Member Reviews

Scarlett and Evie are best friends, but Scarlett's unexpected and tragic death leaves Evie grieving and in a dark place. Scarlett's death also brings Nate into Evie's life, but Evie isn't sure she wants him in her life because she blames him for Scarlett's death (even though it was an accident). The story follows Evie as she moves through life after loss, which is complicated by the fact that Evie is dealing with a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis.
There was so much heartbreak in this story, but despite its sadness, there is hope that weaves its way throughout the story. The author handled the relationship with Evie and Nate so beautifully, and conveys the sadness and happiness that she feels, often at the same time.
Another interesting thing the author did is that he includes Scarlett's perspective after she has passed. She is able to view what is happening between Nate and Evie, and I thought this added point of view really added to the story.
Overall, I really enjoyed this story, which was full of both heartbreak and hope.

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Boy did this wreck my entire soul and being. I knew when I requested this what it was about. Did I conveniently forget the entire synopsis as I began it only to be hit with the absolute gut-wrenching heartbreak? Yes, yes I did. Very recently did I also find myself in a similar situation as Evie having lost my best friend unexpectedly.

Evie is trying to navigate the sudden death of her closest friend, Scarlett. A freak accident, the stranger who is easy to place blame on, and the journey of trying to continue living leaves Evie in shambles. Facing a diagnosis of MS, Evie and Scarlett had always planned for Evie to be the one to go first and that curve ball of healthy, happy, and adventurous Scarlett being the first was such a punch. This was a read that made me sob and equally filled me with happiness and joy. I'm absolutely shocked that this is a debut because Becky Hunter has handed me a read on a silver platter that encompassed everything I have been feeling with my own loss.

The loss, love, dealing with grief and blame, complexities of friendship, hope- I mean these are all such deep and heavy topics and themes that were handled with some true grace and grit. A rollercoaster of emotion, this is a read that will honestly stay with me for a long time to come and has very easily earned a permanent spot on my bookshelf

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This was a great debut novel from Becky Hunter and I was so happy to have found this little gem of a story. Evie and Scarlett are each other's person and when everything changes forever for the both of them, Evie is tasked with learning to deal with people and situations outside of her control without her person. Every decision made is intentional in this book and I love that people like Nate and Astrid push Evie's boundaries and force her to think outside of herself and her disease with MS.

Nate and Evie will share a bond for the rest of their lives and how sweet is it that they could find solace in each other. I was rooting alongside Scarlett for the both of them to figure out that they are great for each other. I cried when I realized Evie's difficult situation with her mother and how Nate and Scarlett have a better family dynamic than her. Evie growing out of her shell and thinking about getting back into music is the redemption she needed from putting off her passion for the rest of her life. In life, there are so many regrets, but when death comes knocking, it is when we realize how precious the moments were with our loved ones and how we really should say the things that we want to say while we still have the chance.

This book was amazing and written with such simplicity, I devoured it in two days and was left wanting more! Thank you to NetGalley,
Forever with Grand Central Publishing and the wonderful Becky Hunter for the ARC. My opinions written here are entirely my own.

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Thanks to Forever (Grand Central Publishing) for the early review copy via NetGalley.

It was a lovely story of grief, hope, and struggle with chronic disease. But for some reason, I just couldn’t connect with the characters. It’s more “new adult” fiction, and that genre doesn’t work for me. I’ve seen many glowing reviews and am happy for the author’s success.

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I enjoyed this book but didn’t absolutely love it. The premise is so interesting and I loved the dual POV. But something was lacking for me and I didn’t find myself reaching for it.

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What a strong debut!! I absolutely loved this.

One Moment is at it’s core a story about the butterfly effect; how tiny moments can end up having a big impact (both good and bad) in your life overall. It’s also a story about love, life, friendship, and loss. It is written from two POVs and mainly takes place in one timeline, with a handful of flashbacks. It revolves around hard and heavy topics, but the overall tone feels hopeful.

I was hooked into the story from the very first page. It has just enough mystery to keep you turning pages at sonic speed to figure out what’s happening and how it will all play out. I love all of the characters. They are well thought out and feel extremely realistic in their ways of thinking and reactions. Without giving anything away, I love how Scarletts voice remains throughout the novel. It‘s a unique choice and super impactful to the story. It leaves you pondering well after the final page! I’m still deciding how I feel about the final chapter.

Highly recommend to everyone. Will definitely be checking out other works by this author!

Thank you Netgalley and Forever publishing for this eARC in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Content warnings: grief, suicide, chronic illness

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I was very intrigued by the premise of this book, but wow am I shocked how much I loved it! The character development and the rawness of grief was done so well. I loved the way the dual perspective was done. What a great story!

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Many thanks to Forever for the #gifted ARC as well as NetGalley access in exchange for my honest review. This women’s fiction read is a bit different from the usual Forever-published romance. One Moment is such a special read, and I am happy to share it with others.
I started reading One Moment on my San Diego hotel’s rooftop as the sun was setting, and I finished it the next day. I was fully consumed by the story, and I’m already excited to read more from this debut author.
One Moment begins with Scarlett looking back at the morning of the day she died, prior to her 30th birthday. While on her way to work, Scarlett had stopped to help a man in a bicycle accident, but a car hit her as she was picking up the bicycle. Evie, Scarlett’s long time best friend and roommate is struggling with her recent MS diagnosis and its impact on her life, but Scarlett’s death is a fresh and unexpected blow. The book follows Evie as she attempts to move on, with the equally unexpected assistance of Nate, the man she blames for Scarlett's death.
A story of learning to live with loss, One Moment is also equally a story about friendship and how it can remain beyond the grave. There is a magical realism element which allows Scarlett’s impressions to be shared post-death - but this did not feel hokey or inappropriate. While the book did make me cry, it was more hopeful than tragic, which could have easily happened with the heavy topics in the book.

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I had to really sit with this one for a minute. This book was beautiful. What a wonderful debut. The writing was fantastic. The MS representation was great to see. It’s a sad story full of grieving and love and moving forward.

Evie loses her best friend Scarlett to a tragic accident and has to deal with the aftermath of it. She begins getting close to Nate who witnessed and was a part of Scarlett’s accident. It takes a lot for Evie to sort through her thoughts and feelings about this. But the story was so beautiful and hopeful. I love that it showed how strong Evie was at the end. How she fought for her friends and loved so hard. Astrid was one of my faves! I loved the way it all ended.

Thank you @netgalley @readforeverpub and @beckyhunterbooks for my ARC of this beautiful debut which published Tuesday, 3/12/24.

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So good! I loved "One Moment" by Becky Hunter. A dramatic, sad setting, made beautiful, interesting and uplifting. Powerful and compelling, full of incredible, imperfect and endearing characters, depicting deep friendships, co-dependence, grieving, Multiple Sclerosis, fashion, music, and big, big hearts. Thank you NetGalley, the author and publisher for the review copy. All opinions are my own.

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As I have recently lost a loved one, I was fascinated by the treatment of death in this book. I also thought the author’s treatment of a character with MS, and of a young neighbor who wants to make a friend of her, were handled beautifully. A good read on many counts

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Thank you to Becky Hunter, Forever (Grand Central Publishing), and NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

First, I love the cover. It immediately caught my eye.

Second, talk about a book that rips your heart out. It is one hit after the other. The female friendship in this book is refreshing. The writing makes it easy to read and connect to the characters. It is one I will recommend

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You would never know that this is a debut novel. It is so very well written. It deals with friendship, death, disease, depression, love and heartbreak. It is a book that will make you cry and laugh and sometimes all in just one sentence. It is told in the POV's of two best friends from childhood. One is dead and one is alive and suffering with MS. During the time after the horrific accident both friends find out about themselves. They are strong and can fight for what they want. They also both grow in maturity and awareness even though one is dead. It is such a great read. How Evie, who is fluent in violin but has MS and struggles with that so it is difficult for her to play the violin. The little girl next door has a violin and wants Evie to help her with it. That brings Evie much joy and it helps bring her out of her shell and also helps with her grief over the loss of Scarlett. An interesting male comes into Evie's life and who knew he could help her so much after the accident. And that ending......... I would highly recommend this book.
Thanks to #netgalley, #forevergrandcentralpublishing and @beckyhunterbooks for an ARC of the beautiful book

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“Depression hates a moving target.” So many thought provoking lines like this in this book. This story was sad. It was heavy. It was sweet. It was beautiful. It illustrated how death and grief can rob us of what we planned and what we wanted but we can still find happiness and laughter on the other side of it. These characters were precious and this book is so good!

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Wow, this book was amazing! I laughed, I cried, and I didn't want to stop thinking about the characters even after the final page. Such a heartwarming and heartbreaking story.

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Scarlett and Evie have been friends forever. They have been thru so much together. Evie is diagnosed with a progressive disease. Scarlett is suddenly killed. One single moment changes everything. How does life go on without your best friend? How do we move on? How do we forgive? Would you change that One Moment if you could?

I was first drawn to this book by the beautiful, vibrant colors on the cover. The write up was intriguing. Oh, the feels this book gave me! I smiled, I cried, it made me think. So many layers…friendship, grief, disappointment, acceptance, and always love. The author took me on a journey thru Scarlett’s eyes overseeing her loved ones, while looking at her past and taking accountability for actions taken. Watching Evie grow, coming to terms with her loss and finding her strength and worth was fulfilling. She was so much more than her illness. While sad, this book is also hopeful. The magical realism is a driving force in this book, which I loved. Sometimes in a book of this nature we find the final pages predictable, but this ending was so satisfying and insightful. Ms. Hunter is a new author for me and I look forward to her next book.

Thanks to Forever (Grand Central Publishing) and NetGalley for this ARC. This is my honest opinion.

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Becky Hunter has given us a book that explores friendship, love, loss, profound grief, the transformative power of hope, and the impact of one single moment.

Evie and Scarlett have been best friends since childhood. Now approaching their 30th birthdays they find themselves at a crossroads. Scarlett is on the cusp of realizing her professional dream while Evie deals with a devastating medical diagnosis. In a single moment everything changes when Scarlett is tragically killed. We watch the fallout through the eyes of very much alive Evie and recently deceased Scarlett.

There is a great deal of heaviness in this book, but it’s balanced by the deep love between Evie and Scarlett. One Moment reminds us of the interconnectedness of life and the reverberations of a single decision.

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One Moment by Becky Hunter is the story of Evie and how she has to traverse life and an illness after the accidental death of her go-to partner Scarlett. I enjoyed this story and appreciated the character of Nate and I also enjoyed Scarlett's observations from beyond. I felt empathy for Evie but sometimes also felt great frustration with her character.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an advance copy of One Moment in exchange for an honest review. One Moment is available now.

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I enjoyed that this story didn’t follow any of the usual ghost rules. I spent some time wondering why Scarlett was hanging around after she died but it turns out she was making sure her long time best friend Evie was going to be ok. Evie was having trouble in life with her job, a diagnosis of MS and then added on the accidental death of her BFF Scarlett. Things were not going well for her, Then she met Nate & Astrid who both added to her life & didn’t let her wallow in her flat. Evie went on adventures & leaned that her MS didn’t have to hinder her life so much.
The ending of this book was my absolute favourite, I can’t say more because I don’t want to spoil it but it left me with the most lovely feeling after. Scarlett had a choice to make and she chose Evie living out the life she had found for herself.

Thanks to NetGalley and Hachette Book Group for a copy of this book.

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4 1/2 stars

This was such a wonderful debut. It was more than a typical romance, it was a beautiful story of friendship as well. Even though the premise is based on the tragic loss of Evie's best friend, this still manages to be a touching story that tugs the heartstrings in all the ways. You really have to sit back and think about the importance of your best friend and how deep that love runs and what a loss that has to be when you lose that person.

In this book, you really get the feel for fate and how sometimes things are just meant to happen. Also, a bit of how something good can come from something so horrible. Because through losing Scarlett, Evie meets Nate and they launch into any awkward and sometimes painful friendship. It truly is a beautiful story even if it's a little heartbreaking.

AUDIOBOOK REVIEW: The narration for this audiobook was done quite well. It felt like a true performance and I was completely pulled into the story. 4 1/2 stars.

Thank you to NetGalley for early copies of both the ebook and audiobook.

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