Member Reviews

Overall a fine sequel that acts more like a bridge from book 1 to book 3. I personally found this book to be a little on the boring side, mainly because the information and political aspects of this world was more at the center, and the action felt sprinkled in. Some of it was interesting, some of it felt a little much. I was really hoping for more of the magic school setting in book 2 because we spent such little time in there in the first book. A bit disappointed we didn’t get very much more of it.

I actually liked the revenge driven plot, only I felt like so much of the plan was being built up that the pacing of the story slowed. The idea is there, the author has great storytelling style.

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I think this one is a great follow up to the first book! I loved the world building and it took the story in places I didn't expect. Definitely will recommend his books to others!

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I love the first line I found myself screaming at the characters and so engaged with the story that I had a physical response. It was so intense for YA Book that I was so surprised. The second book even better still at the edge of my seat. So engaged the pacing was perfect. The suspense was amazing and perfect. I couldn’t have asked for a better book.

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Writing a review for A Whisper in the Walls has been difficult. Believe me when I say I have tried to write this review multiple times since I finished the book. But nothing is good enough. Nothing explains how much I loved this book. From start to finish, this book had me invested, which is no surprise because I have been a fan of Scott Reintgen for forever now.

The Waxways series has me hooked. When I finished A Door in the Dark, I won't lie, I was nervous. The story took such a turn that I was not prepared for. But Scott Reintgen did not disappoint. A Whisper in the Walls has been one of the best sequels I have read.

And because I was blessed with an early copy, I got to read along with the audiobook. And let me tell you, the narration was fantastic. 10/10

If you want to pick up one of this author's books, this series is the one. I mean truthfully, you cannot go wrong with any of them. They are all brilliant, but this one holds a special place in my heart.

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The plotting in this! Sneaky! Loved learning about new ways to do magic, different types of vessels. Really enjoying this world and magic system. More review to come, this was just off the top of my head.

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While it took me awhile (not until Part 3) to get into the book, I actually really enjoyed A Whisper in the Walls. I found A Door in the Dark to be quite unique. I wasn't sure how to feel or where it was going to go with everyone dying, but I think that's what made it so necessary to read the second book. I had to know where it was going.

I liked the addition of the siblings as points of view. While it took some time for their paths to cross, I liked how the three of them formulated a plan to take down House Brood. It helped the pacing that the different points of view were completely different storylines. Dahvid had to win the guantlet and Nevelyn needed to worm her way into Tessa Brood's life. Meanwhile, Ren was hoping that Theo's strained relationship with his father would continue to strain and that he would choose her side when it came to destroying House Brood. At times it did feel slow, but the plan was necessary in order for Part 3 - The Execution.

Part 3 was my favorite. Everything converged and their were a few surprises that definitely made this section of the book the best. Some threads of the storyline are tied up, but not without consequences. The epilogue left me with SO many questions that I'm excited for book three. Without spoilers, I really thought there was going to be a modicum of a "happy ending." I know this is a triology, but I just wasn't expecting the end. It was very well done. While one thing wrapped up, it still left some loose strings that need to be addressed in the third book. I'm anticipating a three-way betrayal, but I'm hoping for only two...

Also, I love Vega and the role her kind (livestones) play in the plot.

I'm all in for the third book.

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This is a book series that you can easily get hooked into quickly. The story is unique in that I don't think i've read anything similar before. It's refreshing to see the other side of when a plan comes together well.

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This was a strong sequel to A Door in the Dark, it was a unique read and thought everything flowed well overall. The characters continued to feel like they were supposed to and enjoyed how everything worked. Donna Grant has a great writing style and was able to improve on this world that I enjoyed a lot.

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Thank you so much to Scott Reintgen and team for my physical and eARC copies of this book. All opinions are my own!

4.5 stars

I wasn't sure what to expect going into the second installment of the waxways, and I was hesitant when we started out with three POVs but OH MY GOSH did it work. I loved getting to know House Tin'Vori and see more of Ren. I loved getting to know more of the Houses in general, and how they all connect. The twist at the end had me audibly gasp and I appreciated its theatrical timing.

I thought the bond magic was really interesting and I'm curious to see it explained further in the third book, especially with the special features of the bond that reared their heads throughout and at the end of this book. Theo Brood is an interesting character in this and I was taken aback when he so readily agreed to the downfall of his own house, but I could see it in the sense that it's his first love and his family does suck. It was fun to watch Theo and Ren fall for each other despite not wanting to, but I hope we get to see him buck up a little in the next book. It was hard to watch him just play the pawn in Ren's story.

Towards the end, Scott absolutely said, "oh yeah you have a heart? HEHE NOT ANYMORE SORRY" and I'd like to have some words about that, but it hit in the best way and I am so excited (scared) to see what book three has in store for us.

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Scott Reintgen's A Whisper in the Walls is the second installment in the author's Waxways series. In this sequel to A Door in the Dark, Ren’s intellect and cunning are stretched to the limit in her quest to take down the system that stole her father’s life. Key Characters: Ren Monroe, Landwin Brood, Theo Brood, Dahvid Tin'Vori, and Nevelyn Tin'Vori. This story actually revolves around Ren, Dahvid, and Nevelyn as each character is fighting not only for survival but for revenge on House Brood.

After surviving the nightmare in the jungle, being only one of two survivors, and bonding with Theo Brood, Ren is trying to finish her mission of getting payback on the man who was responsible for the death of her father 10 years ago. After Theo is appointed the next watcher of the valley, meaning exile, Ren's plans take a bit of urgency to them. With Landwin demanding that Ren break the bond with Theo, and trying to catch her in a lie, Ren needs to find willing cohorts for her plans to work.

Years ago, House Brood led an unprecedented raid to destroy a fellow House of Kathor. But a few siblings (Dahvid & Nevelyn Tin'Vori) survived, and they haven’t forgotten the horrors waged against their family. Quietly, they’ve plotted their own revenge, waiting for the right moment to strike. And Ren Monroe might be their best chance. Like fire, the Tin’Vori siblings are as dangerous as they are useful, both gifted in rare magics.

Ren must decide how to unleash them against House Brood without hurting Theo in the process. Her feelings for Theo are growing past the boundaries of their bond, and Ren finds herself balanced on a knife’s edge, a breath away from immense power or utter ruin knowing she is going to need Theo for her plans to work. To make things even more interesting, Ren's mother, Agnes, who allegedly gave up her magic, now seems to be working alongside a mysterious man named Harlow. Who is Harlow really, and what does he want?

The added narratives of Dahvid and Nevelyn make this book much stronger, while also expanding the world Reintgen created. So many things happen in this book, that you really need to pay attention. There are multiple revenge plans, surprising identities, political intrigue, betrayals, and even a little romance. And the ending? Another staggering cliffhanger I didn’t see coming as well as a death of a character which was truly heartbreaking.

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This series started out as an interesting take on portal magic and mostly morphs into standard palace intrigue in the second book. The ending leaves it unclear but very possible that the series will continue.

I didn’t mind this, but like most YA Fantasy these days, it’s nothing really new. The story follows a fairly standard formula, as does the magical system. The characters are likable but tropey and underdeveloped, and the story is predictable, but moves well and feels satisfying if not terribly unique.

I would read another of these, though I wish the series either worked harder to create more evocative setting, or took the story in a direction we haven’t seen dozens of times before in books like it.

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The cliffhanger at the end of the first book in this series had me picking my jaw up off the floor. To say I was anxious to get my hands on this sequel is an understatement.

I didn’t care much for Ren in the first book until her revenge plan was unveiled. Then she immediately became more interesting to me. With her soul bond to Theo, Ren is now a part of House Brood. And Landwin Brood, Theo’s father, isn’t happy about it. In fact, he’ll try anything to break that bond and rid House Brood of her. Ren’s next step is to secure allies. Enter new characters Nevelyn and Dahvid Tin’Vori. They have their own bone to pick with the Broods and are more than happy to enter an alliance with Ren. Their added POVs only make the plot more intense, and I loved both of their individual stories.

After a few chapters, I was afraid this novel might be a filler before the final book in the series. I was so glad to be proven wrong. So many things are happening – multiple revenge plans, surprising identities, political intrigue, betrayals, and even a little romance. And the ending? Another staggering cliffhanger I didn’t see coming, and I’m excited to see how it affects other characters.

The next book (I think it’s the final in the series?) is absolutely on my list of anticipated reads for 2025. Recommended for readers who enjoy magical fantasy worlds, revenge-fueled motives, and a complex plot.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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Our anti hero Ren is back, thrown into the world she wanted to be a part of with stronger feelings developing for Theo. As much as I wanted to dislike her after the conclusion of the first novel, she is still a well written character who leaves me wanting to turn the page. In comparison, this one started off much slower than the previous, focusing more on developing the new characters rather than the story. It left me missing the fantasy world that we were vastly dropped into with the first of the duology.

For a second part of a series, I felt there was too much set up. About half way through, I was ready for an adventure much like the first one and felt myself wanting to skip ahead. So my main thought or complaint about this one, would probably be wishing it was formatted much more like the first one. But glad to read it. I did enjoy the multiple points of view, just to take a break from the repetition of Ren’s narrative. Overall, be patient. The last third of the book picks up a bit.

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I am so excited about this book! Prepare for the rave because this 5star YA book blew me away! It’s even better than the first book! (Which I also enjoyed!) The first book, A Door in the Dark, is a Barnes & Noble pick this month, so if you haven’t read the first, now is the time and then you’ll be ready for this one on a couple weeks!

The first book is an unexpected survival adventure when magic goes wrong and a group of teens have trek across the continent, fighting their way through it.

The second book introduces some new characters, who become very important and I was instantly rooting for them, as they team up with the enemy of their enemy. I loved the multiple POVs because there was a lot of action. We also get to see more of the continent in this book and the world building is so well done and I hope to get even more in the last book of the trilogy! The magic system is unique not only to the world, but how each character is able to use it and every way was fascinating. The relationships between the characters deepen as well and this is really such an amazing extension of this YA series!

Thank you NetGalley and Simon and Schuster for an advance digital copy! Thank you Simon and Schuster and Scott Reintgen for the advance physical copy! All opinions are mine.

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A Whisper in the Walls is a fantastic sequel that expands on the world of A Door in the Dark, while also being a completely different experience. 4.25/5 stars (meaning I really, really liked it!)

While A Door in the Dark was a horror-adjacent, magical survival story, A Whisper in the Walls is a strategic chess match. Ren has made it into the inner circle of the ruling families, but she is still viewed as an outsider, and Theo's family will do anything to break their bond. However, this position allows Ren to work toward her true goal of revenge. When she hears of siblings who might share her goal, she begins to form alliances and a plan.

I enjoyed the addition of the new characters. Dahvid and Nevelyn were fun to follow, and I especially liked how Reintgen used them to expand the magic system and the world beyond Kathor. They kept the reader guessing and wondering if Ren can trust them, all while pulling you into their lives.

Readers who like fast pacing will love this. As a fan of slower pacing myself, while it certainly kept me hooked and turning the pages because there was always something happening, I did wish it would slow down for a bit to allow for some introspection and character and relationship development.

I'm usually not a fan of when authors leave out details of a plan that characters know, but it mostly worked here. I personally would have liked it better if we had known the plan, with one or two surprise reveals left for the end. That's a pretty minor complaint though, especially since one of the twists truly shocked me, and I couldn't put the book down in the last 25%!

Overall, I highly recommend, especially if you love:
-YA fantasy
-Strategic plotting
-Fast pacing
-Smart, capable main characters

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"A Whisper in the Walls" is an intense and gripping sequel! Ren Monroe's quest for revenge and justice is taken to new heights as she navigates the complex world of Kathor. Her intellect and cunning are put to the test as she faces challenges, betrayal, and the need for allies. The introduction of House Tin'Vori and their unique abilities adds an exciting dynamic to the story. Ren is faced with difficult choices that could have far-reaching consequences. 📚😮

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5/5 Stars Thank you to the publisher and author for sending me an early copy.

I went into this knowing it was going to be a lot different than the first book. They were out in the wild in the first book with different characters, but now Ren is trying to enact her plan.

My favorite part of this series is the different types of magic, how magic is distributed, etc. And there is a huge expansion in this book. We have new characters that have different types of magic. We have the bond Ren shares with Theo and some new magic with that.

Now, we actually know this time Ren has a plan and she finds someone to help her with it. Then they create a plan and we get glimpses of what that plan includes, but never whole plan until the big reveal in the end. And of course new twists.

Everything that I wanted more of, I got. And I cannot wait to see how this series ends with all the twists I've seen in it so far. Highly recommend!

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I have been waiting for this book for almost a year and it did not disappoint! So easy to read, that I cruised through it in a little over a day.

Highly recommend for anyone looking for something fast-paced with complex world building, multiple POV, a hard-to-like (but you still do) protagonist.

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Ren Monroe's plan to end the Broods is going well, but faces derailment when Theo is exhiled to Nostra. Ren connects with the siblings of a House that the Broods destroyed years ago and joins her plan with theirs. Who will be victorious, and who will be lost in the battle? Will Ren's bond with Theo go further than either of them expect?

I never expected the ending. I want more!

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I was worried that what drew me to book one in this series, A Door in the Dark, would be lacking in the sequel. After all, the main premise of book one was about the characters surviving in the wilderness, using magic and their own dark secrets to fight monsters and find a way home. While Ren and Theo have returned home, they still find themselves playing another game of survival. This time, the monsters come from within their own families.

What I enjoyed the most about the sequel is how it expanded the world and the magic. New places are introduced, new aspects of the magic system are given room to grow. Scott has created a fantastic world that deserves every opportunity to continue to thrive.

With this expansion comes new characters, some that I liked more than others, and the continuation of the revenge plot that Ren begins in book one. I like how the different characters help shape the plan to take down the Broods. Like book one, there are a lot of great twists and turns that help shake up the storyline, including the epilogue that hints at future books in this world.

While I wish we had more Ren-Theo moments in this book (their relationship felt skipped over instead of allowing it to continue to unfold like in book one), I like how they work together and how their bond gives the revenge plot an extra layer of tension.

A Whisper in the Walls is a solid sequel that wraps up the revenge plot and takes the story a step further.

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