Member Reviews

Thank you Netgalley for the ARC. I loved this book. It has everything that I want in a summer read. A beach house, past loves, alternating points of view.

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A creative retelling of Jane Austen’s Persuasion set in the Hamptons. Olivia and Fred are in love from the beginning, yet can’t seem to shake the star-crossed nature of their relationship. Following their story over 20 years, and the one summer that brings them back to where it all began this roller-coaster romance contains all the marks of Persuasion while being an entirely enjoyable unique story of its own.

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I loved this- a persuasion inspired second chance story with all the summer fling drama and upper class family tension *chef’s kiss* This book was super cinematic and it was so easy to just get sucked in to Olivia and Fred’s story! I loved seeing all the ways their timing wasn’t quite right until it finally was- the tension, the pining! It felt a little like a grown up The Summer I Turned Pretty meets Pineapple Street in all the best ways. I can’t wait for people to DEVOUR this when it’s out this summer!

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Thank you, NetGalley, Lauren Bailey, and Alcove Press, for granting me access to this book in exchange for an honest review.

I absolutely loved and adored this book! It's truly a masterpiece, and it's hard to believe that it's the author's debut novel! Lauren Bailey has crafted a wonderful, emotional, heartwarming, powerful, and beautifully written modern retelling of Jane Austen's classic "Persuasion." This book will tug at your heartstrings, so be sure to have your tissues handy!

The story follows Olivia as she returns to her family home in the Hamptons to help pack up the estate. The buyer turns out to be her first love, Fred, whom she met 20 years ago at the age of 16. Despite their complicated past and the timing never seeming right, Fred has always been the love of her life. As Olivia navigates her feelings and the complexities of their relationship, the reader is taken on a journey filled with first loves, fate, family, friendships, loss, hope, deception, heartbreak, courage, passion, tension, chemistry, and spice.

I was captivated from beginning to end! This delightful story is simply perfect. If you're a fan of Emily Henry, then you will love this book. I cannot recommend it enough! It deserves all the stars! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Synopsis (From NetGalley):

"A woman returns to her family's Hamptons beach house for a final time—and a final chance at the love she's lost before, in this contemporary retelling of Persuasion, perfect for fans of Emily Henry and Rebecca Serle.

Olivia Taylor’s marriage is in a death spiral when she agrees to come home to the Hamptons to help her father and sisters pack up the family estate. If it looks like she’s running away from her soon-to-be-ex Wes and New York City, well, she is. But someone has to take care of things, and that’s always been Olivia’s role in the family. After years of financial trouble, someone’s finally bailing them out with a huge offer to buy their beachfront property, which is a good thing, although it means losing the home she grew up in, where her mother died, and where she first met Fred, the love of her life.

It’s been five years since the last time things blew up between Olivia and Fred, but much longer since the first time. At this point, Olivia fears it was never meant to be, so there’s no reason to feel butterflies in her stomach at the idea of seeing him again. They’ve already tried, and tried again…and again…but she’s newly single, and she isn’t the same person she was the last time–and Fred has changed, too.

This time, things will be different. Maybe, just maybe, the fifth time’s the charm."

In conclusion, this book is an enjoyable romp in the sand, perfect for your summer reading list. You may lose track of time and get a burn, so wear your sunscreen and indulge in this absorbing story. Highly recommended!

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Thank you NetGalley and Alcove for the ARC! Summer After Summer follows Olivia as she returns to her childhood home to help her father and sisters prepare the house for sale. Her marriage has been struggling and so this offers the perfect escape for Olivia,. When she gets to the house, however, she begins to doubt her choice as she discovers that the buyer of the house is none other than her first love, Fred. The story then alternates between the present and the past as we follow Olivia and Fred's first meeting and their love story as they reunite and separate every five years. Could this be the final chance for their love or are they destined to go their separate ways one final time? Summer After Summer is a retelling of Jane Austen's Persuasion and readers of both will pick up on parallel characters and storylines. This is a charming read, perfect for fans of second chance romance books.

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Well that was an emotional rollercoaster! Good thing I love rollercoasters lol. This is a modern version of Jane Austin’s Persuasion. It’s been a while since I’ve read it, so I can’t do a full comparison. There are many similarities though and I like the modernization to present day. If you are unfamiliar with Persuasion, it’s a first-love and a second chance at love trope with a few twists.

I enjoyed reading this and I may re-read this in the future after re-reading Persuasion. I look forward to this author’s next book.

*Provided a DRC (digital review copy) from the publisher for review. All opinions are my own.

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Read if you like:
💋 Tension and Longing
🌊 Beach Reads
📚 Persuasion Retellings
🥇First Loves

This book is a modern take on Persuasion and it was really well done! I love the summer vibes and beachy setting as that made it even better for an immersive second chance romance story for these first loves.

If you love tension, pining, and second chances I recommend this one!

Thanks so much to the publisher for my ARC in exchange for my review!

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Thank you to Alcove Press and Lauren Bailey for my eARC copy via NetGalley.

Olivia is about to have the worst summer she's had. Her marriage is crumbling and she doesn't know where she's going to end up, her father is selling her childhood home that has been in their family for generations and she has to drop everything to help clear out the house, and she knows she is going to run into Fred. Fred was the love of her life, a force that drew her to him like a gravitational pull, but it's been five years after a huge blow up caused them to both go no-contact. Can she stand to see him again while the rest of her world crumbles around her?

OK, I'm going to start with the good-
I love love love a good young summer love breaking up with a future second-chance romance (Love and Other Words/Every Summer After, which are basically the same book but I digress...) and it feels like that is what the author was trying to accomplish with Summer After Summer. Bailey often did convey the puppy-love, youthful, this-is-forever type of feelings that typically come with these types of books - ones that make you remember the unbearable butterflies you'd get when you saw the person you were pining after in your teenage years.

I did feel like Fred was a pretty likable character despite him being a complete knucklehead, which I found infuriating because I didn't want to like him and yet he was a very sweet golden retriever-esque MMC. He was selfish as the book progressed, but his beginning flashbacks would temporarily redeem him until he ages and you realize he never dealt with his own shit and just kept repeating the same patterns over and over.

I thought the cocktail hour every day, where you never know who would show up and you were always expected to dress to impress was a funny concept, and I enjoyed how she used it to move the story line along.

Now for the things I did not enjoy -
Their on-again, off-again relationship was really pointless after the first breakup. Olivia gave Fred every opportunity to believe what she says/shows with her actions, and trust that she wasn't' going to leave him. I mean, every time he came in like a whirlwind and decided he wanted to be with her (honestly really just wanted to sleep with her if you want my honest opinion), she would welcome him back nearly without question. If that isn't enough proof of her affection for him, then he is an idiot and reallllllly needs to get therapy. Well both of them really need to get therapy. I understand Olivia loves him and that's definitely hard to overlook, but it was frustrating that she kept believing him over and over when historically he wasn't someone she should be trusting. The love bombing really took me out. Olivia wasn't very trustworthy either, her willingness to cheat on her fiancee is a biiiig red flag as well... Actually, now that I'm thinking of it, I guess they really do deserve each other.

Ashley having to apologize for sending Olivia's fiancee when she was pretty sure Olivia was going to cheat on him... Um that's what a decent person/friend should do. She told Olivia not to get back with Fred and reminded her that she was engaged, then didn't hear back and expected the worst was happening (which it would have). Olivia should have broken up with him, <i>then</i> got back together with Fred. She could have told Fred what she was feeling but that they couldn't go any further until she untangled herself from her engagement, but she definitely wasn't planning on doing that, they had too much chemistry to be alone together without something happening. Should she have been engaged to him? No. Was she happy? No. Regardless, that doesn't make being unfaithful any more acceptable.

The use of the phrase "summer after summer" throughout the book. Wayyyy too on the nose for me, towards the end they said it so much that I couldn't help giggling, it felt like satire.

The Scooby-Doo plot twist with Olivia's husband. It was obvious when he started asking about the money that he may not be there for altruistic reasons. I can get behind throwing some of that in there, maybe more like him loving her, but being selfish and a bit of a gold digger. But a secret plot where her sister's lover and her estranged husband are having an affair and are working together to defraud the family and run away together with the money? It was in the middle of the apex of the storyline, right when she realizes she wants to get back with Fred forever, and all of a sudden you're whiplashed into a whodunit. I think that entire portion of the book could have been removed and it wouldn't have had any impact, which proves it didn't really need to be there. I honestly would have given it more stars if it wasn't for this part of the story.

Overall, it was an easy book to get through, it did keep me entertained though I found myself cringing at most of the major plot points. I would recommend this to anyone who likes summer romances with second-chance themes, and who like a little drama in their reading.

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I liked this book, but I cant say I loved it. It just went on too long. I didnt really have a connection with the characters either.

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Reminding me of Carley Fortune, this book was lovingly crafted. I would have liked it more if it was shorter, or a quicker pace. A great summer read nonetheless.

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This book had everything I could hope for in a summer beach read/second chance romance. I really enjoyed the concept of this book, and the alternating timelines. However, I struggled with the pacing of the book a bit, the character depth, and there were a few plot holes too.

I felt like I didn’t get enough of the FMC and MMC’s backstories, or really get to know who each of them were. There was a lot of back and forth, with significant gaps in time, and I was confused as to what transpired in that time away, or how each character had changed. Because of this, I found it a bit hard to connect with the characters.

I really liked the twist at the end, and thought this was a great debut novel!

Thanks to Netgalley and Alcove Press for the ARC!

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I really liked it but not loved it. I would still recommend but not reread. It was a cute beach story and pretty interesting but not really any wow moments

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I loved this book!!! I really liked the past and present and the build up of the two timeline’s which made me binge read the novel. More than just a summer romance.

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Really well written reunited romance.

No graphic sex scenes, just some suggested moments. So if you are looking for lots of spice this isn't the book for you. But if you are looking for a good story this is the place.

You will find love along with the main characters as we flash back and forth from current events to their past in Summer after Summer. The challenges they face in the timing of their love story is perfectly woven into the current events of closing up the family home for sale and saying goodbye to a ton of memories.

Will this be the time that they connect and live happily ever after? She's recently separated from a cheating spouse, but he's dating someone new. It looks like their timing as usual is not right, but maybe not........

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Okay, I must admit that this is probably a book I would LOVE if I had read it at a better time. I did love the premise - coastal vibes are always a plus - and there was just the right amount of mysteriousness simmering beneath their love story, but I wish I didn't feel so bogged down by its redundancy. I'm definitely going to give it another read sometime in the future, but for now, this rating stays!

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I received an ARC of this book from NetGally in exchange for an honest review.

I had a hard time getting into this book. In the end, I enjoyed some parts of it, but overall I didn't love it.

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This storyline felt a little redundant. I did love the setting descriptions and the characters but It just wasn't my favorite romance. There were so mistakes I found in the book.

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Summer After Summer is a book that deserves to be read on the beach. Olivia returns home to the Hamptons to lead the packing of her familial home as they prepare to sell it. Returning means reminders of the people she turned away from in the years she stayed away including her first love, Fred. The story moves back and forth in time between current day and her past interactions with Fred.

Thank you to NetGalley and Alcove Press for this ARC.

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I was all in for a modern re-telling of Austen's Persuasion, but Summer After Summer fell short on a couple of levels. The good: I loved the coastal vibes and the dual timelines. The most enjoyable, nostalgic parts of the novel were the teenage romance sections; Bailey really understood the assignment when writing a teenage love story.
The bad: Rich people being rich, minus the glamour. If I'm reading about millionaire WASPs, I want the DRAMA.
The ugly: SO. MUCH. TENNIS. This was also the least believable part of the novel. The main character just...casually reenenters Wimbledon every five years? ...Really?

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This book has the makings of a 5-star review, but for me it fell a little short. Coastal vibes are always a win, and I liked the idea of a dual timeline to piece together the past while dealing with the present. It's not exactly a lighter read (like I expected being comped to Emily Henry), so that might have been what did me in.

For me, the pace wasn't as fast as I'd prefer, although there were moments the chemistry between Olivia and Wes were enough to keep me going. I could see this book going either way, depending on what expectations the reader has or the mood they're in. It's not a bad debut, just not fitting my mood at the moment.

Thanks to Netgalley and Alcove Press for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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