Member Reviews

I read, The Messiest Monster on Mill Street, to my two children. We enjoyed the pictures, rhyming and message the book shared. I would rate this book an 4 out of 5 stars. This is a more common message to be shared about cleaning up and how you will enjoy yourself more when you keep things keep and tidy and you may find things you thought were lost. I enjoyed the Bounciest Monster from the authors series best.

Thank you NetGalley and ViaNova for allowing me to read, The Messiest Monster on Mill Street in exchange for my honest review.

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The poetry in this book is so bouncy and fun! The rhymes are great to read aloud. This messy monster learns the danger of letting his room get overrun by dirt. While he’s still messy, his room stays neat in the end. He even washes dishes!

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Thank you NetGalley for this amazing lesson in tidiness for my 7 year old. My 2nd grader Zoe loved this book. She giggled and thought the book was funny. When I asked her about her review she told me that it taught her a lesson to always clean up her messes. This book and the illustrations were delightful. She has decided we will finish all 3 this week. Thank you again!

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The Messiest Monster on Mill Street is a story about Max, how his mess gets out of control, and what he does to fix that.

My 5 & 7 year old both gave it 5 out of 5 stars.
The illustrations have a simple and endearing style, and the rhymes in the text make it fun for them to follow along.

Here are a few of the things they said about the story:
"How come he couldn't find his turtle when it was so easily visible?"
"The more you clean, the more you will be able to find things."
"He has really cute horns."
"I like the army of cookies."
"I didn't like how his clothes look; he's kind of messy."

It is a constant battle in our house to clean up toys when you are done playing with them or to put away art supplies, so this was a little bit on the nose. I maintain hope that this can serve as a subtle reminder to my children that if Max can get his mess under control, so can they.

Note: I received a digital copy of this book in hopes of a review through NetGalley.

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My 4-year-old goddaughter loved this book! Wonderful rhymes to go along with teaching about why we shouldn't be messy. We both really enjoyed the colorful illustrations... and now she wants a stuffed plushy that looks like Max. Can't wait to read her the rest of the Monsters on Mill Street.

Thanks, NetGalley and the publisher who sent us a copy for an honest review.

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So cute and another great lesson for toddlers. This one focuses on making messes and how that affects everyone and yourself. Very cute illustrations.

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Book 128 of 200 ~ 2023


This traumatised me a bit because of the mess depicted in the illustrations rofl.. if I could have jumped into the book and helped Max clean, I would have!

Loved the rhyme - not overly done, so there was a smooth flow. The illustrations were well done, too, and made this book even more fun to read.

I also liked the various description words that were bold to enable the storyteller to not just emphasise as needed but teach the kiddos new words.

I received a complimentary copy of this ebook. All opinions expressed are my own. Thanks @netgalley

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In "The Messiest Monster on Mill Street", Max is too busy having fun to worry about a little mess...until that little mess becomes a big mess that threatens to swallow him whole!

I have to be honest here...of the Mill Street monsters, Max is the one I'd least like to cuddle. Too much dirt, and too many smells! Max's redemption arc is focused on cleaning up his room and taking better care of the space around him, but slight tweaks could also turn this into a story for kids who dislike bathtime. But as ever, the illustrations are wonderful fun (for some reason I particularly like the way Max's nose is drawn), and the book reinforces lessons for kids about tidying as they go so as not to have to deal with a huge mess later.

Thanks to the author and publisher for providing a review copy through NetGalley.

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This whole series it adorable! I read it with my 4 year old and he loved it. This would be great to use in your classroom too! Highly recommend this series!

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The rhyming text, vibrant illustrations, and final resolution will help parents and children who struggle with tidying up. It's a great visual that can be referenced when needing to clean up toys or a messy room.

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This was a great read! My 5 year old was sucked in.

This is about a messy monster and learning to tidy his room. The rhyming is simple and fun, the illustrations are perfect. It was a great way to introduce why we tidy up after ourselves to my wee one!

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Kids are messy. They always have been and always will be. But it’s good to show them it’s okay and how they can help themselves with proper habits and organization. And to not let it overwhelm them.

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Max is the messiest monster on Mill Street. One day, his mess gets so enormous that Max becomes trapped. Will Max clean up his house and make a change for the better?

The illustrations are whimsical and full of great expression, which will appeal to children. Parents will enjoy the lesson that children will learn from reading The Messiest Monster on Mill Street. The text is very rhythmical but not forced, so the book is easy to read. I could see this book becoming part of a lesson plan at school or part of a nighttime reading ritual at home. I wholeheartedly recommend The Messiest Monster on Mill Street to other readers.

Disclaimer: I was given an Advanced Reader's Copy by NetGalley and the publisher. The decision to read and review this children's book was entirely my own.

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The Messiest Little Monster was such a cute read. My kids and I really liked it! Will definitely be adding it to our little library here at home.

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Poor messy monster. His mess gets the best of him, but maybe he can find a fun way to make it better? Another cute monster tale

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Loved it! I downloaded all three for my 3 year old, and we can’t wait until it comes in print. She is at times angry and messy and bouncy, so she loves the whole series.

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THis book is part of a wonderful series called Monsters on Mill Street. This was our first book from the series and we are in love. My son who is on the autism spectrum associates things better with seeing and storytelling. This series is perfect. In this book Max is messy, all the time. When his mess becomes a monster on its own he realizes he has to control the mess sometimes. This book was a perfect way to teach my child about cleaning up and understanding why it's important. The rhymes and wonderful storytelling along with great colorful and playful illustrations complete the story. Our family is hooked on the series. For parents there is even more, including resources for activities, videos and more on the Monsters on Mill Street website. You will want to check that out. I highly recommend this book for all families of little ones. I also highly recommend this book to be used in early childhood classrooms. It is perfect for teaching social-emotional learning skills at home and in the classroom. We received this as an ARC thanks to NetGalley but we are buying this for our home and for on the go bag. You will love this little adventure.

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Max is having too much fun to be concerned abut the mess he is creating. Unfortunately, the mess becomes uncontrollable and interferes with Max's fun. He learns that putting things away after use will help control the mess, allowing him to enjoy himself.
#TheMessiesMonsteronMillStreet #NetGalley

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“The Messiest Monster on Mill Street” is a delightful animated novel about a messy little monster named Max. Max lets his mess get out of control, until one day it quite literally swallows him whole! Through a series of cute rhymes and vivid illustrations, Max learns to clean up his act. This was an entertaining read, and I enjoyed it just as much as my preschooler!

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Max is an energetic, loveable, messy, monster - really messy. His messes are out of control! The mess becomes so bad it comes to life as a monster itself! Filled with rhymes, enjoyable illustrations, and a good story line, all the while the reader unknowingly learns excellent SEL and executive functioning skills.

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