseful plot & of course a generous dash of romance - but take her normal style and crank the dial up to 11 and you get Double Take. The best characters, her fastest paced story (probably almost leaning more towards thriller than romantic suspense), her grittiest story and her realest romance. I loved every minute of it. I was completely surprised by the ending and I have absolutely nothing to say but glowing recommendations!!

If you’re a Lynette Eason fan, you do NOT want to miss this (I wasn’t joking - it’s easily her best ever).

If you’re a romantic suspense fan you do NOT want to miss this!!!

And even if you like thrillers on the lighter end of the spectrum, you DO NOT want to miss this!!!

So, so, so, SO good!!!

Thank you so much @revellfiction and @netgalley for the ARC! I was only asked to give honest feedback and here you have it!

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Fantastic start to this new series from Eason. Her plots are always inventive and suspenseful.

Thanks to NetGalley for the advanced reader copy--all opinions are my own.

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As a reader of Christian Fiction Suspense, I found this story to be very suspenseful. I never go into a book trying to solve the who done it portion, but I read for enjoyment and escape. This story held my interest and the pacing kept it moving to its conclusion. As a first book in the Lake City Heroes series, it was spot on by not only introducing this set of characters, but characters that we will see in the next book. I hope we will see James and Lainie's story grow in the next book about their friends, Kenzie King and Cole Garrison.

Detective James Cross has been honorably discharged from the Army Criminal Investigation Division due to wounds sustained when an IED blew up near him. Now with the Lake City Police Department, he's rooming with this good buddy and partner, Cole, while he figures out his family dynamics.

Physician Assistant Lainie Jackson is eighteen months out from an attempted murder perpetrated by her ex, which ended when she managed to grab the weapon and shoot him. When he appears to have survived and is back to finish the job he started, Lainie insists it's not possible. But someone keeps trying to kill her, and she keeps seeing his face.

Together, Lainie and James must work together to find out who, exactly, is after her and why he wants her dead. And failure is not an option.

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I was on the edge of my seat through most of this book! It was action packed with good pacing and wonderful characters. I felt an immediate connection to Laine. I like how the author wrote the characters and had them grow from friends into more. It was not an Insta love, which was nice.

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Thank you, Netgalley and Revell, for an ARC of this book! The opinions in this review are entirely my own!

This book is a great start to a new series! There were multiple occasions where I thought I had figured out what was going on, but then something happened that made me question it. I often asked, "Can it really be this obvious?" Well, let me tell ya, yes and no. Lynette Eason would never make it easy to figure out what's happening. I was right with some deductions and off with some others. I'm looking forward to the next book in the series.

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Lynette Eason continues to write incredible romantic suspense that draws me right in from the start! I could not read fast enough but at the same time didn't want the book to end!

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4 out of 5 stars. I love Lynette Eason and her books and this one was another great read. The prologue immediately captured my attention. To be honest, I missed a few of the clues that Lynette left in the story that would have helped figure out who was trying to kill Lainie. I admired Detective James and the connection they had. I loved that they had a past that intertwined. I did feel like there were a few holes in the plot and I felt like it was wrapped up a little too quickly and was missing a few details. Overall it was a quick and great read and had me captivated the entire book.

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I always look forward to a Lynette Eason suspense novels like “Double Take” are the reason why. It keeps you guessing from 1st page to the last.

The book starts off with Lainie escaping from her abusing husband, Adam, who is trying to kill her. The scene ends in a battle in which she is able to get the gun and shoots him. He supposedly dies from the wound but a few years later is showing up to terrorize her. Is it really him? Evidence keeps saying it is. With the help of James, a cop and a friend, they set out to find out the truth. Their friendship grows and incidents keep happening as someone is trying to kill her. If it is Adam, how did survive the wound? If it isn’t, it is someone who looks like him. You won’t know till the end!

I was giving a complimentary copy of this book but the opinions are my own.

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Double Take, by Lynette Eason, is another tale full of action. Lainie Jackson is traveling in the hills of North Carolina in the midst of a rainstorm, when someone suddenly runs her off the road. This man looks exactly like her dead fiancé, Adam!

Detective James Cross is busy handling an angry man who has a gun and is holding his family hostage. When James is shot in his efforts to save the child, he ends up in the hospital being cared for by physician assistant, Lainie. James and Laine had initially met years ago, so this may prove to be an interesting reunion!

When Lainie keeps finding clues that could only be sent by Adam, she fears that he may still be alive. Watch as James helps her search for answers. It is interesting when you finally learn the truth about all these strange sightings!

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Double Take was a gripping mystery mixed with a live story. The book is listed as Christian, but religion as presented wasn’t overwhelming and shouldn’t be a reason to stay away. A real page turner!

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Be prepared to stop breathing until the last page...

Double Take has got to be one of the best Lynette Eason books that I've read in quite awhile. It started off in a whirlwind and didn't let up for even a moment afterwards. Just when you think you might have it all figured out you can almost hear the words 'plot twist!' And you realize that you still know next to nothing.

One of the things that I found quite interesting, and I appreciated, is that both lead characters deal with PTSD. This gives each of them an understanding of the other's struggles. I also liked how they helped one another instead of just trying to fix the other.

Not only is it a solid start to the Lake City Heroes series but it is quite the novel all on its own. The story is contained and there is a resolution to the mystery by book's end. I spent a lot of time guessing while reading Double Take and I can tell you that in spite of that Lynette Eason still surprised me a little bit by the time I turned the last page of book one in the Lake City Heroes series.

Double Take was a great read, very enjoyable as a romantic suspense, and kept me on the edge of my seat all the way through. Now I can't wait to find out where Lynette Eason will take her Lake City Heroes next when book two comes out...

(I received a copy of this book from the publisher. All opinions are entirely my own.)

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Double Take by Lynette Eason comes right out of the gate swinging. This story has twists and turns and you may just find yourself holding your breath. Eason gives you just enough information to keep you guessing who-dun-it. This action-packed romantic suspense will make you doubt what you think you know, and leave you questioning...dead or alive. An intense and attention-grabbing start to the new Lake City Heroes series.

I received a complimentary copy of this book through NetGalley. All opinions expressed are my own.

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