Cover Image: The Great Gatsby

The Great Gatsby

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This is one of my favorite classics of all time! Though I did not think I would like it at first, through teaching it to high school students, I realized it is such a unique story. Everyone is not just morally grey, but trash human beings. In addition, the narrator himself is unreliable - did it really happen as he said? One underlying theme, especially with Gatsby himself, is that even though he achieved riches beyond our imaginings, he was never truly happy and pretty much died alone - with very few people even attending his funeral. Not even his paramour attended; she went back to her husband - which is that truly bad? I don't know, but this is a truly magical story with so much color symbolism and themes to sink your teeth into.

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Fantastic book.
It is one of my favourite classics.
I have been. Recommending this book to a few people already .

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Such a true classic and stunning reprint of this one! I cannot wait to get my hands on this to truly experience the fold out pages and the beautiful cover. The illustrations were gorgeous and just. perfect collector's item of this!

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I absolutely loved the illustrations in this book and think that they really enhanced the reading experience as well as breathing new life into the classic novel. I love how relevant the illustrations are and help to tell the story rather than just having illustrations for illustration's sake. The art style is stunning and minimalistic, creating the perfect balance between the story and the illustrations - with both complimenting each other and creating the perfect book for those new to classics or those who are experienced with classics.

I really recommend this book to fans of Fitzgerald as well as avid artists.

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The Great Gatsby will always be a masterpiece and a classic. The themes, imagery, and tone of the book are unlike any other. Robert Nippoldt’s illustrations elevate the story. The illustrations capture the time and feel so perfectly.

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I absolutely loved reading this book. I was completely drawn into the topic and could not stop reading it.

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Thank you for this ARC! I enjoyed this book very much.

The illustration was gorgeous. It fit the story magnificently, the change of colour per chapter, the dark toned pages, the detailing, it all fit so well. The pretty pictures motivates one to read more of it each time, finishing the book in one day!
The book is a classic. Nothing more can be said about it, it is a one of a kind story. This story has many fans and collectors that would feel their hands itching to get this one for their bookshelves. Thus, this will be a nice addition to anyones bookshelf, including mine!

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It's no surprise that this is one of the most popular classics. Fitzgerald's writing transports you back to the 1920s, seamlessly. "The Great Gatsby" is a short but effective, accessible classic; one that I'd recommend to anyone who wants to start reading more classics.

The story follows Jay Gatsby, a rich man with hopes and dreams and known for his lavish parties. It's a story of love, money, hope, the American dream and how it let down its followers. It's really a heart-breaking story at its core.

I loved this edition since it comes with beautiful illustrations! If you're a dreamer and an admirer of the Jazz Ages, this book is for you!

Thanks to NetGalley for the e-arc!

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Young, handsome and fabulously rich, Jay Gatsby is the bright star of the Jazz Age, but beneath the sparkling surface of his life, Gatsby is hiding a secret: a silent longing that can never be fulfilled

A timeless read. Fitzgerald perfectly captures the jazz age as well as post-war America. Everyone should read this classic at least once.

Thank you NetGalley for a DRC in exchange for an honest review

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This new beautiful edition was an opportunity to revisit this all time favourite of mine. Apparently I last read it in 2013, a year before our wedding .The Great Gatsby ended up as the main theme of the festivities. By the end of the night everyone was beglittered.

I always had a soft spot for this short masterclass in writing. The Great Gatsby wouldn't be this great if everybody just lived happily ever after. Nick Carraway is the narrator who looks back on a thrilling episode of his life during the roaring twenties. It's involves massive wild parties, flappers, bootlegging, bonds...

The story centers around his cousin Daisy, who married the rich Tom Buchanan instead of the poor Jay Gatsby, an enigmatic character, who became rich after he was in the war. How and when, that's the object of speculation. However, one thing that is certain is that he is still in love with Daisy. They resume their love for each other with Nick as their confidante.

I love the themes in this book. It's such a good, critical portrait of society in the twenties, the exploration of sexuality, universal themes as diappointment in the world, unrequited love, love of money...

And then, the drawings by Robert Nippoldt. They capture the essence of the book very well. I have a classic paperback at home but I definitely will buy this one. So pretty!

Thank you NetGalley and Andrews McMeel Publishing for the ARC.

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The Great Gatsby is now in the public domain, which is why this version exists (I suppose). The illustrations may help engage reluctant readers or students who struggle to visualize a text. I'm willing to see how my students react to it.
For people familiar with the story, the images do not add much.

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This is such a stunning edition of The Great Gatsy and the illustrations are a wonderful addition that enhances the reading experience. It was such an immersive experience for me as I read about the convoluted lives of Nick, Gatsby and Daisy. It's a short read but packed with so much symbolism, meaning and emotion centering around a man who enters the lives of two characters with a very complicated connection.

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I clearly needed a reread of this classic because the first time I didn't quite appreciate its greatness. However, I'm rather pleased to see that my assessment of the whole affair is still right: Jay Gatsby should've dumped that empty-headed little chit Daisy into the bay and rode away into the sunset with a gorgeous woman by his side on his yellow sports car, preferably running over Tom's evil hide in the process.

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Perfect timing for my annual Great Gatsby reread. I love this book and I think the illustrations really do it justice and capture the jazz and underlying melancholy of The Great Gatsby. A great addition to any library!

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"The Great Gatsby" is not my favorite book, but it is a book that I re-read every 6th or 7th year since reading it in high school many years ago. There is always something new that I find in the re-read. Right when I suspect that it will seem 'dated', I realize quickly that the undercurrents in the narrative still exist. The elusive American Dream. The desire to remake oneself in order to belong to a certain group or for a certain person. The power that a certain social class has over the rest of society. How some people survive the climb while others don't. How most of us are Nick Carraway in that we land somewhere in between.

I'd already started my re-read of Gatsby when I selected this edition from Andrews McMeel Publishing. Is it now on my wish list? Yes. Does the price point make me wince a little? Yes, but I know I will re-read this book because I already do and I love the inclusion of the illustrations and graphics as they go well with the narrative.

I don't generally keep more than one edition of a book, but this one will be worth it.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Andrews McMeel Publishing for an arc in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

The Great Gatsby was one of those required readings in high school that we all enjoyed very much as teens. And while I actually DID enjoy the story my first time through, I don't think I appreciated the way I do now that I'm a little older. There's a reason why this novel is a classic, and it should have a standard place in anyone's book collection.

With that said, this particular collector's edition is gorgeous, with eye-popping illustrations by artist Robert Nippoldt. I was unfamiliar with this artist's work beforehand, but the illustrations in this edition are brilliant and make the book feel as glamorous as the world within. If I were rating on just the artwork, it would be five stars, ten out of ten, the whole nine yards.

The illustrations bring new life to an old book and I think anyone would be happy to own this special edition.

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Thank you to Andrews McMeel Publishing and to NetGalley for an ARC of this book.

We all know that this is one of the greatest books of all time. This version is absolutely gorgeous.! The color illustrations are beautiful, and absolutely pop of the pages. I think I am going to purchase this version for my own collection!

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I love the Great Gatsby and this is a lovely edition. Love the illustrations and the art deco designs

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This classic is one that should be in every home.
It's iconic and such a masterpiece.

The cover on this version is gorgeous.
This is one of my favorite classics to read.
I also very much loved the illustrations through the book.

thank you NetGalley and Andrews McMeel Publishing for this review opportunity.

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The Great Gatsby is one of the greatest pieces of literature of all time. I cannot recommend it enough generally, but if you do want to read it, I highly recommend this version.

The bold, vibrant illustrations ate beautiful she bring Fitzgerald's text to life even more.


Many thanks to F. Scott Fitzgerald, NetGalley, and Andrews McMeel Publishing for this copy.

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