Member Reviews

Unfortunately, I was unable to download this book before it was archived and so am leaving this as a review/explanation as I didn't know what else to do after finding a few books I had managed to miss in a section of my account entitled Not Active: Archived, Not Downloaded; so I thought it best to clear it up. I have already bought a copy and will leave a review on places like Amazon, Goodreads, Waterstones, etc, once I've completed it and formed my thoughts on it. Apologies for any inconvenience and thank you for the opportunity.

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I did not finish this book. While the subject matter was very interesting to me, the author’s style of writing was a complete miss. So many sentences (sometimes more than once per paragraph) were broken up with parentheses to insert extra information. Even worse were the sentences broken up with parentheses to insert the following: (Read: xxx xxxx xx xxxx). This completely made the book hard to follow and understand. After a while, I skipped ahead to see if this continued, and unfortunately it did. Either expand the paragraphs to include the additional information in complete sentences, or leave it out. I would suggest that the author submit the book for a rewrite.

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This was a wonderful book, Every American should read it. This is a subject that probably everyone has thought about, but everyone feels it is far beyond their reach. This book changes that.

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I really enjoyed this memoir, which provides a deep dive into the career of Dan Metcalfe, the founding director of the Justice Department's Office of Information and Privacy. While leading this department over the course of many presidential administrations, Metcalfe played a crucial role in guiding various federal agencies through the intricacies of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). The book sheds light on the inner workings of government secrecy and the evolving landscape of transparency in the federal government, offering insights into how previously hidden information has gradually come to light through FOIA.

My favorite chapter delves into the realm of UAP/UFOs and includes a plethora of endnotes on the topic.

If you have an interest in topics like governmental transparency, secrecy, or law, I wholeheartedly recommend this memoir. It's an engaging read that provides valuable perspectives on these issues.

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