Member Reviews
This preview just made me even more rabid to have the full book in my hands. I am counting down the hours at this point because this was just as brilliant as I thought it would be.
This snippet was so good!!! Making me so excited to read the rest and basically love anything that includes vampires.
Gabriel escaped murder from his brethren among the Ordo Argent after rescuing Dior from becoming Sister Chloe’s sacrifice in an ancient ritual intended to end daysdeath. With the aid of his sister, Celene, the three seek the answers to the importance of the Holt Grail and Dior’s purpose in the ending of the damned ending of the world.
The relationship between Gabriel and Dior is a pleasure to behold as truths are laid bare and their bond flourishes as hearts are hardened against tearing cuts and bruises.
Dior is a girl who has survived the streets, leaving her with a gutter-sharp pragmatism, a bawdy wit, and courage that finds her charging headfirst into trouble as Gabriel rebukes her whilst chasing hellbent after her.
Gabriel is a bastard through and through, not shying away from his immorality and selfishness. ”Who the fuck told you I was a hero?”
Their relationship is heartbreaking and heart pounding to behold as they try and negotiate their meaning to each other, not daughter, not father, not mentor, not friend. And yet…
”Hear me now. If the legions of heaven stood between me and that girl, I would slay every angel in the Host to get back to her side. She and I have walked through hell together. I will never leave her, you hear me? And I would never hurt her."
Again, I have to highlight and applaud Kristoff’s genius with language and characterisation. This is an author who knows how to write darkness. Who knows how to articulate those feelings of hopelessness, grief, depression. He writes a beautiful story of paving ahead even in desolation set in a post-apocalyptic world overrun by vampires.
”The road is black ahead," I told her. "And it's hard to keep walking when you can't see the ground beneath your feet. But that's what courage is. To believe the end is just beyond your outstretched hand, rather than a million miles away. believe the end is just beyond your outstretched hand, rather than a million miles away.
We get perspectives from both the vampire historian Jean-François, as well as from Gabriel’s undead sister Celene and this is where the narrative format of telling a story within a story really shines.
One thing that did take away my enjoyment, and I know might bother other readers, is the opening with a sex scene. This seems to be on brand with many of Kristoff’s other books, but I sometimes worry he alienates potential readers because his books are not sexy. They are not erotica-filled. Yet, he always makes his opening as dirty, foul-mouthed, and bloody as possible.
I read this arc straight after completing a re-read of book one, and so I can confidently say book one is my favourite. Yet, that in no way means this suffers majorly from middle book syndrome. This is still action-packed, twisty, fast-paced, and as frustratingly, excitingly elusive as book one.
Overall, Fuck my face as Gabriel is so fond of saying.
The sequel to Empire of the Vampire starts off with a bang and never lets up. I loved this with every fiber of my being. I love the fact that Kristoff makes Vampires scary again, not sexy. The fact that he WANTS to dehumanize these creatures and turn them into monsters not people is genius. Anyone who enjoyed book one will love this one as well, as I have. An easy 5 stars!
Okay. I just finished my most anticipated read of 2024, and it was incredible. I was very much looking forward to actually meeting Mr. Kristoff in person March 15th to gush over his books to his face, but alas, I will be busy attending my own wedding. Perhaps the groom would be open to rescheduling...?
Anyways. I squealed like a baby when I was approved for an eARC of this book and then reread the first one immediately to refresh my memory. I will start by saying I think this sequel is a step down from book 1. Part of this was inevitable, as Gabriel seems to have put his struggles with his abandoned faith behind him (probably my favorite part of EotV), as well as churned through his OG traveling party. To me, this did start to feel a bit like Fellowship of the Ring, in that it was quite good, but doesn't really have the great stuff. It feels more like a build-up. I still absolutely loved it, and I thought the twist at the end could possibly mean more than one more book (!!!), just because I'm not sure how everything can get resolved in one more book. But that could be my hopeful heart speaking. Gabriel has a new struggle, but it doesn't feel nearly as immediate to me. I found the highlight of this book to be the fight scenes (obviously), the humor, and the relationship Gabriel and Dior have. The addition of a new set of intriguing characters was quite fun, and I loved the illustrations, as before. I am very eager to read the next book! While I had a blast reading this, it really felt like a setup, as I mentioned before, and I'm expecting some really juicy things in book 3! For my wedding gift, Mr. Kristoff, may I please read book 3 right now?? 🙏
I'm still trying to digest this one. Full review to come. I will say that you'll want to read book 1 before this one.
Thank you to NetGalley for the digital ARC.
Twiddling my thumbs until I can officially have this on my shelf. I was a little worried that I would feel lost having not read EOTV in a while but this picks up right where the other left off with a few added details in case you forgot anything. As always I was on the edge of my seat for the most emotionally taxing, gripping, action packed story of all time. I honestly can’t remember the last time I was sucked in the way I am by these books. The story that doesn’t at all feel like a recount but like it’s happening right in front of you, So much more felt at stake reading this and more will be revealed come release day. As always excellent work from Jay Kristoff.
Jay Kristoff sure knows how to take your heart and absolutely shred it. What little bit was left from Empire of the Vampire has been completely eviscerated at this point. Despite being a sampler, this was a pretty decent chunk into the book and gave plenty of insight into the difficult choices that Gabriel and Dior faced at every turn coupled with betrayals and shocking revelations. I also found the banter between Gabriel and Jean-François fascinating when they pull back from Gabriel’s story and snipe at each other. I can’t wait to get the full book in my hands to see where the story goes with Jean-François’s other captive. I’m really interested to learn more about that character in general. I’m also incredibly curious to find out how Gabriel ended up in Jean-François’s clutches and whether it was a calculated move or just more of Gabriel’s unfortunate luck. Overall, this story is setting up to be every bit as good as the first in the series, possibly even better based on the sampler.
What a teaser this was! I have not read anything by Jay Kristoff before, and now I definitely want to read the rest of Kristoff's work. This snippet was atmospheric, humorous, suspenseful, and everything else you'd expect in a sci-fi/fantasy novel. I am looking forward to reading the whole book once it's published in a few weeks.
Cannot wait to read the whole book…. This was a tease lol! I have the first book as well! I will be purchasing this one when it comes out.
Thanks to Netgalley and St. Martins press for the sampler to review!!
I did not realize that this was a sampler and not the full book, so my full full full thoughts will come once I have this massive chonker of a book in my grubby little hands, HOWEVER!! We are starting off VERY good.
We begin as we left off and thank goodness for that because I just finished EotV and I could not wait to find out what happened next. We have drama, we have humor, we have heart-wrenching, gut-clenching, fudge my face moments that just made me wanna collapse in a heap on my bed for a few years.
I really got into Jay's writing style more this time around. It took me a bit to get used to it in the first book but now I am fully in and fully loving everything about it.
For now, let me just say... I need the whole thing. Currently my review is sitting around a 4 / 4.5 stars. 95% of the time, it's the last 1/2 to 1/4 of a book that determines the rating for me. LEMME AT IT!
Again, will post full review on my goodreads once I have read the full book! :)
This taste of Empire of the Damned makes me wonder why I have not been reading dark fantasy lately - the blood, gore and destruction of all that is good was spot on. The eGalley sampler starts with the historian and continues with the tail of the Grail going well into Book 2 of the novel. For those that enjoyed the first novel you will be pleased with the start of the second - it picks up with the right amount of storytelling, banter and sexual tension. Hoping that the remainder doesn’t disappoint and looking forward its release in a couple weeks! 5 stars so far!
Review based on an eGalley SAMPLER (not the entire book) provided by St. Martin’s Press and NetGalley. Thank you!
The preview section of Empire of the Damned will surely be a hit for fans of the first book in Jay Kristoff's latest series. After a quick prologue giving the readers insight into the character of Jean-Francois and the new vampiric Emperess, Gabriel de Leon dives right back into his tale where the first book ended. I found myself hooked back into this world from the very start.
Kristoff's writing is just as bloody and vulgar as it was in Empire of the Vampire, so if you were turned off by either of those things than this book will likely not change your mind on this series.
As this eARC is not the full novel and only covers the first third of the book, I am not comfortable giving a rating higher than 3 star rating as I have no insight into how the rest of the novel will land for me. That said, from what I was able to read, I am eagerly awaiting the full release of Empire of the Damned to see how this next entry ends and, barring any major issues that pop up for me in the final two thirds, I expect the full novel to land a 4 or 5 star rating from me.
One last note, NetGalley and the publisher St Martin's Press in no way communicated that this was merely a preview instead of a full eARC. The lack of transparency surrounding this left a bad taste in my mouth, but I will not hold this against Mr Kristoff or let it hinder my final review score after I am able to read the full version of the novel.
I don't even know where to start! This book did NOT disappoint! The reader is immediately immersed in Gabriel's story telling but we also get to see a little bit of the historian's view, which I loved. There is so much more adventure in this book when compared to book 1. While book 1 did a flawless job with laying down the foundation of the characters and the society, book 2 gives us a deeper dive into the personalities of the characters. I loved seeing the evolution of the relationship between Gabriel and Dior. If you are familiar with Kristoff's writing, then I am sure you already know that the characters you love will not only die....they will die in the worst way! Be prepared!! I give this sequel a 5/5! I recognize that sequels don't always hold the same kind of magic as the first book, however I feel that the storytelling mixed with the character building made this sequel seem just like an extension of book 1...almost like Kristoff just couldn't fit all this story into 1 book so he split it into 2. If you loved Empire of the Vampire then you will LOVE Empire of the Damned.
Thank you NetGalley for providing me with this e-ARC in exchange for my honest review.
"Empire of the Damned" presents a riveting continuation of a vampire-centric series, delving deeper into the intricate relationships among its characters while navigating the tumultuous landscape of a world under siege. The dynamic between Celene and Gabe receives well-deserved attention, adding layers of complexity to an already rich narrative tapestry.
Central to the book is the exploration of the vampire threat and its profound impact on the enslaved Thralls. The author intricately weaves together themes of power, control, and resistance, offering readers a compelling glimpse into a world teetering on the edge of chaos.
Despite the external struggles dominating the storyline, the novel doesn't skimp on the beloved character interactions that fans have grown to anticipate. While adhering to a more traditional story structure, "Empire of the Damned" lays the groundwork for what promises to be a satisfying conclusion to the trilogy.
One noteworthy aspect of the book is its unapologetic embrace of diverse sexual orientations. The narrative boldly affirms the bisexuality and homosexuality of nearly every character, presenting a refreshing and inclusive portrayal of relationships. For readers seeking authentic queer representation, "Empire of the Damned" delivers in abundance, serving as a beacon of celebration and acceptance.
However, it's worth noting that the novel's unequivocal stance on LGBTQ+ representation may not resonate with all readers. For those harboring prejudices or discomfort toward gay individuals, the book's unapologetic stance may prove challenging or disappointing.
In summary, "Empire of the Damned" transcends the typical middle installment of a trilogy, offering a thrilling narrative brimming with intrigue, passion, and social commentary. With its compelling character dynamics and progressive portrayal of sexuality, this installment cements its place as a standout contribution to the genre. For fans of vampire fiction and those seeking diverse representation, "Empire of the Damned" is a must-read.
a great fantasy preview of a series i can’t wait to get into. from the tease that i got, im truly invested in this world and the characters.
I need the rest! I love it. Just like the first, the actions pulls you along the story. It's hard to put the book down.
My only complaint: the opening scene. It felt very much sex for sex sake and added absolutely nothing to the story. I was disappointed because not only did it start the book off on the wrong foot, thus far I haven't felt like those scenes were gratuitous. This scene just felt unnecessary and really made me struggle to connect to the story in the beginning.
This is a great sequel to a great series even if I did not enjoy it as much as I did the first book.
If you liked the first book 100% read this one. If you haven't tried the series and in any way enjoy vampire books (particularly if you want second world vampires), monster hunting, dark fantasy
Partly I didn't like the book as much is because it had some of that middle syndromeness. It doesn't tell as much of an arc, it's mostly more scenes of them travelling and surviving without much feeling like it's changed since the end of the first book excepting maybe the last couple chapters as part of setting anticipation for the sequel. (Though all of those scenes were fun!)
Partly it's because the book has less of a focus on an aspect I was looking forward to (his relationship with his sister) and more of a focus on aspects I'm personally less fond of (lots of travelling, heightening the unreliable narrative aspects) — so if you like those things, get ready to enjoy!
But I still love vampires, and I love how Kristoff does vampires. They're both human and yet creepy/monstrous just how I like them. I feel like Kristoff enjoyed all the very same vampire media I did. And I don't just say this because there is a dearth of second world vampire books,
I really wanted to like this one, I think my issue is with the series as a whole more so than this book. Book one was so misogynistic and cringey but the story was good so I pushed through, I gave book one a 3.5 this one was better than book 1 but I think I’m giving up on this author and series sadly. Just because it’s not my cup of tea doesn’t mean I won’t recommend this to others who may enjoy!
An excellent follow up to the addicting Empire of the Vampire. Getting the story from multiple points of view was a nice touch and helps add, perhaps, a second possible unreliable narrator. What Kristoff is doing with this world and these characters should not be slept on. It truly feels like he is taking the vampire genre back from the lovesick Twilight fans.
Can't wait for more!