Member Reviews

Warning for people like me who don't listen to when they tell you to not judge a book by its cover, that this book is proof of that. For me, looking at this, I thought with the bright colors and picture of London that this was going to be a bright uplifting story for some reason...and it was not.

Now, with that said, there were some parts of this book that were heartwarming, and yes indeed uplifting. However, for the most part, I found myself crying and deeply upset at the rest. This story centered around 2 best friends and the aftermath when one of them was tragically killed in a car accident. Then, the story is told from both POVs, both with the friend who is still living, and from the friend who died watching as the people she left behind move through their life.

This book has so much love and heart in it in how it described the love of a friendship and how soulmates aren't just romantic love, but can be deep friendships as well. Evie's struggles with MS were heartbreaking as well as she dealt with what she had to give up, but also watching her give up more than she needed to. This was a difficult book to read with how heavy the subject matter was and with the difficult paths these 2 went down. Honestly, I am still conflicted with the ending and how upset it made me, but I do not think this is in a bad way which is why I gave it 4 stars. This book brought up so many emotions and life is just as hard as it is portrayed here which is what makes this more realistic than the light and fluffy book I may have been expecting.

The TW of Tragic Death, MS Diagnosis and Symptoms, Suicide, and Heavy Grief need to be taken seriously. I did not really look into this book much before reading so I was not prepared, and this definitely hit harder than I expected.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Forever (Grand Central Publishing) for providing me with this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Loved this story of Evie and Scarlet, the history of their friendship, grief after the death of a best friend, and learning that a disease cannot hold you back….story of Evie coming in to her own.. also seeing Scarlets side after death and her memories and regrets.. very heart warming.

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One Moment by Becky Hunter is a magnificent look at the small choices we make each day and how they impact our lives. This book is a powerful look at grief and friendship, love and loss. This book will make you think about the choices you make each day. I received a digital copy of this book from the publisher with no obligations. These opinions are entirely my own.

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"And generally I try not to be scared - because mostly we're scared of things we can't control, and that seems a bit bizarre."

One Moment by: by Becky Hunter

No one knows what will happen to them the moment they wake up in the morning. Dying is the last thing Scarlett thought of on her way to work. When she goes out of her way to help a stranger, she gets into an accident that forever changes her life.

Evie, Scarlett's best friend and roommate. She was diagnosed with MS and was struggling with the diagnosis and the changes it has forced her to make in her life.

Scarlett, unable to cross over, watches over Evie as she navigates a life without her, re-visiting some moments in her past and coming to a better understanding of what's transpired.

This story deals with grief, loss of a friend, of a daughter, of love, friendship and hope.

Thank you to NetGalley and Forever for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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3 Stars

This book was a little slow and repetitive but had a good story. It is overall a story of a friendship. It starts out with Scarlett dying and she watches as her friends and family mourn. We follow her best friend as she tries to navigate life and become close with the man that was with her friend when she died. It was overall just OK for me but still a nice read.

Thank you to NetGalley and Forever for the opportunity to read this book.

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This was an interesting story where it goes through the perspective of two people Scarlett and Evie. Scarlett dies in an accident and oversees Evie’s life in hopes that in her death she is living her own life.

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Someone recently told me that they don't read much anymore since all books seem similar. Since then, I've been critical of what I read and look for the differences. If you are bored with reading One Moment is the book to read! I absolutely love how this is a love story about a friendship- not a romantic relationship. Also, one of the POVs is dead- see? different! One Moment is a beautiful book that I didn't want to put down.

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This one definitely fell flat for me! I wish I could say that I loved the story or felt any kind of emotion toward the characters, but alas I did not.

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When Scarlett steps out of their apartment, neither she nor Evie her roommate expect it to be the last time. They're both under 30 and, while Evie has developed MS, the girls are still looking ahead. Sure, Scarlett pushes Evie to do more; she thinks Evie should try harder to get back to her music and to life out in the world. So when word reaches Evie later that day that Scarlett was killed by a bus when she tried to save a man's bike from being run over, Evie is crushed and completely blames Nate, the man with the bike, for her loss. While at first she wants nothing to do with him, Nate becomes a fixture in Evie's life, leading her to do things she thought were impossible while she shows him how to genuinely connect with someone outside his family.
The story is told by Scarlett, who remains as an observer of Evie's like, and Evie herself. Both women grow over the course of the book while handling grief, helplessness, love, and understanding. Their friendship transcends life itself, as Evie and Scarlett deal with love, loss, hope, and friendship.
This one stuck with me long after I finished it. Go read asap!

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I received a complimentary copy from the publisher and all opinions expressed are mine .

How does one cope when they lose their best friend? Sometimes they don't! The book follows two best friends Scarlett and Evie. Their bond is tested when Scarlett dies and is stuck somewhere watching her loved ones cope with her death. Whilst she thinks and ponders on her life her best friend is grappling with grief and unforgivenness. What a book!

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One Moment
Author: Becky Hunter

I requested a digital advanced readers copy from NetGalley and Grand Central Publishing and providing my opinion voluntarily and unbiased.

Synopsis: The day Scarlett dies should have been one of the most important of her life. It doesn't feel fair that she is dead before she had a chance to fulfill her dreams, before she even turned thirty. And now she's, watching the ripple effect of her death on the lives of those she loved the most. But her journey is not over, and as she finds herself pulled into reliving her most defining memories, she starts to realize that maybe she didn't have everything quite as figured out as she once thought.

Evie cannot contemplate her life without Scarlett, and she certainly cannot forgive Nate, the man she blames for Scarlett’s death. But Nate keeps popping up when she least expects him to, catapulting Evie’s life in directions she’d never let herself imagine possible--ways, perhaps, that even those closest to her had long since given up on.

My Thoughts: This story moved me in ways that are hard to express. Two best friends since childhood, Scarlett and Evie. Scarlett dies in the first pages of the book, except she doesn’t “cross over” immediately, she is flung between her past memories and current important events, to ensure that her best friend finds her peace. Enter Evie, the best friend. Evie does not know what life looks like without Scarlett. Evie certainly does not forgive Nate, the person that she blames for Scarlett’s death, even if was truly an accident. Nate keeps popping up in Evie’s life, upbringing her life into directions she never knew she needed. This is a story of friendship, grief, loss, and love, all rolled into a beautiful story. This follows the tropes of grief, loss of best friend, friends to lovers, and adventure.

The story is narrated by Evie and Scarlett, in their respective perspectives. Scarlett is independent, loyal, caring, and lived an amazing life, even after her uneventful demise at an early age. Evie is caring, insecure due to her illness, and loyal, even to a fault. Nate is independent, tenacious, fierce, and charming. The characters were well fleshed out, well developed, had witty banter, chemistry, were creatively done, and were intriguing. The supporting characters were just as important as the main characters. The author’s writing style was closed door, funny, endearing, thought-provoking, and beautifully brilliant, as well as well written. The pace and flow of the plot was perfect, and everything was laid out as it should. I really loved the message of this story, how moments in time, even small moments, can be so defining, so critical as it has the potential to change us. How one choice can lead down one path, while a different choice could lead us down a completely different path. The author’s balance of grief and love was expressed in such a way that was beautiful to read. Food for thought: What if Scarlett had made a different choice that faithful morning?

TW: Grief, loss of a best friend, mental health, and MS. For a debut novel, this was outstanding. Hunter really has made her mark in the contemporary romance genre and she is one to watch. Sometimes I feel like debut authors really pour everything they have into a debut novel, and it really shows in this novel. This book will evoke many emotions from you, such as sadness, happiness, hope, inspiration, and joy. This was a chick lit combined with contemporary romance. The author does an amazing job at balancing some really hard topics with some funny, lighter moments for a very balanced read. This is one of those books that will stay with me for a long time. I would highly recommend this book.

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I had a feeling this was going to be an emotional story so as a mood reader I waited till I was in the right frame.
However I found this book to be a beautiful story about friends, loss and grieving I believe this story will stay with me awhile. I think I read this was a debut for this author so I will be looking forward to reading more from this author thank you netgalley for introducing me to a new great author.

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This was heart wrenching, a story about love and friendship. It was so moving and I really recommend everyone to read this, I enjoyed it so much.

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I'm sorry. I had to DNF this book. The beginning was interesting but then there was nothing happening. There was no plot. There was no conflict. I didn't really understanding what the point of the story was. I might go back to reading the ending but right now it just does not hold my attention.

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I received an electronic ARC from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions expressed are my own.

I loved this story. I cannot wait to read what Becky Hunter writes in the future. I think readers who enjoyed, IN AN INSTANT, by Suzanne Redfearn, and, HOW TO WALK AWAY, by Katherine Center, will enjoy this novel as well.

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Thank you netgalley for the advanced copy.

I've put off reading this knowing that it was going to emotionally hurt, and yeah it did. This a beautiful debut with a lovely message about friendship, bravery and the afterlife. The exploration of the decisions we make and how choice we make can influence and alter our paths is well done and fresh for an old topic. Hunter balances a light tone with heavy topics of grief and loss. I found myself rooting for Evie and Nate's relationship, even being happy if it didn't have a HEA ending, just to see the two of them grow. There is MS rep that felt well done.

The writing is beautiful. The way the author introduced the flashbacks using Scarlett's ghost pov was perfectly woven.

Great book. I'd read more books by this author.

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Thanks to NetGalley for the eARC. All opinions are my own.

This was such an unexpected adorable read. I've had it sitting in my virtual TBR pile for awhile and I'm not sure what took me so long to get to it!

I loved the perspective of the story and *no spoilers!* how everything came about at the end. I thought things would go one way and when they didn't, I found I liked the actual ending even better. This was a great summer read and I will definitely keep an eye out for more books by Becky Hunter.

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Scarlett doesn’t know that her last day on Earth is her last day, and even though her and best friend had a fight the previous night, she gets to follow her best friend Evie in the “after” as Evie navigates her grief. In fact, when Evie finds herself in a difficult relationship with the person who was there when Scarlett died, Scarlett is the one who is rooting for them from beyond. A complicated yet simple story of friendship and grief, and finding the meaning behind what life throws at you, the story is well written with likeable characters you are rooting for the entire time.

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I really enjoyed "One Moment" by Becky Hunter. The characters, the storyline, underlying message- all of it. The author managed to combine numerous heavy topics (grief, chronic illness, relationship challenges etc.) into a novel that was fun to read. I became invested in the characters and was overall pleased with the ending. I look forward to reading more by this author!

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loved this romance and how the characters were able to figure things out and find their way to love. Loved the friends .

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