Member Reviews

One Moment is the story of a woman who dies in an accident and how that affects her best friend and the man involved in her accident. Grab your tissues. This book is a sonnet. But it is a delightful story of hope, resilience and love and that sometimes the best things come out of the most horrific moments. The multi-dimensional characters really make this book - they make you fall in love with them and they give you a sense of happiness after so much grief and guilt. It was a true emotional journey.

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It's kind of odd that the two books I've recently read and enjoyed most involved a significant character dying tragically in the first chapter. ONE MOMENT is very different from AFTER ANNIE, other than the aforementioned and the heavy focus on those left behind adapting to the death of their loved one.

On the eve of her thirtieth birthday, Scarlett is optimistic about her career and her love live, but concerned about her longtime best friend and roommate, Evie, whom she argued with last night and who is facing major challenges. A snap impulse changes the trajectories of the lives of all who knew and loved Scarlett. Although she dies, she lingers, watching Evie and her parents, and reliving significant episodes in her life.

Meanwhile, Evie is devastated. Forced to give up the career she loved, stuck in a job she hates, living in an apartment surrounded by memories of her life with Scarlett, she is unmoored. But a new neighbor and fellow violin player, Astrid, strikes up a friendship with her and Nate, who was with Scarlett in her final moments, keeps turning up and making it difficult to hate him, even if she does blame him for Scarlett's death.

There were a few unfinished story lines (it seemed Scarlett's parents had another secret?). This book manages to be uplifting even in its saddest moments. And for Bruce Springsteen fans, you will have an earworm for the entire duration of the novel (One minute you're here...) #OneMoment #NetGalley

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This one gives you all the feels! It made me laugh and it made me cry. Great characters. Really makes you think. Thanks to the publisher and netgalley for this copy for read and review

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One Moment was very thought provoking and heart wrenching. It was slow moving for me and at times I was confused as to who the narrator was. We jumped into the story right in the prologue and I had a hard time catching up to the dynamic of the main characters friendship. Overall, the story was good, it just wasn't really my taste.

Thank you to Forever, NetGalley and Becky Hunter for the arc. This is my honest opinion.

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{3.5 stars}

"Depression hates a moving target."
Evie and Scarlett are longtime best friends and roommates. Evie has been going through a hard time and is uncertain where her life is headed. She and Scarlett have just gotten into a massive fight when Scarlett is in a tragic accident. Now Evie is left to pick up the pieces and figure out how to go on. The strange new constant in her life is the man who was involved in the accident with Scarlett. He is also a bit broken and looking for meaning. 

This one definitely has some seriously depressing moments so please make sure you read the synopsis and are in the right frame of mind to take this one on. It is a real exploration of grief and suffering and finding meaning in life. There is a message of hope within but it takes some dark moments to get there. It was definitely nice to see a main character with a chronic disease as our focus, the challenges of her daily life were well balanced with perseverance. The second half is more of a traditional romance which made for easier reading but it hits some familiar tropes.

Read this one if you liked Me Before You or Sweet November.

Thanks to Forever and Grand Central Publishing for gifted access via Netgalley. All opinions above are my own.

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"This heart-wrenching, page-turning read about friendship, love, and loss will appeal to fans of Rebecca Serle and Josie Silver."
The moment I read this, describing One Moment by Becky Hunter I was all-in but also had quite high expectations. I adore Rebecca Serle and Josie Silver - their novels are some of my favorites. I am thrilled to report that not only did this book meet these expectations, it surpassed them. I just adored it.

One Moment is the story of Evie and Scarlett - two best friends since childhood, who are living together in London. When we meet them, they arer having a bit of a rough patch - a massive fight that neither seems ready to confront. Scarlett is going about her day - running errands, overanalyzing her fight with Evie and trying to figure out next steps with the man in her life when she sees a biker wipe out and takes a detour to help him. In that moment everything changes.

I started this book while waiting for a table on Friday night and finished eary Saturday afternoon. I was instantly captivated by Evie and Scarlett's story and I really enjoyed how it was told. And I haven't been able to stop thinking about it since I finished. I don't want to give more details abou the plot becuase for me, the joy were the twists and not knowing exactly what was coming..

Stories of grief and loss, in my opinion, are very difficult to do well. They are big swings, and y'all know how much I love and appreciate when authors take those, but they don't always work. Becky Hunter nailed it here - and in doing so told a beautiful story of love, friendship and chosen family.

Big thanks to Forever Publishing and NetGalley for an advanced copy to read and review. One Moment, the brilliant debut by Becky Hunter is out on TUESDAY!! It is not to be missed.

Will post review to retail sites, goodreads and my bookstagram @scottonreads.

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Special thanks to NetGalley and Atlantic books for providing me with the opportunity to read this book. They definitely owe me some tissues! I LOVED THIS BOOK! While I don’t always enjoy comparisons , I would have to say it had a Ghost like feel but not in a romantic sense.
The story centers on a female friendship between Scarlett and Evie.. At the outset Scarlett dies suddenly in a tragic accident while attempting to help a cyclist, Nate. Evie, dealing with a recent MS diagnosis is devastated but eventually accepts help from a stranger.
Scarlett is dead but able to see the events and relationships to follow. The story is told by the dual narrative of Scarlett and Evie.
It is poignant and beautifully told and written. The writing is most engaging and fluid heartwarming from beginning to end.
A must read with a surprising but magnificent ending! I will definitely be looking forward to another by Becky Hunter!

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One Moment by Becky Hunter is a domestic drama about friendship, grief, love, and living with MS. It is highly recommended.

Scarlett and Evie became best friends after they first met at ten years old and have been there for each other ever since. The day Scarlett died changed everything. Now her spirit is still around, watching Evie grieve and reliving memories of her life. Evie is struggling with trying to live without Scarlett and dealing with her MS. Nate, the man who Scarlett was helping when she died, keeps turning up, trying to support Evie and help her live with her grief, while Scarlett watches everything.

Chapters alternate between the point-of-view of Evie and Scarlett and the two women are well-developed characters. While deeply missing Scarlett, Evie is dealing with her grief, flaring MS symptoms, and Nate constantly turning up. Scarlett observes this but also tells the reader stories from her past that she now views with a changed perspective. The depiction of Evie's love of music, grappling with grief, and her MS is well done. Nate is an essential character to the plot, as is Astrid, a teenage neighbor of Evie.

Admittedly, for me, the plot lagged a bit until later in the narrative. I'm also not a huge fan of the spirit of a deceased character looking on, following the actions of the living. It wasn't until much later in the story that I appreciated what Hunter was doing in this choice and it provides a poignant moment. The last part of the narrative actually raised the rating for me. Thanks to Forever for providing me with an advance reader's copy via NetGalley. My review is voluntary and expresses my honest opinion.

The review will be published on Edelweiss, X, Barnes & Noble and Amazon.

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I really enjoyed this one. It has a strong focus on grief, reflecting back on your life, and the power of friendship. Scarlett suddenly loses her life and in her afterlife is able to see how her loved ones are dealing with their grief while she also works through her own grief of losing her life. She definitely works through the stages of grief, along with having to watch her best friend Evie do so as well. I enjoyed that we got both Scarlett and Evie's POV in this book because we were able to hear their thoughts on the same thing that was going on in the book. It also spoke to how well these two knew each other and how although they were bestfriends, it seemed as if they were do close it was more like they were sisters. Evie also has MS in this book and talks about her struggles of having that diagnosis and how it has affected her life. I really appreciated that representation in this book. This story provided a lot of reflective moments for myself, and some things that I will keep in mind and carry on with in my life. With death, we always think of the last moments we had with that person and it is important to keep in mind in life if that is how you want your potential last moment to be with someone. That was definitely my biggest takeaway. We get so caught up in life that sometimes I think we get too focused on ourselves and not our relationships with others. My friendships and relationships shape who I am and what I do, and they are something that maybe I should be more appreciative of at times. So take the time do to that. Overall, I really enjoyed Scarlett and Evie. I am a huge romance lover, and don't get me wrong; I love a good love story. But even more, I love stories about a powerful friendship that is still a love story but in a different light. I definitely recommend you read this one if you do too.

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The Rebecca Serle comparison in One Moment's promo copy was apt : an unusual, reality-bending premise and lots of big feelings. The story is about two best friends, Evie and Scarlett, and it begins with Scarlett's death. She was the more outgoing of the two, and in her wake, Evie - already burdened by a dead-end job, a breakup, and an MS diagnosis - struggles to cope. Until, slowly, the ripples of Scarlett's death fan out over Scarlett and Evie's lives, and things begin to move forward in unexpected ways.

One Moment was well-done, but I found it to be a tough read. One main character is dead and the other one is chronically ill and depressed, so there's not a lot of light in the story.. Good things do happen, but I never felt a ton of forward momentum, and it took me a while to finish. The ending is interesting - both inevitable and unexpected, as really good endings are.

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There is NOTHING that can truly break me down emotionally like stories about female friendships, especially when they don’t shy away from the hard stuff.

This book had me SOBBING when it came to Evie and Scarlett. When the loss of a friendship is center of a book, I’m eating it up through messy tears.

Scarlett dies from a sudden accident and her best friend Evie is having a hard time coming to terms with the loss. Nate, a man who was there when it happened, a man who holds some of the responsibility for the situation Scarlett wound up in keeps popping up in Evie’s day to day, clearly wanting to make amends. But the closer they get, the more Evie is at a loss of what to do. Nate is sweet and pushes her out of the comfort zone her MS keeps her in, but can she come to terms with the role he had in Scarlett’s death?

This was rough!!! It was an emotional rollercoaster. Female friendships really do make a read worth it for me and this had it with such a twist.

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When Scarlett dies unexpectedly, that should be the end of her story, right? Mostly, but not entirely. Scarlett is somehow still able to watch the lives of those she left behind. Mostly that of her closest friend, Evie. Evie is having a hard time without Scarlett but her life is taking a lot of turns no one would’ve seen coming, especially not Scarlett. Can Evie start living as a more adventurous person like Scarlett? And what about the frequent reoccurrences of Nate, the man she blames for Scarlett’s death?

One Moment is such a unique romance. We have two people that wouldn’t have met if not for a tragic moment. And we’re also seeing things through the eyes of someone dead. Scarlett is such an interesting narrator in an all-knowing way. I enjoyed seeing her continue to grow and learn even after her death.

I loved seeing Nate and Evie make each other better people even if they were both resistant to start. Nate is such a gem and the more we learn about him, the more all of his choices make sense. Evie, on the other hand, has been struggling for a while after a sudden, life-changing diagnosis. She needs someone to show her she has still so much life to live, and Nate does that beautifully.

This is one of those books that made me really think about life and death and choices. I love the idea that so many things shape our lives and where we end up: people, both in our lives and after they’re gone, every little choice, every moment.

Read this book if you like
-delightfully British
-closed door romance
-a little bit of found family
-dual POV from two female friends
-possible tears

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It's been ages since I've been utterly broken and crushed by a book. The intense amount of emotions I felt reading this can't be described, but I'll try my best.

With a bit of a whimsical touch, this is solely Daphne's story. From the synopsis and the first few chapters, you'd think you have it all figured out, but nothing could prepare you for all the revelations following. And it's not just 1, it's so many in the form of heartbreak, loss, friendship, and love.

Not a huge spoiler, but this is a bit of a love triangle, and I was bawling my eyes out by the time I figured each love interest's purpose for Daphne. The story was carefully woven that you're bound to fall in love with both the love interests; one sooner than the other.
I highly recommend reading this!

Thank you Netgalley and publisher for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Anyone who has lost a close friend will (might?) find this book interesting. It is the story of Evie and Scarlett, long time close friends and roommates. Evie mourns her friend while Scarlett has been in limbo since she died, keeping her eyes on Evie and flashing back to events of her life,

It's a unique concept that works for this book. We learn about the past, mostly through Scarlett's flashbacks. We learn about their close friendship. We also see Evie struggling to come to terms with losing Scarlett.

I think the storyline is well thought out. The writing style makes it easy to read. But, for some reason, I was not able to connect with either Evie or Scarlett. It's just one of those things, just like when you meet a new person: sometimes you know right away you'll be friends, other times you know there's just no chemistry.

I'm glad to see many good reviews for this book. Maybe it was just the wrong time or the wrong place for me at the time of reading. It just left me feeling “meh!”.

Thank you to NetGalley and the Publisher for the Advance Readers Copy.

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I actually really enjoyed this book. I thought it was a unique concept of what would you do if you could watch your friends and family after your death and then have the chance to change the outcome of the event in which you died. I loved that this one had MS representation and also mental health representation. This one gave story of growth between both Savannah and Evie both in life and death. This book definitely gave my something to think about.

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🎭🎻So-o moving! And that ending: beautiful🚦🚲

I loved this book! Yes, there's a heap of sadness and grief enough to go around but the tale author Becky Hunter weaves is so good that the sad and joyful come together for a wonderfully touching story.

Evie has such challenges and Scarlett, her best friend and roommate, despite her tragic accident at the start of the book, has a strong voice. The plot includes frequent returns to the past as Scarlett sees the aftermath of her sudden departure and slips back into memories of pivotal times in her past, most of them spent with Evie. Hunter is so good at evoking their close friendship and Scarlett's new understanding of how she affected Evie's life.

Evie's evolving relationship with Nate is both tentatively hopeful and heartbreaking at times. And Astrid, Evie's young next door neighbor who careens into her life and won't take "no" or "I can't" for an answer, she's such an appealing secondary character.

Was the ending a surprise? Yes and no. But for me it turned out the way things should, though it moved me to tears. I adore stories that tug at my emotions and connect me so tightly with the characters. One Moment did that in spades.

Thanks to Forever (Grand Central Publishing) and NetGalley for sharing a complimentary advance copy of the book; this is my voluntary and honest review. My review will be shared on Amazon, Goodreads, Bookbub, Barnes & Noble and kobo.

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I adored this book! The characters are relatable and jump off the page in detail.
The storyline is told from multiple perspectives and holds back just enough to keep it interesting.
It only took me a few days to read because I couldn’t put it down.
The ending was unexpected and bittersweet, but powerful.

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Best friends for most of their lives, Scarlet and Evie found themselves without the other following Scarlet's untimely death. Told from both Evie and Scarlet's points of view, this was a story of love, loss, and healing which highlighted friendship above all things.

Anyone who knows me understands how much I enjoy a good story of grief and loss. It's not the loss part that I love, but rather, the healing that I always find pleasing. The interesting twist here was that I saw this process from both sides. Including Scarlet's point of view brought something different to this type of tale, and I appreciated getting to see her grow and heal right alongside Evie.

There's that saying, "beauty in the pain", and that was something that played a major part in this story. At the time of Scarlet's death, Evie was still coming to terms with her MS diagnosis. Not leaving home and wearing THAT sweater, she was fading away. Scarlet's death was terrible and tragic, but one result was that her friend began to live more. That one moment when Scarlet stepped off the curb set off a chain of events which pushed Evie to make positive changes in her life.

I have to be honest, the saddest part of this book came at the end for me. I hardly shed a tear before that last chapter. It was a very thought provoking way to end the story in my opinion. Beautifully sad, and I would underscore the word beautiful because it really hit me in my heart. And no worries, this was not a super sad story. There were a nice blend of moments and emotions. As I read, I felt happy, sad, mad, frustrated, and hopeful.

Overall, this was a touching story of friendship and love. It was about how having that "person" in your life shapes it in so many ways, and how even when they are gone, the impression they made on your life will be long lasting.

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One Moment is a twist on a contemporary romance that I haven’t encountered before: Most of it is told through the POV of a ghost.

Scarlett and Eve have been best friends since a chance meeting as children in a hospital waiting room. Now closing in on the end of their twenties, the two find themselves sharing an apartment that Evie almost never leaves, and Scarlett is afraid she’s losing her. After a brutal argument, Scarlett heads to work with a heavy heart and busy mind. She stops to help a distracted stranger who takes a terrible fall in the middle of traffic and poof - that’s it. That’s the end for Scarlett. Only…is it? She finds her spirit lingers, following her best friend as she navigates life without her. Scarlett watches as Nate, the stranger she rescued, slips into Evie’s life. She visits memories and takes stock of the life she’s leaving behind.

I enjoyed the clever take on a love story, and I especially loved the friendship between Evie and Scarlett. That kind of all-encompassing relationship between friends is rarely portrayed so accurately and I treasured Hunter’s example.

A fun novel, excellent debut. There was something missing for me that I can’t quite put my finger on, but I enjoyed the ride.

Thank you to @readforeverpub and @netgalley for the advance copy in exchange for my honest review.

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Earthquakes, hurricanes, explosions and big black bears. Every time you wake up in the morning, you know it could be your last day. Something might happen that could push you off the edge.

Scarlett in her 30s is at the wrong place, wrong time trying to help Nate who just got into a bike accident in the middle of a busy street in London. Tragically, she gets hit by a car and instantly dies. The heartbreak, agony and discomfort shatters her friends, family and those involved.

Evie was recently diagnosed with MS while her roommate and best friend, Scarlett, is perfectly healthy. Was perfectly healthy. The book reminds us that everyone takes a different path with grief. It’s certainly thought-provoking. Is it possible – even though some things feel dreadful -- that everything we do happens for a reason.

The book catches the reader’s attention right away with Nate’s bike accident and Scarlett’s head injury. Who can be blamed? While Scarlett is dead, she still makes comments in the afterlife. You can’t take this too seriously but I loved hearing her thoughts.

Parts in the beginning were a little slow moving but then it picked right up about half way. I learned more about how someone with MS feels. It’s a good book to pass along to others, especially those who are suffering from grief. Sometimes I feel books find their way into our hands when we need them the most. This is one of them.

My thanks to Forever and NetGalley for allowing me to read an advanced copy of this book with an expected release date of March 12, 2024.

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