Member Reviews

This one pulled me in from the very beginning. What an incredible storyline paired with a dramatic historical tale. Katherine did an amazing job of weaving fact and fiction and I found myself googling to see what actually happened and if certain details were true! Definitely recommend for any historical fiction fans or anyone interested in The Berlin Wall story.

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My feelings about this book are complicated.

Learning about the Cold War, as a person who was not alive for another decade after the Berlin Wall fell, was fascinating. I loved thinking about that history and the hardships the German people faced and how they overcame it. The prologue had me immediately invested. The lives of the characters are interesting and getting to know each of them slowly was fun.

Some parts of the book were boring in their slowness. Not just slowness—sometimes it felt like the action was at an absolute standstill. The chapters from Haris’s point of view are especially guilty of this. Instead of experiencing life with him in East Germany, we mostly just heard him giving a recap about the recent state of affairs, which did not help the pacing of the story.

(Slight spoilers in this next paragraph.)

I also couldn’t stand Daniel. I’m simply unable to believe a man I met 75% into the book, while only being mentioned three times tops before, could make a good love interest for the leading lady. It made me feel ill every time they acted romantically toward each other; it made no sense to me, because we didn’t even know him.

The action of the story was very compelling, when actual story was happening. I feel there was in general way more telling/summary than showing/scene, and that made the book hard to read sometimes. However, it was an interesting story that, aside from its slow moments, was overall good. A wonderful read for those interested in modern history or a dangerous story that isn’t too fast-paced.

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I enjoyed this cold war novel. And I learned a lot about the history of the time. More than I learned in school. But it's hard to believe that the 80s is now considered historical fiction especially when I was born in 87.

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Set in the Cold War era, this novel is the story of Luisa Voekler, a German born American CIA cryptographer who at age three was tossed to her grandparents in West Berlin as the wall went up. The family moved to the United States and Luisa was told that her parents died in a car crash. In 1989 she discovers a cache of coded letters from her father to her grandfather, discovering that her father is alive which leads to efforts to rescue to him from prison as the wall comes down. Alternating between the father's story and Luisa's, this is a very interesting look at life in East Germany and in the Cold War.

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

While I LOVE Reay’s books, I wouldn’t call this my favorite of her works. Felt a bit predictable and the pace was slow in some sections. I did love the family aspects, how Louisa is with her grandparents and aunt. I also liked Daniel (who wouldn’t?). But again, predictable. Maybe part of that predictability is because it’s a historical fiction that I can google?

I do think that Reay definitely did the time period and all of the horrors that happened behind the Iron Curtain justice. The spy/CIA aspects were very fun, but I would’ve preferred to see more of that side- let us be code breakers too if we want! Tell me more about the high stakes Haris was surrounded by.

All in all, 3.75 stars rounded up from me.

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I was very disappointed because I ran out of time on this one, but I did order a copy for my public library here in Florida and I hope to pick it up again

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Having always been a fan of historical fiction novels I was so extremely excited for this book. I read the description and was convinced I would love this book. Sadly, as I was reading I just was unable to get into the book despite its well written characters.

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This intensely suspenseful Cold War era mystery will keep you turning pages from start to finish! Starting just before the Berlin Wall goes up until it comes down, a city, a country, a family split in two for over 20 years as political powers violently struggle for control, I learned so much about something I knew so little about. Expertly researched and written. Another amazing novel from Katherine Reay!

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Fascinating from start to finish. So much history that I knew little of inside a taut thriller. Dual time-frames from when the wall went up in 1961 to when it fell in 1989. A toddler tossed over the wall for safety and a father left behind. Their stories will keep pages turning furiously.

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A fun sweet read! Highly recommend.

Many thanks to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for my ARC.

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I would like to thank NetGalley and Harper Muse for allowing me to read this book and give my honest opinion. I found this book randomly on my kindle and I was HOOKED from page 1. This book starts the day the Berlin Wall starts to go up. Luisa was hoisted over the first "wall" and into her grandparents arms. This is the last time Luisa ever sees her mom. Eventually Luisa with her grandparents and Aunt move to America. The book switches between 1989 and 1961. Luisa is all grown up in 1989 and working for the CIA. Her coworker came over and showed her a letter and she instantly remembered the infinity sign on the envelope. She begins to search her house and finds a stack of letters from her father, who she thought was deceased. The book goes off in unexpected ways and I finished it two days ago and I can't stop thinking about how great it was.

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In this complex Cold War-era historical fiction novel, readers follow Luisa Voekler, a CIA code breaker in the late 1980s in the months before the Berlin Wall comes down. However, a new assignment and some mysterious letters sent to her grandfather from her long-lost father set Luisa on a crash course with a larger CIA operation and a reunion with her East Berlin journalist father Haris. Spanning the rise and fall of the Berlin Wall, readers explore life inside East Berlin and in the United States as they follow Luisa’s investigation and journey over the course of the novel. Alternating between Luisa and Haris’s perspectives, readers watch the recently uncovered letters unfold and follow the protagonists’ motivations behind their forays into the world of Cold War espionage. With incredible characters and a complex historical background, readers are sure to enjoy the high stakes and suspense of this historical fiction novel. Luisa is a complex heroine with an unknown backstory, and her strength and bravery is particularly incredible to follow over the novel as she uncovers her family and their secrets. With this complex, politically charged historical moment and these fascinating narrators, readers are sure to enjoy this historical fiction novel and the espionage group that connects the CIA and East Berlin through a single family.

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Spanning the time from just after WWII to 1989, Luisa Voelker must solve the puzzle of letters she finds hidden in her grandmother's home.

Takes you back to the time of the Berlin Wall and the Cold War spy stories, but with a heartwarming set of characters.

Would be great for any book club or to read as a historical supplement to the times.

More interesting and better written than most books I've reviewed this year.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC of this novel.

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I received a free copy from Netgalley. Family and secrets. And secrets never seem to stay secret, but some of these are life and death. Interesting characters and engaging story.

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I found this book to be an interesting look at history and what it was like to live in Berlin when the wall went up. I love that the story has dual timelines, one showing the events of a family being torn apart by the Wall, and then in 1989, when the Wall is about to come down. This is a well written, interesting historical novel.

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This book had a slow start and I was expecting a whirlwind spy novel with code cracking and intrigue. The more I got into the book, I realized the pace was set in perspective with the seemingly slow moving, grey era. It was slow and steady, culminating in an ending of relief. I did find the ending convenient- the timing of the heroine’s escape connecting with the historic event of the wall coming down. The portion of the book I really appreciated was the history and the author seemed to create the atmosphere of eastern Berlin at the height of their oppression. The reader could feel the dreariness and soul sucking dread of neighbours spying on neighbours and the paranoia of everyone watching you. I remember being a teenager when this historic event occurred and this book took me behind the scenes to add context to those news reports. Despite some of the plot coincidences, I enjoyed this book and recommend it to anyone who wants to learn more about this period of oppression. I loved the author’s note which added context and more history. The whole Pope John Paul II theory is something I’d never heard before but makes so much sense. Chilling read. Thank you to NetGalley for an arc in exchange for an honest review.

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This was absolutely amazing! I'm so glad I read this book. I could hardly put it down at all. My only wish is that there was more! 😍

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Katherine Reay's THE BERLIN LETTERS explores the Berlin Wall through multiple narrators and timelines. The prologue sets up the erection of the wall, and we jump between the early 1960s in Berlin and the United States in 1989. How did the family become separated? Which side is everyone on? Who among your friends and neighbors can be trusted? As the book progresses, the details are meted out, culminating in the Wall coming down. 

Reay has a character consider how "no one can hurt you as much as one you love." At its heart, this story is about broken families, secrets, and truth coming to light through coded family letters. Some suspension of disbelief may be warranted towards the climax of the book, but it all makes for a tidy story and brings to life historical events.

The book includes discussion questions, setting this up for a natural book club selection for those who enjoy historical fiction.

(I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.)

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The Berlin Letters is a story about the Voekler family that is torn apart by the cold war and specifically the Berlin wall. The story weaves between the perspective of Luisa in 1980s and her parents in 1960s. It was incrediably deep and heartbreaking and inspiring at the same time. I found myself caught up in the characters life. Especially Luisa as she discovers a hard family secret. All the mixed emotions she felt, I could feel it as well. She was determined to do what was needed to be done. I liked learning about secret codes and spying techniques. I could feel the struggle and the bleakness of her parents as they trudged through life behind the Berlin wall. I was alive during the fall of the Berlin wall but was young and don't remember it. Katherine Reay weaved the two stories so well that the pieces fall into place at the end and you sit back and think. wow. that was an incredible journey. Stories like this make history come to life and makes it relatable.

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the publisher. All views expressed are only my honest opinion.

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Thank you Netgalley for allowing me to read and review this book. These opinions are completely my own.

I have just entered the world of Cold War historical fiction and this was perhaps the wrong book to start with. The Berlin Letters has made my expectations for other novels at a level that will be very hard to reach. I was enthralled from beginning to end l.

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